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Her Life

Life after Norma

April 13, 2015

Norma never left any of our hearts but it was a very sad year for us all that year when she died.  She never got to see her daughter graduate from high school even though she had a party already planned for the big day.  We all got together and had the party she planned and we did it in her honor.  She missed seeing her baby girl walk down the aile to get married.  She will never get to see or hold any of the grandchildren that Kayla may have someday.  Not one day goes by that I don't think about Norma and the things she would do and he smile she always gave when she watched some show or was interacting with others.  I am unable to get out much anymore but Norma is always close to me in my heart and I have my memories of her that I will alway cherish.  I miss her so much.  I always will.

The Birth of Norma

April 13, 2015

Norma was born into the world on June 23rd 1966 and when she was born she was called a blue baby so she spent some time at the hospital in an incubator.  I had the honor of naming her Norma Jean because I like the singer with that name.  She grew up in a family of nine children; she was the 7th child and the baby girl.  We all grew up close and stayed close even when we got grown and had our own families.  When our dad died in 1997 we all kinda drifted apart and it seemed our family just fell apart on that day.  I tried to stay close to all my brothers and sisters but it wasn't the easiest thing to do when everyone had their own lives.  Norma was the one who always did for each of her brothers and sisters even when she couldn't afford to do it.  She was an angel indeed in my eyes.  I will always miss her. 

Norma's Life

April 13, 2015

Norma never got married but she always knew who her love was.  He was married unfortunately so Norma went on with her life and had a beautiful daughter in 1994.  She worked at several different jobs before getting on at a brake part factory where she worked till she got ill.  She always cared for her daughter and always took care of everyone around her.  She had some bad experiences and was even involved at one time with a man who constantly abused her till my Dad and brothers went and got her out of that situation.  She never complained even when she got ill; she always had a smile or a kind word for everyone.  She gave her all when she gave; it didn't matter whether it was her time or money; if she had it she gave it.  When she got ill with ovarian cancer she still didn't give up being any different.  Her last days on earth she spent at our mom's and she and I would talk everyday on the phone when I couldn't go see her.  The day she went to be with Jesus I talked to her and told her I loved her she said "I love you too" .  We sit with her at the hospital till I had to leave for home because I could no longer sit.  As we were sitting by her bedside she held her hand up toward Heaven and started singing.  I knew then that she was being summoned home by Jesus.  The Angels took her with them at midnight on April 13, 2012 and its been hard everyday for me because I left just before she went home.