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October 23, 2015

My dear Debbie,

A year has passed yet it feels like yesterday. Just like a year ago we find it hard to believe that we should be writing a tribute to you. Your passing right under our very eyes was difficult to fathom.

My family and I have shared precious quiet times together with you and frankly when the church asked us to declare which pastors we were comfortable with among the church clergy, we recorded without any hesitation “Bishop and Mrs. Debbie Antonza”. This bond did not grow overnight as I watched you and Pat share knowledge, share the word and build that trust in each other which developed into a strong bond of friendship. Our family really miss you dearly.

I personally admired that passion you had to see women and children live in a safe environment which I believe attracted you to Crews Projects Ltd and the membership of the International Association of Emergency Managers. The speed with which you acquired Emergency Management knowledge and skills and became a dependable resource person for the organization in less than one year was unbelievable considering your other commitments as the President of the Praise Women for all Nations.

You were a pillar to our Emergency Management Workshop team and when we were called upon to deliver our Emergency Management workshop series to the Nigerian Defence Academy this year, there was confusion in the house. We did not and could not find a replacement for you as a capable, willing and consistently available resource person for this unique service. The Crews Project Team misses and will continue to miss you in every program.

Death is inevitable but as humans we have asked “Why Debbie and why so soon?” Only God knows why and we cannot question his omniscience. We take comfort that when the trumpet sounds, we shall meet again. So my dear Debbie –Rest in Perfect Peace. Adieu our dear pastor, friend and able resource person.


My Darling Debbie

October 13, 2015

It's been a year now since you left us and transited into glory, though it seems like yesterday.  It's been quite an eventful year to say the least. I miss you dearly my love. Words cannot describe the vacuum you left behind. All I can say is, his mercy has kept us.

Am grateful to God for giving us over 25 years of a fruitful and glorious relationship. I still remember the first day we met and how you swept me off my feet...such an intelligent and beautiful woman. You were sent from heaven for me. You brought so much to my life and I can truly say, you were heaven sent.

Thank you Lord for Debbie!

I can still see your smiles, your dogged determinations and your quiet way of doing things and achieving great result without drawing too much attention to yourself. You set a standard for us to emulate. All over the world as I visit places, they still remember how even with few words, you impacted their life's. What s beautiful spirit you had, always smiling, always loving, always caring.

Wish you were here, but heaven has recalled you to rest from your labours, and we submit to heavens will. I love you.

Bishop Calvin Antonza II, Husband and friend

Our standard, our star, our love and our reason to be great!

October 10, 2015

The first scripture that comes to my mind at the thought of you is Proverbs 31:29, which says “Many women do noble things but you surpass them all.”

I have so much that I would have loved to say to you. Firstly, I would like to say thank you for being the most amazing mother. You were strong, thoughtful, constant and warm. You made our lives easier; we could always talk to you about anything. You gave the best advice and always pointed out the best in every situation. You once asked us what your legacy to us would be, we answered saying “family,” and you added that you believed in others being rewarded for their endeavors. You never compromised on what was right.

You were so beautiful in so many ways and yet you were modest. No one ever knows how much time they have left on earth and you gave us all of yours. We are eternally grateful to you and while we are sad you are gone, we are so proud of how you lived.

You will be remembered as much more than a role model, you will be remembered as our standard, our star, our love and our reason to be great!


-Gladys Salamatu Antonza

For and on behalf of Gladys Antonza II, Rachel Antonza II and Imma Antonza II

Heaven's Gain

October 9, 2015

Earth lost but heaven gained an infectious smile when you transited to a better life. Smile on, Mummy Debbie.

-Grace & Ossom  Ossom

My Darling Debbie

October 9, 2015

Yours was a life devoid of the passions of this world. You lived a simple life full of contentment. You were never covetous nor vain glorious. In the simplicity of your life you gave me life lessons I will never forget.
You taught me that it's possible to change things without making too much noise. That when you set standards with your life and conduct, you can bring needed change and indeed any revolution. My dear, you were quietly revolutionary. Your strong leadership traits were evident everywhere you went.
I learnt from you that one should follow his convictions, and pursue them peaceably, that it's possible to follow your conviction despite raging storms. I remember times I was tempted to react, you showed me that there is strength in keeping quiet.
Debbie, I am grateful to God for bringing our paths together, you knew my shortcomings, but never judged me or anyone you met. You were always willing to excuse people, without condoning any act short of the standards of God. You lived with high standards and was not willing to compromise even a little.
You were a friend, a confidant, my prayer warrior. You never ceased to support me wherever I went. You knew how to bare gallantly in hard times and modestly in the good times.
You were a bridge builder who knew how to deal with the mighty and the lowly. Despite your royalty, you taught me never to look down on anybody no matter how lowly, and never to deal with the high and mighty differently. Your passion for the underprivileged showed when you chose to put in your best in our last outreach to the orphans and widows, we never knew that it was going to be your last major project. You spared no resource to ensure it was a great success.
You were indeed a virtuous woman. Our brief time here together will ever remain indelible in my life.
You carried out the role of motherhood with a passion, and took all that came your way as a mother. This is a big vacuum. My comfort is in the fact that you have brought up many sons and daughters including your Gladys, Rachel and Imma, with such excellence that they will build on this solid foundation of the word of God and change their worlds for good.

I love you darlyn.....missing you soooo...

Adieu my love, till we meet at the masters feet.

Bishop Dr. Calvin Akpazhi Antonza II, (Friend and Husband)

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