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Walter and his "Boys"

June 29, 2012

I love this picture!! It reminds me of Walter before the sickness!!


Walter's dogs were the delight of his life!! He treated them like his children. I heard one of his kids say, "He treats those dogs better than he did us kids". LOL He would always talk about his babies. Greg and I heard new stories every time we saw him. I remember on one of our visits, we were all in the living room talking. He hit me on the arm and whispered "keep her busy" referring to Pat. I asked him why? He just had that ornery look on his face and didn't answer. I knew to keep quiet cause this wasn't the first time, I saw that look and heard those words. He had been doing things like this ever since I can remember. He was always into something or doing something to make people laugh. He loved life and wanted everyone around him to laugh and enjoy their visits! On his return from the kitchen to the living room, he had the biggest ole' smile on his face and his hands behind his back. Pat said, "Walter what are you up to now"? I wish I had a dollar for every time Pat said those words. I would be rich. I think his grin got even bigger if that was possible. He answered her with those three little words I had heard so many times "not a thing". He sat down and both dogs jumped up on his lap. He pulled a couple of pork chops from behind his back and started feeding his dogs. Pat said, "Walter you know better than that". He said, "You are trying to starve the poor babies. Just look at them, they are starving with that ole food you feed them". He just laughed and laughed and so did we. He jiggled all over from laughing so hard and his eyes just glistened. Pat just shook her head, smiled and said, "It sure looks like those darn dogs are starving". I am going to miss the most mischievous uncle that ever lived and his contagious laughter!! I just sit and wonder at times, what he's up to in heaven and what he is doing and saying to make God laugh!! Love you Uncle Walter!!


June 29, 2012

Seeing Lindas story reminded me of the 1st time I ever went to Dad and Pat's house in Gelena.. He had his dog Baby.. Yes he did treat those dogs and feed them better then his own kids haha.. I remember they had been out running errands and he came home and went into the kitchen and poured some rootbeer float in a bowl and tore up a sammich as he always said for Baby. Said Baby got to have the same treat they got it was only fair.. haha.. There were so many other times like that as well.. Or I remember going to the house for Xmas and it was Sharon and Tina and Rick and Me, Rob and the kids and he would go into the kitchen and come out with all sorts of sweets for the kids and a huge cinnamon roll and gave it to Tina who was a baby at the time in her playpen. I swear the roll was bigger then her.. haha He was always so great with and spoiled babies and dogs.. =)


June 29, 2012

I remeber when Uncle Walter used to drive OTR. We would go to his and Aunt Pats house to visit and he would ask if we wanted a ride. I was little and had never been in a big truck before so of course I wanted a ride! He took time out to take us for a ride up and down the road they lived on. It was awesome!! He was a great man; a great Uncle and he will be dearly missed!

Everyone Needs Chicken

June 27, 2012

This is a story my son and I think of alot when reminising about Walter. Rob, Myself, Bo and Walter went to Walmart one day to get Rob some coveralls. Anyway we are all walking thru the isles and first dad stops and finds this Red and Black plaid shirt jacket with a hood and he puts it up to me and says "U need a jacket and this will look good on u" (it became my favorite jacket I wore it till it fell apart), then we go find Rob's coveralls, then we are walking down the grocery isles and he picks up the huge bag of cut up chicken. He puts it in the bag and announces "This is for u all, Everybody needs Chicken". We all just looked at each other dumb founded and laughed. To this day we cant walk into a Walmart and see a big bag of cut up chicken or even start to BBQ alot of Chicken without looking at each other and shouting "Everybody needs Chicken" lol.. Thanks for the memories Dad =)

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