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February 23, 2019

I remember having a party while my mom and other siblings were out and Chris and I were basically having a good time until the cops were called.... now he wasnt allowed on the property and also they were called because they received complaints that his girlfriend Deedee was there and they were fighting. So they come in (because I didnt know at the time I should have asked for a search warrant and stuff of that sort but didnt) however his daughter and deedee were in my room which is where chris was hiding under my bed and the cops were about to leave and his daughter was asked have you seen your dad and she goes daddy is under the bed. My jaw dropped and they took chris I dont remember what happened after that I know we got into trouble but I would trade that memory or any other for nothing. He was amazing big brother and always wanted to make sure his kids and now grandson were taken care of that's all he cared about and I'm just going to miss him. R.I.P. Bro love you and I'll see you again. 

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