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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Christina Angell, 55 years old, born on January 2, 1958, and passed away on September 27, 2013. We will remember her forever.
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
8 years has gone by since you left us. I'll always remember you. If it wasn't for the Cuban Diplomats who are attacked, we would be no less better then when this first started. Hey Christina, we could use some help and an angel. I hope this will end soon. Sending out an S.O.S. from all the Ti's.
January 2, 2021
January 2, 2021
Remembering you Christina on your birthday. I will never forget you. With so many efforts; not much has gone forward.
It will though. There are too many of us.
January 2, 2020
January 2, 2020
Nothing has changed here.... Still brutally "no touch tortured" by "COPS" Gangstalking and wireless MK ULTRA. 

This is how the State Sponsored COINTELPRO "COPS" (Community Oriented Policing Services) Gangstalking works. It was passed in the congress in 1994 and then made even worse with Patriot Act in 2001-02. This is Nationwide ( even Worldwide).

The President of Mines Falls Park who set up the COINTELPRO "COPS" gang-stalking & vandalism on Innocent Civilians with the Nashua Police Dept. & Community Policing Watch Nazi Citizens to to serve 15 years in prison for having child pornography.

The cops in Nashua (and it was in CA, SC and every state I have gone to on business working) ran this shit with this asshole here. Sean Neary. I got shingles from the stress. 

Nashua man to serve 15 years in prison for having child pornography.

Prominent Nashuan indicted on child porn charges 

Prominent Nashuan indicted on child porn charges | News, Sports, Jobs - The Nashua Telegraph
NASHUA – A former city official was indicted last week on charges of making, possessing and distributing child pornography. Sean Neary, 55, of

The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program -

The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program - Modern Diplomacy
In 1975 Senator Frank Church convened a joint senatorial/congressional inquiry into the egregious human rights and civil liberties violations of the Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”), National Security Agency (“NSA”), as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) against people both foreign and domestic. Such blatant transgressions included the “neutralization” and ...

Sean Neary - former head of the Mines Falls Park where they vandalized my car while I walked and set up all sorts of provocation tactics, ran 5 bikes across when crossing bridges, following me around fucking..... just like yesterday and everyday for the last 15 years.

Rahul Manchanda - former Fox News Legal Analyst

This Kitchen Tap I installed new.... myself.. I locked the house to go do normal business. Came back and on this program when your targeted .... they COPS gang stalking and their community policing citizens Stasi Nazi Brownshirts.... key in...vandalize inside your home or steal something. This was $1000 repair bill because not only did the tap have to be replaced which was new but garbage disposal had to be replaced as well.

Now here's another day on this fucking COINTELPRO COPS Gangstalking. They crushed all the fins on the compressor. It could not be repaired. This was a $ 4000 bill. In both instances the police would not come done to view it. I sent photos to them... they did nothing except send me letter telling me they couldn't do anything.

This is a Tumi roller, their largest... which I paid $500 for and it would cost $1500 to replace. It was done right in front of me by the baggage handler... he wailed on it.... I said "let me do it".

January 2, 2019
January 2, 2019
Today would of been your 60th birthday I believe. Will never forget you. I hope you see how hard everyone is working on this.
I hope we really turn the corner in ending this war against us and humanity. It is one heck of a fight Christina and one for the history books . God Bless.
January 2, 2019
January 2, 2019
Christina, How is it in the Kingdom? Tell Jesus I paid my own sin debt in full and justified myself with 15 years of nightly and daily Government Sponsored Organized Gang Stalking "no touch torture" and BRUTAL wireless MK ULTRA "no touch torture. Make sure to tell him, Thanks for the 3 days of torture though and 3 years of ministry.... but then again that's His Sovereign plan. 
There are 5 types of technology being used in the targeting of innocent Americans by a Hijacked Government: 
        (1)  Smart Meters
        (2)  Microwave Satellites
        (3)  Cell Towers
        (4)  Drones
        (5)  Portable units
September 27, 2018
September 27, 2018
Your 5th anniversary. We are now making big strides. We are very close. May God have no mercy on those that participated in this evil on the innocent. We are on top of this now Christina. God Bless you in heaven. Miss you.
Lorraine and Peter
January 2, 2018
January 2, 2018
Hi Christina;
I can never forget you or your birthday. We are still working hard and yes, it is in God's hands who I trust. So keep watching down on us . Miss you Christina. You are in a beautiful place.

Lorraine and Peter
January 2, 2018
January 2, 2018
Remembering you on your birthday. These "No Touch Torture" Programs of COINTELPRO and MKULTRA are nothing new and your activism was not in vain. www.biggerthansnowden  The highest level new NSA, CIA, DARPA and FBI Officers keep blowing the whistle on these brutal torture programs that run 24/7/365.
September 27, 2017
September 27, 2017
Remembering you on your 4th anniversary. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

December 31, 2016
December 31, 2016
Dear Christine;
Yet another year passes- however; this is 2017- We will bring these perps to their knees this year. I believe God also has a plan this year.May God have no mercy on these criminals this year and may they understand-their
children will suffer their parents sins. When people bring this harm to innocent individuals- The perps will wonder why God buried their children. What goes around- comes around. This is now a war-
May God and Jesus surround us with an answer to answer this through his peace. May all TI's band together to work for an end to this horror.
May we all be strong and bright in the answers that we seek to end this.
Love you Christine;

January 2, 2016
January 2, 2016
Another birthday without you. There isn't a day that I don't think of you.
The fight continues-we will win. You were right about many things about Trust- I now understand and who to trust.
Also; you were really smart. The gov- would not have erased all of your emails if they were not important.
I will march on-don't worry Christina- Rest in Peace and in our Lords

October 2, 2014
October 2, 2014
Dear Ms. Christina - Although I have never met you, you clearly left a legacy and were a warrior in the endless battles we fight each day as TI's. I am so saddened to learn you are no longer with us here in this temporary place, yet I feel peace for you as you are now in the presence of our Father and you will forever be shielded from the unjustified and senseless torture we experience as living TI's. No doubt you are helping God to win the WAR, defeating the evil ones who target us for their own personal agendas. I know that you will continue to be an advocate/warrior for all TI's and be the Angell that you are and help God protect us from evil. You are our sister and I know our Father holds you now in the palm of his hand.
September 27, 2014
September 27, 2014
A year has come and gone- but not without forgetting you ;and not without giving up this fight. Great strides have been made and will continue- with the hope of justice for those who have passed and for those that are left to endure this battle. I know you are looking down on us are missed. Your our Angell TI.
September 27, 2014
September 27, 2014
Christina... tell Jesus to get off His ass and do something for us down here. Thank You. Jeff Murray
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
You Are Not Targeted Anymore! Rest in Christ Jesus for Eternity!

The targeted individuals now are those that hurt you and their arms aren't long enough to hurt you now. Their arms aren't long enough to fight with your PROTECTOR now.

I don't know who killed President John F Kennedy, but I know Who does know?  Nobody is getting away with anything! 

The targeted individuals now are the ones who thought they could get away with your murder and no one would find out. They are wrong!

No one is getting away with anything. The corrupt judges who took a bribe to look the other way will one day look into the face of a JUDGE who cannot be bribed!

Your fight was not in vain.

January 2, 2014
January 2, 2014
I had just met you before your candle was extinguished. You were so sweet. I had no idea what you were going through. Rest easy, my friend. Hopefully you've finally found peace. Love and miss you always.
November 26, 2013
November 26, 2013
you will not be forgotten! from one TI to another... R.I.P.
November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013
I am sorry that we did not have the chance yet to get to know each other, Christina. I'm very sad to learn that you have transitioned to the next life at such a young age. You & the many affected by your loss are in our community's thoughts & prayers. ♥

Sahar Chinyere of SnoEOawc, 11/22d/2013.
October 14, 2013
October 14, 2013
Christina, My heart goes out to those you have left behind - mother, cousin you loved so much, as well as loved ones Kenny and Peter M. You struggled so hard with the cross you had to bear. May you rest in peace. I continue to keep you in my prayers. I will work to expose that which you asked me in the event of your passing. Peace in Christ.
October 11, 2013
October 11, 2013
Going to miss you Christina! My family and I will always have a place for you in our hearts. You were a special person. Rest in Peace.
Deepest Sympathies to your family.
October 8, 2013
October 8, 2013

Although I do not know you personally, I am saddened by the news that we, as a community, have lost another member. Perhaps one day we will meet when my time comes up. Please have God send down an army of angels to watch over us. R.I.P. -Anthony Q.
October 6, 2013
October 6, 2013
Compliments to you Renata for a very heartfelt memorial for Cristina-I never conversed with her, however I can certainly relate to what she endured. May her soul rest in peace.
October 6, 2013
October 6, 2013
Christina, you were a song bird singing in warm sunshine in a mountain pass of life...Thank you for sharing your beautiful soul with us, the TI community. You will be remembered with whispers to Mother, Father, Universe, God that your after life be clear and be filled with love and peace...May you rest in loving peace in the arms of All for eternity. We miss you...Love, JoJo
October 6, 2013
October 6, 2013
Sorry we didn't get to know each other better Christina. I hope you are happy wherever you are.
October 5, 2013
October 5, 2013
The Rat Beach Party -- a gathering of 28 former Rathskeller Bands from Boston's Kenmore Square organized to form a musicians scholarship fund -- we had the honor of Christina Angell's presence at the The Red Parrot where the party.was held, the musicians party at my house and I know that she and Kenne had a wonderful stay at the local hotel. Toward the end, she was having fun -- Bless her
October 5, 2013
October 5, 2013
Christine, I have never met you. We have one thing at least in common: I am a TI too. And you will not be forgotten.
I hope there is a wonderful paradise for our soul to rest after this Earthly nightmare. I hope I will meet you there when my time comes, resting in peace and grace.
October 5, 2013
October 5, 2013
Death does not steal our loved ones. On the contrary, it saves them and leaves them immortal in our memories. You will be there, in our memories forever. I wish peace to your soul.
October 5, 2013
October 5, 2013
How I long for one more conversation, one more song, one more nap one floor above you in your room here, one more look out the window at you with the sun on your face and a book in your hand, one more cup of coffee 'fore you from me and Ilona and Bob and Pooff-Pooff,
October 5, 2013
October 5, 2013
So sorry to see you go, Christina. We'd barely met and I deeply regret not being able to get to know you better. You were so pleasant and nice to our ragtag group at the Beach Party. Rest easy, sweetie, the battle's over. You may no longer be with us, but your memory lives on in us all. Hugs from all of us. You will be missed.
October 5, 2013
October 5, 2013
Goodnight to the Poet. Christina you will be so missed-we struggled with this- your name will live on and all that you did.
Rest in peace- we continue the fight- Condolences to Christina's family- especially her mother
and her dear friends, Peter and Kenney who she talked of always.
October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013
You touched my life in ways words cannot express. I will miss your voice on the conference call and will miss our conversations during the week but I know you're in a much better place, and I know I'll see you one day in Heaven.

No more perps, no more targeting, no more torture, just pure peace. You are now God's Angel, rest my friend!

October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013
Some months ago she and her friend Kenny came to visit Atlanta, Ga. I drove down there to the Hotel where they were staying...being a nervous TI plus the cost twenty dollars to park I attempted to drive right by...a mile or so away she called me back and implored me to come back, she paid. Her and Kenny sang me songs for hours ! I'll never forget her joyous voice. We talked often by phone
October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013
Christina: the night you died, I had this weird dream. I had a box of "Saint Dominic's Preview" breakfast cereal, with a picture of Van Morrison on the box. It was little letters, like Alpha Bits, but browner. I wish I could have told you - you're the one person I know who would think that was funny. Always pour on the left side!
October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013
"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" "Yes, Lord," she told him, "I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world." John 11: 25-27
Thanks for your activism Christina. Jeff
October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013
You will be missed Cristina. You did what you could, and chose to stand up and speak out.  Courage has become the exception, as opposed to the rule. You are one of the exceptions. Be at peace.  "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them, without doing anything" A. Einstein
October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013
I have been a friend and a fan of Kenne Highland for many decades. Within the past few years, I would run into him at Geezer's Garage Night at the granite rail and he introduced me to his sweet girlfriend Christina. From then on, whenever we'd run into each other we'd turn each other on to pot and talk. She was a very, very sweet woman who I will miss for a long time. R.I.P. Christina.
October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013
There are loved ones in the glory
Whose dear forms you often miss.
When you close your earthly story,
Will you join them in their bliss
Will the circle be unbroken
By and by, by and by
Is a better home awaiting
In the sky, in the sky
In the joyous days of childhood
Oft they told of wondrous love
Pointed to the dying Saviour;
Now they dwell with Him above.
You remember songs of heaven
Which you

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September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
8 years has gone by since you left us. I'll always remember you. If it wasn't for the Cuban Diplomats who are attacked, we would be no less better then when this first started. Hey Christina, we could use some help and an angel. I hope this will end soon. Sending out an S.O.S. from all the Ti's.
January 2, 2021
January 2, 2021
Remembering you Christina on your birthday. I will never forget you. With so many efforts; not much has gone forward.
It will though. There are too many of us.
January 2, 2020
January 2, 2020
Nothing has changed here.... Still brutally "no touch tortured" by "COPS" Gangstalking and wireless MK ULTRA. 

This is how the State Sponsored COINTELPRO "COPS" (Community Oriented Policing Services) Gangstalking works. It was passed in the congress in 1994 and then made even worse with Patriot Act in 2001-02. This is Nationwide ( even Worldwide).

The President of Mines Falls Park who set up the COINTELPRO "COPS" gang-stalking & vandalism on Innocent Civilians with the Nashua Police Dept. & Community Policing Watch Nazi Citizens to to serve 15 years in prison for having child pornography.

The cops in Nashua (and it was in CA, SC and every state I have gone to on business working) ran this shit with this asshole here. Sean Neary. I got shingles from the stress. 

Nashua man to serve 15 years in prison for having child pornography.

Prominent Nashuan indicted on child porn charges 

Prominent Nashuan indicted on child porn charges | News, Sports, Jobs - The Nashua Telegraph
NASHUA – A former city official was indicted last week on charges of making, possessing and distributing child pornography. Sean Neary, 55, of

The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program -

The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program - Modern Diplomacy
In 1975 Senator Frank Church convened a joint senatorial/congressional inquiry into the egregious human rights and civil liberties violations of the Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”), National Security Agency (“NSA”), as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) against people both foreign and domestic. Such blatant transgressions included the “neutralization” and ...

Sean Neary - former head of the Mines Falls Park where they vandalized my car while I walked and set up all sorts of provocation tactics, ran 5 bikes across when crossing bridges, following me around fucking..... just like yesterday and everyday for the last 15 years.

Rahul Manchanda - former Fox News Legal Analyst

This Kitchen Tap I installed new.... myself.. I locked the house to go do normal business. Came back and on this program when your targeted .... they COPS gang stalking and their community policing citizens Stasi Nazi Brownshirts.... key in...vandalize inside your home or steal something. This was $1000 repair bill because not only did the tap have to be replaced which was new but garbage disposal had to be replaced as well.

Now here's another day on this fucking COINTELPRO COPS Gangstalking. They crushed all the fins on the compressor. It could not be repaired. This was a $ 4000 bill. In both instances the police would not come done to view it. I sent photos to them... they did nothing except send me letter telling me they couldn't do anything.

This is a Tumi roller, their largest... which I paid $500 for and it would cost $1500 to replace. It was done right in front of me by the baggage handler... he wailed on it.... I said "let me do it".

Recent stories
September 28, 2019
You are still in our thoughts and prayers Christina.
Miss you and know you have eternal peace. The fight continues . 

i'm a ti too - so sorry

October 13, 2013
by sam j

I know what she went through. It's is hell on earth. I hope she's in a better place and am sure she is. The evil bastards who did this will pay a trillion times over. Promise.

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