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December 3, 2016
December 3, 2016
Dear Husband,
All that I need is the touch of your brings me a little bit of heaven.....I can remember the exact first time your soul whispered to mine.....and I know that you woke it.....and it has never slept since!
December 2, 2016
December 2, 2016
Dear Husband,
There is nothing more that I would rather do than rub your head as you my fingers on the back of your they fit perfectly in the creases....our fires ignite....the world belongs only to true....our special gift from deny my Love for you....would be to deny my soul of existence.
December 1, 2016
December 1, 2016
Dear Husband,
As Love grows in grows too....for Love is the beauty of the soul....I will wait....I am waiting....and I Love you with all the Love that I possess....until this soul is set free.....where you will be waiting!
November 30, 2016
November 30, 2016
Dear Husband,
I will always be known as the girl who caught your eye...I belong to you....I've belonged to you since the beginning....before I even knew that I did.....everything that I out of Love for you!
November 29, 2016
November 29, 2016
Dear Husband,
I closed my eyes softly and fell in Love with the way I remember you....body.....soul and all......anywhere with better than anywhere without you!
November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016
Dear Husband,
My Love for you is very powerful and just simply will never can't be buried...or ignored...or walked away from.....and never broken....I have deeply resonated with you....our deep Love connection remains despite any distance...time...situation...lack of presence....or circumstance!
November 27, 2016
November 27, 2016
Dear Husband,
We are the palettes of creation....we are the travelers of the mind.....yin and yang intertwined.....light and dark chasing each other....our eternal souls burn and breathe our dreams into being.....lifting our veil......dancing through the void.....the darkness and its permeating shadows......softly feeling the warmth of the light....touching and transforming to the be the rainbow forming in the be Love and share that Love with feel the very essence of Love in everything.
November 26, 2016
November 26, 2016
Thanksgiving was Thursday and I am so thankful to have had a Dad like you because not only were you my Dad but also my best friend. Remember that time I came over because my mommy was leaving and she was scared to leave you alone so she had me "babysit" you? Lol... I remember everything we talked about and everything you told me.. We are so much alike and I miss you everyday bestfriend...
November 26, 2016
November 26, 2016
Dear Husband,
I didn't fall in Love with you because I was lonely or lost......I fell in Love with you because when I saw you for the first was the only time that I had ever wanted to make someone a permanent part of my life!
November 25, 2016
November 25, 2016
Dear Husband,
You found parts of me that I didn't know existed.....and in you I found a Love so rare and beautiful......that some would not believe it was real.
November 24, 2016
November 24, 2016
Dear Husband,
Today is a very sad day for me, it is my first Thanksgiving in 41 years that I have been without heart is torn in a thousand pieces....I cooked all of your favorite dishes, just as you were still are in everything.....everywhere....always and forever......I can not escape you.
November 23, 2016
November 23, 2016
Dear Husband,
If I had my life to live over again......I would find you that I could Love you longer.......bring you more joy.......fill your heart with more happiness......To you I belong!
November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016
Dear Husband,
Your Love has made me sure.....I am ready to forsake this worldly life and surrender to the magnificence of your being.
November 21, 2016
November 21, 2016
Dear Husband,
A kiss is just a kiss until you find the one you Love.....a hug is just a hug until you find the one that you are always thinking of.....a dream is just a dream until it comes true......Love was just a word until the day that I met you!
November 20, 2016
November 20, 2016
Dear Husband,
To Love is nothing.....To be Loved is something.......But to Loved by the person that you everything!.......and the best feeling in the world
November 19, 2016
November 19, 2016
Dear Husband,
I am sending you extra Love.......extra light........extra prayers......for our Love light never stopped shining.
November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016
Dear Husband,
My soul is poured into yours and is blended........we have become a beautiful glimpse of Loving......of melting into one........alive in the wildness of the universe......Love of all Love
November 17, 2016
November 17, 2016
Dear Husband,
I feel your essence everyday......I live in your memories everyday.....I feel as though I have Loved you for a thousand years......and I will Love you for a thousand heart bleeds for you......everyday I fall more and more in Love with you.....and you can feel me when I think of you.
November 16, 2016
November 16, 2016
Dear Husband,
There is a light that shines especially for you and and I will always burn as one flame.....entwining minds light this little world that we have created.
November 15, 2016
November 15, 2016
Dear Husband,
Our Love was so powerful it became what defined us......surely one heart must have been sliced in half put in me and the other inside of you!!
November 14, 2016
November 14, 2016
Dear Husband,
I Love you with the fire of a thousand suns......You were a meaning I never knew the word for until I met you and learned your name.......Thank you for being my greatest spiritual teacher.
November 13, 2016
November 13, 2016
Dear Husband,
To live and Love with you and be one forever
To be near you so I can reach out and touch you
To make Love with you..laugh with you ..cry with you with you..and be silent with you
To hold you close every night ..waking up to you every morning
To share my secrets with you..and be honest with you
To understand and respect you..accepting you for you
To find shelter in you when I am afraid..and to hold you when I need warmth
To be with you through all the seasons..walking with you in the sunshine.. and cuddling with you in the cold
To care for you when you are ill..and be joyful with you when you are happy
To grow old with you..and be with you till the end of time
With you only I want all these things
With you only would I do all these things
To you only all my Love
November 12, 2016
November 12, 2016
Dear Husband,
Our Love is like a friendship caught on the beginning a flame....very pretty.....often hot and fierce......but still a strong loving our Love grew older......our hearts matured.......and our Love becomes as coals.......deep burning and unquenchable.
November 11, 2016
November 11, 2016
Dear Husband,
Yes I Love you.....Yes I Love you......Yes....Yes....Yes....Yes!
November 10, 2016
November 10, 2016
Dear Husband,
I am still next to you
I am still with you......after all this time
I am still beside you.....a place I Love to find
I am still in you......where we are divine
I am still adorning you......Loving how you shine
I am still.....we are!
November 10, 2016
November 10, 2016
When someone you love becomes the memory, the memory becomes the treasure. I love you my chocolate sugar drop
November 9, 2016
November 9, 2016
Dear Husband,
Thank you for the here is one for you......when we words were needed for us to realize our soul recognition.....our Love goes deeper than language.....we know each other heart to heart and soul to matter how long or how far.
November 8, 2016
November 8, 2016
Dear Husband,
When Love runs soul deep.......a kiss is no longer a is a place where heaven and earth meet.......I close my eyes and speak to you in a thousand silent ways.
November 7, 2016
November 7, 2016
Dear Husband,
I know that I have spent each lifetime before this searching for one like you.....but you.....for your soul and mine must always come together.
November 6, 2016
November 6, 2016
Dear Husband,
I will spend an eternity Loving you......caring for you......holding you.....showing you everyday that I hold you to the stars!
November 5, 2016
November 5, 2016
Dear Husband,
I have set your soul on will never burn like this again, except with Love is one of a kind exclusively for you my sweet can not be copied to another person
November 4, 2016
November 4, 2016
Dear Husband,
I cherish the power of you.....I cherish your memory can feel me when I think of you.....I belong only to you......I adore give me shelter me from the will always have me my Love.
November 3, 2016
November 3, 2016
Dear Husband,
Thank you for giving me the strength to make it every day......through you I am able to complete our are the most Loving husband in the world......thank you for never leaving my side.....I am connected to you no matter where you are!
November 2, 2016
November 2, 2016
Dear Husband, It has been nine months today that you passed away, and I miss you more with each passing day......I miss rubbing your head.....I miss touching you.....I miss your beautiful smile.......I miss our all day extensive conversations......I miss doing things for you.....I miss cooking for you.....But my have found your way back to me.....and I am grateful everyday......I feel like the most blessed wife in the world........we found each other in the dark!
November 2, 2016
November 2, 2016
I love you my first love, more than you will ever know
November 1, 2016
November 1, 2016
Dear Husband,
Nothing can break the soul bond between matter how long we are matter how far we are apart....heart to heart...soul to soul.....we are always connected.
October 31, 2016
October 31, 2016
Dear Husband,
How can you give me so much strength.....and yet be my only weakness?????
The first time I saw you.....when we couldn't let go.....I swear we knew then that we were infinite.
October 30, 2016
October 30, 2016
Dear Husband,
I Love you with all of my body, heart and complete made my life worth living.....To have known you and to have Loved you has been like a beautiful dream.....I can only hope that I never wake up.
October 29, 2016
October 29, 2016
Dear Husband,
We share a quiet confidence between us......and with it, the knowledge that our frequencies operate at a level that only we can understand.
October 28, 2016
October 28, 2016
Dear Husband,
As soon as you passed.....a beautiful Love story unfolds for the world to see......I never thought this would happen to you and me.
October 27, 2016
October 27, 2016
Dear Husband,
My heart cries for soul bleeds for are in my every thought....I Love and miss you more and more everyday....but I have learned to live with the recognition of your presence that goes much deeper than language....I long for it everyday.....Thank You for moving Heaven and Earth to make a way for our Love.....we found each other in the dark.....where I will be waiting for you my Love!
October 26, 2016
October 26, 2016
Dear Husband,
I feel a part of my soul has Loved you since the beginning of everything........I knew I Loved you when home went from being a place to a person......YOU........I am connected to matter where you are!
October 25, 2016
October 25, 2016
Dear Husband,
I'll be waiting for here for your silence to break......for your soul to shake......for your Love to wake......all I ever want to forever my Love.......Love you!
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016
Dear Husband,
My Love is one of a kind to you my sweet can't be copied to another heart and I miss you so much.......true Love never dies and distance lingers not......for each day comes night......when candles again ignite!
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016
Just letting you know that I love you and miss you so deeply. I know you are looking down on us. My chocolate guardian angel sugar drop.

Until we meet again kisses
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016
If our love could have saved you, you would have lived forever
October 23, 2016
October 23, 2016
Only you and God knows the pain and hurt that I go through every day. I love and miss you like crazy, and so do your grandkids. I want to be with you so bad but I know i have to care for your grandkids,your wife and your son in law.  I love you Ohh so deeply, until we meet again my chocolate sugar drop
October 23, 2016
October 23, 2016
Dear Husband,
You were you........I was I........we were two before our time........I was yours before I knew........and you have always been mine too!
October 22, 2016
October 22, 2016
Dear Husband,
The essence of you........I feel you......I smell you........where the lips are silent......the heart knows a thousand ways to speak!
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