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My Beloved Son Teyshawn A.K.A TeyTey

September 28, 2015

Was born on November 15, 2006.. That was my gift from GOD.. The most happiest moments of my life. His smile His laugh. He didnt really talk that much. But he would sing a song. He loved music. Dancing .. Playing with his toys.. I try not to talk about what happen but mostly the good time about him.. Its hard everyday.. He was loved by alot of people. His life was cut way to short.. And the person that did it. Your time is coming real soon. 
Age 3 year old didnt have a chance to grow up. Was filled with so much life and happiness. God its not fair. But I know when the time comes. I will be reunited with my son.  Until then my sweet beautiful prince.. Mommy will always love you and will always miss you. Will keep your memories alive.. And make sure that you get Justice for Teyshawn...

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