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     Abigail Wallace Malone passed away peacefully in San Francisco, California on May 2, 2024, at 23 years old. She was born in Sacramento on November 11, 2000, and spent most of her life surrounded by friends and family in the Carmichael and Fair Oaks communities. She loved school and spent her elementary years at the creative campuses of Mission Avenue Open Elementary, and California Montessori Project, where her mother was lucky enough to have her in class for 5th and 6th grade. She spent many school breaks at Effie Yeaw Nature Center where she enjoyed hiking, rafting, and exploring the outdoors at their nature camps. Abby graduated with an emphasis in art from Bella Vista High School, where she was the co-captain of the tennis team. After high school, she took classes at American River College and hoped to become an oncology nurse and support those most in need of her kind spirit.
     Abby was a sensitive, compassionate, and exceptionally bright young woman. She loved her friends and family and wanted nothing more than to be a cherished part of a community. Abby was kind, especially to those who were marginalized and misunderstood. She made strangers feel accepted and heard, particularly those suffering from  mental and emotional struggles. Although Abby was shy by nature, she was incredibly brave. She always overcame her shyness, whether she was entering talent shows with friends or facing daunting experiences. Abby also brought laughter and silliness into people's lives with her unique sense of humor and imagination. For example, in her elementary school years her imaginary creature "Baby Wooshie," whose picture appeared all over her mom's classroom, made the other students (and her mom) giggle every time a classroom drawer or textbook was opened to reveal little paper drawings of him. 
     Abby had a deep fondness for reading her entire life. She visited the local library with her mom and brother weekly and took home stacks of books. She never tired of her favorite characters and could be found curled up reading a book more often than not. Reading took her through many difficult times toward the end of her life. Abby also loved music, which also acted as a support during difficult periods. She was never far from her playlists and enjoyed sharing her music, particularly with her mother, with whom she shared a love of ABBA and Stevie Nicks. In addition to books and music, Abby was drawn to other creative arts and spent many hours drawing and painting throughout the phases of her life. One of her favorite memories was "art lessons with Grandma" when her maternal grandmother, a former art teacher, would visit from New York. While in high school, Abby's artwork was chosen for a young artists show at the Crocker Art Museum, and as the winning submission for an anti-tobacco PR campaign. Friends and family knew Abby as the most generous gift-giver. She had a knack for finding just the right meaningful gift for each person and she delighted at giving to others and seeing how her gifts made people happy - from a perfect piece of jewelry for her grandmother to pieces of art she created or concert tickets for her mother's favorite artist to attend together.
     Everyone knew how much Abby loved animals. Putting this passion to good use, she recently worked as a vet tech, where she assisted with the care of animals. Because of her hard work and the trust they placed in her, she was promoted quickly to supervisor, which made Abby and her family proud. Of all animals, cats held a special place in her heart. Her two cats, Ginger and Lucy gave her much comfort, love, and companionship.  
     Abby was passionate about nature and water in particular. She loved to swim, and she often walked by the American River to think and to take friends and family for picnics along its banks on special occasions. Some of her most treasured childhood memories were her yearly visits to the ocean with her Nana, Pop-Pop and brother, Evan. She looked forward to those visits, and exploring the cliffside tidepools and beach towns opened in her a love of the ocean, which she felt was her spiritual home. Abby often expressed her wonderful memories of the Thanksgivings she and her brother spent with their father at Bodega Bay, crab fishing, sitting around the fire singing, and enjoying time with family. 
     Abby will be greatly missed by everyone who loved her. She is predeceased by her father, Bryan Malone, and is survived by her loving mother Kara Miller; her younger brother, Evan, whom she loved and supported without end; her stepfather Trevor and step-siblings T and Declan; her maternal grandmother Susan Guinan; her Auntie Kate, Uncle Gus and cousin Jake; and her adored kitty, Lucy; as well as well as many cousins and treasured friends.
     The family is hosting an open house at the Miller home to celebrate Abby’s memory on Thursday, May 16th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. 
You are most welcome to leave a tribute below or a memory of your times with Abby on the story page. 
     In lieu of flowers, please consider donating in Abby's name to one of the causes close to her heart; mental health awareness and the care of cats. Please click the links below if you wish to donate: 
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness):

June 3
June 3
Even though I did not know Abby well on a personal level, I know what a beautiful light she was to the people who loved her and the beauty that she added to their lives. I know that she was deeply loved and that she will be deeply missed. There are just not the right kind of words to convey my sadness and sympathy for the loss of such a special person.
May 25
May 25
Kara, I never had a chance to know Abby but loved watching her grow up on Facebook. Abby was such a beautiful young woman and it was so evident that she was a shining light for both you and Evan. The family bond we share as Cousins has always been so special even though the distance kept us from being together. You have always been in my thoughts and heart throughout the years. Watching you and Kate grow up during the summer months at the cottage was priceless!! You have my love and support always.
All my love, prayers and hugs,
Betsi Fielek
May 19
May 19
You all are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.

- Anne, Bill, Heidi, Glenn, William, Maxwell
May 18
May 18
Kara -
I am so sorry to hear this. I haven’t known Abby for years, but she will always be a memory of my childhood. My heart is with you and your family.
May 17
There are no words that can be spoken to express my sympathy for the loss you must feel. My sincerest and deepest condolences to you and your family at this time.
May 17

There are no words to say. Sorry doesn't seem enough. My heart breaks for you and your family. I'll keep you on my thoughts my friend. Sending you lots of hugs and love.
May 17
Kara , I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. She looked like a beautiful soul ! My heart goes out to you and your family .
May 17
May 17
Kara and Mrs. Guinan,
I am so sorry for your loss. I pray you find the peace that surpasses all understanding. You remain close to my heart and in my thoughts and prayers.
- Angie Love
May 14
May 14
I never was able to really get to know her fully as when we lived together I was so young, but I do remember what she had gifted me, such as a porcelain unicorn and heart shaped porcelain coaster. She was a really wonderful person, and her hugs were the best. Her and I looked really similar in terms of hair and eyes, and so I really looked up to her when I was little. Her art and her paintings had inspired my own artistic attempts, since her art seemed so ethereal and divine. She was so sweet, kind, and patient, always knowing what people liked. I miss her lots and she truly was one of the most amazing people I’d known. She was strong and she preserved lots, she worked hard in tennis and in art, and truly, she’s left an imprint on many, many lives, including my own. Hopefully she’s able to rest well, at peace, with Ginger.
So much love, Thomas.
May 14
What a beautiful tribute to Abby. She was beautiful on the inside and out. While we never lived close by, we did have some visits that were very special. I remember one visit where we took Abby and Molly, and their American Girls’ dolls!, to downtown Chicago to visit the American Girl store! We ate lunch at the AG restaurant where the dolls sat in their high chairs. Such a sweet memory. Abby, I know your light is shining brightly in heaven, where you are surrounded in love. Peace be with you always.
May 14
May 14
Abby, You may be gone, but part of you is in my heart. As long as my heart is beating you will still be with me in spirit. We lived so far apart, but those times that we were together are very precious to me. You will always be my beautiful granddaughter.
Grama Guinan
May 13
May 13
Abby will forever be a bright light to those who spent time with her. A beautiful soul, now with wings, among the angels. She will be dearly missed, thought of often and remembered with love and light.
May 12
May 12
A beautiful woman lost way too soon. Will always remember your beautiful smile, loving heart, and fun humor. Peace be with you.

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June 3
June 3
Even though I did not know Abby well on a personal level, I know what a beautiful light she was to the people who loved her and the beauty that she added to their lives. I know that she was deeply loved and that she will be deeply missed. There are just not the right kind of words to convey my sadness and sympathy for the loss of such a special person.
May 25
May 25
Kara, I never had a chance to know Abby but loved watching her grow up on Facebook. Abby was such a beautiful young woman and it was so evident that she was a shining light for both you and Evan. The family bond we share as Cousins has always been so special even though the distance kept us from being together. You have always been in my thoughts and heart throughout the years. Watching you and Kate grow up during the summer months at the cottage was priceless!! You have my love and support always.
All my love, prayers and hugs,
Betsi Fielek
May 19
May 19
You all are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.

- Anne, Bill, Heidi, Glenn, William, Maxwell
Recent stories
May 15
What a beautiful collection of photos of a beautiful girl !!  Abbey you will be sorely missed by so very many.  Your spirit will live on in your family and friends and know that we all will honor your memory in many varied ways.
Love, Kathy and Dave

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