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July 22, 2019

Well pat it’s been what 6 years now you passed . You would have been 60 today wow year have flown . Miss you always will . Sometimes feel you with me x you said you always be there for me x hope you happy now were ever you are x love you x

Truck driver

July 22, 2018

Pat loved his driving he moaned about it. But he moaned about everything lol. Grumpy we called him Mr meljew. 34 years I was married to paddy. He hated being called that. He had a really hard up bringing in North Ireland when the troubles was on. His sister rosealine brought him over to the North England. He was a troubled lad. Got in to trouble. I met him when I was 17 he was 20.we got married in St Mary's Church 1979. We both on dole. He said he onlymarried me to get his tax back lol. The first ten years wasent good. He had a lot of problem. But I stuck my him. But things Happy and I left him after 34 years. He was deversated but he wasn't nice to me for a lot if years before I left. I met and got married again he met Karen. We got on well after five years past. Then we got hit with him first getting kidney cancer. He had kidney removed thought that they got it. But then he was on a delivery got ill and ended up in hospital, that's when they found brain tumours. I couldn't accept it. But it happen and I miss him everyday. Xxx

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