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December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015
Bryan, I still haven't hired a process server. Nobody was as good as you. You will forever be in my prayers.
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015
Sweetie, how time has changed things. Every day brings new adventures for Hank and I. Of course it's not the same without you, but you are always in my heart.
Love you always
August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015
Hardly a day passes when I don't reach for the phone to call Bryan. Whether it was to discuss Unit biz, get some advice, or just to shoot the s**t, it was always time well spent. Miss you Bro.
August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015
Bryan Rodgers I want you to know on this day all my thoughts go back to a time when you were here.. Your star will always shine the brightest!
August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015
Happy Birthday Bryan !! There is not a day that goes by that we don't think about you !! Its so hard to not to be able to hear your voice or to plan when we will meet for dinner or plan a sports trip together !! When Stark & I speak, most of our conversation is about you and all the memories. Again Happy Birthday and we hope your calling balls & strikes in that officiating heaven in the sky !! We sure had so much fun having Bryan Rodgers in our lives. See ya !!
Stark- Jon Lee
August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYAN!! I think about you everyday. You are always in my heart and soul. You will always be my GPS to every destination. You've touched my heart and my children's hearts forever.
I wish you were here to meet the new addition A BOY!! only two weeks out. He would have loved you, too. See Ya
August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015
Bryan -

It was great to read tributes from Judy, Bill and Jon Lee today. Three people you cared so much for. Thanks Dwayne for the reminder. I really regret that my kids won't grow up knowing you better - a stand-up guy with no agenda. Really miss you BR! I think about you a lot. Feel so bad for your parents and Michelle. Loved it when Dwayne said no one called balls and strikes better than you. Laughed today when I met some people from Encino Little League and I told them the story of you punching out the batters in girls softball when we umped together,

Hope you know how much you were appreciated!

It's been over 40 years since we met and miss you a lot.


The iceman touches and cools you off!
August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015
Happy Birthday Sweetie! It's your 2nd birthday since you've been gone. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Especially during baseball season, I mean football season, I mean hockey season, well every season. I imagined us growing old together. I looked forward to turning 50 with you. We had so much left to do together. Hopefully you are watching over us and guiding us in the right direction. Miss you Mrs. Voice
December 19, 2014
December 19, 2014
bryan.....the happiest of times wherever you are in the kingdom of afterlife...we are all together at valley view reminiscing over all our good times....andrea and jon are with me.....whenever christmas comes around i look for those certain light bulbs that make me think of you....because you are the friendship eternal bulb that keeps on shining.....everyday you mean more and more to all of us.....our love will always continue to grow.....peace from me to you.....see ya....stark
December 6, 2014
December 6, 2014
Bryan, I want you to know that you're influence on me has continued and I'm constantly thinking of you. I asked you around your birthday that with some pull maybe Simi could beat Royal. Well they did and won their league and went to the playoffs and for the first time in the history of Simi football they made the semi finals! Thank you!
I also have several times gone to my phone to tell you something, especially when they made me the play by play announcer for the freshman football games! I know you would laugh and tell me that no one goes to the freshman games but I've actually shocked a few people, they're suprised I can talk football like that.... I tell them "I'm channeling my brother!" I love you and miss you, thanks for the $20 I won a scratcher on 12/2! ---love, the sister.
December 5, 2014
December 5, 2014
First I would like to thank Dwayne for setting up this website for us. It is nice to see all the posts. Reminiscing about the days when Bryan was still with us. I especially missed you Bry at the UCLA vs USC game. Best tailgate parties EVER. You would have loved the game this year. UCLA beats SC 3 years straight. I LOVE IT !!!
I can't even hear the word hockey, baseball, basketball or football without thinking of you. I miss you my dear friend. If you knew Bryan then there had to be at least a dozen Bryan stories to laugh about. I am sure heaven is beautiful, no place like it huh Bry? Save us a place. I hope to see your smilin face again one day.
December 5, 2014
December 5, 2014
I wanted to also add that I really enjoy all the photos that folks are adding to the site. They make me smile and makes it seem like he is still here. May we all fondly remember our dear friend Bryan.
December 5, 2014
December 5, 2014
Thanks again to Dwayne for this wonderful "Memorial" web- site for our dearest friend Bryan Rodgers. Bryan you've got some of the greatest friends one could ask for. I saw Michelle, her folks and some friends this summer. The Army- Navy football game will have extra special meaning as well as following your beloved Kings and Cardinals. Stark and I talk about the good times we had with you all the time. We miss you and were very fortunate to have you in our lives. Take care Bryan and of course "See Ya" !!
December 4, 2014
December 4, 2014
Hey Bryan, just wanted to let you know that your missed. Feels like you're still around and that is somewhat comforting. Glad to know that you touched so many people and they haven't forgotten you. I'm not surprised by that at all.
December 3, 2014
December 3, 2014
Hi again sweetie . I can't believe it's been a year already that you've been gone. So much has happened in the past year I wouldn't know where to begin. I am doing okay and miss you everyday. I take with me the good times we had as well as the bad. I try to take the good things you stood for and the things I've learned with me daily. In honor of our first date I went to see the Kings play. You would've enjoyed the way they played. I hope you keep looking out for me and the dogs. Until we meet again. Love you!
November 20, 2014
November 20, 2014
So, Garth is coming in concert in Tulsa, everyone is talking about it. All I can think is I love Garth but I don't think that I could see him without you. This past year has been hard! Miss you daily, just when I think I am okay, a song comes on and I think of you again. I can only hope that you knew how much you meant to be as a friend! Cause there will always be a piece of my heart that is your special place. Geez, I guess I just realize that I miss you so much today!
August 15, 2014
August 15, 2014
This tribute is to honor a very good friend, Bryan Rodgers. Happy birthday Big Guy! Even though you're not here, I think of you all the time. I know I've lost a true buddy. I feel so lucky that God allowed me to have known this wonderful man.
August 14, 2014
August 14, 2014
It is your first birthday that you are not here, I miss you immensely! So grateful for the years we were able to share!
August 14, 2014
August 14, 2014
Happy Birthday Bryan! Not only is this your first birthday not being here but it's also your first football season not being here. I will miss us talking football, high school, college and pro. If you have any pull up there, please let Simi beat Royal!

I love you and miss you so much- The Sister
August 14, 2014
August 14, 2014
Hi sweetie. I still can't believe your not here with us. I miss you every day. I miss your voice and your smile and you being you.wish I could say I went and had Sushi in your honor , but we both know that didn't happen. Miss you more then there are words . Hope you are watching your Cardinals up there. I'll be watching them down here. Love, the wife (Aka "Mrs. Voice")
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Happy Birthday Bryan!! Wish I had a chance to tell you in person. Thank you for all of the memories that shaped my teen years. You were one of the best people I ever knew. Sending love over the rainbow.
See Ya.................
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Happy birthday has almost been a year since we last saw each other at our favorite meeting, me, and Jon lee at los toros reminiscing about our golden memories together......everyday I see your smiling face calling out hey stark, how and the hell are you....then we would tell each other another story that would bust us out in many cherished times together......but that goes to show you how much you are missed......I hope there is some game going on in the HEAVENLY KINGDOM that you are having fun calling.....from your lifelong friend.....stark.......go kings go.....2014 Stanley Cup champions
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Bryan - A BIG Happy Birthday to you my dear friend.

Do they celebrate birthdays in heaven? I imagine everyday is a celebration up there.

I miss you, but oddly enough I feel you around sometimes. When I do sense you around, I stop and smile and tell you thank you for still being a dear friend. Life is odd and sometimes things don't make sense, like your untimely departure. I must believe that God is good and because he is, he allows you to come and check in on us from time to time.

I think about you all the time in the smallest of ways when I hear a certain song, watch a Dodger or Kings game or just driving on the freeways. You were my GPS before it was invented.

Today I am so sad to be reminded that you are no longer here with us. When I saw all the new photos that were added here, I was reminded how fortunate I was to have you as my dear friend for all those years. I imagine that was the work of your Mom or Andrea. Thanks for adding them to the website.

I love you, I miss you and I wish you could still be here with us. But I happy you are no longer suffering and that now you are in the presence of our Father in Heaven. How truly magnificent that must be. Save a spot for me :)

August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Happy birthday Bryan. I miss our many talks. Thank you for always making me feel like a better person after we were done. You were always so complimentary to me. I valued the trust you had in me. I valued your trust. I miss hearing "how ARE you?" whenever you called or I called you. You will ALWAYS be fondly in my heart. Blessings on you, your wife and your family. Respectfully. Scott
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
You are celebrated and missed today as much as you are the day you left us to join the Angels. I will tip a cold frosty one in your honor today. I still pick up the phone out of habit and begin to dial your phone number. You were always there for a few minutes of verbal give and take, jibber jabber or intelligent counsel and advice about a wide variety of subjects. You were always the smart one. Your wry sense of humor, sarcasm and pointed commentary are missed today more than ever. I am hopeful that the L.A. Kings made you proud and that UCLA and Arizona Cardinal football will do the same. Love you buddy, D. F.
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Happy Birthday my Forever Friend. You are greatly missed.
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Michelle, your in- laws and some close friends had some cake this past weekend in your honor. God I miss you so much !! Happy Birthday Bryan !!!
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Brian is definitely not forgotten. A man who cared about people and about his job. Coincidently Brian and I share the same birthday, and Brian was the first umpire to kick me out of game one day at Oxnard College many moons ago. I have always considered him a class act, and more importantly a friend.
June 26, 2014
June 26, 2014
Bryan was a good friend. He had so many stories and everytime he would tell one, you were mesmerized. When I went to a Miami Heat game in Miami and texted him a picture and told him I was there, he texted back "Go to Shula's, they have great food". He'd been to so many places and had so many experiences. An honest and good guy . Bryan, you will be missed my friend.
June 10, 2014
June 10, 2014
I am heartbroken to learn of Bryan's passing. I met Bryan when I turned 15 years old and our first date was on his 17th birthday. He was such an instrumental part of my life from the start.....teaching me how to drive, taking me to the track, taking me to Las Vegas for my Sweet 16. Of course he introduced me to sports including many Kings games and Raiders games (when they were still in LA). We even got in the occasional fight with fans of the opposing teams. Even though I haven't seen or spoken with Bryan in 17 years, I never forgot his kindness or generosity of spirit. I am so happy that he found love and made a career in sports. He has been and will forever be etched in my heart.
December 27, 2013
December 27, 2013
Your first Christmas in Heaven. How wonderful a thought to know that you are in his loving presence. Imagining the angels singing and the love that surrounds you gives me peace.
One year I had no where to go for Christmas and what did you do? You invited me to Dave and Cathy's. That was a fabulous day that I will never forget. Always there for me through think and thin. Always a comforting word to put things back in perspective.
As we get ready to roll in a new year, I am reminded of how blessed I was to have you as such a dear friend for all those years. And how much I will miss you for the rest of my days. Please save a place for me in the presence of our Father.
December 21, 2013
December 21, 2013
Too many stories, too much history. From our youth, through Tarzana Park, dunk ball at the nearest elementary school, years working together through Park & Recs. . . road trips . . .being thoroughly annoyed with Bryan, and thoroughly pleased at the same time. Never seen a referee make a call from the opposite base line, never seen a ref wear a muni sports jersey, wrap around glasses and beach jams after arriving 25 minutes late - and get away with it with the classic BCR CHARM. To Mich his darling wife, faithful and true. For his family - the Frey's tip our hats in deep loss of a childhood friend - we shall see him soon.
December 16, 2013
December 16, 2013
To have a friend who accepts you for who you are, without judgement, expectations and genuine compassion was Bryan. Over the years we became more than just Assignor & Umpire. The layers of the onion started to peel itself and revealed the better man in both of us. Your freakish intelligence, and your aptness to enjoy life was infectious. You were/are truly one of the finer human beings I have EVER met. Love to you Brother.
December 15, 2013
December 15, 2013
Just an all around wonderful man. Always a calm spirit, honest, non-confrontational, and willing to challenge what appeared to be unfair. I've know Brian for over 20 years and never heard anyone speak an ill word about him. It saddens me that we lost a good official but a better man but I am so thankful that we have a wonderful angel to watch over us as we navigate life's journey. Brian you are forever in our hearts.
December 14, 2013
December 14, 2013
Bryan Charles always said hi to me by saying "BRIAN CHARLES" and I would say "BRYAN CHARLES"..sometimes that's all we said. 

Rest in Peace - Bryan Charles
December 14, 2013
December 14, 2013
It had been 24 years since I'd last seen Bryan or as I'd call him B Rogers. I was holding my first tournament with another team and he told me first off how proud he was of me for doing it and how special it was to be doing it in the area where it was held. I was totally nervous about it and stressing out, but we talked on the phone several times and Always kind and special words came from him, and I'd like to say B Rodgers how special you are and proud of you that I am for your friendship, support and what you've done for me and my life you were a blessing from God, A remarkable person irreplaceable, bless you my friend.
December 13, 2013
December 13, 2013
Bryan, you will forever be missed. Each of us that were privileged to share time with you became better. You are a man with humility, grace and a sincere caring for all who came into contact with you. It is my hope that we all can leave the world a better place as you have done. I feel very privileged to have known you. R.I.P my friend.
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
Farewell Dear Friend; You are Missed...

Although unheard I thank you
For always being there
Even when you were bedridden
You always seemed to care

You meant so much to so many of us
you were special and that's no lie
you brightened up the darkest day
and even the greyest sky

Many tears I have seen and cried
They have all poured out like rain
I know that you are happy now
because your no longer in pain.

For years on, we will remember you
And what you used to say
You made each of us smile
And live to the fullest each day

They say in time it gets easier,
this I hope is true

I was not ready to say goodbye
Your frailties just over took you,
So on this day we remember you
and take a second look

Our friendship is forever
Until death did we part
Although your away physically
You’re always in our hearts

                  "Time is Meant to Heal"      
                  -KIM THOMPSON
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
Bryan Rodgers is a Great Man and he motivated and encouraged many officials. I was one of them. He was always kind to me and he was always willing to help me in refereeing and umpiring in any way he could. I met Bryan 4 years ago and I am thankful I got the opportunity to spend some moments with Bryan. "Bryan, your legacy will live on." Thank you for your time with all of us. Rest in peace.
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Ode to Bryan Rodgers.......
He was just a kid when I met him.....
A kid with a thirst for sports....
A kid who at 15 wandered into division 4 basketball territory....
A kid who turned into a man that dominated adult league hardwoods....
From tarzana park to winnetka park to mason park you always officiated with fairness and an everlasting smile....
He epitomized joy and class as a referee and umpire.....
He helped many future officials along the way.....
He never let adversity slow his quest for good times with people.....
He cheered me up one Christmas Eve when I was sick and downtrodden.....
He always greeted me with a happy face with "stark, how the hell are you?"......
His departing message each time was "see ya" with a loud high pitch sound......
He nicknamed his tarzana league the 't' pot dome......
The best players in the valley once played for him......
He was proud of his accomplishments........
But never bragged about himself.....
His love for his family ran deep....
His love for his friends was always steadfast.....
He will always be remembered for his loyalty to all....
Sometimes life throws us a curve ball that we sometimes can not see coming....
He could hit many of them out of the ballpark...
There comes a time when all of us will miss one....
This is so unfortunate at a time when this was so unfair....
The term the good pass on young is so true in this instance....
But remembrances of only the finest of times should always stay with us in a positive manner.....
He was and always will be my closest of friends....
He is Brian Rodgers
Go Cardinals....
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013 many times did I bother you and call you on the phone at night to talk about "the right call"??? You have always been there for me and other coaches, always being fair and a straight shooter with everyone. Men of integrity are hard to come by Brian....I am thankful that I was able to meet someone like you! I know coaches and umpires sometimes clash, but in your case, I always trusted your judgment. You will be missed a great deal in the community as a great umpire and a better man! I pray that God will take care of your family during this time and we will pray without ceasing! Love you brother....
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
My first BB playoff game was with Bryan. He was a great partner and had a such a level-headed perspective on officiating. I wish I had got to know him better. RIP and God's blessings to his family.
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
I first met Bryan 3 seasons ago during my first softball meeting for NSFV. I was new to this unit as I came from another unit. Bryan was very open to me and made me feel welcome to the new unit. Bryan always had my back and when he needed an umpire on a last minute assignment he knew he could always count on me to be there. I would do anything to help Bryan because he was such a great guy and worked very hard for all of us. Both Bryan and Terry were my biggest supporters to get a final some day..... it is sad we lost both of these great guys in the same year. I hold my wife a little tighter each night knowing life is so precious and so short. I will truly miss Bryan. RIP my friend.
December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
I didn't know Brian, however we shared the same passion for the love of sports and officiating. May his passing be a reminder to all of us to live life to the fullest and pursue your dreams. I have a feeling that's exactly how Brian the fullest. You will missed but not forgotten.

Sean Nielsen
1st year volleyball official
December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
Another shocking reminder of living each day to its fullest. Frank Sinatra's "I Did it My Way" is a fitting tribute to Bryan. Bryan was an excellent official and leader in the San Fernando Valley Officials Association. The last time I worked a game with him was the 2007 CIF Semi-Final in Riverside, a game which took over 3 1/2 hours for 7 innings. To Bryan it was a pleasure knowing you and the times we worked together.
December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
Brian you will be missed by all. You were a wonderful human being who always had time for us coaches. Sadly it always takes absence to value presence and Brian I can assure you your presence will always be on the diamond. Thank you Brian for all you did for our boys over the years. R.I.P.
December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
Bryan, thank you for allowing me to spend time in your world. You'll be missed by a lot of people.
December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
I first met Bryan Rodgers when he was in high school. I had just been transferred to Tarzana Rec Center as Director in Charge. The previous director had mentioned to me that Bryan could help me with the sports program and the rest is history.  Bryan helped me establish Tarzana as one of the best parks in the city .
Through the years at Tarzana, Bryan was like a little brother to me.
His specialties included running tryouts, working with coaches and always representing himself as caring about the Tarzana community..  Working with him made my stay at Tarzana incredible!
Everybody who knew him couldn't help but love him. I feel so privileged to have known Bryan Rodgers. He will always have a shining place in my heart.
December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
Bryan was an incredible friend! So thankful for all of our adventures! He will be greatly missed!
December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
Bryan, you were a true friend...always looking out for me. I so appreciated your generosity and kind words. You will be missed both on and especially off the field. Thanks for making life better...much love my friend. Rest in peace.
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