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To Daddy from Mom

February 10, 2017

Guy, my husband, my hero, the D.O. himself, my super hero! Ngaah, I don't know where to begin. You are the second of my four kids and my second son. Your dad and myself did not believe in building many houses but preferred to educate our kids to the highest level, that's why all of you went to mission secondary schools. When your dad died in 1997, I had no choice but to continue the struggle alone and that saw you through Dschang University, then to the U.S. in 2001. When you were diagnosed in June 2015 of cancer I was home in Cameroon. Immediately, your sister Bih called to inform me that you were not well and I had to return to the USA immediately. I did not know your type of illness. One week after my arrival, your sister broke the news to me. Of course I cried in hiding the whole day. Since July 2015 you have been my 24-hour partner at home, doctor's appointments and hospitalizations. I became a nurse who administered injectable antibiotics and removal of fluid at home without seeing the walls of a nursing school.

I know that you are gone and I will not see you again but two things console me. Firstly, that you arranged your life with God and secondly, that I gave you all my best as a mom. Your last action to me was your right hand that you placed on me when we were praying one morning and I did not know you were bidding me goodbye. Its painful but I am consoled that you are with God and you knew that your family was there for you from the beginning to the last day. If one was to buy death, we would have done it either physically, morally, medically, financially, prayerfully.

Rest in the Lord and greet your dad for me!


February 6, 2017

'Skull' as we usually call ourselves since childhood. It is like I am in the middle of a bad dream that will end soon. My partner in crime as mom used to call us; we will fight one minute and the next minute we are best of friends. How can you leave me alone during this phase of life when I need you the most? I prayed so hard that God should take away this sickness from you but God reminded me that His plans are not my plans. The pain is so real and strong that I feel so overwhelmed at work, at home, at church like everywhere. I feel better when I know you are not suffering and fighting for your life like you did. I miss you so much.

Those jokes about mom, how we tricked her with our coded languages, jokes about dad how he terrorized us when we messed up. We planned a lot of things together, checked on each other always.  Nothing can fill the void in my life that your death has created.  I celebrate your life of love, strength and heroism. Rest in peace big brother. You are absent  physically but remain forever in my heart. Bisou       

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