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October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh, I was given a great opportunity to be under your guidance for the musical in 2012. You gave me many sincere advices to help me to understand my character of the servant. During one of our rehearsals for the musical, you gathered us together to sing the songs and I recalled feeling the love of God though the lyrics. I wouldn't forget your dedication to the musical which I believe touched the hearts of the audiences though the love of Christ.

You were an inspiring teacher and I always admired your artistic talents that were used to please the Lord. I still remember that the songs, "One Voice" and "Victory in His Name", would always warm my heart from hearing the school sing as one unified family. Thank you so much for your steadfast love for PL. I know that you have returned home to the embrace of our Father, and you will be dearly missed.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
It breaks my heart not being able to be there tonight to see you off, i apologize for not asking more about you when I last saw you at the PL fun fair. 4000 miles away and keeping you in my thoughts, goodbye Ms Loh, thank you for being you.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
It has many years since I left PL, but Ms Loh your name is still etched in my mind. You were a wonderful person and did great things to be remembered by all. May your soul rest in peace. You will be missed.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
It's been 13 years since leaving PL and Ms Loh was such an instrumental part of my secondary school years. She would coach me to play the piano every week to play for chapel and encouraged me to grow my craft - leading me to find a love for serving the Lord in church for years after. I do remember while rehearsing for a Thanksgiving service, she told me to play the school song with pride and love - if not, don't play it at all. It really struck me how much she loved the school and what it stood for. (I never approached the privilege of playing the school song the same way again).

Being in PL Cherubs under her care was a privilege and her contagious joy was felt by all. The weekly cca sessions and the overnight music camps made me realise her dedication to us, her students and to the legacy of PL.

Being my Lit teacher she brought the love of the subject to me and encouraged us to write from the heart, its never abt the results (however I do remember the high level of distinctions proved what a good teacher she was).

She will be missed by the hundreds of students she helped mould. My sincerest condolences to her family, friends and fellow PL lites.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
She was one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure to know. I always had fun talking and working with her. She cared about everyone and her absence was felt when she went for therapy. Now it'll be felt even more in school no doubt. It's just so sad she had to leave so early. Rest in peace Adeline. Somewhere up there, i hope u are able to tell how many people you have touched in your life. Thid site is but just a fraction of it.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Adeline was a very good pupil. Every Teachers' Day, she would visit us with chocolates and though she was in hospital, she sent me her last Teachers' Day message that made my day. Adeline, in that sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore.

Mrs Winnie Tan
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Thank you for being my choir teacher. Thank you for teaching us music. Thank you for creating beautiful musicals. We will miss you. RIP Ms Loh.
October 31, 2015
October 31, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,
I'll always remember you endearingly as the teacher so passionately in love with God & with music. Who played the piano & sang with us as you taught us the songs you wrote. Who mentored our music practices & brought colour to our playing. And on a more personal level, the teacher who auditioned me into PL & subsequently into harp.
It's been such a blessing to have been under your care. Thank you for showing us it's not just about the results, but the spirit & heart behind the music & how we can use it to bless others. For leaving behind a legacy of music and songs, that brings comfort to me till this day. And beneath it all, bringing the simple message that Jesus loves us very much.
Thank you for everything you've done in our lives, Ms Loh. I didn't realise back then how the things you did in our lives have helped shaped me to who I am today. Thank you for using music that transcends boundaries to teach and guide us in life. That no matter what happens now & in the future, I know there's this safe home in PL I can look back on, gain strength from, smile, and carry on. Thank you for creating and giving me a chance to experience all these.
"He knows your pain, He'll never let you go, He gently holds your precious soul. He lifts you up, and in His love you'll stand, because you're holding the Father's hand".
Rest well Ms Loh, you're home now.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

I remember the times we spent sprawled out in the little dance studio and you read us Macbeth with such gusto! Your voice was so animated and I thoroughly enjoyed those lit lessons! I saw a friend's fb post with the lyrics you have written, and the tune just came along with them. You are really one amazingly talented woman!:) You have fought the good fight, you have finished the race and you have kept the faith. Rest in peace, my dear teacher <3
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Ms Loh,

You have never taught me and I don't even think you remember me. But back then in 2006 you auditioned me for an appeal case to enter PL in Sec 1. It was initially supposed to be me playing the piano but after you heard me struggling with it, you gave me another chance and asked me to sing a song instead. And with that, I passed my auditions, entered PL and the rest is history. :)

I joined PL Choir and had the privilege of being under your charge at my first musical. Your compositions were amazing, and it brought the musical to another level. So blessed by your gift of music.

Thank you for your contributions to PL and the impact you've left on all the PL girls who have crossed paths with you. You're now enjoying God forever with no more suffering, and someday we will meet you soon in heaven.

Love, Hannah
Class of 2010
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Loh, I will always remember you as the strict but kind-hearted teacher that was always so brilliant in composing music. I was always amazed year after year at how PL's theme songs and songs from the musical that were written by you were so beautiful. I remember how you always ensured that PL Cherubs did their best and played well, I will never forgot your words on encouragement before our SYF competitions and performances at Agape Concert Hall and how you always pushed us to achieve more. Thank you for loving us and for inspiring so many of us. You will be dearly missed by the many people you blessed.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Deeply sadden by the passing of Ms Loh who was my sec 3 lit teacher. I can still remember vividly how she conducts our lesson on Joan of Arc and I will always remember the beautiful words of the songs she wrote which brought comfort in troubled times.

" In me you have perfect peace, only tribulation in the world but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world."

Ms Loh your song, your voice will be dearly missed but we can find comfort knowing that you are resting in the arms of our Father forever.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Hi Ms Loh,
was shocking to hear you leaving us! remember the literature lesson you had with our class! and of course with us falling asleep...with you waking us up to wash our face to continue the Julius Caesar! the lesson that you tried your best to make us feel more interesting ..and of course once was being punished by you..was caught eating in the class!!! although lit was never my favorite subject but I love your music lesson! love watching you playing the piano!!..and of course many great theme song that you wrote for PL LITES and till nw still tt fresh in our mind and making a difference in our life till nw! you have fought a good fight! You are now safe in the arm of the lord!!..our Heavenly Father! you'll be missed!
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,
From the early days of Gideon the Musical which I had the privilege of taking part in as a student in the 90s, to the later musicals of PL, you have never failed to inspire generations of PL-lites with your gift of music and zest for life. As a teacher, you were always so bubbly. As a colleague, you were always encouraging.

The lyrics you have penned
The melodies you have created
The faith you have inspired
Such beauty will remain in our hearts forever.

At the end, it's not the years in the life that count. It's the life in the years. ~ Abraham Lincoln
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
The news came to me recently, its heartbreaking to know a loving teacher have left us. Throughout my 5 years in PL, I'm really lucky and grateful for you to be teaching me. I'll always remember your smile. I'm happy that you are in Lords hands and free from the suffer.
Thank You Ms Loh.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Loh, I will always remember you as the super talented teacher in music. Your compositions, your piano playing and singing have always left me in awe. I remember being scared of you during harp practices because you were really strict with us and made us practice until we were perfect. But because of that, PL Cherubs could achieve what we have achieved. You would always pray with us before every performances and encouraged us before we went on stage. Thank you for being part of my journey in PL and PL Cherubs. You have played a part in shaping who I am today, you'll be dearly missed.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
You will be dearly missed! Rest in peace..... You will be remembered
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Ms Loh was our Choir mistress, lit teacher, Musical director, composer, etc. so much could be said but the one thing I remember most is how much she believed in her students, she disciplined us but somehow there was always this love and grace behind it all. The Great I Am was the greatest production of all time! She never failed to get us to focus on Jesus and His love for us. Enjoy heaven Ms Loh - singing songs, and dancing for all eternity!
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau."

It is in my greatest honor to be a part of PL musical 2012, singing your songs, listening to your teachings and your words of wisdom and truth. Your life has been nothing but a testament of His never ending love, grace and mercy and Ms Loh, you have indeed lived a life of purpose. Your influence does not end and may your legacy be forever lived out. Recalling the musical where I had to record a song, it was challenging but u made it possible for me. I, who constantly had a shaky voice because of my nerves did not think it was possible to hear my voice on replay but thank u for giving me the confidence and the courage to step up and face the challenge.

It has indeed been my greatest joy to catch a glimpse of your wonderful works during the musical and in my 4 years in PL. Daddy God has taken you home and am glad you are in a better place now, singing, dancing and enjoying beside Him. Thank you Ms Loh. Your impact in my life has been tremendous. Rest in peace.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Loh

You will be missed! Rest in peace !
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
I had the privilege of being in PL Cherubs where you were the teacher-in-charge. You have definitely played an instrumental part in helping the ensemble achieve many great things. You were strict with us, but it was only because you believed in us and wanted us to reach our fullest potential. Most importantly, you always made sure that God was in the centre of all that the ensemble did. You have truly left an indelible mark in the lives of many- inspiring us with your many talents, character and faith. I can only be so thankful to have crossed paths with you.

This is so bittersweet because the school has lost dearly beloved teacher but we can take comfort that you'll be free of pain and reunited with Jesus.

Thank you for all the lessons. I will take them with me wherever I go.
Rest in peace, Ms Loh :)
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

You were my form teacher in Sec 1. You were away for a term and when you came back, you found out that I was doing badly in school. I remember talking to you near the computer labs. You reminded me of how much potential I had and showed me that someone did care. You changed my life.

Thank you for every thing you have done for me. I have a colleague who reminds me of you all the time. You will never be forgotten.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Rest in peace, Miss Loh. Once a PL Lite, always a PL Lite.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
It was a sad news hearing of your demise. Although our paths never crossed in PL, I had the privilege of singing with you in some musicals with Prinsep Believers' ministry. Indeed, your gift of music and passion for God has been a silent inspiration. Much condolences to your family in this time of grieve but we take comfort in knowing you are in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father. Rest in peace, Adeline.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Miss Loh, thank you for teaching us what it is to do what we love. The songs you wrote, the lessons you taught, your beautiful voice still rings. These memories left in us, will never fade.. May your beautiful soul rest in peace and you'll be greatly missed.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Adeline Loh

You may recall me as a familiar face, I remember returning to PL 2yrs ago and you smiled at me when you saw me singing for Chapel.

You were the one who gave me hope and light that an immature voice at the age of 13yrsold could grow to be leading worship one day. You have been such an inspiration, when ever I think of the musical that I participated in in 2004, The Father's Hand Musical, I recall all the things you've taught us as a choir. You are indeed a gift from above and we know that you are safe in the Father's Hands now!

God must be really happy to have one more talented person to play and sing for Him all the time now :)
Thank You and have fun being in the presence of the Lord always!
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Knew Adeline in PL when we were students. We lost touch until I started to join in the Alumni activities. She has been one of my role models in school and always remembered her strong display of what a GB girl should always be. You will always be fondly remembered.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
"I've lost the spark that lit my life, I've lost the tune I sung; I've lost the friend, none can compare; I'm lost through all my days" (Musical song 2004)

Your song encapsulates so much of what I feel today. The world has become darker, emptier, and lonelier without you. I remember the first time I worked with you on the musical in 2000, you said you wanted it to be completely original and I stared at you in amazement. But such was your faith and passion. You produced not 1 but 4 original musicals and God used and multiplied your gifts and talents. Your words and songs have touched many.

I remember the late nights in your house, trying out different tunes, quarrelling over the right choice of words, getting distracted and talking about our lives. I remember how we were so caught up in writing a song once - this was in the school lab - that we wrote through the night until 6AM the next day. I remember how you always talked about seeing the musical as a way to reach out to the girls, to let them know of the Father's love. I remember the stories you told me about how some of the songs were a reflection of your own journey or songs you had written to encourage others. I remember the rides in your car after musical finale night, after the celebration and laughter - how we sang together, praised God and prayed together, cried together, how we shared the magic of that moment and understood God's hand in everything. I remember how you were there in every season of my life; you always had the right word; you saw the big picture, understood me in such deep ways and you always saw the best in people.

This is what I wrote to you after the 2012 musical: “I am proud of what we have done. Deeply proud. I'm proud because every time we do a musical, it is proclamation of what He is doing in our lives. Our lives are books and God writes himself into the story of our lives - the musical is but a reflection of this. It has been such a privilege and blessing to be involved in this. Throughout all these years, you have been that consistent, unfailing friend always reminding me to go home and I thank God for our friendship.”

Thank you for investing in lives, not just mine but the lives of the many students you mentored including our musical girls. I thank God for the 16 years of adventure we have had together writing those 4 musicals and the privilege of witnessing your talent and gifts used mightily. These were some of the best times I have had in my life – they were magical moments that have anchored me, shaped me in such deep ways. It almost feels a piece of me has died with you. I miss you my dear friend, partner-in-crime, mentor and sister. You will always be my Northern Star.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Where do I begin? Ms Loh was my Sec 3 form teacher. She taught me Literature and Geography. A huge part of me loving those subjects was Ms Loh. She taught with the sweetest spirit and made class time enjoyable. Not to forget her lovely smile, something I still remember 15 years on. You will be missed, Ms Loh but I rest in the knowledge that you are in paradise with our Heavenly Father. With love.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Loh, as I type this, I'm looking at an email dated 29 Oct 2014. I had emailed you regarding the possibility of an article on 4 generations of EL teachers in PL for ELIS' '50 Years, 50 Voices: 50 Years of English in Singapore schools' book and following that, we talked on the phone for a bit. You asked when I was in PL, what class I was in, if I remembered this teacher and that teacher. I said I remembered you from my PL days -- you didn't teach me, but I remember you singing and being in GB --- and you laughed and said maybe my face would be familiar... Who would have known that you would be called home exactly a year later?

I remember the excitement and pride in your voice as you pointed out that PL had not just 4, but 6 generations of EL/Lit teachers, and rattled off their names. Later, See Hwei mentioned in an email that you were on leave for 6 months. I assumed you were on course.

Much has been said, and I'm sure much more will be said about your love and dedication to PL, and of your love for God, for people, for teaching, for words and for music. You've had a full and love-filled life. Enjoy eternity, safe in the arms of Jesus. :)
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dearest Ms Loh, I still fondly remember you as my favourite literature teacher back in school. Though my interaction with you was short, in those brief years where you taught us lit- you brought so much passion and love into what you taught, and helped me to see the subject in a whole new light. Though it deeply saddens me to hear of your demise, I am happy for you are now free from pain and sorrow, in a better place, a sheltering and glorious home in heaven.

I'll always remember you for those amazing moments where you wowed the PL family with your musical gifts in the PL musicals and other performing arts marathons and I am honoured to have been a part of the performing arts group to have sung your composed songs during the finale moments.

I celebrate your life and the students you have impacted, the songs you have written, a beautiful testimony of a life well lived for God. May you now be face to face with our Father in Heaven, to hear him say, "well done, good and faithful servant." :')
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Ms Loh,
Thanks for narrating Macbeth with such passion and tenacity, for being gentle in correcting our mistakes, for showing me that words can hold so much meaning, depth and insights, for believing in our abilities even when circumstances may bespeak otherwise, for being an inspiration not just in literature but humanities, life and teaching. Thank you for running the race before us, you've blazed the trail and paths of many PL lites, like myself. I aspire to be an educator with your gentleness, humility, love and grace.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
There was never a dull moment in your classroom as you took on the various characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. You were patient with those of us who had a truckload of smart comments. I will always remember you with your guitar and singing with a big smile. I am glad our paths crossed. It was a privilege and blessing to have been taught by you. Thank you Ms Loh. Rest in Peace.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Ms Loh was my English tuition teacher back in secondary school. I still fondly remember how she would always take time to correct my pronunciation and guide me step by step in writing a good composition. She always put in her time and effort to help me selflessly - many times extending tuition hours voluntarily and free of charge. Ms Loh was the one who made me want to explore Christianity back then as everything about her reflects Christ. I will always remember dearly the times she would pray for me and encourage me through messages before my exams. I believe God has sent her to me to guide me in becoming the Christian I am today.

Even though she was just my tuition teacher, she meant more than that. She was the one person whom I really looked up to. She made me feel special when I felt lousy about myself and gave me the confidence to speak up and be the person I am today. In many ways, she has inspired me and encouraged me. She found out about my birthday from my report book years ago and ever since then, she has never failed to send me a birthday greeting every year.

It's of great sadness to know about her parting but I know she's safe in the Lord's arms, in a place where there is no more suffering. I will miss you dearly Ms Loh. Every year, I would wish you Happy Teachers' Day. I didn't expect this year to be the last and I guess for the many years to come, I would feel empty not being able to send a greeting to you anymore. You have been special to me and made a significant impact in my life. Thank you for being a blessing to me and to so many others. You have indeed finished the race well. Till we meet again in glory land.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
You fought a great battle and returned to our Lord's arms. The legacy that you have left behind shall never be forgotten. Rest in peace Ms Loh. You will be dearly missed by all...
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
My dear hainanese sista, I'm sorry I never got around to passing you the Aussie trifle you liked. You were such a spark in Plmgss! I remember you & Suzanne coming over to my circuit rd house with icecream & the agenda of working on The Great I am musical cd design & programme. Ad, you're legacy will live on always, your smile, your warmth, your genuine love for friends & student will be missed. Love you babe xxx
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
The last time I visited PL was when my sister got back her O level results 3 years ago. I remember seeing Ms Loh walking away from the staffroom. I recognised her from the back, so I called out to her and she waved back at me, laughing apologetically because she couldn't remember me. After hearing the news today from my ex-classmate, I can't believe that it was the last time ever.

Music brought me in and through my 4 years in PL. It was also the thing I missed most when I graduated. I remember humming tunes throughout my 4 years in and out of school, and it was the supernatural instrument God used to bring me to Him as a teen.

Ms Loh was my music and literature teacher in lower secondary. Music lessons were in the hall back then. Watching her play the piano and sing propelled me to search for my inner music voice; and begin learning music in a new way - doing it because I enjoyed it and wanted to, not because I was supposed to pass some lame ABRSM exam. Inspiration is a powerful thing - I became determined enough to pick up guitar on my own and even learnt how to play my piano by ear.

I still keep all my secondary school literature notes because that season of education to me was so precious. She was very encouraging, honest and generous with her feedback (verbal and written) which helped me mature in thought and also helped me find my writing voice (which she always said was very important). There was no way I could have guessed that I would ever end up on the other side of the classroom, doing and saying those same things to my EL students now. 

Ms Loh also taught me English when I was in upper secondary. She was a very good at analysing our strengths and weaknesses, and paid close attention to details. She also had a good sense of humour, and had really good rapport with the class. I can recall very clearly how she would laugh at us reading a list of commonly mispronounced words she would put on the OHP. 

I always prayed that I would never be called to stand and read anything in class. She did call on me once, and I can remember that moment of attention she gave me because it impacted me so profoundly. Maybe it was because I was nervous. (I think she had not heard my voice in that 7 or 8 months she had taught me, which made it all the more scary.) But I honestly wanted to know how I sounded - and I knew I could count on her to give that kind of feedback.

Ms Loh was always gracious and I have never felt embarrassed or put down because of anything she said. Her analysis of my reading tone was spot-on. She was the only teacher who ever told me I sounded apologetic, and gave me really good advice on self-confidence, how to articulate and emphasise on the right words without me having to sound sorry for it. I was very mindful of what she said in those few months leading up to my O levels. Now as a teacher, I always remember how she said it, especially while giving advice to sec 4s taking their EL oral.

Back then, as a teen searching for identity and meaning in life, nothing could be better than having a songwriter for a teacher. Come to think of it, she’s got to be the most multi-talented teacher I have ever met. I didn’t manage to watch ‘The Father’s Hand’ because I was a stagehand, but I got the CD after the musical because the lyrics of the songs really spoke to me while I listened backstage and during rehearsals. My favourite song from the musical is ‘Through His Eyes’.

‘The Father’s Hand’ musical was one of those pivotal spiritual markers in my life because I never really identified God as a person, and much less a Father. My spiritual journey began in PL and has only gotten more colourful since then. Listening to the songs now as I write this, I think Ms Loh didn’t just have a whole lot of talent. She had a deep passion for God and relationship with Him that she wanted very much for her colleagues, friends and students to have as well. Music is timeless, and the message through the songs still minister to me today.

PL was the place Ms Loh poured out her love, passion and time, and God knew what He was doing by placing her there to bless girls one batch at a time. PL has lost an angel, as Ms Yoong has put it. May God comfort her loved ones and the many students who will miss her.

“He knows your pain, He’ll never let you go
He gently holds your precious soul
He lifts you high and in His love you’ll stand
Because you’re holding the Father’s hand”
(lyrics from ‘The Father’s Hand’ 2004)
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

You given the best part of your life showing us what it is like to be able to read and appreciate literature. To put ourselves into the shoes of the others and experience life as it is.
You have made life in school not just about you teaching and us listening but also to nurture us from girls to young ladies of good character

Thank you for everything you have done for us.
You will be greatly missed

May you rest in peace Miss Loh.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
My fondest memories of Adeline - her reaction to my home-cooked rendang and me secretly scared when I sat in her passenger seat when she gave me a lift once. I remember her random rhymes and her laughter. I guess she's doing what she always does best on earth in heaven now - laughing and loving. You're home now. Rest in peace, Adeline.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
You have been the kindest and most sincere person I have ever known. A true Christian who loves and serves God passionately. Someone whom had helped me, as an outsider, to integrate into the school culture. Those 3.5 years of serving God alongside with you in the same department and CCA were the best years of my life. You helped me countless times, protected me when someone did not call my name nicely. You chided that person gently and with love. I did not forget that incident. I told myself I would treat a younger person with respect like how you did to me. When you got married, I was very happy for you and marvelled at how creative you were with the wedding details. When you were sick, you still encouraged me so much over the text messages. You have blessed me deeply and have left a legacy of love. Thank you for being a big sister to me.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
I didn't know Adeline as a student or a teacher - I only got to know her when I got involved in PL Alumni. I was blown away by her joy for life, her Godly character, her passion for her students and her work... and her wonderful sense of humour. Adeline's life was a testimony to God's goodness and she is deeply, deeply missed.

Rest in peace, Adeline. You truly shone God's love in PL and beyond.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Even though she is not my class teacher or neither did she teach me. But I do know one thing is for sure is she is friendly and outgoing n bubbly as a teacher in PL. R.I.P 
Ms low.
We love u always
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
I will miss you ...
Your warm friendship since DipTess more than a decade ago ...

Your inclusiveness in drawing people to you ... you saw me and reached out to include me in the group ... our times in Peter Hamilton's class, together with Terrence and Helen ... our makan sessions at Holland V ... our rides home in your really fast car, our rushing assignments at your home ...

Your remembering our same birthday ... your birth story and can-do attitude never fail to inspire me ...

You'll be missed and never forgotten ...
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Ms Loh was a very nice and talented lady. The first time I met her was in 2012 as she was organising the PL Recital then. Although she seemed fierce at first, as I got to know her better, I realised that she was a very gentle person with a very bubbly personality and also had a lovely smile. The second time I met her was during PL Fun Fair in 2013. As the teachers was counting how much we raised during the fair, the rest of the school were singing our past theme songs. I saw Ms Loh playing the keyboard and Ms Yoong (then the principal) told us that Ms Loh wrote the 2010 theme song (Victory in His Name). I really enjoyed her original compositions a lot. It is such a pity that I only had 2 encounters with her but I am glad that I met her especially on a more personal level.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Years have passed, flowing down life’s stream.
But the fond memories seem like yesterday’s dreams.
My heart weighs heavy as I sigh.
I wish I had the chance to say goodbye.
You loved life. You loved music. You loved laughter.
Most of all, you loved Our Father.
Blessed is heaven to welcome the birth of an angel.
Till I see you again in God’s divine chapel. 

Love always,
Little Ears
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Adeline loved not only her students, she also loved her colleagues. I remember working with her in the Staff Welfare committee where we would try to give the teachers the best what we could afford with our limited budget: Hawaiian-themed bbq, CNY yusheng lunch, Christmas dinner etc. She was happy when the teachers were well looked after. And who could forget those nights during staff retreat where a few of us would meet secretly in a room to hold hen parties for the brides-to-be? Face masks, mani-pedi, naughty games led to hours of laughter and unforgettable memories. Thank you Ad for those good times! RIP. You will make one special angel.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear Ms Loh,

Singing your compositions as part of the choir for PL's Musical "The Father's Hand" was and unforgettable one. You were such a talented and kind hearted woman that never failed to touch the hearts of people with your songs. You were always very encouraging and supportive of every student, including myself. Thank you for inspiring us with your music. Your legacy will live on!

Rest in the Lord, Ms Loh. You will be missed.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Much has been said of you and as I read the testimonies, I am stirred to share my memories of you.

I remember calling you jiejie when I first met you, it was when I followed mummy to PL and you were still a GB girl then. It was a good evening and I remember being very well taken care of by you and many others.

A few years after, you became teacher Adeline, I remember being taught by you at Sunday School. I remember the little purple bear I received from you one Sunday, that brightened my Sunday morning as a child.

As I continued through my years in PL primary and secondary, you then became Ms Loh. Thank you for taking us through Literature classes, going through To Kill a Mocking Bird. The passion that you had as you taught each class, and not forgetting the smile that was always (and will always be) encouraging and inspirational.

I've always enjoyed singspiration when you led, because you did it with such conviction in the Lord whom we believe in. You made the songs come alive, but more importantly, Christ was the centre of every praise given.

I may not remember every Sunday school lesson or everything from TKAM, but I remember that fire as you taught, as you sang, and all throughout the different phases in life where our paths crossed.

Thank you Ms Loh, for touching so many lives in PL, and the great impact that you've left. You will be missed.

Deepest condolences especially to the family during this time of grief, but we take much comfort in knowing that you are now in heaven, free of sufferings.

Till we meet again in heaven one day.

Class of 2009.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
Miss Loh thank you for all the melodious songs you have written for PL. PL is really blessed to have such a wonderful and dedicated teacher like you! Thank you for being my choir teacher for 2 years! I really was motivated during my choir days. But I was also sad when you left choir, I almost had no motivation. But you left a deep impression for me and I was glad I had a teacher like you! Continue to write more beautiful songs for God and may you continue to touch other people up there!
RIP Miss Loh.
October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015
I remember you most fondly as our teacher-in-charge of PL Cherubs. You invested so much time, love and effort in us, you supported us through each performance and always pushed us to give our best. You were the one who taught me how to aim high and exceed my own expectations; you were there to nurture and guide me through each step. Seeing your passion and enthusiasm in music and in us really sparked my passion and love for the cca.

Even as our music and literature teacher, I absolutely loved your classes. I remember how you narrated Macbeth with such passion and tenacity - you made literature come alive and you taught us how mere words can have deep meanings behind them. I love the many songs that you wrote for the school and musicals, and I always found myself humming along randomly, even after I left school.

Through those adolescent years, you were the one person I looked up to, the one I turned to for advice and encouragement. I can never thank you enough for shaping me into the person I am today, and I hope that you are proud.

You are now Home, and no longer suffering. Rest in peace, Ms Loh.
I love you, and I will miss you.
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