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March 7, 2017

I love that this picture of me has been up in Uncle Noli's guest bathroom since it was taken :-) 

Noli's front yard view

March 1, 2017

Manhattan was Noli's front yard and his patio the comfortable view for it across the Hudson River. An inspiration. The greatest skyline in the world, right at your feet and you sat on a cushiony lounge with food and drink, friends and family.

The front patio was so perfectly situated to entertain, for grilling and eating out with New York humming in the background.

Great always, when the July 4th fireworks were held on the Hudson River the front porch was all the more special, indeed. It was a breathtaking venue to watch the fireworks above the Hudson River with the parties Noli would host. Though we were not able to make it every time, I fondly remember some very special gatherings.

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