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September 23, 2019
September 23, 2019
Morning mum
Hope your spending time with family & friends up in heaven ? My guess is you would be & chasing JOK, I know how much you like him & his music. Anyway mum I’m off will write again soon, love & miss you heaps.
September 1, 2019
September 1, 2019
Hi mum
Just letting you know that I’m getting there slowly, still missing you like crazy, I can’t believe it’s 5 1/2 years.
I love you heaps
July 31, 2019
July 31, 2019
Hey mum
Another day has come & gone & im still missing you like crazy. Love & miss you heaps
July 6, 2019
July 6, 2019
Hi mum
Today I’ve been thinking about you, hoping & praying that your looking down & saying what you & I know what you’d be saying.
I miss you so much
June 8, 2019
June 8, 2019
Hi mum
Just letting you know that I miss you heaps & love you beyond all I can write on here.
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
It’s 5 years today that you got your wings, god saw you were tired so he called you home, for 5 years I have struggled to understand how can we do so much only a couple of days before, then to get a a phone call 2 days later to say you have passed away.
Mum yes we had our differences over the years, but still your my mother, & my best friend. You were always there when I took my first walk, smile, first word, first day at school , I grew up & you were still there when I was sick & had to have a major kidney surgery in 1981, you were there when I got my 1st job, when I got married both times. You supported me in a lot of things, that I’m truly greatful for.
I miss you heaps & love you
April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019
hey mum
dropping by to tell you that I love you and miss you heaps, and can not stop thinking about you, and wishing you were here to give me a phone call and tell me that you love me, & happy birthday.
Missing you heaps
April 9, 2019
April 9, 2019
hey mum
dropping by to tell you that I love you and miss you heaps, and can not stop thinking about you, and wishing you were here to give me a phone call and tell me that you love me, like I love you.
March 25, 2019
March 25, 2019
Hi mum
Just dropped by to let you know that I miss you more than ever
March 5, 2019
March 5, 2019
Morning mum
As your aware that I have had the last 6 months of in & out of hospital, I’m trying so hard to be better than I am. I can only do so much so if you can please send me some love & guidance down it would be greatly appreciated. I love you & miss you heaps.
February 17, 2019
February 17, 2019
Hi mum
Sorry It’s been a while but I know your looking down & you know I’ve been sick, anyway I’m praying it’s onwards & upwards from here on in.
I love & miss you heaps
December 27, 2018
December 27, 2018
Happy birthday to my beautiful mum, I miss & love you heaps, no one knows the pain I go through day in day out because I miss you
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Hi mum,
Here it is another Christmas without you, Merry Christmas in heaven. I miss & love you heaps. Xx
December 4, 2018
December 4, 2018
Today has been a roller coaster, just to have you one more day & to hear your voice is all that I need to know that things will be ok.
I miss you heaps
September 9, 2018
September 9, 2018
Sorry it’s been a while since I wrote, everything seems to be going not the way I want then when it does something else crops up to make it not right again. I’m missing you like crazy, I promise to write more often. Love you heaps
May 19, 2018
May 19, 2018
A thousand words could not bring you back…
I know because I tried…
A thousand tears could not bring you back…
I know because I cried…
I really miss you mum, Tell me :
I miss you mum,
Although your soul is at rest,
and you body free from pain,
The world would be like heaven
if I had you back again..
You’re always in my thoughts
no matter where I go,
Always in my heart,
Because I loved you so…
However long my life might last,
Whatever land I view,
Whatever joy or grief is mine,
I still remember you…
I really miss you mum…
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
hi mum
well it's mothers day I went to palmdale today to put flowers there but because you are in a wall it is so hard to put flowers there, so I sat there for an hour crying remembering the last mothers day I spent with you and how we laughed about silly things I did as a kid growing up, god I miss you so much.
so all I can say is I hope you had a wonderful mothers day in heaven with grandma.
happy mothers day mum
April 24, 2018
April 24, 2018
Another birthday without you here, another day
I miss you & love you heaps
April 18, 2018
April 18, 2018
Hi Mum
Just dropped by to let you know that as each day goes by, I’m still finding it hard to accept that your NO longer here, I go to Palmdale every 2nd to 3rd day & sit at your grave & wonder what life would of been like had you still been here.
I love & miss you heaps
April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018
I'm writing this poem for you, mum
because I want this poem to be,
my own special way of showing you
how much you mean to me.
I have so much to say
and I don't think this poem will do,
but each word in between these lines
comes straight from my heart for you.
I know I haven't been a perfect daughter,
but you've taken things in stride,
and no matter how many problems I've had
you've always been by my side.
I could talk to you about whatever I felt,
because I knew that you'd understand,
all that you asked from me in return
was to stand up and be a woman.
If I asked you for some advice
you never have told me no,
and if I made a dumb mistake
you've never said I told you so!
You've always treated me real special
and sometimes I don't understand why.
But when I think about how I've hurt you
it makes me want to cry.
This is an apology for the mistakes I've made
and the conflicts that we've had,
for all the times I've hurt you
and for all the times I've made you mad.
I wrote this especially for you mum,
this is my cry out to you.
To let you know how sorry I am
and how much I really love you.
BUT most of all to tell you
I am sorry & I miss you.
February 24, 2018
February 24, 2018
Hi Mum
Just letting you know know that the course is going well, life is still very strange without you in it, but I’m getting there & not getting used to it, I doubt if I ever will. Anyway I’m pretty sure your looking down & saying your proud of the things I’m doing as you always were proud of me as you often told me & told me you loved me, just wish I could hear your voice again for you to tell me.
Miss you heaps & still love you.
February 11, 2018
February 11, 2018
Hi Mum
Well it’s your 1st grandsons birthday & you were in the labour ward with me, you never left my side I still remember it like it was yesterday.
I miss you heaps & really think things would of been different had you talked to me about a lot of things instead of you bottling things up like you did.
Miss & love you heaps
January 27, 2018
January 27, 2018
Hi Mum
Today I have been assessing a lot of things & that is including what I have recently discovered, I wish I could prove a lot of things that have been said to me in the past few weeks, I feel so hurt by every thing. How I wish you were here so we could talk about it.
Yes I’m hurting & won’t forgive you for some of the things you have said about me & dad, but I know whose to blame for you saying the things you said; but at the end of the day you are & always will be my mother. I know peter forced you into a lot of shit & for that I will never forgive him, I hate what he has done & said. I do not care if he reads this as I’m saying how I feel from the heart, I do love you despite everything, & I do miss you heaps
December 27, 2017
December 27, 2017
Hi Mum
Another birthday without you, I am hating every day that comes & goes without you here, especially on days like today. Happy birthday Mum hope your celebrating with the family, up there in heaven.
Miss & love you heaps
December 25, 2017
December 25, 2017
Merry Christmas Mum
As the draws to another Christmas without you, my heart is still broken because your no longer with me, I love & miss you heaps.
December 3, 2017
December 3, 2017
Hi Mum
Can you please give dad a big hug from me & wish him happy birthday.
I miss you both more than you could imagine.

I have just learnt a few things, & trust me I’m going to make sure something is going to happen in your honour. All I can say is revenge & Karma is all mine.
I love you & miss you heaps.
October 21, 2017
October 21, 2017
morning mum
oh my god i miss you so much, i looked at your video we made for you, and think how lucky i was to have you as long as i did. but you let me way too soon, i miss you so much you are my waking thought and my last of a night when i go to sleep.
oh how i wish i could have you here again to talk to.
October 15, 2017
October 15, 2017
I lay here on my bed, supposed to be sleeping but can’t get you out of my head at the moment, wondering why did you die that way you did. All I want is to have you back in my life again so we can build more memories.
I miss you so much & love you. Xxx
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
The tears I cry wouldn't be enough to bring you back, nothing would. No one knows what happened that day, only you, but your not here to tell.
So I can only guess.
September 3, 2017
September 3, 2017
Hey mum

I'm sitting here thinking of you till it hurts more, & trust me it's not taking much, as I'm missing you like crazy.

Love & miss you heaps
August 23, 2017
August 23, 2017

It's 3.30am

I am missing you like crazy but knowing that I can write to you here sort of helps, but it also gets me upset & cranky that no one likes shelling out money to write to you as well. It's like they abused you when you were here on earth, didn't care but now your dead they want you & miss you.

I miss our talks, how you stood by me after operations, I had one almost 2 weeks ago & feel lost as you weren't there, I know you were in spirit but that it, I feel so alone right now.

Please show me a sign that your still with me, I love you mum
August 19, 2017
August 19, 2017
Hi mum,

Just letting you know I have been thinking of you a lot lately & am feeling really lost. But I know you looking down & being by my side through this tough time, but it's not the same as having your arms around me & telling me you love me & every thing will be ok.
I love & miss you heaps.

Ps I wish people would leave a message on here to say they dropped by, to me I think they are a shamed of it
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
Hi mum,
Me again, i seem to be the only one writing to you although you have over 1000 coming to visit, i dont care but i do.
I am thinking of you alot more these days wishing i could have you back just to talk to you like we used to, certain people think that we never talked but i know and so do you how we used to talk. I will take it all to my grave in how we had secrets that no one will ever know of.

I love and miss you heaps mum.

June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017
Hi mum

I see your getting plenty of views but no one is leaving any messages, why I don't know it's not like I'm stopping people doing it, my guess is they are too stingy to pay.
I lost you, I still remember it like it was today, everyone say it gets easier, I'm convinced it doesn't.
I miss you so much every day I think about you.

I love you mum
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
Mum 3 years ago today I got a phone call from Henry ( your neighbour), I knew when I heard his voice on the phone that you were no longer with us & that you had passed away.

It's been 3 years & for 3 years I have missed you so much, yes we had our ups & downs but at the end of the day you were my mum & I miss you & Love ❤️ you so much, my only wish is for you to come back & hold me once more & tell me " everything will be alright, & I love you".
May 13, 2017
May 13, 2017
Happy Mother's Day mum, I so wish you were here on earth to give you what you need & deserve.
I love & miss you heaps
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
Mum today is like any other day, im missing you like crazy, people tell me that it gets easy me i say it goes slow as i long for tbe day we can see each other again and you can put your arms around me and cuddke me and tell me you love me.
April 25, 2017
April 25, 2017
Today is my birthday, I'm not skiting or putting it out there as a Marjority have wished happy birthday.

I'm just letting you know it was a awesome day/ night, although it was very emotional & hard in so many ways.

I miss you & wish they were here to help me celebrate my birthday one more time, but I guess that wish will never come true.
So all I can say is I miss & love you xxxooo
April 21, 2017
April 21, 2017

So sorry it's been a while since I logged in but as you could imagine life has been some what hecktic for me, but it don't matter if I log in or not your always on my mind.

I miss you & love you, but most of all I will never forget you.
December 26, 2016
December 26, 2016
Hi mum
Today you are 70, today I miss you more & more. Today I want to wish you a happy birthday from me to you.

Happy birthday mum
December 24, 2016
December 24, 2016
Good morning mum,
Another Christmas without you, doesn't seem fair or real.
So I want to wish you a merry Christmas I love you & miss you so very much. I long for the day we can be together once more & celebrate Christmas again, but until that day merry Christmas mum in heaven. Please say hi to all.

Love & miss you heaps
December 3, 2016
December 3, 2016
Just dropped by to say I love you & miss you so very much, I don't care what people think & say as you & I know the truth of our bond.
All I know is I have so many questions & unfortunately they will never be answered & you know what I'm talking about.

Love & miss you heaps
November 26, 2016
November 26, 2016
It's 4:30am in the morning, I have just woken up from you telling me the truth in a dream will always be in my mind & heart.

Only you & I will know the truth, so as far as I'm concerned F*** the others.

I want you to know that I will always love you & miss you.
November 13, 2016
November 13, 2016
Hey mum

Things aren't the same anymore with out you here, I'm missing you like no tomorrow, people may think & say what they want about me as I know the truth as I've just discovered something that no one will ever take away from me.

I love & miss you heaps
September 4, 2016
September 4, 2016
2 1/2 years later I'm without you, 2 1/2 years since I had you in my life.

I hope that heaven is a beautiful place as you are a beautiful woman, the 1st woman I ever met & the 1st woman I loved.

I just wish heaven had a phone so I could ring you & wish you happy Father's Day & hear your voice. As you were both mum & dad to me for a long time.

I miss you mum, & love you.
happy Father's / mothers Day
August 20, 2016
August 20, 2016
I'll try and not be sad.
Cause you have given us peace,
And God has given you relief,
From the pain of letting us all go,
The hurt you faced we do not know.

I bet you are sitting with all the souls you missed,
You parents, sibling, family and friends,
Have all come back to you again
Sharing the memories
Now, trying to hold back the tears.

69 you would have been today,
We are truly grateful to have known you this long,
You taught us so much, time to be strong,
And to use this knowledge for good,
To help others who are less understood.

So as the day goes on and night falls,
We all treasure your love in our hearts
As we see your face, we will forever embrace
Your smile, voice and touch
Oh we all loved you so much.

So fly mum oh so high,
Just like the birds you fed,
And we will pause, light a candle for you
And take the time to reflect

On the many positive legacies you taught us,
Being the best we can be,
Standing tall and standing free.

As we find a way not to be sad.
June 25, 2016
June 25, 2016
you left to quickly
and i'm still in pain
i miss u
i miss your voice
i miss those days
talking to u was always a good choice

u were always so full of life
full of love and happiness
warmth and safety
i wish u were still here
i know that may seem selfish
but it feels so empty
without u here

i still think of you
day and night
i still see ur face
hear your voice
inside my mind
and no matter what
i know that i will always love you
but i also know
that no matter what
when i think about that day
i know that the pain will never go away
until i am able to see you again

if i could turn back time
i would do it in less time it takes for my heart to squeeze through that pain
but my love goes strong
i long for those days
long for your story's
and i know that if i were to live that time with u over again
it will cause so much pain
but i will never hesitate

i miss you
i love you
and i always will
you will never leave my heart
you will never leave my thoughts
you will always be here
even if ur not
June 9, 2016
June 9, 2016
hi mum,

i still can not believe you not here, every day i miss you so much, i think of you day and night.

i love you so much, it hurts so much
May 24, 2016
May 24, 2016
hi mum
today was like any every other day i am missing you so much. i had a reasonable day today, i still wish you were here, am buying a rose on friday when graham gets paid and plant one for you as a memory, i am only hoping that it will grow in my garden.

any way i am off to bed i love and miss you heaps
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