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February 17, 2019
February 17, 2019
Hey, Bro

I missed bro yesterday I left the phone in the car. So I wasn't able to write. Im just doing anything I can think of right now to get justice for you
I love you.
February 14, 2019
February 14, 2019
I love you so much bro, Happy Love Day.
Until I see you again.
February 13, 2019
February 13, 2019
I really miss you bro...!!!!!
Not a day goes by I'm not thinking of you
February 13, 2019
February 13, 2019
Hey Dre, it's pouring cats in dogs outside right now. It's 6:37 Wednesday the day after your birthday. You know what I was thinking yesterday we call ourselves having a birthday party for you without you being physically present. And look who shows up to the party. Andre C. Gladen. That's crazy bro like y'all ain't having no party without me. I thought that was hella cool.
I can't be there the whole time I'm sorry Amirre was hot. Gotta make it up to him so.
I love you bro
February 12, 2019
February 12, 2019
I love you Brother, as selfish as I am I wish you were here with us. Happy birthday .
February 10, 2019
February 10, 2019
Hey Bro, I love you we here at Applebee's on Arden with Polina, Zharia, Alayjah, Citas Lamar, Amirre, Kenneth,Rekenya, Mom Jakara, Marquis, Tawlanda. Enjoy the night in the name of JUSTICE4DRE
February 10, 2019
February 10, 2019
I love you so much and I'm so sad that your gone it's going to take me a while to except that you're gone I know that you're in a better place I'll see you soon.

Amirre Perkins
February 9, 2019
February 9, 2019
Here bro, I obviously thought about you yesterday, having conversations with you in my mind doesn't quit work out to well. Any who I miss the hell outta you bro. I suppose I better stop saying in tried of this world before God takes me without me being able to the justice we're fighting for on your behalf and the other families. I'm sad your not here I always wanted the best for you by any means necessary but not in million year was that one of the ways I'd amagine you received the heavenly glory. Nothing in the world couldve prepared me for this one. We weren't of the same minds but we always linked. Weren't as close as I'd like but I always pulled up for you. Busted stupid dope moves for you and with you wild goose chases. I remember when you had me squeeze pellets out your skin I was scared as hell but you said it hurt you and I needed to help take the pains away. Mostly I thought to my damn self there's no opening my bro fuckin crazy but true enough we got it out. I wish you just wouldn't come back home before New year's. 
February 7, 2019
February 7, 2019
Bro I miss you so fucked much, I can't believe you went and left us on our own without you. Somethin gotta even bro I can't walk around with this hurt. This video is all I got left of you alive hearing your voice and watchin you I hate this fuck place for what its done to you. I'll stand up CAUSE AINT NOBODY PUTING THIS DOWN TIL THEY PAY STR8 UP. I nicca walk around with a smile to keep the questions away. No I'm not fuckin fine no I'm not lettin this ride no exceptions eye for an eye I need that muthafuka in hand bro there's no shutting me up I want skins frfr.
Free my aches and my mother pain.
Justice or esle
February 7, 2019
February 7, 2019
I love you Brother,
Losing you is the worst thing this world has done to me thus far.
The blood rushes faster, harder, stronger, hotter each day with no answers. Tic tic tic he will pay somehow one day. The courts won't make me whole again.
February 5, 2019
February 5, 2019
Hey Alpha,
It'll be a month tomorrow since you've be gone. We're fighting for you bro won't stop until justice is served, believe me.
I can see your smile and hear your laughter right now. I miss you bro
February 4, 2019
February 4, 2019
As far as my eyes can trace the sky, I'm looking thru the grounds of heaven to see if God will allow me to see a glimpse of you playing in the clouds. I know your a peace. I wouldn't pull you from such a place. But I day dream of all the conversations had and those we'll never have. As the days are long I'm still here grateful but sadly missing you.
February 4, 2019
February 4, 2019
Morning young king. Your legacy will forever live on through your wolf pack, children and people you have met in your walk of life. You showed me a new look on life so i no longer take mess from anyone. Your presence is truly missed here but i can feel your presence more now than ever. Honestly today i just wanted to cry but i know i gotta stay strong for the babies though. I love you Dre. I can hear you say " KEEP YOUR HEAD UP TAWLANDA" #JUSTICEFORDRE
February 4, 2019
February 4, 2019
Morning Alpha,
I think about you heavily, and how much you meant to us wish we could have shown you more of the love we had inside. We took for granted time not ever thinkin one day you'd leave us.
I love you with all my heart
February 3, 2019
February 3, 2019
Good morning Bro,
I love you. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I won't quit fighting for you in anyway I can. Ppl reports will learn the truth.
February 2, 2019
February 2, 2019
Morning Bro,
Ask God for a good one today, You closest to him.
February 1, 2019
February 1, 2019
Hey Dre.. Wish we where face to face so i could say it to you. Man some days are harder than most but i feel you pushing me and saying, " Get up! We got work to do Tawlanda." What has happened has truly woken up a lot of our eyes to the way we love one another and our time that we never cherished before. The years we had with you was something special to us all. What we took for granted we wish we had that back. They said God don't make any mistakes but this i will never understand. Wrapping my head around it isn't working because like i said before i don't understand the reason for this. I love you bro. Keep watch.. #WOLFPACK
February 1, 2019
February 1, 2019
Dre never fronted and was the realest person I ever met. He did not try to impress anyone, he was simply who he was and either you accepted it or you didnt, he did not seek your approval. He lived life the way he wanted it, and he always stood up for others and would tell you what is on his mind. I never met anyone who was a straight shooter until I met Danny Torres and Dre. That is why they were/are my best friends.

He would always have a positive attitude regardless of his situation. He was a stand up guy. A man. He always stayed strong and did not feel sorry for himself. He perservered. I will miss hearing that deep ass voice whisper followed by his laugh which always lifted me up. You dont meet many people like him in a lifetime, his realness is rare. Everyone in our neighborhood in Concord had nothing but respect for him. He was our brother and I wish I spent more time with him. I will miss you brodie, you didnt deserve this. IN COMBAT AGAINST AN ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES, I COULD NOT FIRE UNLESS FIRED UPON! YET HERE AT HOME, COWARD POLICE SHOOT OUR OWN CITIZENS WITHOUT FOLLOWING THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT I HAD TO FOLLOW IN COMBAT DURING WAR, AGAINST OUR ENEMY. THIS IS NOT RIGHT, IT IS NOT OK, AND IS PURE FUCKING COWARDICE!

RIP DRE gone but never forget

Sincerely your brother,

Daniel Robles
Alpha Company 1-2INFANTRY "WOLFPACK!"
February 1, 2019
February 1, 2019
Morning Dre, Tell God I'm not ready yet I got a new portion this morning and I'm gone do better cause I wanna see you again. See you seeing me ain't that something.
I love you Dre, part the cloud and wave
# imsodre
February 1, 2019
February 1, 2019
Today is like many others to come I'm sure. Bro I miss you alot I've became accustom to not seeing you every single day but time will only tell. You told me so many things I begged you to hush for a second. Caught a breath or let me speak. At this every moment I'd give anything to hear your voice Black what cha up to? You coming back where my nephew. I wanna see you be around you have pleasant dreams about you at least. Oh word can't describe how much Im missing you and how dear you where to my heart. Little did I know you wouldn't be apart of my future but definitely left a lasting impression on my past. My big baby brother the love and momeries will never fade.
I love you
January 26, 2019
January 26, 2019
I said see ya later, never thought i wouldnt. I said, I'm out and told you I loved you never in a million did I know that was my final goodbye. Its been 2weeks and six days you left bro I'll never be able to mourn you properly you leaving took a lot from me from us. I truly can't understand it and honestly I never will why you were taken from this life. Like you struggled enough with life. Life is a b**** and now we all suffer because you're gone you leaving this place is different from Tyree. And now that you're gone I have to find another way to love on you, the vision of you, your laughter and joking you getting on my nerves. There's nothing I would change about you bro are you exactly who you were supposed to be and there was no more room in this life for you and I wish I had a proper way to say bye to you now if I know that that was our last time I would have said with you all night and just talk in love with you I miss you so much. I miss you so much I wish I never happened to you I just want you back.
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