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Guitar Hero

April 30, 2011

This may come as a surprise to some, but Sue didn't really love Guitar Hero. I know she said she did. And I know we have wonderful memories jamming with her, pretended to be rock stars.

But I've observed Sue when she visited Pattie and the kids, and came to a realization. 

I'll never forget when Guitar Hero was first introduced to the household. These silly little plastic guitars with four buttons, fake drums, and little microphones. It all seemed so ridiculous to me, but once plugged in, something odd started to happen. People looked up from their computers, and began to come out of their rooms. We all joined in and played, together. Each person getting a chance to participate. Each person connected to the others in the room. Family, being family....

As I sat back on the couch, I watched this clever woman with her subtle smile. It was those moments, when everyone was together, that she was the happiest. And whether Sue was playing the game or not didn't matter.

I heard she went back to Utah and immediately bought one for her house, no doubt wanting to draw family together again, just one more time.

No, Sue didn't love Guitar Hero. Sue simply loved her family being together.

Tooth Fairy

April 19, 2011

I was very young and had lost my tooth.  I was very excited for the tooth fairy to come, but when it came time for bed I could not find my tooth and refused to go to bed, and was obviously quite upset about it.  I eventually fell asleep and the next morning there were two shiny quarters under my pillow with a note from the tooth fairy saying that she had found my tooth in the car-wash vacuum cleaner.  I recognized my mom's handwriting even at such a young age.  Gotta give mom an A+ for creativity!  I love you mom!

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