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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Olujimi Falase, 47, born on July 17, 1968 and passed away on August 1, 2015. A loving husband, father, brother and friend to all of us who were blessed to have known him.  We will remember him always. RIP Jimi x

August 2
August 2
My dear friend, confidant and's been 9 years and it still feels like yesterday. What a joy to see your darling Yinka, your carbon copy OJ and your gorgeous and dynamic Luseyi , continue to do you and all of us proud, as they confidently attain glowing new milestones. I still hear your laugh instilling that comforting energy for me in the reflective moments.
Sleep gently and sleep well my brother. Always beloved.....Jim Jam.
August 1
August 1
Jimi, I am so glad that your memory still lingers. You have left beautiful legacies in the form of Yinka, Oluseyi and JJ. I am sure you see how they make you proud every day.

Jimi, I believe that you are having a wonderful time with God. So I am in that sense, happy for you. We here, will keep on looking out for your legacies. So continue to rest in perfect peace, my dear friend.
August 1
August 1
Dearest Jimi.

We marlk the 9th anniversary of your passing to glory today. We miss you daily Jim Jam and will always treasure your memory and legacy in Luseyi and OJ. Kudos to Yinka for surpassing all expectations in her sound parenting of your gems. Luseyi graduated primary school this summer head girl and top of her class no less doing you so proud. A chip of the exemplary block. I remember your impressively high score in JAMB giving you smooth entry to study Accounting in Ife. Just one of your numerous and inspirational accomplishments.

Sun re o my beloved bro.
July 17
Another day of rememberance, Jimi. You would have been 56 today. I can only wish you a happy posthumous birthday and trust you are dancing away Remember though, you are missed and we cannot forget you, which to me is a good thing. ..Especially with JJ looking like you. It shall be well! It is well!
August 1, 2023
August 1, 2023
Jimi, Jimi my friend for life. 8 years and I still have vivid memories of you. I trust you are busy singing and rejoicing in your permanent home. You are missed here but I am grateful for knowing you and the legacies you left behind. Continue to rest in perfect peace, my dear friend. Amen 
August 1, 2023
August 1, 2023
Hello Uncle.....

8 years gone so fast...Grateful for your life here and the memories we hold of you. Keep resting in God!
July 19, 2023
July 19, 2023
This reminder comes yearly since you passed on and I still wonder…
Continue to rest in perfect peace dearest friend.
July 18, 2023
July 18, 2023
Jimi, I trust you celebrated well yesterday with God and that you are still doing so. Continue to rest in perfect peace, my dear friend
July 17, 2023
July 17, 2023
That time of the year again...your birthday.
Your family are doing excellently well and you would be so proud. Rest in peace Bro.
August 2, 2022
August 2, 2022
Amazing sweet art thou Oh God!!

Your handsome and ever radiant son Olujimi our thoughts everyday. We are not afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul...."Matthew 10:28". YOU SOUL FOREVER LIVES....Continue to rest peacefully. IT IS WELL.

August 1, 2022
August 1, 2022
7 years already!!!
It’s still hard to accept that you’ve gone…
These reminder emails come in on your birthday and day of passing every year and I always say a little prayer for your loved ones, especially your wife and children, parents, brothers and sisters.
I am happy to read from Sade that Yinka, Lusheyi and your mini-me are doing well.
I pray that the Lord will continually be with them, protect and provide for them, and meet them at their point of needs now and beyond IJMN
Rest on dearest!

August 1, 2022
August 1, 2022
Now that this day has arrived Jimi, I pray that God will continue to comfort and strengthen all those you left behind, whose memories of you are still vibrant. You are always missed but we know that you are rejoicing in Heaven. My prayers now are that your parents, wife, children, siblings and all other loved ones and friends will continue to grow in the faith and trust of knowing God is a Faithful God, who sees and knows all things. Sleep well my friend. It is well here.
August 1, 2022
August 1, 2022
Dearest Jim Jam,

We remember you specially today 7 years on from, even as we never forget daily the incredibly precious son, brother, husband and father you were to us all. We cherish the beautiful memories and the pain of your loss remains fresh. It is comforted though, by the joy of watching your young family - hardworking, resourceful and loving Yinka, beautiful, smart and confident Luseyi and brilliant, talented and courageous Olujimi - thrive and blossom daily. You would be so very proud of them Jimi. God has a great sense of humor, its heartwarming to see how they are showing many of your attributes and even some trademark habits.

Sun re o my dearest brother.

Love you infinitely.
July 17, 2022
July 17, 2022
Remembering you as always on this day that would have been your 54th year on earth. Keep smiling Jimi
December 31, 2021
December 31, 2021
Thinking of you, Jimi. Continue to sleep peacefully
August 1, 2021
August 1, 2021
Flash, Finally met Yinka and the children. Amazing how Jimi looks and reminds me of how you were in those young ISI days. Yinka sure is doing a great job and you’d be so proud.
Rest on in peace my brother.
August 1, 2021
August 1, 2021
Another day has come when memories of you come flooding into my mind. Today is 6 years since you moved on, 6 years since Bayo Fapohunda called me to give me the sad news...just a few hours after the memorial service we organised for Tinuke Ademuwagun who passed on exactly a month prior to you. What a sad summer that was. I can only thank God for the legacies you left in 3 lovely souls. God always bring sunshine after a thunderstorm. They are strong in Spirit and I am sure you are smiling as you watch over them. Sleep well Jimi. There is no need to worry over them. God definitely is sorting that out for you. Amen
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
Uncle Jimi… time sure flies. Saw Luseyi & Jimi boy recently & they look just like you Keep resting with our Lord Jesus. We’ll sure meet again
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
Jimbo. Miss you so much. God knows best but even with the passage of time your absence still hurts. I keep wanting to call you or share something with you then remember you are not here. I know you are resting in a better place. Your family is doing great and carrying your torch. Yinka is doing a wonderful job with Luseyi and little Jimjam. You would be so proud of them.Rest on bro till we meet again.
July 17, 2021
July 17, 2021
Thinking of you on what would have been your 53rd birthday on earth dearest Jimi. You are missed so much by all your ISI friends, not to talk of me. Forever you will be remembered. Sun re o oremi atata
July 17, 2021
July 17, 2021
You’re constantly in our thoughts and we miss you dearly. Continue to rest in peace in the bosom of The Almighty, Jimmy Jam.
July 17, 2021
July 17, 2021
Jimi sleeps on, Jimi lives on , we thank the Good Lord for the life of our gentle, compassionate Jim Jam. Well done Yinka for continuing building your family dream into the beautiful reality you have achieved to date. May God keep you and guide you, may his face be unto your wonderful family as you all achieve the plans that you and Jimi had committed to him, IJN.
July 17, 2021
July 17, 2021
Olujimi you will never be forgotten ❤ . Your soul lives on. Continue to rest in peace
November 12, 2020
November 12, 2020
I only learnt a few weeks ago you passed away.

We shared a dorm room at ISI between 1985 and 1987. It really pained me of your loss and even I hadn't seen you since the late 1980s - when you were in Ife and I was at UI - may your soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

I also pray God will continue to strengthen the loved ones you left behind, so they can continue to bear this tragic loss of a loved one.
Sleep in peace, Jimi
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
Olujimi, it is now 5 years since you left us but you know what? You are actually still with us through your children especially Olujimi jnr who looks unbelievably like you.

The legacies you left behind are still vibrant. Your children are a testament of God's Promises. Yinka is such an amazing woman, you couldn't have chosen a better wife.

Your ISI classmates still remember your lovely smile and talk about you till this day. To say you are not missed by us all would be an injustice to you.

Olujimi Falase, you are blessed. We love you, we miss you but God has been gracious to us all by keeping you alive in our hearts.

Sleep well my dear friend till we meet again.
July 17, 2020
Forever missed and always in my heart. IT IS WELL WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL SOUL.

Loving cousin,
Omobola Samuel-Machado
July 17, 2020
July 17, 2020
Remembering you as always Jimi on your birthday. May you continue to rest in the Love of our Lord. Amen❤
August 2, 2019
August 2, 2019
Letter to Jimmy

Dear Jimmy, I didn’t

know you,

but I heard God took you

away early without a hint

He knows best

And in his courts you now rest

looking down on your most beautiful

lady Olayinka and children now in school

Let me tell you

how they miss you:

It’s more than words

can say and much worse than cold sores

For at least fever blisters

could still be cured

but no amount of whispers

could reverse the hand of the Lord

Even without knowing

you, tears from my cheeks

have been flowing

making my eyes green as leeks

For one clearly observes

from distant shores

that tested are peoples’ nerves

as they bear the torch you left behind. I’m yours


Ola Biobasholuwa
August 1, 2019
August 1, 2019
Rest on my dear friend. Memories of you are still vivid in my mind. Though gone from sight, your legacies are still very much present here on earth.
August 1, 2019
August 1, 2019
God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. So he put his arms around you and said ''Come to me''.... Keep resting well in the palm of God's hand until we meet again......
July 17, 2019
July 17, 2019
Thinking of you as you celebrate in Heaven on what would have been your 51st birthday on earth. If only....
Continue to rest in perfect peace dear friend of mine.
July 17, 2019
July 17, 2019
Today should be your birthday. We are all thinking of you. Jim-Jam, you live on in our minds as well as in the lives of the family you left behind, especially Yinka, Luseyi and Jimi junior who are carrying on the torch. You are missed, but you remain in our hearts forever.
July 17, 2019
July 17, 2019
From Daddy and Mummy:
It is 17/7, the birthday of our beloved Jimi; the 51st. 
Olujimi Olaniyi, omo Agabiokun, oko Olayinka, baba Oluseyi ati Oluropo. Much loved by us all.
Stay blessed, our dear unforgettable one and rest on in God's perfect peace. The Triple O's are doing well, in fact, marvellously. May the Good Lord keep and bless us all. Good day. With love.
August 13, 2018
August 13, 2018
Shocking that you are no longer here, Sad, Sad, Sad, Rest in Peace my good childhood Friend and bro... 
May God be with your immediate family... I never met them
May God be with Tunde and Shade and also grand them the fortitude to bear your loss
August 6, 2018
August 6, 2018
You will forever be remembered Jimi. Omo aga bi Okun. We pray that wife and children will live the legacy you left behind.
August 1, 2018
August 1, 2018
Rest on my dearest friend, Jimi. We miss you so much but our God rules. I thank God for the legacies you left behind for they are a joy to behold. Till we meet again. Amen
July 17, 2018
July 17, 2018
Remembering you Jimi on what would have been your 50th. Sleep on my dear friend, sleep on...
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
Dear Jimi,

It was with shock i learnt two days ago that you had passed away. It hurt more than anyone could imagine. Why? Because i never got the opportunity to say Thank You.

Many years ago, we had all gone to a pool party and as we were all having fun, some of us in the pool, some lounging and others watching the little ones at the kids pool; my little son decided he wanted to jump into the pool. I saw him from a little way off and made not to run after him as I knew it would have gotten him more excited and he would have run faster.He was watching me, inching closer to the deep end. I knew I had to get to him in seconds or else. But he took off suddenly and jumped right in. Everyone froze.

I knew not to jump in right after him, like magic he came up laughing like he won the lottery,how come? My precious darling Jimi that's how come. Jimi was already in the pool somewhere close to the middle because there was no one at the deep end at the time. He got to him, held his little legs and brought him up. It was magical, he was in an upright position with Jimi holding on to his legs and my son laughing.

Jimi what will i have done, if you hadn't been there, been able to swim under water at that speed .To be honest it happened so fast no one really saw Jimi until he came up with Temi- my son. I have told a lot of people the story how this Angel rescued my son. Jimi you've been an angel for a long time people just didn't know it.

Jimi I will forever be grateful to you.

Continue to sleep in the bosom of the Lord.
August 2, 2017
August 2, 2017
God will indeed wipe away all our tears as we fondly remember Jimi. We thank God for the life of Jimi and for the grace that God gave him to have a beautiful wife, lovely children and siblings.
I pray that God will continue to be with the families he left behind in Jesus name. Amen!!!
August 1, 2017
August 1, 2017
Your soul still says YES to the Lord God Almighty your maker...even while you sleep. Forever missed.

Sun re OOOO Olujimi.
August 1, 2017
August 1, 2017
Dear Jimi, I still remember this dreadful day two years ago. We had just finished celebrating the life of our friend Tinu Ademuwagun. Bayo Fapohunda and I had discussed your condition praying for the best for you. As I was about to lie down and sleep that same day, I got the phone call that you had gone to sleep. Never will I forget. As sad as I felt, I can not begin to imagine how your family must have been feeling. Jimi, our ever gentle, smiling Jimi, I know for sure you are in Good Hands. I also know that God has been good to those you left behind. I had the pleasure of meeting Yinka, Oluseyi and Olujimi jnr. How proud you must be of them all. Yinka is so lovely, so positive, so stronger. Oluseyi is ever so beautiful and articulate . As for Olujimi jnr? A real replica of you. I know you are watching over them with Jesus. They are a real joy. As your long-time friend, I promise to always stay in touch with them and assist them in whatever way I can, small or big. Till we meet again my friend, continue sleeping peacefully. Amen
July 19, 2017
July 19, 2017

Your MEMORY will never fade. You'll live for all eternity, just as God has promised you. And though you've walked through Heaven's gate, 'We are never far apart, You're still right here, deep with-in our hearts'

Sun reee---oo aburo mi.
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
Olujimi, oremi atata. It's been all about you today as your ISI friends remembered you with fondness. We both know you are having a great time with God, right? We here, just missing your cool self and your smile. Continue to rest well oremi xx
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August 2
August 2
My dear friend, confidant and's been 9 years and it still feels like yesterday. What a joy to see your darling Yinka, your carbon copy OJ and your gorgeous and dynamic Luseyi , continue to do you and all of us proud, as they confidently attain glowing new milestones. I still hear your laugh instilling that comforting energy for me in the reflective moments.
Sleep gently and sleep well my brother. Always beloved.....Jim Jam.
August 1
August 1
Jimi, I am so glad that your memory still lingers. You have left beautiful legacies in the form of Yinka, Oluseyi and JJ. I am sure you see how they make you proud every day.

Jimi, I believe that you are having a wonderful time with God. So I am in that sense, happy for you. We here, will keep on looking out for your legacies. So continue to rest in perfect peace, my dear friend.
August 1
August 1
Dearest Jimi.

We marlk the 9th anniversary of your passing to glory today. We miss you daily Jim Jam and will always treasure your memory and legacy in Luseyi and OJ. Kudos to Yinka for surpassing all expectations in her sound parenting of your gems. Luseyi graduated primary school this summer head girl and top of her class no less doing you so proud. A chip of the exemplary block. I remember your impressively high score in JAMB giving you smooth entry to study Accounting in Ife. Just one of your numerous and inspirational accomplishments.

Sun re o my beloved bro.
Recent stories
August 1, 2016

Jimi was more than an ordinary friend. He was my school daughter's (Sade) brother and because of that link, we were quite close for a while. We were all in ISI together and we lived a walking distance from each other in Surulere, Lagos when we were younger and I often visited them. So it was not surprising when Jimi called me late one night while we were both in England (he was in a 6th Form school in Bradford then), to say he and some of his friends were stuck in London with no where to stay that night. They had come straight from school. At that time, my over-protective mum was there when I received the call and I had the job of convincing her to let them spend the night with us even though I only knew Jimi and not his mates. There must have been something about Jimi she trusted.

August 1, 2016


This isn't goodbye, know that you are loved and never alone. My love will always be with you and I know that heaven accepts you now that you are home. You have touched many lives with your presence on earth and for that, you will be remembered. I will  hold on to the memories of us. Your smile and kind heart have made you a part of every memory. Rest in peace my friend.


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