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Who she would be today?

November 5, 2014
Sarah's life 
 Sarah was my youngest daughter of three girls. She was also the easiest to raise. She loved doing everything with her family and friends or doing nothing just hanging out watching movies. She loved the Lord with all her heart and often talked about His blessings.
Sarah was a daddy’s girl and her momas baby.  I remember once we went to see a chick flick and a song from Savage Garden came on. After the song I looked at Sarah and told her I loved that song. She started to laugh and said “ I knew you were going to say that!” The next day she handed me a CD from the movie and burned the song  Truly Madly Deeply!  She was the hippi type girl who loved  Bonnaroo, outdoor concerts, and older songs and artist as the Beatles as well as Frank Sinatra type music. She loved being a aunt! She was so good with kids. 
I often wonder who she would be today. Who she would have married and how many children she would of had. Im sure she’s in heaven playing with children and sitting at Gods feet.
I can hardly wait to see her again !

Miss you Sarah

July 20, 2022
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Sarah I literally sometimes find myself in a deep dark hole and short of breath at times. Your death has been over 10 years but I still miss you as if it was yesterday. “YESTERDAY “ that was one of your favorite Beatles songs.  Everything still reminds me of you. I hurt real bad at times and then sometimes I smile or laugh when I see your pictures. They bring me back to yesterday when “all my troubles seemed so far away”
sarah I wish you could of met Navaeh and Emma. They ask about you all the time. They missed a blessing of not meeting you. Alexa still remembers you as you were a big part of her life. Your memory has faded from Andrew but he remembers a little. I long for the day we can be together again.

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