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Memories of you Capoo

November 3, 2019
All I have here are pictures of you and the priceless memories shared with you as you beloved daughter..
I appreciate all the things you freely did for us, even the very little things that made no sense to me then but you happily gave yourself to do them
I'm forever grateful that I call you father and that I shared in your life.
I'm thankful for you and our family, our love and unity.. I'm thankful for the gift of a wonderful mother and the best siblings ever❤️❤️❤️❤️
Capoo.. I'm proud being called your daughter..

Thank you for living a good name behind for us..
Thank you for your legacies
Thanks for setting the path ahead gor us all
Thanks for give us Wings to fly

I hope we make you very happy and proud of us someday.

Sleep on my defense council
Sleep on my General
Light our paths and, 
Always shine your light upon us all ☀️☀️☀️

I miss you daddy

Always your little girl 

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