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Sweet Tif.

December 11, 2014

Lord please strengthen this family. I have had so many good memories with this young Lady, Tif, worked at Walmart and always, I mean always, had a coversation for me, she loved to laugh and thought my comments was hillarious. She asked me one day was I mixed, I told her you mix a cake and she never let me forget that comment. Boy did we laugh about that one. She told me the reason she asked was because of her son and she wanted to know what to tell him to say when someone asked him that question. Even though I was trying to be mean she thought it was funny. That is how we got along so good. What I thought would make her mad, didn't she just laughed with me and got me. I really will miss her, she loved my peanut butter cornflake chews. I won't be making them without thinking of her. R.I.P Tif. I know you knew the word and I know you had accepted him into your life. This is helping me to deal with her not being here. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

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