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October 24, 2018
October 24, 2018
Thank you for coming to see me this morning when I closed my eyes to go to sleep I see you smiling at me but first you had to play and mess with me I seen you eye and eventually you moved back so I could see that big smile on your face just what I needed to make me happy so I could sleep well I love you so much
October 21, 2018
October 21, 2018
Hey baby ,thinking about you as always ,baby its getting cold weather now i know how you hated the cold now you dont have to worry about that there ,i was thinking about that earlier today ,you also made sure i was going to have good heat here ! we was working on getting all new windows but only got a few of them but im going to work on that baby ! I just dont know whats gonna happen when it snows i wont be able to shovel the snow off the steps and drive way probably gonna loose my job ! we can only miss so many days in 6 months ,i know dad will try to help me ,but hes getting to old to be doing all that shoveling ! i got plenty of stuff to do to keep me busy for awhile when i get stuck here all alone in this lonely house ! Im not looking forward to these holidays coming up it will be the first Thanksgiving without you ! Manda and me will be spending it together alone at her house ! I miss you so much baby ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
October 19, 2018
October 19, 2018
Your battle is now over; no more tears flowing down your cheek,
no more pain, no more suffering; now you are no longer weak.
I still do not understand why this had to happen to you,
but I am proud to say you are my dad, the greatest man I ever knew.
You were always there for me and never once made me cry
until the day you closed your eyes and had to say goodbye.
Now you are my Angel, so spread your wings out wide.
Please wrap them around me whenever you see me cry.
One day, Heaven will bring us together.
So watch over us Daddy, as I know you do,
and I will keep remembering how much I love you.

Missing you tearfully Dad, I love you soooooo soo much.
October 15, 2018
October 15, 2018
Morning baby here i am again missing you but i know you see i do ,you see me here sitting here thinking about you tears flowing down my cheeks baby i miss us !when you went to your heavenly home you took my heart with you ! Im still trying to be strong for you ,but some days i just cant be as strong i just want you back here with me ! I was just thinking it used to be Bobby and Kay ,Dad and Mom ,Grandpaw and Grandma,Mr and Mrs Wright ! Now its just Kay ,Mom ,Grandma ,Mrs Wright !!! so yes you took my heart with you ! My life as changed so much I know i will never truely find happiness again ! Im getting used to being by myself ,but not being without you here with me !I Still hate eating dinner alone thats why i enjoy going out to eat with Mom and Dad on Saturdays ! I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
October 14, 2018
October 14, 2018
Just sitting here thinking about you before I go into work I miss you everyday just wanted to tell you I love you. You will always be my hero
October 13, 2018
October 13, 2018
Hey Dad, thinking about you. I think you're trying to communicate through me. I had a conversation through text on my phone that is no way possible to have lol. Kinda freaked me out at first wondering how it happened but, then I smiled at the thought that maybe it was you. No other logic. I miss you like crazy every day, and wish I could see your name pop up on my phone, or a knock on our door, and it'd be you. I really need a Dad kinda hug.. I always do. I'm starting to see orange butterflies around our house, and it makes me think it's you visiting. You loved orange. Keep sending signs, and always be with us. I love you Dad, soooo much.
October 10, 2018
October 10, 2018
Hey baby just wanted to tell you im missing you down with me ! havent written you for a few days but you are always on my mind and in my heart ,I havent been feeling too good lately my back has been hurting and along with other things going on with me i think alot has been that im depressed it can do alot to the soul and mind !cant believe its soon gonna be 11 months since you left me here seems like yesterday but it seems i havent been able to hear you say you love me forever ! the holidays are going to be here soon! Thanksgiving is going to be the hardest to get through for us ,you were with us the last one Mandy cooked for us ! Life just isnt the same without you baby ,you were the glue that held us together i spend most of my time here at the house with your pictures and memories alone !You know baby i will never find happiness again like i had with you ! theres nobody compared to you and the love you had for me ! and you know i could never love another as much as i love you Bobby ! Were Soulmates Forever and Ever! I wIll Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Thinking of you today as always.. I know u are behind all these little gifts the kids are getting! We had a man hand kaytlen 5 dollars at the dollar store and she's always finding pennies and nickels! Keep shining and showing us that you are still around. We miss u and speak of u often. Love you always "dad" til we meet again
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Wonted to let you know we still missing you miss that big smile think about you every day always look for you when we drive by your house always did well keep my brothers straight up there and Lou lou love you bobby
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Wonted to let you know I was thinking about you missed you at Neal's wedding you WOULD have loved it in .y heart I feel you was there first time I seen kay happy in a long time love you until the next time keep EVERYONE up there with you smiling
October 3, 2018
October 3, 2018
10 months ago today, God called you to your Heavenly home. You may be gone from my sight, but you'll never be gone from my heart. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure; you are loved beyonds words & missed beyond measure.
I miss and love you so much Bobby/Dad #2
October 2, 2018
October 2, 2018
Thinking about you always you should be here not the same without you lil Neal wedding on Friday was nice but not the same without you I am sure you were watching over us and we're there with us I miss and love you so very much words could never express how much I love you and so grateful for you and everything you did for me Lucas still continues to talk about his pawpaw I will not let him forget you even though I don't think he will he has to hold the picture I have of you on my visor everyday while we are waiting for the others kids to get out of school he always says my pawpaw with his hands out waiting for me to give it to him and holds it until we get back home then he says to put it back love you daddy
September 29, 2018
September 29, 2018
Good Morning baby ! missing you wished you were here with me and the family ,yesterday Neal married his soulmate Stormy it was a beautiful wedding i know you were there with us ,i was actually able to be happy and got to enjoy life i havent been able to do that for a very long time ,Neal slow danced with me ,we danced to You Should Be Here ! he held me tight against him i felt as if you were the one dancing with me inside of Neals body that was a amazing feeling of you holding me ,i hope to experience more of them moments with you baby! You were and will be my soulmate ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
September 27, 2018
September 27, 2018
Not a day goes by that I don't wake up wishing it was just a horrible dream. I am thankful for the memories that flood my head. I still break down missing you. I don't think it will change. I didn't just lose my father, I lost a lot. I lost those random phone calls from you, me being able to call you. I lost our nightly video chats, visits with you, hugs, and kisses on the cheek. I lost hearing the I love you's, and your silly laugh. I lost my go-to advice giver, problem fixer, and one of my best friends. That just brought tears to my eyes again. Thank you for being my dad, and thank God for making you mine. I love you so much Dad... sooooo much.
September 24, 2018
September 24, 2018
Hey baby ,just wanted you to know im missing you ! Im still trying to be here without you its so hard not having you here with me .i just try to be strong and do what you would want me to do take care of everyday things ! Lil Neal will be turning 20 Thursday and will be getting married on Friday and will close on his house on the 30th ,they will be living in Jacksonville NC near the base ,he has grown in a very wise young man since youve been gone ,Jacob is a senior this year and will be going into the Navy when he finishes school hes really doing good too hes still working at the car wash,we have some great grand kids baby!WE also raised some great kids our selves Im proud of each of them baby as i know you are ! I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
September 20, 2018
September 20, 2018
Just wont you to know I STILL miss you so much. Miss seeing you acting on your steps waving when I. Go by or calling me telling me about the special going on at one of the stores that is setting not acting lol my bad but you know  how I am always messing something up I miss our talking on the phone you WOULD call me to talk if you was upset over something  talk to me about it made me promise not to say anything about it you trusted me guess that's why I started feeling like you was .more like a son you could talk to me as if I was your mother love and miss you
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
Hey baby just wanted to tell you good night and i love you and miss you soo much ! wished you were here to kiss good night like we always did and say our love yous to each other before we went to bed each night! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
hey baby been a couple days since i have written you but that doesnt mean i havent thought about you just been a pretty busy week for me at work people preparing for the hurricane buying up all the water ,bread ,batteries ect,finally got a day off just hanging at the house went and paid the house taxes with the bonus we got at work it really helped we got 398 00 and my pto time i got pd for the taxes so im good on that for another 6 months hopefully we will get another good bonus by that time ! I Dont have money like i used to have to spend on what ever i wanted now i can only spend on what i need ! if this job didnt wear me down so much i would get a 2nd job but i just cant do it baby !i I stay tired all the time from the time i get up till the time i finally get my butt to bed ,theres so much i need to get done around here just dont have the energy or motivation to do anything ! Bobby today is one of those days where i cant stop crying ,im trying to be strong baby my heart is so heavy with the pain of missing you right now I want my life back ,i want you back here with me Bobby i just cant go on without you baby ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
Yesterday Nick turned ten we would usually get together and celebrate not the same without you in ten days lil Neal will be getting married wish you could be there with us in person I know you will be there in spirit I miss you and think of you everyday I know you must come see Lucas not a day goes by that he doesn't say something about his pawpaw and he always finds at least one penny if not more me and the kids love you so much
September 15, 2018
September 15, 2018
I think of you all the time Dad. You never leave our minds. Life just isn't fair. No amount of time has made it any easier. It feels like forever since I've seen you, heard you, hugged you... yet, I can still remember you here as if it was yesterday. You made a huge impact in our lives. A true role model of how a Father should be, how a good person in general should be. You left us with a lifetime of memories. You've always been there, I can't believe you're never coming back. That thought takes my breath every time. I sure hope you knew before you left of just how much we love you. We all showed you..and you sir, showed us every day. I'm rambling on.. I just miss you so much Dad. Forever, my hero. Always my Father. You told me I was one of your best friends, so now one of my best friends, best man in my life is an angel. I love you sooooooooo much Dad.
September 14, 2018
September 14, 2018
Lucas wanted to say hi pawpaw he loves looking at your pictures everyday his eye light up he says he loves you so much
September 14, 2018
September 14, 2018
Good morning bobby I dreamed of you last night you was here with us buck and buddy also we were having a good time together I
Miss those days we was having a family get. Together you was cooking the hamburgers as always you was cracking jokes with lc kay was right there by your side helping you God I. Miss those days we love and miss all of you well until the next time I love you son in law /son keep EVERYONE smiling
September 14, 2018
September 14, 2018
I justed wanted to tell you that I love you so much I wish I could tell you everyday I wish you were here to get a big hug I miss u so much
September 13, 2018
September 13, 2018
Well daddy they were talking about this hurricane was going to be worse then flood if eighty five I remember we lived over by the river and when the waters went down you took all of us Michael Lisa and me down to the river to go and see what washed up I remember we found lots of Elizabeth Arden makeup bags not sure what we did with everything. Just wanted to share a memory with you cause I was thinking of you please watch over lil Neal during this hurricane since he refused to leave the base love you so much
September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018
Bobby i just dont know how to go on without you baby! Im trying so hard it hasnt gotten any easier in these 9 months that you left me here alone ,i just do what i have to do to get through i know i have all these things i got to do in general like go to work pay bills take care of the cars ,try to keep the house in order ,but when im not doing any of those things im just lost without you to guide me through everyday life .i feel as if im never going to be happy again !your not here with me baby ,all i do most of the time here at the house is think about you and cry ,i know your here with me but i cant see you or hear you ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
September 10, 2018
September 10, 2018

Daddy I heard this song and made me think of you I held your picture and cried the whole time the lyrics hit me hard because those angels should know they got a hero nine months ago one of the best I love you and miss you everyday
September 10, 2018
September 10, 2018
Hey baby missing you today ,i have been missing you for over 9 months now! Thinking about how you would like to have chlli or potatoe soup or beans on a chilli day will today has been one of those days where that would be really good to eat ! I m gonna miss cooking those things for you ! hell baby i just dont do much cooking at all now its just me waste of time and food only can eat left overs a few days !Thats why i look forward to Saturdays mom and dad take me out to eat so i get to eat good once a week but its gonna be getting cold so i guess we wont be going as much! Im not looking forward to the winter months gonna be stuck in this house alone when it snows i wont be shoverling snow off these steps to go to work ! the Holidays are coming up soon and Thats really going to be depressing for me have to go to work see everyone doing there shopping for there loved ones then more depressing when i have to come home to a empty house here without you here baby ! I know its gonna be hard on the kids not having you here to share the holidays ,im glad they have someone to help them get through the heartache of not having you here with us !Its gonna be real sad when i gotta wake up and go to bed on them holidays alone without you !I know Thanksgiving was your favorite ,the last holiday you had Manda made it special for you baby ,she made sure the deviled eggs was right for you ! Melissa told me you give Lucas change to hand to her all the time ! Lucas loves his paw paw ! I love and miss you so much ,you should be here ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright !!!!!
September 10, 2018
September 10, 2018
I think about you all the time, and wish we could still have conversations/special talks like we always did. With the Hurricane on the way, I wish you were here to talk to right now. You were so smart with the weather, and predicting what could happen. You'd be able to tell about how bad we would be getting hit. I swear you could have been a meterologist. You could always predict when a storm was going to hit, you'd say it'll be here in 10 minutes...and you were always right every time. Missing you so much. Keep watching over us, and if you can - keep that mean ol Hurricane far away from us. Don't let any of us be in harm's way. Love you BUNCHES.
September 10, 2018
September 10, 2018
Missing you so much just wanted to tell you I love you daddy
September 7, 2018
September 7, 2018
Thinking of you today.. I looked up and my eyes went straight to the picture of you and I.. So thought I'd come here and let you know I was missing you! Love you always til we meet again.  Save me a spot!
September 5, 2018
September 5, 2018
Hey baby just wanted to leave alittle love on your page before i go to bed ! Bobby im missing you soo much !its so lonely here without you everywhere i look in this house theres something of yours reminding me of you and the memories i have of you ! i wish everyday God could of healed you here on earth so you could be here with us ,i would be Happy instead of being sad and lonely all the time ! i never thought i would have to be here without you ,we were suppose to grow old together ! If my love could of healed you ,you would still be with us! God got the best Angel when he took you baby! Thank You for watching over us! Im always looking for signs from you baby I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
September 5, 2018
September 5, 2018
Everywhere I look there always something that reminds me of you I know you are letting me know you are with me always i miss you so much everyday I glad God blessed me with the best dad ever love you so much Daddy
September 5, 2018
September 5, 2018
Stuck awake and thinking about you Dad. I know you see all above.. just wish you could help stop some things from happening. I know you' certainly disapprove of some things, and probably feel disrespected. I'm sorry on their behalf. I wish you were here so badly, but I know where you're at is peaceful finally, and heartache free. You live in my heart Dad, and a piece of my heart is in heaven with you. When my day comes, I'll be flying with you. I love you so much Dad.
September 4, 2018
September 4, 2018
Thank you daddy I know you were there with Lucas earlier when we had to rush him to the emergency room I kept him calm by looking at photos of you he had to get five Staples in his head he kept pointing to his head and then at your picture and then his self like he was saying that you were there with him holding his hand when they put the Staples in he loves his pawpaw so much the nurse told him that he had his pawpaw's eyes he shook his head yes he loves the photo of you him and me together that is his favorite I gave him a copy of his own to carry around he finds your pennies everyday guess that is a game y'all play together he tells me he sees you everyday I will make sure he never forgets you love you so much Daddy
September 3, 2018
September 3, 2018
Bobby nine (9) months ago today you left us and went to your heavenly home to be with your dad , Jessie,Earl ,and your other loved ones now Linda is now with you all ! I Know you are now pain free and no longer suffering ! i know you didnt want to leave us here without you ,you knew it would break our hearts but your body got tired and couldnt take the pain any longer ,you fought all the way to your last breath to stay with us ,you made sure you told me you loved me !you didnt have money to leave us but you made sure i had my kitchen redone and the washer and dryer in the kitchen so i wouldnt have to go to the basement ! you waited for your mom to come say good bye to you and everyone else ! you broke alot of hearts when you left ! its been so hard being here without you baby ! i dont know how i manage to go on .some days i break down and dont think i can go on then i hear you tell me i can do this to be strong and go on that our kids need me and mom and dad does too ! so i try to be strong for them even though i just want you here back with us ! i get so lonely here without you i just have your pictures and memories here with me ! im on here countless times a day just to look at your gallery and read your tributes ! You were and will always be my soulmate i will never stop loving you baby ,you will always have my heart! even if i do what you told me to do find someone to take care of me ! i know you dont want me to be sad you want me to be happy again ,i know i will never find someone like you ,that could ever love me the way you loved me ,no one will ever spoil me like you ! i miss that soo being spoiled im not used to waiting or asking for anything from anyone! i miss the little things we did ,i miss taking care of you eating with you , i hate eating alone ! i miss you so much Bobby ,you are my heart and soul will always be! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
September 3, 2018
September 3, 2018
Thanks for always helping me dad. You did on Earth & now in Heaven <3 You have kept your promise made before passing, you are staying near, never far. That's you though, you were in my life every day, and still from above you're still here with us. Hope you continue, we still need you! When my day comes I hope to get the tightest I've missed you hug. You'll have to teach me up there how to use my wings, and oh the pranks we will pull on those down here :D I miss you so much Dad. 9 Months is too long, 9 months of pure sadness without you. I wish I was as strong as you were, people say I am like you in some ways but I think Melissa ended up being strong like you, and her and Michael both got the hard worker characteristics like you. I'm like you by never giving up, and keep working on whatever I am doing with patience. Finish the job, and determination like you. You deserve that best dad ever title. You taught us kids a lot in life. Just not how to deal with this.. but each day passes. We're making it somehow. We were lucky kids. A true father, and role model. A hero. I love you Dad, So much.
September 1, 2018
September 1, 2018
I got to surprise Mandy yesterday with something I had made in memory of you. Just one of the many things we'll be doing to honor you. It meant so much to her, Kay saw it also and almost burst into tears. Mandy was Daddy's Little girl... You were her Hero. Always will be. You never gave up, and we know if you could be, you'd still be here fighting holding onto life. You were so strong. I'll always admire your strength, your love for your wife and family. You always will be so special to us. I still choke up and cry all the time over you. Losing you was like losing my Dad, a Dad all over again. I lost mine almost 17 years ago... But having you in my life was like I had a Dad #2 again. I am sure you and my Daddy are up there cracking jokes together while looking over all your loved ones. Hug my Daddy for me. I still miss him every day. I miss you so much, Bobby/Dad #2. Thank you for loving me as one of your own kids. I love you bunches! Until we meet again....Save me a spot up there!
September 1, 2018
September 1, 2018
Good morning baby,wanted to write you alittle before i head off to work 7-4 today ! wow its getting on the 9th month since you left us ! and im still missing more each day,i dont know how im getting through i guess i know i got to get up every morning and go to work bills need paid ,and got to take care of things that need to be done I know you dont want me to give up you taught me to be strong get through life ,it really helps when i get family support Michael has been checking up on me to see how im doing That really touches my heart he knows thats what you would want him to do i am very thankful for him ! I dont know what happened to Lisa she hasnt tried to keep in touch we talked at Lindas service and she was suppose to stop by never heard from her ! you never ever leave my mind baby I talk to my costumers everyday as i do with coworkers ,i know your with me you show me signs ,Nobody knows the heartache im going through when i loss you i lost my life im so lost without you baby I WiLL Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 31, 2018
August 31, 2018
Hi Bobby setting here thinking about you and missing you I was worried about gloria yesterday then I could here you telling me everything will be ok I miss talking to you I do sometimes you always have me advice about lc I know you REALLY love him he loves you and misses you do me a favor please tell buck I'm STILL missing him buddy and mom to well until the next time love and.miss you
August 30, 2018
August 30, 2018
Thanks for the signs to let me know you were with me at work last night I bought that red plaid flannel shirt you put in the buggy along with the boo berry cereal. The kids liked the picture I got of you on the visor I told Nick now you can be with us all the time and he said I thought he already was I said you are right but now we can see him and I know you are always leaving change for Lucas every day he brings me change and I ask where it came from he always says pawpaw for you Mommy love you so much daddy
August 28, 2018
August 28, 2018
Well Bobby another night another day still missing you hope you don't mind that I wear your hat for a few minutes the other day made me feel close to you the one that I used to tease you about I have not seen your straw hat Farmer John just wanted to check in with you let you know I'm still missing you we all are you are one of a kind you're the best man that I've ever known of course besides my husband haha well good night Bobby love you
August 26, 2018
August 26, 2018
Just wanted to tell you I love you so much I think about you everyday tell Lou Lou happy birthday for me miss you daddy Lucas says he loves you too you were he favorite I show him your picture and his eyes light up you will always be his favorite love you
August 26, 2018
August 26, 2018
Another Sunday. This was your favorite day of the week. The Lord's day of rest as you called it. You left us on a Sunday for a final rest. Sundays use to be our day of togetherness, and now Sunday is a day that adds another week to the the last time your heart was beating on earth. You live in all of our hearts down here Dad. I got a butterfly kiss yesterday, never knew it was a true expression until one landed on my cheek and fluttered away. I don't know if that was you or Lou-Lou. I opened my phone and she was on my screen. Today is her birthday. I hope yall are sharing smiles up there. Give auntie a hug. I love you dad, so much.
August 25, 2018
August 25, 2018
Hey baby ! thinking about you again well im now been 56 for a day now .i had a okay birthday ! Missing you here with me to celebrate i Didnt do any of the birthday stuff like normal like no special dinner ,no birthday cake no birthday song just mostly spend alone time here at the house ,video chatted with Krystal and the girls like you used to do ! video chatted with lil Neal ,and ended my night video chatted with Mandy and Lauren ,got alot of birthday wishes on facebook ,im thankful for everyone that tried to brighten my day nobody can fill the void in my heart baby Im missing you so much seems as if life is just going on for everyone eles and im at a stand still I dont know how to go on with life You were my life baby and your not here with me ! I wIill Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 24, 2018
August 24, 2018
Send mom some love from Heaven Dad <3 I know you probably had something to do with something that happened this morning ;) She misses you, and so do all of us.
August 23, 2018
August 23, 2018
Hey baby i can never stop thinking about you i just miss you so much ! i have to get on here atleast 10 times a day just to check to see whos been on here and whos left you a tribute or just wrote you a message and i love to look at all the pictures over and over again ! i would like to see more people write Something to you ! Melissa made me some Lasagna and brought me a boston creme cake this evening her and Haley ate with me ,she knew i didnt want to celebrate my birthday tomorrow so she surpised me a day early ,she knew you would want her to do something special for me for my day !Mandy and Lauren is going to take me DG clearence shopping to keep my mind busy ,we raised some really thoughtful kids ,Dont know what i would do without them ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
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