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Happy Birthday Dad!

September 5, 2018

Thinking of you today as you celebrate your special day in heaven!

October 23, 2012

How do you measure the love and friendship of a brother.

We shared chicken pox together as well as tonsils removal.
We partied together, shared laughter and great sorrow together.
We even worked together both in our early years and later life.
You did so much for me and I tried to do the same for you.
Our  thoughts and feelings were like one. We did not need words to communicate. 

This is how it was in our family because we had great parents who were strong and molded our characters.

When I lost you I lost my anchor and my friend.  You come to mind every day in things I see that you touched whether in the house, in the garden or the many things you advised me on.  I miss sharing the music we loved and the many other things we did together.

Yes, you were here and you left your mark on our lives and in our hearts.

I say you have measured up very well.  And you left very large shoes to fill.


The original

October 1, 2012

Thought I'd post a picture of the first stand that Dad built for the Italian Festival when it was down at Columbus Park. I think it was around 1979 or 1980, not sure on the exact year. I knew it would be gone some day and I wouldn't get to see it any more. He sold this stand when he moved into the large trailer that most people remember as Saverio's at the festivals through the years. I chose this picture because like Natalie said "Papa could make things and fix things". This was the start of many fun years of learning how to serve and make the sandwiches my Dad loved to make and eat himself. His "steak & pepper" sandwich.

Every time I drove by and saw it standing behind the building on Mckinley it always brought a smile to my face knowing that my Dad had built that stand. The boys and I stopped and took this picture right after he pasted because I knew it would be gone someday just like my Dad was. I'm so glad I did because it wasn't long after that and it was torn down.

I miss my Dad a lot but I try to remember the things he's taught me and share it with my family and friends so that he lives on through those memories. I've been spending a lot of time with a couple of friends: one who has a concession stand at the downtown farmers market and another one who has an indoor concession stand serving food too.  I've really enjoyed helping them because it reminds me of what I use to do for so many years with my Dad. They have purchased some of my Dad's equipment also to use in their businesses. Even though it's just pans, warmers and serving coolers, it's nice to know he's present in some form when I'm helping them.

It's the little things that mean so much and those little things are what make the memories last forever on in the present.

"Thank you Dad!"
Love Always, Tonette 

September 25, 2012

Having a rough day today and missing you a lot. You would be so proud of me with everything i've overcame in the last 2 years. wish you were here to talk to and spend time in the shop with. 

love and miss you so much

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