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August 24
August 24
Hi Aaron, another birthday, have a drink on us god bless, love mum and dadxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 24
August 24
Happy heavenly birthday H still think and miss you, I would love to have a drink with you today H but it’s not to be, hope wherever you are H your happy and having a good time, till we meet again H never forgotten,
November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023
Thinking of you today, love your sister in law Linda and nephews Grant and Jack
November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023
Still talk and miss you H, went down dads today he’s keeping ok, our family really miss you. All the holidays our two families went on were really good times with some really great memories. It’s not the same with you gone H, I will be raising a glass or two tonight H wishing you were still here. Rest easy H till we all meet again.
November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023
Hi Aaron, another year has gone since we lost you, you left us too soon I wonder what we all would be planning now Christmas is with us again, a get together and a good laugh it was about memories made we do miss so much. Saying goodbye eight years ago was tough we do all talk about you and all the happy times, this candle will burn bright for you Aaron, all the family miss you so much, god bless you, love from mum and dad in laws xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Hi Arron, its your birthday once again, we would have had a good get together, to celebrate your special day, we still miss you Arron, a very happy birthday god bless, love from mum and dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Heavenly birthday wishes x sister in law Linda, nephews Grant and Jack xx
August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Hello H not sure what's happened as I put a tribute on last night.anyway H we all still talk and think about you and remember all the laughs we shared when we all went on holiday, every time I go past the jolly or down the boatyard to see Andrew I think of you , rest peacefully H dad is doing OK, so here's to another year,I will raise a glass to you tonight,sleep tight old friend,mike and theresa.
August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Hi Aaron. It's me your wife!!!! So, you would have been 55 today - you old git ha ha. Always said you're 6 weeks older than me!! Jasmine, Sam and I still miss you tremendously. always talking about the good times we had. Definitely know your dad misses you too. We still visit him near enough every week - make sure he's looking after himself. We will raise glass tonight to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY. And you're never ever forgotten. Love you xxxx
November 20, 2022
November 20, 2022
You bought us sunshine in your smile, you bought us laughter all the while, in this world that we live there should be more happiness so much joy that you bought with a brand new bright tomorrow, it has been 7 years we lost you, we still miss the great get togethers, you will never be forgotten, our love to you on this sad day, from mum and dad.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
November 20, 2022
November 20, 2022
Well H it’s been 7years time certainly flies, we still miss and talk about you H taken far to early, still see your dad, he’s ok getting on well at last.
November 20, 2022
November 20, 2022
Can’t believe it’s been 7years already
From your sister in law Linda and nephews Grant and Jack xx
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022
Another year Arron, we do miss the get together for your birthday, and the lovely food you always cooked, and going home full and a bit tipsy, have a beer on us Arron still missing you so much, we send this light to keep things bright, love from mum and dad,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022
Thinking of you on your birthday
Sister in law Linda, nephews Grant and Jack xx
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022
Dearest Aaron. There is not a day that goes by that I'm not thinking of you - and you would be proud of how Jasmine and Sam have got on in life. Also having 2 grandchildren. Tommy and Harry. Yesterday would have been your 54th birthday. I always said your were 6 weeks older than me!!!! If you saw me now - more wrinkles and more aches and pains!!!! Anyway, Happy birthday. One day we will meet again - when my time comes. Love you. Linda xxx
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
Well H another year and still the pain is with us, remembering you today on your birthday, just wish we could have a pint together like we used to, we will
Always remember you H X
November 21, 2021
November 21, 2021
Another year gone H we still talk and miss you loads I wish you were still here, a few beers, a laugh and then another beer good old days H, love from Mike and Theresa.
November 20, 2021
November 20, 2021
Its another year Aaron you left us, six years passed we all miss you so much and always speak of the fun days we had and the great dinners you cooked for us, there is now an empty chair that no one else can fill, you will always be in our thoughts and will never be forgotten, I light another candle for you Aaron, god bless from mum an dad, all the family that knew you and your grandson Tommy and your new grandson Harry.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 24, 2021
August 24, 2021
Hi Aaron, we would have been having a few drinks to toast your birthday today, still missing you so much just to sit and talk awhile. God bless love mum an dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 24, 2021
August 24, 2021
It’s that time again H another year gone, still missing you, we often think and chat about you, you will never be forgotten H,I go to see your dad and he is getting on ok, all our love H Mike and Theresa xx
November 21, 2020
November 21, 2020
Thinking of you Uncle Aaron
Love Grant and Jack xxx
November 20, 2020
November 20, 2020
What is a dad and grandad, you were strong and kind, and a listener, you were our very best friend and son in law its been five years Aaron since you left us we still have an empty space in our hearts, we see your picture every day wishing you were with us to stay. God bless Aaron, from mum and dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.  
November 20, 2020
November 20, 2020
Well H another year gone, we still think about you and miss you,a very sad date that is etched in our in peace H till we all meet again.
August 30, 2020
August 30, 2020
Still talk about you and miss you H four years have gone by it seems longer to me, see your dad often H we chat and remember the good times in your garden and holidays.R.I.P H
August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
happy heavenly birthday love Linda, grant and Jack xx
August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
Another year old Aaron, how we miss our get together on your birthday you will always be remembered by all that knew you, we raise our glasses to you have a pint Aaron god bless and love from your family and friends. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
November 20, 2019
November 20, 2019
Its been four years now Aaron since you left us I see you each day with your picture, and I ask why did you go so soon you will never be forgotten you are still missed so much we still talk about you, I have laid a flower beside your picture and a candle to show you the way and also now with your mother, god bless you dear Aaron, from mum and dad in- laws and all your family and friends and your grandson Tommy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
November 7, 2019
November 7, 2019
well h another year gone,and another birthday coming up (a bit early h but better than late as i usually am) we still talk and miss you h as we always will,we hope you are somewhere sunny ,nice flat seas and a good bar nearby,so happy birthday h until we all meet up in peace h , theresa and mike xx
August 25, 2019
August 25, 2019
Another birthday for you Aaron, hope you will have a good one we all raise our glasses to you, good on yah! You now have a grandson named Tommy who sends you love and kisses on your day, I give you this flower to show we all still think of you on your birthday you will always be in our hearts, god bless you Aaron, love from mum and dad in laws, and all the rest of your family,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
November 20, 2018
November 20, 2018
Its been three years you left us Aaron we always talk about you and wonder what you will be doing having a pint, cooking, going to sea on your boat, you will never ever be forgotten you will always be in our thoughts god bless, from your in laws Margaret an Jimxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
November 19, 2018
November 19, 2018
Another year gone h,we are always talking about you,remembering all the Good times we had,but as this time of year comes around, I get very emotional and still wonder why you passed so young, anyway h we will never forget you,and miss you so much, say hello to mum from me and Theresa h,hope you are both together Mike and Theresa.
August 25, 2018
August 25, 2018
Sorry h late again, this time we are away on holiday, spoke to dad yesterday he's doing ok ,very sad the three of us couldn't have had a drink on your 50th we still miss and talk about you h, always in our thoughts, r.i.p till were all together again h love Theresa and Mike xx
August 24, 2018
August 24, 2018
It would have been your 50th birthday Aaron, we still miss you so very much, we give you this flower from us to you with our love on your birthday, we would have had a good drink with you.
God bless from your inlaws, Marge and Jim.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
November 22, 2017
November 22, 2017
sorry this is late h we never forgot,our internet went down,still seems like yesterday h we were all together, they reckon time heals but it hasnt for us h hope you have met up with mum, together forever R.I.P. h mike and theresa grateful for all the happy years we had together xx
November 20, 2017
November 20, 2017
Its two years you left us Aaron it has never been the same, you were one in a million for a son-in-law we still miss you so much we will never forget you, god bless sleep tight, from your mum and dad ( inlaws)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Hope you are having a few pints wherever you maybe
Thinking of you today your sister in law linda and nephews grant and Jack xxx
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
We lay this flower Aaron for your birthday we will never forget you as a dear son in law, mum and dad Matthews xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Another year gone H wish we could have a drink on your birthday but sadly not to be rest easy H always remembered,mike and theresa x
November 20, 2016
November 20, 2016
This candle is alight for you Aaron you will always be in our hearts its a year since you left us all, I hope this light will be with you always.
You will always be missed from your mum and dad marge and jim.
November 20, 2016
November 20, 2016
Can't believe it's been a year since you left us h you have left a big hole in our hearts always thinking of you h rest in peace h mike theresa
November 20, 2016
November 20, 2016
Thinking of you a year on
Linda and your nephews Grant and Jack xxx
August 24, 2016
August 24, 2016
Today we remembered your birthday Aaron, we raise our glasses, god bless.xxxx
August 24, 2016
August 24, 2016
Happy birthday up there, I expect you will be having a few pints xx
December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015
From a baby who I held in my arms, to the smiling boy growing up as our families went on holiday, to the gentle soft spoken man you turned into,always smiling,whenever we met, in later years mainly in the pub,you always made a point of coming over and saying hello,and did I want a pint,after a few words we went our different ways,so many little things I remember about us over the years,you passed away far to young h,sleep in peace god only takes the best,you wil be sadly missed by your many friends,r.i.p,mine and theresa's thoughts are with Linda,jasmine,and Sam. Maureen, and my old mate les.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Rest peacefully Aaron
Have some good memories from a long time a go, which included your cooking !
Love Linda ( sister in law) nephews Grant and Jack xx
December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015
You left us too soon Aaron, from your heart broken,
mother and father - in - law, Margaret and Jim,
brother and sister - in - law Kerry and Andrew,
nephews and nieces,Grant,Jack, Isabel and Martha,
you will always be missed, RIP. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
December 6, 2015
December 6, 2015
Go down to the Sea once more Aaron.
For where else would a skipper be.
But riding the waves, and tasting the brine.
Out there, on God's Heavenly Seas.

With fair weather assured every voyage.
No storms. No clouds in the Sky.
And with calm blue waters to motor on.
And ever, bright Stars to steer by.

And an Angel riding the Masthead.
And Land, now long out of view.

The Solent will never be the same again.
God bless you
December 6, 2015
December 6, 2015
My first memories was when you were at cubs and i was helping the cub leader (Marion) out, you were always joking about and cheeky then !!
Lovely guy always smiling and good fun ! Godbless Aaronxx
From karen Terry and family xxxx
December 5, 2015
December 5, 2015
In 40 years i don't once remember seeing you with having a propper belly laugh.
My life was better for knowing you.
Thanks mate
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