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August 15, 2020
August 15, 2020
Abi, Abiola has taken me a while to come to this point.
Sagamu, Ikenne, Ago Iwoye, Lagos, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Liverpool....we sure came a long way......
I keep looking at my phone, hoping you would call. We planned I would make that my Ibo soup you liked with goat meat this summer. You laughed at my funny Yoruba words, but still encouraged me....who will give me my Yoruba lessons?
Biola’s hard to think I would not hear or see you again.....
I will hold onto the memories......your warm, sincere friendship, your boisterous nature and your love for God.
I know the Almighty is in control, so I will see you soon my dear sister and friend.
May the Lord console the Aiyenigbas, Adelowos and extended families.
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
Abiola, you will be so missed by everyone who's life you touched. I enjoyed so much our time together at work and I drew great inspiration from you. I'm grateful to have known you and all my love goes to your family as they come to terms with such a great loss.
August 9, 2020
August 9, 2020
Abiola, I just got enough strength to talk to you here. I had lots of flashbacks these days -- you were always so bright, cheerful, energic, and lovely! We stayed a bit late in the office sometimes, and I loved our chats. You were such a fun, smart, and kind soul! We went out for dinner and went to the waterfront on Middle-Autumn Day last year to appreciate a full-Moon. It was beautiful, and you guys made my Middle-Autumn Day. I have not yet met Levi in person but I have heard a lot about him from you talking fondly and proudly. My condolences to your family, especially your sister, son, and husband. Rest in peace, my dear friend.
August 5, 2020
August 5, 2020
Biola, ...I will be telling a lie if I say I have the right words, it’s just too soon. Your energy, zeal, boldness hmm! you will be missed my friend. 
When I see your pictures, your voice and laughter is all I hear.
I cherish the times we spent together and I thank God for bringing you my way, it’s sad to know that you had to leave so soon.
Sleep on my friend, rest in the arms of the Almighty
You will be missed
August 4, 2020
August 4, 2020
My dearest. To think I will be writing this now, so early in our lives was not what we planned. We even talked about how we will look when we are old. Who am I to question God but its so difficult to understand. I look at your pictures and I cannot believe it. I still want to pick the phone and hear your reassuring laughter...."Friendship me, Ore Bawo ni, So wa...". We went through many life cycles together from secondary school till now. Over 30 years of knowing you. It was always so easy to make up with you after our petty arguments. So much laughter shared. The way you just burst into my room shouting my name back in university. Came to see me in Amsterdam and stayed a while as soon as you heard I was around. So many things to write.

I thank God for the opportunity. I know you are smiling from heaven, cheering me on, telling me I can make it no matter what the challenge is. Say hello to Jesus for me and dance with the angels. I will miss you dearly.

Odaro ore...we will meet again in the morning.
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
Sis B, Eeeema, Mama Lee, Abbie as i fondly call you loads of names i gave you my biggest teaser my brothers wifey and my sister. I choose to celebrate you because u lived a good life you were loving sweet and accommodating. You opened healed wounds. I remember the last time we say and u saw me preggers the joy in ur hrt l was written all over you, we pouted took pics hugged a millie kai death where os thy sting, i was hoping you will meet my daughter on ur next visit i will forever miss you eeeeema. To tink i gave you that name eeema because i believer you will grow old with my brother. Abbie you didnt even give us a sign. Who will join me to yab my brother ur husby im hurt and in tears been having sleepless nights since i found out. I guess i can ask you for a favour now that you are an Angel PLS WATCH OVER LEE AND EEEEEPA we love you but your maker loves you more sun re o igi iwe you flew away just like that abbie it hurts ... love you forever and a day more
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
B, I still struggle to believe you are gone. You have reopened wounds I thought I buried. I can't explain or express the pain i feel and it chokes me everytime I think about it.

You were a beautiful soul - saying ordinary things in extraordinary ways. Whao, referring to you in past tense hurts. Your death has taught me a lesson I'll never forget.

You have become an angel. Pls watch over Levi and Bro Tola. May God grant us all fortitude to bear your loss

Rest easy sis. B, our candie in the wind
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
Rest in peace Biola,still hard to know you're no more. You will surely be missed by everyone God knows it all.
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
It took me awhile to gain courage and strength to write this. I miss you very much Abiola. I may have the left the UK in 2019 but memories of our 3.5 years together will always be etched in my heart forever. Your wonderful bright smile, gorgeous hair and just comforting personality helped me through some really tough days during my PhD. You have a wonderful son and he will be your legacy. I still cannot believe that you have left us but I am sure God loves you very much to keep you closer to him. Sadly we miss you badly dear. Rest in peace and love you very much.
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
I am very saddened to hear about Biola’s loss. We went to the same alma mata FGGC Sagamu. She definitely made her mark as confirmed by the testimonies of peoples’ lives she impacted. May God comfort and strengthen her husband, son and family members she left behind. RIP Biola. May your legacy live on...
July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
Abiola you are a lovely lady and God fearing. You left too soon. But God knows what we did not know. Continue to rest in the bossom of your heavenly father till we meet to part no more. Met you Liverpool City at DLBC. RIP MY SAKE.
July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
My earliest memory of you is from FGGC Sagamu. We were roommates in J.S.1, and I still remember us sharing a bucket of water. ( Boarding school life….). 
We reconnected on social media in recent years, and following you on Instagram I was inspired by your continuous learning and academic accomplishments.

My prayer is comfort for your loved ones and all those you left behind. May God strengthen and keep them. Sleep well Biola. We take solace in the knowledge that you’re resting with your Savior. 
July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
Biola, gone too soon! Your demise was a shock to us all.
My sincere prayer is that God will comfort, fill every vacuum and envelope with His love your dear Levi, hubby, Temi, Seyi, family and friends.
Eternal rest grant her gentle soul O Lord!
July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
Rest in peace, Abiola. My deepest condolences to your family and loved ones.
July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
Rest on Biola. We say it was a short stay but God knows best.
July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
Biola... I am in shock and still cannot believe this. I haven’t seen or spoken to you in a long while because I was so sure I could do it later on Facebook. Only later never came.

Reading all these lovely tributes shows you were still the same sweet, friendly, tenacious Biola of Sagamu and OSU.

I pray for God’s peace and strength for your husband and son-Levi.
Rest in Peace x
July 27, 2020
July 27, 2020
I am so shocked and saddened to hear of Abiola's passing. I wish her family every possible moment of peace and love during this agonising time. I met Abiola at UofL when we were both at the Women's. When I moved to LSTM, she greeted me with an enormous smile and hug on my first day. What a wonderful, warm and compassionate person she was. Her work was groundbreaking and so important for women. This is devastating news, and she will be remembered.
July 27, 2020
July 27, 2020
All of us at the Centre for Capacity Research at the Liverpool School of Tropical medicine were shocked and devastated to hear about the sudden death of our dear friend and colleague Abiola. Only the day before we had all been talking to her on one of our weekly virtual team meetings. She told us how happy she was to be staying with her sister and her family in London following months of 'lockdown'. She was super-happy because had had the most peaceful and restful trip to London that she had ever experienced - the train was virtually empty and very quiet. Abiola was such a cheerful, happy person, always willing to help others. Only a month ago she moved into a new, higher level job with us. She was really excited about this next step in her career and was clearly on a pathway to be an outstanding researcher. I really admired her 'can-do'; attitude, her professionalism, her determination to achieve everything to a high standard, but above all the way she combined this with friendliness and thoughtfulness for others. I will miss Abiola very much and it was a privilege to have known her, and to welcome and work with her as a key member of our team.
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
Each morning coming into work I would bob my head around your door to be greeted by the broadest smile on the planet. You were always, always smiling. Your hearty laugh was so infectious, I can still hear it now. I admired you on so many levels, your hard work, your generous spirit, your empathy for other people, your amazing son Levi and the values you instilled in him that makes him the wonderful person that he is and finally the hard work that you did to improve the lives of other African women. It was hard enough Abiola when you crossed the City to work at LSTM and I missed those moments of saying our morning "hi's". Your loss is immense, you will forever be in my heart and soul. I treasure the memories we have shared. Your Liverpool family will always be here for the legend that is Levi. Sleep well my sister, may your soul rest in peace. Love you so much matey. Dot
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
To God be The Glory for the life of Biola. I am confident that she is with her maker. I pray that God Almighty will uphold both Levi and Tola,and the rest of the family.
Biola has left an indelible mark on the Alive Believers Church, and her reward has gone with her to her God.
Biola, to us it was too early, but God wisdom is superior to humans, so I say adieu, till we meet at the banquet of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen.
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
Life is indeed transient... I always admire you whenever we visit Alive Believers Church. You were so full of life and very warm. I still cannot believe I will not have the opportunity again to see your beautiful smile and warm laughter. Praying that God will uphold and strengthen everyone you left behind especially your husband and son who you openly and clearly loved and adored. May your pleasant soul rest in perfect peace, Amen
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
I never met U in real life but U have clearly left a piece of U in the heart of all who crossed your part... Your credentials were impeccable to say the least... U were a total, complete & thorough bred African woman who gives her BEST to her family & indeed humanity... U have given your last breath...

God bless U abundantly for passing this way... Rest on Abiola. To live in the hearts of those who love U is NOT TO DIE...

July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
I always remember when your mum would jokingly tell you girls that Yemi is her first child whenever i came for holiday in Dr Adelowo's house in Sagamu in early 90s. My mum being her bestie. I am always proud of your achievements and success over the years. There is no word to express the pain of losing you. It surely opened the old grief, but what can a man do other than to commit all into God's hand. Biola, we missed you. Sun re o.
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
May her soul rest peacefully and may God comfort her hubby, son and loved ones at this very trying time . May God help all of us
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
RIP Biola. Your death came to me as a rude shock. You'll be greatly missed!
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
We were devastated to hear of Abiola’s death this week. Having first come to the University of Liverpool’s Sanyu Research Unit in 2013 not long after it launched, she was an important part of the unit’s development. Doing her PhD part-time meant that she was a constant over 6 years as other short term students came and went. And she was always quick to offer them friendship and support. When we had visitors from Africa, many of them coming away for the first time, she would be ready to meet and greet them, showing them the local shops and tourist sites. With a foot in both African and European cultures and with her friendly disposition she was the perfect person to do this. And then at the end of their stay, she would assist with assessment and organising the crucial night out at a local restaurant.

Abiola was a wonderful, sunny member of the team. But her own research studies showed that she was far more than that. No PhD is ever easy. But doing a PhD in two countries with very different cultures, whilst self-funding, working as a carer and looking after the wonderful Levi takes great determination and tenacity. At our monthly supervision meetings she would often tell me of how well she was supported by her friends - both at church and beyond. And as she juggled her various roles we would often find her at her desk over the weekend or coming in with Levi. It was always great to see the warm, unerringly polite Levi who would share with us stories of his life and cathedral singing. And in seeing Levi’s charm and good nature, we also saw signs of Abiola’s love and guidance.

Abiola’s PhD research was to create and test a way of assisting Nigerian women coping with the tragedy of infertility. With customary enthusiasm she set about creating a course she called ‘FELICIA’ (the Fertility Life Counselling Aid) and writing a detailed manual to go with it (now published - see Aiyenigba et al, African Journal of Reproductive Health 2019;23:76-91). She went on to test it in a pilot randomised trial in 2018. She randomly allocated 8 women with psychological distress to use the intervention and 8 to usual care. The intervention was the giving of 6 hour-long sessions conducted by the fertility clinic nurses following Abiola’s self help workbook. And of the 8 who took the course, all but one was comforted and no longer scored highly on the distress scale
that we used. In contrast, only one of those in the control group improved. When asked afterwards women spoke very highly of the intervention and how much it had empowered and helped them. The publication describing this study was in its final stages of drafting to be sent for publication. It is very sad that she will not be around to witness the excitement and interest that this publication will arouse.

Abiola was a bright and warm individual, with an exciting research career in front of her. She is a great loss to the global health community as well as to her friends and family. We are devastated by her passing.
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
Few years ago Biola and I reconnected when I found out that she was married to my childhood friend's brother, we jisted for hours which was funny because we used to butt head in Sagamu. It was shocking to hear of your demise but God knows best. Rest in Peace Abiola. 
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
I really don't know what to write.

Sis Biola, as I used to call you, you were so down to earth, jovial, easy to relate with and just lovely. Your death came as a rude shock, utterly devastating. A beautiful life cut too short.

I was telling my daughter about when we visited you at home years ago and you made pancakes for the children, funny that I started making pancakes for my children from then on.

We keep asking why, but no one knows. Biola, may your lovely soul rest in perfect peace and I pray that God will grant Levi your husband and the rest of your family the fortitude to bear this great loss. You will be missed greatly.
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
Rest in Peace and Power my dear biola. Your husband, son, siblings and family will forever be in our prayers and our thoughts. I pray you find peace and solace up in heaven watching over all of us. May the Lord hold you in his bosom for the rest of eternity. Know you are loved and ur family is loved by all of us. You were gone to soon. Forever in our heart and forever loved.
The Ibrahim - Shodunke’s
(Aunty Titi, Vicky and Michael)
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
From the Dean of Liverpool Sue Jones

Liverpool Cathedral were so sad to hear of the death of Abiola. Abiola, Levi and the family have been in our prayers.

May you rest in peace.
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
RIP dear Abiola. I never really got to meet you much, but you can be so proud of your wonderful son Levi who has graced us with his wonderful personality, excellent sense of humour and voice in the cathedral choir. You always made sure he was on time, beautifully dressed and well mannered. I feel so sad for your family that you have been taken so soon, but you can be confident and blessed that you will live on through your wonderful son Levi. I am heartbroken for him. Much love and prayers to your family. Lee x
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
Rest in peace Abiola.
We met through our children in the Choir, who have become really good friends outside of choir.
Levi has an amazing smile just like you, just wraps you up with such warmth. He will continue to make you so proud with his beautiful soul and strength.
So heartbroken, lost for words, God Bless Levi and family x
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
May you rest in peace Abiola. Although we didn’t know you well we felt we knew you through your beautiful son Levi. We are heartbroken for him. I’m sure he will honour your memory by growing in to the fine young man that he is becoming. God Bless xxxxx
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
Ahhh Biola,I don’t even know what to write, we cannot ask God why.
Our Lord understands everything!!!
I pray that the Lord almighty will comfort Levi and Tola and the entire family in Christ name. 
RIP Biola Ayenigba .

July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
Aunty B was always fully of life, joy and smiles. You were always ready to go out of your way to offer assistance to all who needed it. You were and will continue to be an inspiration to us.
We never got to go for our planned hike.
You’ve left an indelible mark in our lives.
We pray for all the grace your family needs to go through this trying time.

I miss you
We miss you

Cornelius & Peju
July 24, 2020
July 24, 2020
Adieu Biola, I recollect you as a quiet and reserved classmate In Med sch. I bless God for all he helped you achieve. From the tributes I’ve read , I can tell you lived well and touched lives. The Almighty God will succor all you have left behind. Rest on in the bosom of your Lord and savior.
July 24, 2020
July 24, 2020
Hmmm, words fail me to describe you my dearest sis B of God as I love to call.
You are indeed of God and that's why He has brought you home.
I thank you for the love, care and advice you gave me.
All the prayers you have banked for Levi will work for him and he will surely make you proud.
Continue to rest in peace till we meet to part no more.
July 24, 2020
July 24, 2020
Wow, still can't believe this. Struggling on what to write.. I can remember the first time we met you were so friendly. I can remember when I told you I was pregnant you were so happy for me you screamed and hugged me tight. I still have the gift you gave me. Hmm Abiola sun re o. Thank you for always asking after me. May the holy spirit grant your family comfort at this time.
July 24, 2020
July 24, 2020
May God grant you eternal rest Biola and comfort your family.
July 24, 2020
July 24, 2020
Biola was a classmate. You've fought so many other battles and won. This is not a loss but gain for Christ. Rest well doc.
Condolences to her family
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Rest in the bosom of your Lord Jesus Christ. Love you with the Love of christ.
Till we meet to part no more. RIP
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
I'm still in disbelief of this devastating news. I came to know you as we waited for our boys after signing. Then a bit better as we both worked at LSTM. Although a short time but enough to see your calm, kind, caring and humble personality.
Our deepest condolences to your family. May God give them increased strength at this time.May you rest in peace.

Nicholas and Alexander Family
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Biola , I knew you way back in medical school and recently reconnected with you on Instagram.You were such a lovely and easy going lady .Its shocking and sad to hear that you are gone.We take solace in the fact that you knew the lord and you are resting with Him.My prayers are with your immediate family .The lord will comfort and uphold them.
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
It so sad to hear you have gone to be with your creator. I wish you could have stayed longer but God knows best. Rest on dear friend. Biola, you will surely be missed.
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Abiola – I am at a loss of what to say. You were such a powerful and strong lady, so full of life and energy, and I just can’t take it in that you’re no longer with us. I will miss my desk buddy with your big laugh and even bigger heart; your singing in the office even when you didn’t know you were doing it that made me smile; hearing about your adventures and the fun you got up to with Levi; chatting about those feedback emails and how we were full of tough talk of what we would say back; seeing photos of you all dressed up glam with your beautiful friends and family. The world is not going to be the same without you and I’m going to miss you Abiola.
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Biola, never believed I would be writing this tribute. You came into our family marrying my cousin and bringing happiness that radiated in every sphere. You were a rare gem with a pure heart. Always ready to give a helping hand. You were more than a wife, you were a sis.
You will be greatly missed by us all. Goodnight my dear till we meet again.
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Am deeply saddened by the tragic and unexpected loss of our wonderful sister in Christ. BIOLA hunnnnm She truly brought joy to all of those who are lucky enough to worship God together with you at Alive Bible Church in Liverpool. We will miss her terribly. And I will missed the way you call big mummy.
Biola sun re o. A fe o sugbon Jesu fe o ju wa lo
From Sister Clara
Alive Believer's Church Liverpool
July 23, 2020
Hmmm it's so sad that you have to live us this way, with the little time I spent with you, you were such an amazing being, it's so heartbreaking that you have to go sis Biola, we can't question God, he knows why, your memories will always live, Joyce you love heels too much nd fashion like you always say to me will miss you so deeply, may you find rest in the blossom of the Lord till we meet on that resurrection day. Goodbye but not forgotten sis Biola.
Joyce Igbineweka
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Auntie Biola,

It’s taken more than I anticipated to come to terms with this news but I know that you have relocated to a place of peace, rest and calm.

Though I wish it wasn’t so soon, I still give God the glory for He knows what is best for us all.

I’ll never forget the words of encouragement you’d give me when I was at my lowest, your bright, bold and beautiful outfits that always lit up my Sunday’s, your support and business ideas and most of all, your admirable bond with Levi.

Though it’s tough right now, I know God has a bigger plan for your family and all things will continue to work together for their good.

I wish you total rest and love.
I miss you.
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