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On October 26th, 2010, one of the world's bright stars faded prematurely, losing his 29 year battle with cancer. Edgar's quick wit, tenacious spirit, and wacky sense of humor will be sorely missed by all of us who knew him and loved him.  

Edgar lived his dream as long as he could, designing lighting and stage effects for hundreds of bands & productions during his short career.  His website has photos of just a small fraction of the impressive work he's done over the years.  With his last show completed just months ago for Corey Feldman's Band "Truth Movement", Edgar did what he loved most for as long as he could and ultimately "He Danced Til He Dropped".

We will remember Edgar forever, because after all, how could we possibly forget him????

Edgar's obituary and a related story was posted in Lighting and Sound America Online.  LSA had done a lengthy feature article on Edgar back in December 2004 highlighting his work and his battle with cancer.  Today's story is located at the following link.

May 3
Edgar, do you remember the bed we slept on, onstage at the Provincetown Playhouse that you had fabricated for the premiere of Andrzej Makarewicz's play, Twarzq w Twarz? We hauled in the set together; we were both short on cash and it was late, so we spent the night on the set. We had a key to the theatre; you designed the lighting & scenery, and I performed in the premiere. We gave Andrzej our hearts and mirth and he would laugh and tell us stories of his life and theater in Poland. Just a reminder until we meet again.
October 26, 2019
October 26, 2019
Every year I leave a tribute to you as each year, I live life with Acinic Cell Cancer as well. I am in remission for now. but as a recurring Cancer, we just found a new nodule in my cheek. This will be my 4th attack at this rare cancer. We're trying to beat it! Miss the smiles.
October 30, 2018
October 30, 2018
I was thinking about Edgar just a few days ago. We weren't close, just in classes together in school & then acquaintances at local venues in the late 70s. However, his heart & personality were huge. His reactions to people & events are the things that I remember so clearly. It was one of those that brought him to mind. With a smile, of course.
October 26, 2018
October 26, 2018
Edgar, thinking of you today and always. I am on my 3rd excision and remission of ACC of the lower salivary glands, since 2003. If not for your presence, I would have been forever missed, as well. I intend to beat this very rare disease. Thank you for being there for me. Love ya, Eddie.
October 31, 2017
October 31, 2017
Happy Birthday Edgar! Sharing a night of magic with you at the Magic Castle. Wild and crazy costumes, great decor. You would love it. And maybe you are here enjoying already :)
October 26, 2017
October 26, 2017
Marija and I are thinking about Edgar today on this anniversary of departing. With love and support for Berurira.
January 12, 2017
January 12, 2017
You were a good friend. Thought of you today,
October 30, 2016
October 30, 2016
Happy Birthday! I've had 3 ACENIC CELL CANCER surgeries and without this page as far back as 2003, I would have had no advice about the recurring cancer. You left a legacy and somehow I know that your energy is all around us who need it. RIP.
October 26, 2016
October 26, 2016
I'm so sorry to hear of Edgar's passing. I worked in the Theatre Dept. at Stony Brook from 1967 until 1981. I met Edgar and his Mom when he became a part of the SBU Theatre Family. He was very young, and so was I. He had a lot of energy and personality. I had no idea of his passing. I'm so sorry. What a beautiful tribute to him.
October 26, 2016
October 26, 2016
Edgar, I cannot believe you're gone six years, you are so missed! We had our 40th High School Reunion this past August, we set up a memorial table for you and all those who passed throughout the years. Made me think of our 20th reunion, you had me cracking up. Thanks for the laughter and friendship, missing you always!
April 3, 2016
April 3, 2016
While I did not know Edgar as well as others and only spoke with him infrequently, I am saddened to hear of his passing. Edgar taught a semester at Cypress College where I was a film student. I spoke to him a few times over the years and even went out on a Karaoke night. He managed to talk me into singing Gerogia Sattelites Keep Your Hands to Yourself with him on stage. Evertime I hear that song I think of Edgar. The last time I spoke with him it sounded like the cancer was in remission. I'm sorry you lost your battle my friend, you will be missed.
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Edgar must have been a dear friend to all. I have been following the website since about 2000 when I contracted “Acinic Cell Carcinoma”… a very rare salivary gland cancer. And I got the the lower salivary cancer kind. Both Edgar and I were blessed to find the doctors who knew a little bit about this recurring Cancer. It has come back twice for me and I was just biopsied again last Wednesday. I don't know what I would have done without his website when I was first diagnosed. God Bless You Edgar. God Bless You!
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
It was beautiful day in July that many of Edgar's family and friends gathered at the cemetery to honor and celebrate Edgar's life. A magnificent stone designed by his loving mother was unveiled. See picture posted today.People came from all over the US to remember Edgar-the stone says it all. Afterwards we all gathered at Beruria's to share stories, anecdotes and watched some of his films he produced.
I love you and miss you Edgar!
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Today I met Skye Borgman, a cinematographer who was went through the USC film program in the early 2000's. It brought to mind the Amerasian film that Edgar worked on. I don't recall it ever being finished to Edgar's satisfaction... I remember long discussions about how this wasn't working or that, or what was the story really about, and then this part worked much better, but this other part not so much... All part of the wonderful world of Edgar, as we then would move on to dissecting other parts of our work that did or didn't go the way we wanted. And Edgar, thank you again for introducing me to one of your colleagues in the program who was doing a documentary on homeless people, and whose footage wound up in the War Pigs music video I did for Ozzy Osbourne. Opportunity. Synergy. I miss acting in your shorts :)
June 15, 2015
June 15, 2015
On Sunday, July 12th, 2015 there will be a ceremony to dedicate the marker on Edgar's grave. Following the dedication ceremony, visitors are invited to Beruria Stroke's house in East Setauket. Anyone who would like to attend, please call Beruria directly or you can reply to this message and I will put you in contact with her.
October 26, 2014
October 26, 2014
I am going back for my third battle with acinic cell cancer of the lower salivary gands. This page helped me tremendously when it all started back in 2002. It is a recurring Cancer that has not quite been figured out yet. I am happy for the love and laughter Edgar brought all his friends to the very end. I hope I can follow in his footsteps through this 3rd battle. Thank you Edgar.
October 26, 2014
October 26, 2014
Edgar my friend, I can't believe you are gone 4 years! Although, you are in a better place, no longer in pain or suffering, there is still a void! The world was a better place with you in it! Missing you always and your quirky sense of humor, thanks for the laughter!
October 26, 2014
October 26, 2014
I still miss you Edgar. Yet every time I think of you or share an Edgar story with a friend or loved one, it brings a smile to my face--and theirs.
October 31, 2012
October 31, 2012
Remembering Edgar on his birthday today reminds me of his birthday in 1983. Sue Dain and I conspired to break into Edgars Porsche and install a new tape deck & speakers to replace Edgar's crappy AM radio. With covert planning & a bit of luck we pulled it off, and he was totally surprised. The look of joy on his face was worth the effort. I miss you my friend. Happy Birthday!
October 30, 2012
October 30, 2012
We're thinking of you, Edgar. You are missed. Mark and Quita
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012
Although I never knew you, this website has given me the passion to go fight this horrible and rare disease. Acinic-Cell Cancer. There was no information about it online when I was diagnosed over a decade ago. Ah- but yes, your site was being built and although a lot of the pages were under construction, it still gave me hope. Continue to RIP and Happy Birthday on the 30th! You're missed.
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012
2 years after his passing, subscribers to the ACOR Acinic-Cell list-serv still regularly mention Edgar's great contributions to the sharing of information about that cancer and its treatment - through the website and the above forum. And yes, he is very much missed.
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012
As a big storm threatens to reach the east coast, I think of the enormous storms dear Edgar weathered in his life ---- with such grace and courage. Such an inspiration! My love goes out to Beruria, always.
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012
Thinking of you today. Peace and love to your family and friends.
September 9, 2012
September 9, 2012
I was talking to my husband today about who we remember from 1st grade. I immediately said "the only person I remember is Edgar Stroke." As I recall, Edgar was the only Jewish boy in the class and I was the only girl invited to his birthday party. Doing a google search, I found that Edgar had a wonderful full life but passed away too soon. He was clearly remarkable, even from the start!
May 14, 2012
May 14, 2012
I hate to hear that this took his life. I fear that of my sisters. She has had acinic cell now 3 times and battling it a 4th time as of today. My family hopes to raise money and research the cause of acinic cell carcinoma. He did a lot of work already on My family would like to continue his work...does anyone have a way for us to reach the family? 713-857-5255
October 30, 2011
October 30, 2011
Hard to believe a year had gone by. I always smile when i think of Edgar, so that's a great gift i got from this wonderful guy who was my big cousin in Amercia : )
October 27, 2011
October 27, 2011
Although a year has passed you are very much missed by all.
i still think of you every time i see a stick um and say i need a edger note miss you and Happy birthday you will be remembered
October 26, 2011
October 26, 2011
On Edgar's yahrzeit, I remember one of the sharpest, silliest, and gutsiest people I have ever met. As a student, he was brilliant and always ready to collaborate on projects; I always thought of him as a professional. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Perhaps he is now working to light up the sky.
October 26, 2011
October 26, 2011
Edgar was a bright light in my life - someone I absolutely adored. That laugh - I still hear it. That mischievous twinkle in his eye - I still see it. I'll remember his stories - his irony, his irreverence, his wit, his quick mind, his generous and deep friendship & his bravery for all that he faced. He'll be kept in a special place in my heart for the rest of my days. With love, Liane
October 26, 2011
October 26, 2011
I cannot believe it is a year since Edgar passed. Edgar you were one of the funniest people I have ever known and the nicest as well. God Bless you Edgar you are so missed. You may not be here in body, but you are certainly here in spirit. You will always surround us until we meet again. Love you
October 26, 2011
October 26, 2011
Yesterday was unusually dark - an unusual symptom these days as I continue to fend off my own cancer cells. Then, I realized that it was Edgar's memorial anniversary. As long as the fight against cancer continues, his light will burn bright as an inspiration of courage, good will and above all, curiosity and skepticism. That energy lives on and we love you for it!
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
When I was diagnosed with ACC, Edgar's website was the only one I could find with useful information about ACC. I corresponded with Edgar from time to time, and truly appreciate the information he shared with me both via the website and via the personal emails. He will be missed.
May 25, 2011
May 25, 2011
I never met your friend however his work helped me and my doctors gather information when it was discovered to have acinic cell carcinoma. I could never thank him enough for helping me understand what I was dealing with. Sorry for your loss.
May 20, 2011
May 20, 2011
Edgar when he was 17 when we first met and I was on my way to Warsaw with the help of Edgar, Beruria and the Slavic Center. We slept on the set he had designed onstage in the Provincetown Playhouse in Greenwich Village.
December 7, 2010
December 7, 2010
The world lost a bright light, it seems. Like a large number of others, I got to "know" Edgar and his fine wit through the mail list and website he established to help others with his disease. In great part because of those, there is and shall long be tremendous respect and admiration of Edgar and lasting appreciation for his help of others even as he himself confronted his own health challenges.
November 19, 2010
November 19, 2010
Chissy, I liked your comment about Edgar being a glass half full kind of guy. In some ways he glass overflowing kind of guy; always with boundless energy with a 1000 ideas waiting in line, and more often that not he got to many of them.
Speaking of projects, I found a copy of Gallery, Edgar's film project he shot at Stony Brook, and posted it at
November 12, 2010
November 12, 2010
Edgar, Edgar, Edgar. I thought he would live forever. He was always so full of life. Always so positive - a glass half full guy - no matter what. Wouldn't it be great if more people in the world were like him. I will miss him and his indefatigable spirit. He was a great guy & a great friend.
November 11, 2010
November 11, 2010
One of my favorite memories of Stony brook was riding Devastation Dan into the End of the Bridge on my motorcycle. I wish I knew he had filled the place with dry ice fog. Between the fog and the water on the floor it’s a miracle we did not go right out the second floor window.  Being close to Edgar was like being close to a tornado. His enthusiasm was infectious and his talent was boundless. I am sorry to hear of his passing. The world needs more people like Edgar
November 6, 2010
November 6, 2010
the world is now a smaller, quieter, darker place for missing you Edgar. You were one of my closest, dearest, most exasperating and endearing friends. I've admired your bravery and hated the unfairness of your last years. I'm glad you're at rest and devastated (yes) that you're gone. You're a part of who I am and how I became, and will be in my heart and memories 'til I pass, too.
November 6, 2010
November 6, 2010
Most of all, I remember Edgar's joy of life. I remember his passion for the family. Shlomi and I share Beruria's grief and are with her in our thoughts always.
November 5, 2010
November 5, 2010
Edgar is my cousin and will stay that. Unfortunately I am not with my family at this moment due to distance. This was also our biggest problem for not being connected as close family should be. Baruch Hashem my brother is there with Beruriah and is present for all of us. Edgar you are in my thoughts!
November 5, 2010
November 5, 2010
sadly, i read in the local three village paper about edgar's passing. i met edgar when we were both working at the slavic cultural center in port jefferson - we shared many nights at the lighting board - the theatre there was really terrific - great shows - condolences to beruria -
November 5, 2010
November 5, 2010
I met Edgar in college at Stony Brook via mutual friends Jim & Russ. Worked with him on a couple of his films; his energy was ENDLESS! Even as a casual acquaintance from many years ago, to this day Edgar remains one of the most intelligent, quick witted and fun loving people I've ever met. I'm very sorry for the loss, my condolences to his family....
November 5, 2010
November 5, 2010
Whenever my sister and I found ourselves in the same country, we used to call Edgar. It started for whatever reason I can't recall now, and became a kind of tradition for many years. All three of us used to enjoy these "conference" calls tremendously, because they were always whimsical and surprising. I will miss that.
November 5, 2010
November 5, 2010
Edgar,may You rest in peace after so many years of suffering. Beruria, We are with You in Your sorrow.
               Ruthi and Max.
November 5, 2010
November 5, 2010
Edgar, Edgar, there was no one like you. Edgar was my right-hand man for years at the Fine Arts Center at SUNY Stonybrook. He was amazing with the students that that worked with him. His energy was beyond anyone. "Devastaion Dan" showed it. I knew him for about 30 years. I miss him greatly.
November 4, 2010
November 4, 2010
I knew Edgar practically my whole life...and he has driven me crazy pretty much for most of it...but i loved that guy...he was given a shitload of lessons to work out in this lifetime, and he never gave up...he was smart, and tenacious, and yet always gentle...he would never wish to hurt anyone, and was a real mensch...Edgar will always be in my heart, and always with a warm flame.
November 4, 2010
November 4, 2010
Edgar (you) will be missed. Great sense of humor and a great help when I was getting started. May not have always seen eye to eye ie... as mentioned by Profaca that Cory show gig was ridiculous but you were always still a great friend and a great inspiration.
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Recent Tributes
May 3
Edgar, do you remember the bed we slept on, onstage at the Provincetown Playhouse that you had fabricated for the premiere of Andrzej Makarewicz's play, Twarzq w Twarz? We hauled in the set together; we were both short on cash and it was late, so we spent the night on the set. We had a key to the theatre; you designed the lighting & scenery, and I performed in the premiere. We gave Andrzej our hearts and mirth and he would laugh and tell us stories of his life and theater in Poland. Just a reminder until we meet again.
October 26, 2019
October 26, 2019
Every year I leave a tribute to you as each year, I live life with Acinic Cell Cancer as well. I am in remission for now. but as a recurring Cancer, we just found a new nodule in my cheek. This will be my 4th attack at this rare cancer. We're trying to beat it! Miss the smiles.
October 30, 2018
October 30, 2018
I was thinking about Edgar just a few days ago. We weren't close, just in classes together in school & then acquaintances at local venues in the late 70s. However, his heart & personality were huge. His reactions to people & events are the things that I remember so clearly. It was one of those that brought him to mind. With a smile, of course.
Recent stories

On hearing of Edgar's death

June 14, 2012

On hearing of Edgar's death


The phone rings

far too late for good news


Dear friend

So long

The time has passed for jokes and jibes

You fought the fight

How long?

Ten? Twenty years?

Eating away at your insides

Tumours the size of grape fruits

That's how you described them

On your spine, on your chest

Riddled throughout your beautiful body.


And no one knew

What to do

For yours was a rare one

Not found in the books

And so you fought

Oh how you fought

For life. To life. Lechaim!

And then the doctors and the experts

And in the end Death itself.

And those who might have known

scratched their heads and just moved on.


A brave fight but in the end

Death has had its way

And the shell that lies before me now

I can never recognise

For it's not you

You were so much more

And now your light is gone,

but not forgotten

Never forgotten.

Oh Edgar where have you gone?


And Beruria, you who have survived it all

From Nazi guns and troublesome son

Now you too must say goodbye.

A pain no mother should ever feel

But for you who gave him all his life

You who gave him all you had

All your love

All your love


And now you're gone, my friend dear friend

My buddy, my fine young man

Buried in the sand of sins

That sand we both called home


You touched us all. And we touched you

We say goodbye today

And see you off on your final trek

We'll meet again one day


Dear friend, farewell. Farewell, dear friend

We'll miss your smile, your face

Without your laugh, your elegance and grace

This world's a sadder place


Good bye, farewell, your time has come

As ours will surely too

Goodnight sweet Edgar. Sweet dreams, dear friend

Long life. Much love. Adieu.


Man of Many Hats

November 6, 2010

There are so many stories to tell about time spent with Edgar, and I'll come back for others, but the 1st one I want to share is about going to the West Hollywood Halloween parade years back. This is a huge event where they close off a big part of West Hollywood for people to have a street party on Halloween. Everybody goes in the most outlandish costumes they can put together, and any kind of wild behavior is acceptable (any wonder this a favorite event of Edgars?) Anyway, this year I show up at his house where he's been spending the day figuring out his costume, but without settling on anything. Finally, we have a stack of hats from his huge collection of costumes, props etc. he kept hoarded. And he gets the idea to cover himself with hats -- not just on his head (where he put 5) but his whole body. "I'm a man who tries to wear too many hats!!" A great costume -- but far from a disguise! 

Stories of Obsession...

November 4, 2010

Two stories come to mind, amidst the haze of memory, gerry rigged fog machines and burning wires...

We had a reoccurring discussion concerning how to stop his turntables from skipping during the Devastation Dan gigs. Well, I went into one of my lengthy absurd engineering rants about, "in a perfect world, if we had infinite mass attached to the turntable console, and suspended the console on some kind of shock dampening system, we could probably get past most of the problems". I though this was a theoretical discussion ... it wasn't. There we were, Edgar, Dan, myself, (and maybe another member) rebuilding the console to house (Dan, help me on this) a couple of slabs of slate or soapstone from a lab table. This crazy road box console was built and sent on its maiden voyage (rather hastily if I remember correctly). The first time I grabbed hold of that thing with Dan, I remember giggling,.. (No F...W.....!!!) We faithfully loaded that obscene console into that precious van, tires flattening, and made our way to the End of the Bridge. I hate to admit it, but it worked pretty well, but,.. I don't have words to explain what it felt like packing out at the end of that long night.

Edgar came to me and asked if I wanted to be involved in an audio play of sorts, Stripes. Stripes was an epic project, recording the reading of his play and random conversation, and editing the tape into all its separate characters. I said yes, having no idea of the ensuing madness. This was reel to reel tape days. Every line of the play was extracted, cut by razor blade, and bracketed with leader tape on both sides. Hundreds and hundreds of cuts later, knee deep in discarded magnetic tape, we ended up with something. I don't quite know what it was, but Edgar did, that's all that counts. I had never edited that much tape in my life, nor since, but the experience was priceless. That experience pushed, and expanded, the limits of my attention, and my craft.  

I'll never forget his nutty, flailing craziness, jumping around the stage, with seemingly endless energy. There was always the next project, the next scheme. It was fun to share the journey for what now seems like such a short time. He taught me a lot, on many levels. His strength and tenacity will be with me, always.

Dude, I'll catch you on the flip side...

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