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February 13, 2017

So today's ur birthday another year with out ur smile yet ur memory will always bring a smile to all much love x


September 26, 2016

I have put up two photos off prayers that remind me of the chats we had and the way she lead us to love her so dearly as she was so amazing she said to me God has a plan for us all and like it or not u can not change that. I think of her every day and smile xx

good times

September 19, 2016

il never forget how happy she was when her brothers and sisters flew over to visit she would stay up all night you could see the joy and admiration they all had for each other sharing stories of old times and reliving sweet memories the way they all looked at one another such protection and pride.They would then make a craic they would call it about one another and the laugh my nana had was one of joy it could light a dark room i see them how they was then all together round a table singing and banging on tables sharing good times #irreplacablememories

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