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Share a special moment from Xudong's life.

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10 years

February 4
I honestly don't really know how to start this. Part of me is still reeling from the fact that it's been ten whole years since you passed. How did time fly so fast, to where I barely even recognize the me from back then?

I'm at the age now where my friends are settling down. I'm still friends with the usual bunch from my elementary/middle/high school years. I think about how lucky I am to have such a good group, people who grew up with me that I can count on to always have my back. People who have met you, who remember short moments they shared with you. How you used to hand them clementines when they came to visit.

Now, I'm the one standing in your place. I'm the one going to weddings and graduation parties for my friends' kids. I'm sitting here, surrounded by the hobbies that you and mom helped me build. I've gotten back into art, music, cooking. I even painted. I'm nowhere near a good a painter as you, but I think it's alright if I find my own style, slowly but surely.

I remember you used to tell us "Time waits for no one". I thought it was really dorky at the time, because my friends had shown me a movie called "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" and that was the main quote they used. But that line is 100% true. No matter how much I want time to stand still, even just for a minute so I can catch my breath, it won't. I blink my eyes, and the world has moved on.

10 years ago, I lost someone who I thought would always be there. At 19, I had this silly notion that my parents and friends were invincible, that death was nothing to worry about. And then there I was, the police at my door, Mom's voice on the phone.  You taught your final lesson to me that day, that nothing lasts forever. This past decade, I've watched mom's health decline. I've watched my friends struggle to come to terms with their own parents inevitability. And I realize that for the rest of my life, I will have to watch everyone through the same pain I did. That I will relive February 4th, 2014, over and over again.

I went to a funeral recently, for my friend's dad. And the pastor there told the congregation that we as people aren't gods. We all die someday. And that someday comes for us much faster than we'd like to admit. He told us that it was time to focus on what joy life gave. What joy we could bring to the world, and what joy those who had passed gave to us. It was time to move forward, to accept that death comes for us all, and to know that we can't stay in the never-ending cycle of grief forever.

I don't think I'm a positive enough person to say that I won't continue to grieve over the loss. Pastor Sandy had told me before the funeral, that it never gets any easier. And she's right, it doesn't. But all the things you've taught me over my childhood, they make me think of you in a happier light. With every sad memory, there's a happy one.

I know you're still here to get me through it all. I love you, Dad.

10 Year Commemoration

February 4
It's officially been 10 years since the day you passed away. 
It's been 10 years since my heart hurt so bad I felt like I was being stabbed with multiple knives.
It's been 10 years since I shared my last conversation with you (the night before about me showing off my karate skills and you saying, "Zhen bang!" and going upstairs.)
It's been 10 years since I cried in your closet, called you over and over... Praying it was all just a dream.
It's been 10 years since I experienced the deepest pain I've ever experienced in my life because I lost you.

10 years ago, I remember brushing my teeth and looking in the dirty mirror of the hall bathroom, asking myself: "What will life be like in 10 years?" It felt like a million years away. I wasn't sure what my future self would be like. But I knew one thing for sure; that my future self would be in a better place than I was then.

Which of course, came out to be true. Here I am, 10 years later, a 26 year old completely new person.

With new friends along the way, a husband, a job, my own (rented) place... (Don't blame me okay the prices in MA are crazy okk :..o). I'm in a waaaay better place than I was 10 years ago. I know you would be proud of me. 

7 more years and I will have lived half my life without you, Dad (which is craaazy). Sometimes I still think if I am on a trip: "Oh I need to get something for dad too" (like a souvenir). And to be honest, it gives me joy to think that, because you're still very alive in my heart.

I miss and forever will love you, Babz. Mom, Jenny, Justin, Ben and I visited your grave yesterday; commemorating all the times and how it's already been 1 whole decade. We then ate delicious sushi together and got boba and Japanese cheesecake. I wish you were there to hang out with us. I wish we could share our joys and have deep talks like we used to.

Life is going better than I expected 10 years ago. "Yi ja yan jin, jiu guo qu le. Zhen kuai a." It's true. But that isn't always a bad thing. I'm proud of how I've grown. I'm proud of who I've become. And I hope that you would be of me as well. Cheers to commemorating your life dad. You can be assured that we are all doing better than we thought we would have. 

Love you forever,
Helen Young Gu
October 30, 2023
It's crazy to think that we celebrated your 57th birthday together a whole 10 years ago. That year might have been the time time of the winter storm when the lights went out! It was cozy, but fun. I remember we went to Lao Si Chuan with you, mom and me in October 2013. It feels like a life time ago; I was still in high school then!

Anyways, there's a lot changing as always. And to be frank, I'm not sure if you would be happy with the changes; but I would hope you would be proud of me growing into whom I am meant to become. (And of course, I am healthy and happy as well.) I'm still a teacher, now teaching at Lexington Christian Academy. My Chinese is just as awful as before, so I'm not too much help with the Chinese international students here. (lol). However, they do remind me of you and mom, and it makes me wonder if you guys would've been similar to them if y'all had come to America as high schoolers. 

Ben and I are doing well, I am so thankful for him taking care of things in the house and always wanting what's best for me. He even recently drove out to bring mom to a show with Jenny when I was sick. I'm sure you would also be thankful of Ben's efforts and sacrifices for me and our family.

Anyways, I'm always thinking of you, Babz. I miss talking with you about the joys of life. And I hope you would be open to listen to the things I am learning about in the world and what matters most to me.

ALSO-- thank you for taking the time to test my spelling because my goodness these high schoolers' and middle schoolers' spelling is dreadful!! (lol). Even though I hated it at the time, I totally understand why you put in that extra effort to help my spelling be EXCELLENT. I love you, Babz! Rest in peace and happy 67th birthday! <3

Happy Birthday, Story Time

October 30, 2023

Today was one of the roughest days I've had in a while. I didn't get to visit you this weekend since there was so much going on, even though I had originally planned to. This morning, I woke up with a headache and found myself missing you terribly. I signed onto work and then lost internet around 8 or so due to the weather (it's been raining for the past two days). I decided to go to Thomas' (thanks Thomas) to work since I had a meeting scheduled for 12:30PM. As I was pulling in, I got a flat tire and Justin texted me saying that the internet was back. I was already at Thomas' by that point so I just decided to stay there and work. We then got a funeral invitation, as our friend's parent unfortunately passed away a few days prior. After the workday ended, Thomas helped me check out my flat tire and we pumped it up with air so that I could drive home. While we were doing that, I somehow broke the heel of my boot too. And of course, the cost to replace all my tires came out to be about $ it's just been a miserable time.

But of course, I've been doing okay through it all. I feel like if I actually told you this whole story, you'd crack up and laugh at all the silly misfortunes. It is pretty comical, if I think about it. I've always remembered the way you reacted to my ridiculous tales, it's such a fond memory for me. I miss you, always.


October 16, 2023


February 17, 2023
This is more personal than anything I've posted before, but I wanted to express the pure emotion I've been feeling after 9 years of loss. This won't be addressed to Dad like my usual posts here.
I still miss Dad a lot. Waves of sadness will hit every once in a while, I'll find myself thinking back to the times on Mom's VHS tapes and I'll hold back tears.

I miss telling him stories about crazy situations I'd go through. I miss hearing his laugh as me and Helen do something stupid. I miss the way he said our names, JENNY, HELEN. I miss the way he'd hum or sing a song in the kitchen when he was prepping something, or when he was painting in the dining room. I miss his stupid cha-cha dance that he'd do whenever a jam of his came on. I miss pulling into the driveway with friends being so embarrassed since Elvis or Celine Dion was blasting down the street. The way our family parties were always a good time, the way he'd interact with family friends...singing karaoke, laughing it up with jokes...all of those things stab me time and time again.

I'll randomly see a man that looks like him and it'll hurt like hell. If a friend or acquaintance is taking their parents for granted, I always end up calling it out. If there's a movie where there's conflict with the father, you can bet you'll see me crying on the side. He made me feel safe in a way that I don't think I'll ever get to experience again, true unconditional love. He had his issues but I know he was trying his best with the hand he was dealt. And that's what makes it so much more painful for me.

I wish that I was like Helen, and recorded more memories with him. I don't know why the feeling of loss is so raw, I cry when I'm alone just as hard as I did at his cremation all those years ago.

I'll be fine, I know that. I just wish that I could be fine with Dad in my life, rather than without him.

Happy 66th birthday, Babz!

October 30, 2022
Happy 66th birthday, dad! Mom, Jenny, Ben, Justin, Thomas and myself visited your grave today. We set down a beautiful variety of flowers that we hope you would have loved. We also celebrated your birthday at Dumpling House after, and we wish you were there to join us. We are all well, and we miss and love you so much. ❤️ 

Updates and life

February 4, 2022
Dear Dad,

Today was a very snowy day. I thought about you a lot during these past couple of days. Perhaps it is because Chinese New Year just past, or also because Jenny and I recently discussed Mao Zi Dong and the Chinese revolution in depth a couple of weeks ago. Either way, I miss you terribly much. I miss being able to talk about things and laugh about things together. I miss having my own Dad here. To help me with car troubles, to teach me adulting things, to give me the fatherly security I always was comforted by. I miss your energy, your love, and random singing and stories. 

Life has changed so much in the past 8 years. I got married to Ben, we are living together in Melrose, and we are doing great! I also am working in a school, and am thinking of doing something business related im the summer. I also now call Ben's Dad "Baba," because of the Chinese way. It feels really strange though, because I feel like you are the only one that I should ever call "Dad" or "Baba."

It's all good though. I have good friends, a good community, a loving husband and a healthy body. Don't worry about me. I've learned that investing in my mind and mental health is more important to me than prioritizing other peoples' judgments on me. I hope that you can be happy for me. 

I love you Dad, and I miss you lots. ❤️
- Helen Young Gu

Music Throwbacks

February 4, 2022

It's been 8 years now, every time this day comes around I always end up staring into space out of disbelief. You were totally right, time waits for no one. It really feels like whenever I blink, a year passes.

I've been listening to a ton of old songs that we grew up with thanks to you and your love of Magic 106.7 haha. I didn't realize how many songs I actually knew from the 70's and 80's because of that! It's been so nostalgic. Maybe soon I'll be blasting Elvis and Celine Dion from my house like you did! (Although I'm sure our neighbors would not be too happy with that LOL).

Speaking of that, we did end up getting a house! It's a nice ranch-style home in a quiet cul-de-sac, I really couldn't ask more from a starter home. Justin and I got to rake for the first time in a long time. I have no idea how you enjoyed lawn work, it's exhausting. I'm better with indoor plants since there's no surprise insects, but we're entering the spring season so I'll have to go outside soon. I'm hoping to plant an azalea this year in our backyard, and maybe look at hydrangeas too since I know you loved those flowers.

There was actually a point in the beginning of owning this house that I was trying to replace our shower head, and it just wouldn't come off no matter how hard I tried. I was just so frustrated and suddenly an image of you came to mind and I just burst into tears. I realized at that moment that you wouldn't be there for any of the milestones in my life. You weren't here for my college graduation. You won't be here for my wedding. You can't be there to give me advice on home ownership. I can't lie, it really sucks if I dwell on it. At the end of the day, I know you're at these events in spirit.

Anyways, I hope you're doing well wherever you are. I'll be here, baking cakes and picking up other random projects as always.

7 Years

February 4, 2021

Feels weird that this is one of the habits I've gotten into since your passing, but I feel like I wanted to update you on things. First of all, 2020 was a really weird year. I've been working remote for about a full year now, and the pandemic is still going on strong. The good news is that a vaccine has been created and folks are getting vaccinated, so hopefully it will all die down soon! Biden was elected president after 4 years of...-_-. There was so much that happened, like the BLM movement, the capital insurrection, California and Australia were on fire at some points, I think there were murder hornets at some's been a mess. I hope that things get better moving forward.

Justin and I have started looking at houses and plan to move by the time our lease is up. It's been an interesting experience, I'm pretty surprised that you went through all this hassle multiple times before because it's exhausting and we haven't even picked a house yet!  I wish you could be around to teach me how to do some DIY projects, like refinishing cabinets or etc. I think back to the time I helped tear down wallpaper in our Westwood home, and the time when you were installing the hardwood floors so Helen and I had to climb up the stair railing to avoid stepping on the wood finish. It's crazy how all those memories are flooding back now that I'm in that position. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE YOU BUILT A MUDROOM FROM SCRATCH LOL. I still remember joking about how it was your mid-life crisis that caused you to just build a porch out of nowhere. 

Even though I don't know much about DIY when it comes to houses, I think I picked up your love of new projects. I have so many different hobbies now that quarantine has been never-ending...and to be honest I'm really excited to work on things around the house. I've been baking a lot too, I think you'd be slightly impressed by my works so far. I'm prepping to bake Ada's wedding cake (and probably Helen's down the line), so I've been practicing non-stop. That's something else that I wish you were around for, I think you'd love being a taste-tester for everything. I made an Instagram for it (it's basically like a portfolio), and now I even have a website! Not sure how long I'll keep the domain for, but I linked them anyways since maybe you can click links wherever you are...I think you'd be more-so impressed by the web design (which I did myself too). I'll keep working hard and improving so someday you'll look at it all and say "Wow! This looks professional!". 

Either way, the Jenny you know and love will always be trucking along and plowing through project after project. I can only hope to be as talented as you as I get older. :)

6 Years... It's A New Decade Now!!!

February 11, 2020
It has literally been 6 whole years since we lost you, Dad.

I can't believe time has gone by so quickly... I mean-- you even said it would. "Yi zha yan... jiu guo qu le..." Now in 2020, there is so much going on in life.

I graduated college, have a boyfriend, have a job, the list goes on. I hope you would have been proud of me. I am in a lot of leadership roles in my church and have also been living with Lena Ayi at Burlington to make my commute shorter. 
I guess you can say I am more of an adult now. Paying rent, the bills, taxes, grocery shopping and cooking for myself... Now when I look back, I am starting to understand more and more why you were so stressed. I appreciate your care for our family so much. Thank you for providing so much for us and giving us such a financially sound childhood. I really appreciate it. <3

I see you in my dreams a lot still. Maybe once every month. I don't cry anymore about it (unless it's really triggering-- like one time I smelled your scent in my dream and cried.) But it's nice to still see your face in "new" situations. 

Ever since you passed I felt like a part of me died with you. I can't ever get it back. I don't feel whole without you. Losing someone so close to you, especially your own father, is honestly one of the worst feelings because there is nothing that I can do about it. Sigh. I wonder if you felt this way when your father passed away.

I miss hearing your childhood stories. Or just stories as a young adult. Of you slipping in the rain when you saw a bunch of girls (lol). Or when you stole books from the library and read them when Nai Nai told you to when everyone else was playing. Or when you wanted to be a professor (didn't work out), or when you failed to sell kites. You went through a lot of failure and trials before you chose to make your own business. I think those trials really helped you to be shaped into the man you became. Strong, confident, and self-efficient.

I had a dream back in 2014 of you after your passing. (I may have shared this before on here I forget, oh well). I remember crying and just saying in the dream, "Dad... Since you didn't get to tell me your last words... What are they!?!?" I was expecting you to say "I LOVE YOU, HELEN! Take care of everyone" or something on the lines of that. But you didn't. You sighed, looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Helen. You rely on me too much."

I didn't understand it back then. But as six full years have gone by, it makes sense. I over relied so much on everyone, especially you, Dad. I was depending on you for my job (working at OITC under you), for you to teach me how to do real-estate, for you to take care of my school fees, housing and all. Though I am torn that OITC didn't work out the way you planned, I think it may work better this way. Because I can learn and face trials myself. I don't have a piggy back anymore, but I think I will develop more character this way. I will develop more skills and confidence. Just like you did.

Right now I am really trying to grow in my own professional skills. I want to be financially independent and confident. I have lacked a lot of confidence in the past, but I think in this new decade, things are going to change. Yes, I still feel conflicted about which road to take professionally, but I know God has a plan for me.

Anyways, I have to get ready for work now. I hope this was uplifting to read (for anyone else reading this lol.) Hope you all have a great day.

Love you, Babz. 
-Helen Young


February 4, 2020
6 years ago, I didn't know the value of time spent together. I didn't even think that one day, I would ever have to experience a time without someone I love. I remember you told me back then that time is short, that time is money, that time can give and take away. I just brushed it off back then, since it was one of the hundreds of lessons you tried to drill into me...but I guess I was listening because I still remember it clearly. Our dining room, with the sunlight coming in through out kitchen window. SAT cards all over the table, coming up with stupid ways to remember each meaning...I never thought I'd think back on those days fondly. 

I remember that I made you fried rice for the first time once, and the first thing you did was complain about how there was too much oil. I cried that day and swore up and down that I'd never cook for you again. That didn't happen though. I ended up trying to cook again and again to see if I could get you to admit that it was good. There were plenty of failed attempts, some that Helen had to eat (RIP the uncooked spaghetti sauce), and some that I ate (never overmix a sponge cake). At least all those failed attempts have allowed me to get better, to the point where I made a four course meal for Thanksgiving and you ate pretty much half of the veggie cobbler if not more haha. I have to admit, my love for cooking and baking probably comes from you. 

I miss you, Dad. I don't think anyone truly knows what I'd do to go back in time to appreciate you more, appreciate the time you've given to me. 

5 Years Now

February 4, 2019

Hi Dad,

I can't believe that it's now been half a decade since you left. I sometimes have the most vivid dreams about you and it makes me feel like you were never gone. It is almost Chinese New Year, and every year I think about our last family dinner together at Lao Si Chuan where it just seemed so normal. Helen and I ate cashew chicken and sesame chicken while you chowed down on your incredibly spicy fish dishes. Mom was picking at some of the green beans and we were just talking about college and life. When we left, I remember hugging you tightly and then driving back to school. Honestly, it's really sad that we can't go back to those days.

I've been working for almost 3 years now and I met my current boyfriend at work! I think you would like him, he is a pretty serious person who's smart with his money and has that entrepreneurial vibe. As much as we have really different personalities, we compliment each other well. He is always looking out for me and is a wonderful support in my life, he makes me want to be better and work harder. We're actually planning to move in together this June, so that's exciting. Just taking that next step in life I suppose...

Helen and I will be meeting up this weekend to celebrate Chinese New Year. We'll be cooking a couple dishes (which I haven't decided what I'll be making yet). I tried making some char siu pork the other day which I learned from Yuyang and Charles. It turned out okay but definitely not as good with pork tenderloin than with pork belly. I guess it needs more of the fattiness haha. I've actually started a food blog called Dumpling & Honey which has a couple recipes so far, but I'm hoping to sit with mom more often so she can show me how to make things that you guys used to cook in the kitchen. It's so funny, you were totally right when you said I would wish that I asked you about the recipes sooner. I really wish I asked you about the weird salmon thing you did, the one with the mayonnaise in it that was baked.

Either way, we will be thinking of you. I miss you every day, seems like it just gets harder as I get older.


I miss you dad!!! It's been four years!!! :0

October 30, 2018

Hello Dad,

So many things happened within one whole year. Not to mention four years... Next year it will be half a decade of not having you around. :( I really miss you, happy 62nd birthday!!! I bet you would continue eating your dumplings and sun flower seeds and talk about how "yi jia yan jiu guo qu le..." and talk about how you are getting older. 

I'm going to graduate college soon, I can't believe it. I'm going to enter the "real world" and learn how to be a true adult. I hope you would be proud of me. I've been learning more wisdom and having amazing friends around me in college and church. I wish you would have been able to meet at least half of them.

Oh, and I am also now in a relationship with someone lol... I feel like you initially would have been concerned, but I think you would actually approve. He loves me a lot and will take care of me, which is what I know what you would have wanted if you were still alive.

It's crazy that I can type everything without crying. I feel like I am growing more and more accepting of the fact that the Lord called you away four years ago. I often wonder what it would be like if you were still here... What you would say to me, what you would want to talk about. 

I miss you so much Dad, always know you will always be a part of my heart and that I love you so much. 

Happy 62nd birthday. This is my gift for you <3

Much love from your daughter, (Great, now I feel the tears...)

Helen Young


February 4, 2017


It's me again. Today marks the third year that you have been gone, and with each year I seem to miss you more and more. I got a job right out of school, but I first had pneumonia. It was the worst sickness I had ever had, and I remember being delirious at some points and thinking that you would be home soon to feel my forehead and tell me that I was "as cool as a cucumber". Makes me feel kind of silly when I think about it now, but I'm sure you would have laughed at my impression of you.

Starting work was hard too, I made a lot of mistakes and cried in my car often in the beginning. Adult life seemed so easy with you and Mom, so I guess I had to adapt to it.. However, I've worked really hard and everyone has been very kind, so now I like it a lot. I'm sure you would have loved the stories about my workplace.

I finally was able to listen to some of the old songs that you loved, like "Save the Last Dance for Me" by Michael Buble, or "Edelweiss" from the Sound of Music. I didn't think I would burst into tears, but I ended up crying very hard when I heard it...I could hear you singing along to the tune and I guess it was just a memory that I had forgotten until now. There were a lot of good times we had together as a family, and sometimes I find myself wishing I could go back to those times.

I know you will always be here for me though, so I am not afraid to move forward with my life. We all miss you very much.

I love you Dad.


"Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow. Bloom and grow forever."

October 30, 2016


It's so hard to believe that this would have been your 60th birthday. Almost three years after your death, I find myself thinking about you more and more with each passing day. What would Dad have done? How would he react? Is he proud of me? What does he think about society today? All of these respond to memories in my head, and regardless of it being a happy memory, I always end up crying. I miss you, I miss you everytime I breathe, and I regret every day that I couldn't do more for you. You did so much for me, I promised I would take care of you when you got older but now I will never have the chance to do that. To this day, I still feel you are watching over me, protecting me from harm. 

I know now that regardless of what is thrown in my way, I can power through it because I am and always will be your daughter. Thank you for all you've given me, thank you for all of your life experiences. Thank you for sheltering me from the harsh realities of life, and for lecturing me for hours on things that you knew I knew, but wanted me to remember always. I love you Dad.


Two Years

February 4, 2016

It's been two years since our beloved Dad (Babowee-chan) passed on. Two days ago, the first Tuesday of February (in 2014 that was the weekday he died), I had a dream about Nai Nai talking about Dad and telling about how we all missed him so much. I felt his presense there, even though he was not physically there in my dream. I am constantly reminded of my Dad in my dreams and I always think about him. Even in my business classes I feel like I can pretty much feel my father speaking through the teacher sometimes about making wise business choices. It feels weird that it has been two years since I haven't seen my dad. It feels weird that it has been two years since the horrible feeling of loss and grief have come upon me. I am now a freshman in college and so much has happened since the day of my Dad passed on. Yet I feel like not a day has passed since I last saw him because I always feel his presence in my dreams. I pray for him every night, even though he is no longer with us. I still pray that God is with him and taking care of him, though he wasn't a strong believer of Christ, I still pray and believe there is hope because through Jesus anything could happen. That day exactly two years ago when I thought I was going to die too because of my Dad's death, I prayed my heart away and expected God to bring Dad back to life or at least take the pain away. Pain is still here, but I now today in 2016 have accepted the fact of God's plan and choose to learn from this and grow into a woman of God and strength. The pain I felt is nothing compared to what I felt back then. (Praise be to God). I make mistakes a lot, and I am definitely still learning, but I know my Dad would be proud of me today. I of course still miss him, and I will always want to be with my Dad again, but I've learned that even though the Lord gives and takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord. Because I am so thankful to have known my father, he taught me so much through his strengths and also his weaknesses. He loved me a lot, and I am so thankful for that. His drive to succeed, his drive to care, his drive of perserverance, continues to this day to inspire me to not give up, and to not let life throw me around. I hope to grow into a strong person like he was, and through living like Christ as well, I know I can be a woman that my Dad wanted me to be. I will forever miss the times we went on cruises and explored Aruba, Bermuda, China, Japan, England, the Virgin Islands, etc. I will forever miss the laughs, singing, and deep talks we had. I will even miss the SAT studies my Dad forced us to do. But like the bible says, everything is temporary. Only the love of Jesus Christ lasts forever. And I don't mean to sound preachy with that, but it's true. Christ really can do miraculous things. And I am choosing to trust him. Therefore, even though I can't ever see my Dad again on this earth, I will still bless the name of the Lord because he cares for all of us. And is the author of love and second chances-- He wants the best for us. But all in all, rest in peace Dad, let the Lord guide your ways as you live in peace and love. Thank you for all the lessons. I love you. <3

Love, your loving daughter,
Helen Zhang Young 

Happy Birthday

October 30, 2015


Happy birthday! Normally, we'd go to 老四川 or something to celebrate, but I don't think Helen or I can really go there anymore without feeling something missing in the whole picture. Instead, Mom, Helen, and I are gonna go visit you today and then go to dinner or something. I'm driving a total of four or so hours haha. Pom Pom (my car if you don't remember) has finally hit 20,000 miles! I remember what you said when you saw that I got to 7,000 miles, so I'm sure this would be a shock to you. I'm sure you'd also be happy to hear that I got a 118/120 on my Law and Society presentation. It was 30 minutes long about the substantivation of modern law and how it does not fit with the neoclassic ideas that are also part of our (the US) law system. If you thought that was long, dry, and unnecessary, you should read the 38 page article that came along with it. I'm sure you'd want an explaination, but that would take another year or so and I want to keep this short haha. :)

Either way, happy birthday, we'll all see you soon! 我爱你爸爸!生日快乐!

你的女儿 (Your daughter),




This picture was from one of our birthday celebrations at Outback. It's actually from 2012!

one year later

February 4, 2015

I like to to upload this pleasant group photo to commemorate our good time with Brother Yang!

Congratulations to your talented daughters, Brother Yang!

Su Yuping 

A year

February 4, 2015

Hi Dad,

I can't believe it's been a year already, I feel like time is passing by so fast. I remember like it was yesterday when you told me that time waits for nobody.

I've been doing relatively well in school, I made Dean's list again last semester and I'm on the e-board for 2 clubs now! A lot of the time, I wish you were still around so I could tell you about my absolutely crazy professors or the interesting things I've been doing. This semester has been especially stressful and eventful, there are so many times where I can hear you laughing at my clumsiness or my stupid stories. (Especially about my history class)

Right, I forgot to tell you that Birava is having a child! Everyone has been so excited and I know you would have been so happy to hear about it. OITC has been doing alright, but it's just not the same without you. You were totally right, I really wish I had listened more to your lectures so I'd know what to do with my life. 

Also, we have had SO MUCH SNOW this year for some reason. I've already had 3 snow days, and we've had like...3 feet of snow. I also hear that we are going to get even more this weekend. Jenny and I had to shovel out both of our cars, so it was just the two Jenny's drowning in snow trying to push our cars out. PomPom (my car) has been doing well, but as soon as Spring comes Thomas and I will do our ritual spring cleaning of our cars since we couldn't do so in the winter.  

Oh, one last thing. Helen has been accepted to all of her early decision schools! It's pretty exciting to see her getting ready to go to college, reminds me of when I recieved my acceptance letters too. Now she is just waiting on Babson and Bentley, so here's hoping! :)

Miss you, I'll be visiting you this Saturday. 


Jenny 杨子金 

Written on 10/30

November 3, 2014

Dear Dad,

I had a dream about you last night. We were all at home, I was playing my video games with Helen, you were at the dining room table oil painting and blasting music, and Mom was on her laptop. It seemed like such a fun time, you were telling us your jokes and to not look too hard at the screen or play for too long since 我们的眼睛看着都红了. It was so warm, vibrant, and filled with color.

Then I woke up to an empty foreign room in complete silence. I had tears dripping down my face as if in my dream I knew that you were gone, that those times were to never take place again. I cried last night thinking of you. Horrible wracking sobs overtook my body so much that I had to slip out into our suite common room to cry in order to not wake up my roommate. It was horrible, like I was reliving everything that has happened these past couple months. I miss that childhood, with the constant travelling, laughing, and even the SAT studying.

In the end, I miss you, and I hope that you are doing well.

Happy Birthday Dad.

Story Time

April 29, 2014

Hey Dad,

I wanted to tell you all about how my Management project ended up. We did really well, we raised $344 for the organization and everything seemed to go alright. I have some embarassing pictures too with my team, where we did the fundraisers and stuff. I really wanted to tell you about my sponsor and how she talks so fast, and the awkward moments I had with her. I feel like you would have laughed and probably would say "Jenny is like Kramer from that TV show back in the day!" Too bad you're not here to listen to those stories.
The house has been good, it's quiet and the flowers at the big window in the kitchen are blooming. I've been trying to keep it clean here, but it's pretty difficult cause the house is so big. I came back in order to get a package, but since UPS is being annoying I decided to 收拾 a little bit. 

Thanks for listening to me rant all the time,



March 14, 2014
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他一边读书,一边不断寻找创业机会。。。罗德岛是全美国COSTUME JEWELRY生产基地, 几乎所有当地企业都与首饰制造业有关。经过一番认真考察, MARK决定近水楼台,就从国内人造首饰进口入手。刚好得知九三年三月份罗德岛全美首饰行业展览会将召开,于是咬牙投入几千美金血汗钱租下展厅,同时向国内订样品货准备参展。没有钱来订制昂贵的专业展台展架, 照明灯具等,就只好因陋就简,“自己动手,丰衣足食 ” 旭东大学前曾在工厂当过木匠, 心灵手巧。非常HANDY.

            我还清楚的记得在办展览的前两天晚上, 他在HOME DEPOT买了几块五合板,YARD SALE买了几块黑平绒布料,跪在租来的陋室地毯上自己制作展览板,一边干,一边还用他特有的淳朴山东音唱着“ 一个美丽的传说”,对自己的第一次办展览的ADVENTURE,充满了兴奋与期待。。。。。。(这个录像等我找到一定与大家分享)

           展览会终于如期开幕了!(请看第一个录像)YOUNG MARK 西装革履,精神抖擞!信心百倍地盼望他的第一次创业行动旗开得胜!

            不料第二天,竟然下起了一场百年不遇的最大暴风雪!(许多早年在新英格兰地区生活的朋友们一定还记得那场三月暴风雪吧! )(请看第二个录像)飞机场火车站关闭, 客户受阻。守着空荡的展厅,不断无助地望着窗外的大风雪 ,想着几千美金泡汤。。。。在这个出师不利的关头,年轻的MARK就开始展现出了优秀企业家的素质:他神态镇定,没有任何抱怨,没有沮丧情绪,他淡定,乐观,不断地总结,永远关注在下一次怎样能做得更好。(请看第三个录像)



March 2, 2014



奇异的照片 - 他来了!

February 21, 2014

前天晚上,摄影师杨波的太太牟冰转来一张追思会现场,旭东的同学好友STEVE PISINI正在分享发言,杨波无意中拍的照,回家整理的时候发现了一张奇异的相片!看呢,在主席台上开了一扇明亮的门,旭东身着短大衣信步走出了门。牟冰隋短信说:”我们觉得是大哥放心的,翩然而去。“ 我知道台上实际上根本没有门,更没有人。但是这个清晰的身影的头型,个头,块头,真的是他!

我反复看着思索着,也跟杨波夫妇一样惊呆了!不管是什么原因,我愿意相信他当时一定是和我们在一起!他看到了这么多朋友,亲人,邻居们都来送他,听到了他心爱的查经班献诗歌:《爱的真谛》 ,听到了合唱团和舞蹈团的朋友们一起唱他喜欢的歌:《红河谷》,看到了他的女儿们一起上台怀念他,立志做他一直尊尊教导的积极向上的人,他欣慰的听到儿子向朋友们大声保证:”老杨家会一直走下去的!“ 听到朋友和亲人的悼词,他一定很欣慰。t 他心里一定非常感激大家对他家人的亲切关怀与帮助,感谢大家周六顶风冒雪特地来送他!他心满意足,翩然离去了。。。谢谢波弟!



February 19, 2014

哥哥给了一个鱼翅瓜,我们把它种了下去。这种瓜真好种植,不用费什么心,自己就茁壮的成长起来了!季节对, 气候好,转眼的功夫后院满地就爬满了郁郁葱葱的瓜秧子。旭东观察瓜的成长模式,非常钦佩地对我说:川川,你看大自然太睿智了,这么一个瓜,只要能伸出一根藤蔓,就知道马上深深的扎根下去,扎稳了以后,马上再如法炮制就这样很快地扩展成网络一样,每一个根芽都懂得独立深深地扎根入土,都是即独立又不脱离主根,各自从土壤里汲取营养,极力独立结出大大的果实而不单靠主根,我想连锁店和网络行销的模式的灵感就是从这里来的。我真佩服他的观察力和领悟力。

瓜大丰收了!有一个不小的瓜底下有一点烂,就留在瓜地里没有收,刮风下雨了,霜降了,飘雪花了,那个瓜一直静静的,执着地趴在那里。。。。有一天旭东把瓜翻过来看看,不禁不胜唏嘘,大发感叹: 你看看,这个瓜为他的子孙们遮风挡雨,迎霜披雪,紧紧地环抱着保护着他的子孙后代,把所有的营养都给了孩子们。大自然就是这样的,瓜从没有受过什么尊老爱幼教育都做得如此壮烈,何况人呢!



Memory of Mark Yang

February 18, 2014

Zheng and myself had a lot of happy time with Mark on the dance floor. He always called Zheng "Xiao Peng", with his lovely accent. Many times, upon his request, I would dance with him while Zheng was leading the steps next to him. He worked very hard and always got sweat. At the end, when he could dance smoothly with the steps, he would show a big happy smile on his face and put up a thumb for Zheng. 


I enjoyed dancing Hustle with him as well. I could tell that he was very confident with his Hustle skills and made turns after turns with me. I gave him big compliments. He laughed loudly with joy.


For a couple of times, he said that one day he will invite all FCCDG friends to his house. Now, that one day will never come...

Juliet Xu 

Memory of Lao Yang

February 17, 2014

Lao Yang enjoyed Latin Dances, especially Salsa. Many times he talked to me that he believed Salsa was the signature dance for Latin Dances, with a combination of agility and graceful choreographies. He knew many steps and tried very hard to dance them at our FCC parties. I believe he knew many steps on Hustle and Merengue also. I could tell he spent a lot effort in learning all these steps and leaned them from multiple sources. His passion was simply obvious.


Lao Yang always called me “Xiao Peng”, with an emphasized “er” after “Peng”. I could feel his natural kindness when we talked with each other. In return, I always called him “Lao Yang”. Lao Yang and I had many common interests to discuss during FCC dance parties. Both of us enjoyed ballroom dances so much, especially Latin Dances, and further specific, Salsa.


Lao Yang, I hope you have Latin Dance music with you in you new journey so that you can continue to improve your Latin Dances, especially Salsa. When you learn some new steps, do not forget to tell me. I want to practice with you together. Let me know if you need Latin Dance music, I do have some good ones.


We miss you, Lao Yang!

Peng Zheng 

Memorial Speech by Huandong Jiang

February 15, 2014


请允许我叫你一声杨大哥。其实我从来没有这么称呼你, 我一直是叫你小杨的, 你也一直叫我小姜。多少年了,都这么称呼着,觉得亲切。外人都觉得奇怪,但是只有你,川川和我知道,这称呼的背后,是我们十五六年的深情和厚谊。

你过世后,我的情绪很不好,无法用语言形容。 但川川以及你的儿子,媳妇都让我写点东西,在追思会上讲一讲。沉痛是讲不完的,讲不尽的,川川就让我讲点轻松的。所以,今天,我不讲如何痛苦,如何揪心,如何呼天抢地,我只想讲一讲我们在一起时的美好时光。

记得我们刚认识时,你从罗德岛搬来不久,我也是从附近的Jamaica Plain的出租屋里在你的一个街区附近买了自己的第一个房子。想一想,那是还真年轻,带着女儿买菜,一起玩耍, 谈论各自的工作事业,各自的妈妈身体也还好,真是人生中的一段快乐时光 。

你和我二姐同龄,比我大几岁。事业也走在我的前面。人生阅历也比我丰富。 在不自觉中, 我把你当成了我的model。 有事儿就向你请教。

没有人知道,我办公室里的商用电话系统, 是你和川川帮忙推荐的。


吃过我家自己种的韭菜或蔬菜的人可能不知道, 我的种菜技术以前是很烂的。 是你教了我如何利用有机肥,使韭菜长得碧绿茁壮。

当我数着房客们存进我帐户的美金,别人可能不知道,是你带我走进了房地产市场,并不断的提供一路的支持帮助我成功。对我所有的疑问,你如果不能回答, 你一定会介绍你的朋友,使我得到帮助。


工作中的酸甜苦辣,生意场上的亏盈得失,中美关系的柳暗花明,家庭孩子的唠叨琐碎,身体保健的切身体会,随处可见的中年危机, 渐入佳境的人生感悟,都是我们共同的话题。我知道你不喝白酒,但你知道我喜欢,聚会时你都会很开心的来一杯。

你是一个孝子, 是一个我认识的 最大的孝子, 你用你的实际行动向我们展示了孝的含义。以色列倾国之力让患类似疾病的前总理沙龙活了8年。可你和川川以自己的力量,让你妈多活了十年!

我妈三个月前去世后,你在第一时间带来了一张你家人的慰问卡, 还硬塞给我$200。 我们在一起聊起了我们那都过世的妈妈, 抱头痛哭啊 。

杨大哥,你留下的太多太多,你影响的太大太大,你离开的太突然太突然, 我没有心理准备,我手足无措啊。

斯人已乘黄鹤去,思念绵绵无 绝期。 杨大哥,你一路走好,家里的事儿,孩子的事儿,任何的需要,不说你有那么多爱你的亲人朋友, 还有我这这个近邻呢。你放心吧!


Lao Yang's arts

February 14, 2014
by Jie Cai

节日里爬梯之多,有时会成负担的。但C和Y的邀请我和老公是有请必到. 不仅因为他们的菜做的好, 可以大饱口福而且精神上会另有收获. 这不一进门, 香味扑鼻, 餐桌上五光十色, 滷牛肉, 炸虾, 饱子, 冬瓜鲜鱼汤, 线米粉, 麻辣豆付, 山西年货滷藕, 海带结, 红烧善鱼, 甜汤, 大补汤…. 顾不上主人宣布开饭, 有几只大手己经伸进去自助了. 好吃的东西太多, 没必要在这摆龙门阵. 吸引我的却是挂在墙上那些大大小小男主人自己画的油画. 每一次耒这, 都会因为老画面的重温和新作品的发现, 让人兴奋. 留恋忘还.
走进己经装修好的地下室, 墙壁上挂的画带你进入了那个不可思议的动荡年代. 立刻让你打开一个封存己久的记忆. 那是一个火红的年代, C和Y在农村广阔的天地间练红心. 除了握锄头, Y业余爱好是自学画画.?你看这当年画的工,农,兵多么逼真, 多么熟悉. 还有几分亲切, 它们被保留的如此完好, 足可以做历史的见证了. 能在异国它乡见到这些宝贵的作品不能不让人感慨和震动. 我默默地伫立在这些画前, 寻觅往事如烟的踪迹, 情感的净化又一次在心灵里升华. 这必竟是我熟悉的画面啊…

从往事的记忆中脱出, 步入楼上正堂的Family Room, 这里灯光闪耀, 笑语欢声, 红色的卜萄酒在人们手中轻轻震动, 泛着淡淡白光. 每个人脸上荡溢着微笑, 这里是另一个世界. 历史又前行了. 两侧深红色的墙壁上挂满了美丽的山水风景油画, 有挺立的白桦树, 盛开的红玫, 兰色的湖畔, 整体布局色泽协调, 与客厅里的装饰融为一体, 构成了一道明快的艺术长廊..

在Dining Room窗口下有一幅宽1米, 高80多公分的大幅油画格外引人注意. 画面上兰色的大海和远处的天边相融格外壮观, 浪花拍打着海岸, 深竭色的岩石边一位美丽的少妇人任随海风的吹拂, 双目凝视着海面, 左手贴在胸前, 右手紧搅被海风吹散的长发, 虽然画面没有突出她的面部, 而她对海上所发生的一切所表现的忧虑和焦急在她的手足间表现的淋漓尽致. Y告诉我们这幅画是新近作品, 本意是临模著名西方绘画大师 John William Waterhouse一幅油画, 后自己在色彩和布局中略加调整, 目的是让现实中压抑的心情通过自己的画面释然. 而不失艺术, 自然与人物心情的写照.

环顾四周, 中国文化的艺术魅力处处可在. 不同形体的中国书法, 木竹刻字, 自己动手做的灯笼, 喜庆的红色剪纸…让人目不接睱.
C和Y 共同的业余爱好, 共同的艺术追求, 共同的才华让他们相互吸引,组成了一个共同的家. 风风雨雨共渡春秋. 他们双双辞去了原有稳定的工作, 共同创办自己的公司, 经营中国商品交换贸易. 自己做自己的老板, 虽然很辛苦很艰难, 但他们有更多的时间做自己喜欢做的事, 画画, 跳舞, 唱歌, 打太极…两个女儿一个学古筝, 另一个学扬琴.  多才多艺, 业余生活丰富多彩, 精神享受书香门弟, 真让人羡慕和敬佩. 人生苦短, 确实应该如此. 我为拥有这样一对好朋友而自豪,也觉得参加这样的爬梯受益不浅.             


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钓鱼的启示 - 忆2000年夏

February 13, 2014


旭东非常善于在日常生活小事儿里悟到人生的正理儿。我们一起为健康养生坚持了十年多晨练健走,我非常珍惜每天一大早健走锻炼的时间段,因为那是我们两人交流的黄金时间段。大多数时间是他分享人生感悟和读书心得,我支着耳朵听。这种感受我在继红的感言中能读到。她一定了解我在说什么。印象较为深刻的故事之一就是- 《钓鱼的启示》

我们早年在罗德岛居住的时候,经常去Rodger William’s Zoo Park游玩儿。记得千禧年盛夏的一天下午,旭东弄了跟钓竿儿,兴致勃勃地要带着两个年幼的女儿去RODGER WILLIAMS PARK的小河边去钓鱼! 我其实对钓鱼这节目没什么兴趣,但是由于喜欢看他挂鱼饵,抛竿儿,特别是在真有鱼上钩儿那一瞬间的惊喜样子i,喜欢看他那像个小男孩儿一样两手脏兮兮的满地翻石头抓蚯蚓那股子兴致,喜欢女儿们围在他身边嬉闹的气氛,所以也就夹本儿旧书,揣个小凳子,脖子上挂个傻瓜相机,耐着性子大热天的陪他们去钓鱼。

那天天气真好!旭东抓到了好大团的活蚯蚓。河水清澈见底,时而能看到不小的鱼儿自在的穿梭游动。我不由得期待这回出击大获全胜。旭东示意大家肃静别吓跑了鱼儿。两个女儿听话地悄然守在他身旁观望着。只见他很不舍得的的挑了一两条小不点儿蚯蚓为饵勾上。。。唉!今天出师不利,鱼饵下水就出问题。不是脱钩儿,就是被狡猾的鱼儿叼跑了!来来回回忙活了几溜遭,天很快就黑下来了。 蚊子开始猖狂,旭东只好把一直舍不得用的大把蚯蚓一股脑儿抛下了河,拎着小桶里个把小草鱼儿泱泱的带着我们打道回府。女儿们可不管什么大了小了,多了少了的,她们兴奋地围着他们的英雄爸爸和那个小铁桶雀跃!

几天后,旭东就发出反省感慨:川川,当时不应该舍不得放足够的鱼饵,有机会有时间的时候就不能瞻前顾后,一定要全力以赴才有可能大有斩获!等到天黑了,时间没了 ,手里有多少资源都没有用了。所以,人生最大的浪费是时间的浪费!从此,旭东做事情就更加“天地转,光阴迫”了。



February 12, 2014
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我们开始接触交谊舞是十多年前从师于QUINCY的林进和黄老师,后来和少雄,蔡洁夫妇俩一起从师于吴晔老师并在各家的地下室上PRIVATE LESSON.

记得启蒙在昆西班,当时旭东和另外一个跟他颇有相似之处的先生俩人认真得可爱,互相生硬地架着彼此的胳膊,都低着个头两眼紧紧盯着地板对方的皮鞋,口中还喃喃念叨着:“123, 123,123,123“  练习“两扇门板齐步走”时, 我和好友蔡洁坐在一边看,不只是窃笑, 那干脆就是忍俊不禁,顾不上礼貌,大笑得东倒西歪,令旁人侧目了都欲罢不能!。。。。洁,你还记得这事儿吗?

后来当他告诉我要参加FCC时, 我很替他高兴,他终于找到组织了!有了一个自己的业余爱好,调节一下紧张的生活步调,同时又有健身效益。记得当时我像一只骄傲的兔子一样放话说:你先去学,我让你先学几年,反正交谊舞是男生为主导的舞,放心只要你会带,我就会跳!”




February 10, 2014

Thanks for sharing so many stories of how you overcame challenges by trying your hardest. By studying hard and using your head to earn rather than labor. Remember when you would want to dance with me but I'd be way too embarrassed and would run? You always liked to dance to the cha cha and spanish songs and we would howl together in the car "OH PRETTTTTY BABBBBBY YA KNOW ITS QUIIIITE ALRIIIIIGHT".. Where you would show off your dance moves and make me help you with your ipad problems and would always "battle me" for the ipad. And when you taught  me and jenny to rollerblade and bike and I would sneak out to learn again? And when you taught me how to drive and promised you would again....... And how you loved my Irish accent and how I called you an abercormbie model when I saw your young pictures.. And then you would joke with the "Welcome to Picadilly Circus" in a English accent to make us laugh :) And how you would carry us up on the statues in England so we could go take pictures.. And how you would make friends with random people on the airplane and demand to waiters for better service... And when you wanted to go to Boston to eat but you decided to do what me and jenny wanted to do and went to Quincy, you are so nice to us dad you really are. I love you more than you can imagine and i know you love us the same. Do you remember how you would laugh at all the Chinese New year skits like crazy and also to me and Jenny's jokes and Jenny's Chinese performance of "wo men dou you yi ge jia"? And how embarrassed I'd be of going to Outback and Chillis during one of our birthdays because you would always have the waiters singing happy birthday.. I would do anything to bring that back......Thank you so much dad I really love you. <3
~Helen your loving daughter 

I'll never regret

February 10, 2014

Babowee-chan, (Helen Special Nick name to call her Dad from very young age)

You know I will never regret spending so much time with you in both of the good and the bad times. From all the lectures of being successful, finding a smart guy, and taking over the family business and real estates.. You would say "I'm counting on you, Helen!"

You always wanted the best for us and we want the best for you.

You'll never leave our hearts, Babowee-chan.

~Helen Zhang Young your loving daughter forever and always


back in the days......

February 10, 2014

Dad do you remember when I was in elementary school? Where I would always wave to you goodbye when you sent me off on schoolbus? And when I had to make a slide show about your life in Mrs. O'tool's class in fourth grade... and I thought  you were a farmer and a carpenter so I wrote that and you laughed out load? remember when you came into my first grade class to share about Chinese New Year and "fascinated" my classmates and gave each of them  a red bag with a dollar cash as Chinese Tradition in the end? And when you would embarrass me in front of everyone during Bermuda trip when you claimed Helen was the only one who couldn't swim? And when I would dance like a crazy person and to mom's "liu liu"( dance "溜溜的康定" impersonate it and make you crack up? And when we went to the beach so many times and you taught me how to throw a frisbee? And badmingtton in our back yard? And swimming in our back yard pool with  the dead chipmunks in the pool? When I would show you my fashionable clothes and you would be so very impressed and would get me so much... And when you would surprise me with making sushi for me and killing flies at the same time? You're amazing dad.. So talented.. So hard working... Thank you for always loving me and singing those dorky songs and for supporting me (Old black joe, i'd rather be a sparrow than a snail, hong kong, qing ai de, wo na me na me ai ni).. For mowing the lawn in the morning and plowing the snow.. Preaching to me how hard it is to get money but saying I was your favorite child because I always tried to listen.. Remember when I got sick in 5th grade for the entire February vacation and you would just take care of me with special food and cold medicine in your bedroom the entire week because Mom and Jenny were in China? For snoring so many times and laughing it off/pretending it wasn't you? When we went skiing together and you were so impressed in how well I was.. And with all my awards and honor roll achievements and "most likely to be an aritst" award.. When we went to China, Hong Kong   Aruba, Bermuda, Virgin Islands, England and we would all be together as a family?  When I took so many embarrassing pictures of you and you would say "bie nao"(别闹) and when you said my height was perfect and that I should stop growing... And to take care of you when you got old and visit a ton...(常回家看看)promise dad... I will never let you down..Thank you so much for being the best dad and always caring about us.  I LOVE you!

-Helen Zhang Young, your loving daughter 

Still want to go Fishing with you! Dad

February 8, 2014

all I remember of the younger years are us fishing in Roger Williams Park in Providence.  We visited that park all the time back then .  we caught fish so easily I thought there were something wrong with the fish.  We played frisbee in that park.  You taught me how to throw.  I'll never forget those memories.

 I love you Dad.

Your Daughter Jenny 

Missed you forever

February 8, 2014

Antique Shopping and the Silk Road

February 7, 2014

Dad, do you remember?

We were all at one of the antique shops that you like to visit, and Helen was trying to figure out how to say 'silk road' in Chinese, and so she asked you and you replied with "Hai zai zhang". Helen went to Mom to tell her what you said in Chinese, and after screaming "Hai zai zhang" over and over again I told Mom what she was trying to say and Mom said it was "Si chou zhi lu". We were wondering what you were talking about, and then Mom realized that you though she was saying "still growing?" instead of "silk road", so you told Helen that she was in fact, "still growing" in Chinese. 


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