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Lauryn missing her grandad

November 22, 2016

Happy anniversary Grandad

Enjoying the memories thanks to the sis

April 27, 2016

I'm definitely not the narrator that my sister is but came across this memorial again tonight and thought I should add the videos and photos I have before this old blackberry dies. He was a great son husband brother father grandfather and was loved more than he will ever realize. I think I loved him most for how caring and generous he was.He loved family over everything but gave his all to his career and it wasn't always easy when we  were growing up. I remember when he was laid off and times were tough for both my parents they never made us feel like it. They stuck through the good and the bad times (thank goodness mostly good Dad was a very smart man!). I miss his sarcastic sense of humour (which apparently I have inherited ). I don't miss how long it took him to get ready of a day to get going lol. He was a most loveable oddball. I miss dancing to Abba with him and hope to do that again sometime up there. Miss you always Daddy. Celine.

March 25, 2016

This photo was taken by mum of me & dad at the airport bar as I'm just heading to live in London

Dad's Ashes

March 25, 2016

This is the bench mum & dad sat on every time they visited the rose garden so we placed a bit of his ashes right beside it on 22nd March 2016

March 25, 2016

Love this photo they both look so happy, dad in his usual attire dressing gown socks vest and knickers

March 25, 2016

This picture was taken by myself on the last Christmas we had with dad.  He didn't have much of an apetite but pretended to eat while sitting at dinner ( he & I had previously chatted about this) mum dad myself and órla were there.  We started drinking earlier and kept putting the Xmas dinner till later eventually it all got a bit burnt but we were so pissed by then we didn't notice.

March 25, 2016

This picture was taken in tramore Waterford where dad used to work mon-fri and we used to stay there every summer for a few weeks.  This was one of the rare occasions where he came to the fair with us.  I always remember that he came into the ghost train with me and was just as frightened as me. We did get a picture of this must try find it.

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