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May 22
May 22
Clancy Jane my forever and always beloved niece I can’t express in words how much I miss your crazy ass, loud voice, I can still hear your voice and I don’t want to ever forget it. I hope you hear me when I talk to you and tell you how much I love you in my soul. I know you are our family’s angel always protecting us. And sometimes I actually feel you with us. As I cried tears and yarn in my heart I want you to know I love you so much. I miss you every day every second.. your auntie forever RIP MY ❤️
May 22
13 years ago drugs took you from me. My heart hurts.....
I love and miss you so much
May 15
May 15
Auntie thinking about you today and sending you my love . I miss you so much
May 14
May 14
Clancy. . You were my first friend I ever had. I'm really not sure what to say herem. I've been here so many times but never knew what to say .. I hate that we never got past our problems .. you plague my dreams. You always take me back to our days in middle school and I am never able to let the dream go through. Because I know in my dream you aren't alive and I'm trying to tell you that you aren't here. Clancy you had a beautiful soul. I am so s9rrry you left this world.i love you my friend
October 27, 2023
October 27, 2023
I wish you a heavenly birthday my sweet so missed Clancy Jane it’s hard to say happy when it’s not. It’s sad that we don’t have you here right now. So I’ll send you all of my love with all of my heart stay close to momma Phyllis Jane, your name sake. Hugs until we are together my sweet, crazy baby girl. You forever auntie kisses my love
October 27, 2023
October 27, 2023
WOW!! Today you would have been 33 years old. More than likely you would have been married with children. I would have been able to see you fall in love and be asked to get married. Seen you walk down the isle in your beautiful dress that we would have cried over picking out. Then you would have made me a grandma. I could have held your while you brought that beautiful baby into this world.
I guess God had different plans for us!! I will see you again my sweet daughter. I miss you so very much! My heart aches for you!! Love you till the end of time!! Your momma forever!!
May 23, 2023
May 23, 2023
Hey clancmaster . Morgan and I talk about you so often you would be so proud of Morgan today. She’s been sober for 2 1/2 years getting her life cleaned up and her act together. Thank you for being a part of our lives and bringing all your love every time we saw you we miss you every day, but we are living our life in memory of you I love you a lot always thinking of you sending you love thank you for your love, Debbie and Morgan
May 22, 2023
May 22, 2023
Hey Boo Bear! 11 years since I saw your face. Not a second goes by that I do not pray for you to come back to me. So many people we know are growing up and starting families, having babies. It is so hard for me to see all of this and not be apart of it. I so wish I could have seen you fall in Love, get married and become a momma. You would have been so great at it. But you know life goes on and people move on and they start to forget how painful it is for me to see all of this happening. I wake up each and every day and have to face this world without you. So many people have no Idea how that feels. You are supposed to be here!!! I will miss you each and every second of every day until I see you again. I love you so much it hurts each and every day.
Love you, your momma!
May 22, 2023
May 22, 2023
My sweet Clancy Jane! Never a day goes by that your forever auntie doesn’t think about you. Not a day goes by that auntie doesn’t wish so much you will come down my hallway being crazy yelling mine and your uncle Shaun’s name. I miss you so much everyday every minute. I love you my angel
February 27, 2023
February 27, 2023
Just thinking of you, as I do everyday. I love you so much. Lighting a candle to remind you that you are always in my ❤️ I miss you,
Auntie forever and always
February 26, 2023
February 26, 2023
Hey girl. I remember you often and think of you often. Wondering why you and not me cause I did the same thing very intensely for a decade. I am at work listening to Pink and she and Steve O always remind me of you. I miss our laughs and soft ball days. Lighting a candle for you, Gisela and Troy. Your laugh I can still hear.
October 27, 2022
October 27, 2022
Happy birthday bugger butt!! Today you would be 32. Wow how time flies. So many things have changed since you left. I know you know all of them. But Blythe is having a baby boy!! She is gonna let me be a grandma!! I’m so very excited. I wish you were getting married and starting a family as well. Oh what fun we would have. My heart aches for you sweet girl every day. I hope the angels know what they have up there!! Give your grandma a hug and kiss for me. I love you so very much!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ❤️❤️❤️❤️
October 27, 2022
October 27, 2022
Morgan and I wish you a happy 32nd heavenly birthday today...
We talk about you often especially today and the day you passed over...
We love you we honor you... thank you for always being a bright light in Our lives... HUGS to your beautiful spirit..
Love Debbie & Morgan  "Morgan Arrow"
October 27, 2022
October 27, 2022
My sweet sweet crazy beautiful fun and so very missed niece Clancy Jane. Always as I type this I cry because my heart is so broken that we don’t have you anymore. I always think of how much fun we would be having with your crazy ass here. I pass your picture in my hallway daily many many times and I always give you a kiss to let you know I love you so much . Your uncle Shaun was at work yesterday and a beautiful dragonfly just kept hanging right there beside him and looking at him and he took a picture of it and showed it to me last night told me that you were with him all day. I said yeah You loved her uncle Shaun. I miss you every day, I love you every day. you have an amazing heavenly birthday today sweet girl, You give my mama A big hug for me will you. You stay close to her. I’ll see you on the other side my love. Your forever auntie
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
Clancy.. Morgan and I think about you often we share great memories of you and smile!!!
A lot has happened in this time .. I lost my husband Paul and I remember when he had open heart surgery you came that night and jumped right on top of Me I was laying on the couch feeling kind of sad you jumped up on me immediately with your generous spirit and funny smile…and assured me everything would be fine …your light was so bright and I know your our Angel above !!! We love you Clancemasrer flex!!! You’d be proud if Morgan sober 1 1/2 years we love you ❤️❤️❤️
April 29, 2022
April 29, 2022
Your auntie is missing you!! Alot I love you so very much
April 29, 2022
April 29, 2022
I am missing the times we had together. I feel like I am swimming in a pool and there is no bottom and I'm so tired and there is nowhere to rest. I keep going under and then finding the energy to swim back up to the top. Some days I am laying on my back and just floating. Clancy it has been 10 years this month and I can not understand why you are gone!! You would be 32 years old this year. More than likely married and starting a family of your own. But now I am left without you and no grandchildren and a huge empty spot in my heart. The pain and frustration of not being able to do anything about your death is sometimes overwhelming. I want to crawl into a hole and just disappear. But I can not I have Aaron and Linda, Rio and My daddy. God I wish so much you were here with me.I am a weary traveler through this life.
October 27, 2021
October 27, 2021
Hi sweet girl my most precious, loved, deeply missed Niece today is the day you were introduced to us the day I will never forget. your mom and I were to have our first baby. You were a joy to us both. Then you became a pain in the ass lol. You were our little tyrant and we absolutely adored you. I think about you every day ,when I see something or hear a song. I’m grateful I can still hear your voice yelling from my front door auntie Linda uncle Shaun. Our lives were changed forever when you were taken away from us. Happy birthday my love, my Clancy Jane. I will get to see you again someday I know. You stay by mama and you love on her as I know that she is holding you tight for us till we can all be together again. I love you so much Clancy you’r forever auntie Linda
May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021
I miss you !!! My heart hurts for you!
Love you forever

May 22, 2021
May 22, 2021
My sweet Clancy Jane today my heart yearns for your voice, your brightness, your crazy and fun spirit. I talk to you all the time and I am sure you hear me!! You know how much I love you sweetie pie bugar girl! ‼️ Keep momma (your grandma) company and know we love you all who are in heaven. I love you
Your Auntie ❤️
October 27, 2020
October 27, 2020
We love and miss you Clanc master flex!!! you are alive in our hearts forever..
Happy Birthday in Heaven We love you Morgan and Debbie
October 27, 2020
October 27, 2020
My sweet Clancy Jane, I cry tears as I write this because I miss you terribly and I want to hear your voice, I want to hug you, I want to hang out with you! I know how much you loved this time of year just as I do. It’s bitter sweet this time of year. I just hope you hear me when I talk with you! I hope you know how much you are missed. All this was not your fault, it was no ones fault! You hang onto your grandma phyllis and you don’t leave her side, you hear me?? I’ll talk to you tonight before I go to sleep! I love you my Angel , your forever auntie❤️
May 23, 2020
May 23, 2020
Hi my sweet girl , my Niece, your auntie Wants you to know how much I miss you, I miss your craziness the loud laughter when you pull a good prank lol! I think about you everyday. I cry for you sometimes I sob because my heart hurts in my stomach. I cry for your momma because I hate that she hurts. You will never be forgotten. Your spirit was strong and its presence lives in my life until we meet up again my sweet. I love you so very much. Give momma a hug for me! I miss y’all , AUNTIE Linda
May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020
Hi Clancy.. Morgan and I talk about you alot.. we know you are always in our hearts and we love you... thank you for guiding Morgan from heaven and being her angel.. We love you and miss you here on earth..
Debbie & Morgan
October 28, 2019
October 28, 2019
Hi Clancy.
Sometimes you visit me in my dreams, and I really love that. Sometimes the dreams are nightmares of losing you again, but then I get to see your beautiful face.
I love you so so much and no matter how many years pass I will never stop loving you and missing you. Happy birthday my sweet girl, I hope you are rocking out in heaven and LOVIIN LIIFE <3
Not sure why it’s saying Oct. 28th, it’s still your birthday babe! 9:39pm October 27th 2019
October 27, 2019
October 27, 2019
Oh sweet Clancy ..Morgan and I talk about you all the time you are never far away ..we love you and miss you and treasure the memories that you and Morgan shared thank you for being an angel watching over Morgan ..Happy 29 th birthday in heaven ❤️
October 27, 2019
October 27, 2019
Happy birthday my sweet girl, I tell stories about our crazy fun times together and that is good, but only for a moment and then I get so sad because I miss those times so much. I love you with every part of my being. I talk to you all the time. Everytime I see a Shiney penny I stop, pick it up and look to the heavens knowing you were there with me at that moment. I miss youuuuuuu. Auntie
September 22, 2019
September 22, 2019
I love you so much, I miss you and all the crazy loud and fun times. Everyday I wake up missing you.
October 27, 2017
October 27, 2017
Auntie loves you so much! You stay close to grandma Phyllis she is taking care of you for us. Love you baby girl
October 27, 2017
October 27, 2017
Happy 27th Birthday Clancy... We love you and will be walking up to the cross today to leave Yellow roses for you...
Always in our hearts.. never forgotten...
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
Hi Claney.. Morgan and I always keep you alive by talking about great memories of you.. You are always in our hearts and minds and we love you and miss your physical presense daily..
But we know your here with us...
March 27, 2017
March 27, 2017
I love u and have never missed anyone the way I miss u but I know u are right here with us because i see the signs u leave and it makes me smile. Thank u for the strength u give me to get thru this crazy life. U mean so much to me. <3
October 27, 2016
October 27, 2016
Happy Heavenly Birthday to you, Clancy Jane! You're still very much loved and so sadly missed.
October 27, 2016
October 27, 2016
My love for you is Neverending. I miss you so so much. My heart hurts for you and your mommy. I take good care of her for you. So does Aaron. We will be together again. You yell auntie when you see me. Ok?
October 27, 2016
October 27, 2016
Happy Birthday Baby girl!! You are always in my heart and I love you so very much! Today you are 26 and I wish you were here celebrating with me. The family will be releasing balloons for you tonight with our special message to you. There are so many things I wish I could tell you. I will see you in my dreams.
Love you so much Mom.
May 22, 2016
May 22, 2016
Clancy... we love and miss you today and always ..we were just talking about you the other day.. We laugh when you come to mind because that's what you always made us do .. You are forever missed ..but some how we know your right here with us .. Love you always!!!
November 10, 2015
November 10, 2015
Hey Clancy my BF forever, guess what I made this morning? Your favorite biscuits and gravy!!! And yes..... I MADE IT MYSELF! Lol also had peppermint mocha coffee and jager and daiquiri ate with me while I reminded them of auntie Clancy. I love you baby girl. Not one day passes when I don't think of you!
November 9, 2015
November 9, 2015
Our Dear Clac Master Flex... as I sat with my beautiful girl Morgan
arrow last night and celebrated her 25th birthday we were talking about your recent birthday and smiling about all the beautiful moments Morgan shared with you... know that you will never be forgotten and that your loving spirit is felt by Morgan often... thank you for your love and protection from heaven... we love you forever.. Morgan and Deb
November 9, 2015
November 9, 2015
Oh my Clancy!!! I wish we could have celebrated your 25th birthday together. I tried to go to Six Flags but they were closed on a Tuesday, yea pretty crazy. Well I still have the tickets and we are going soon just to honor your Birthday. I love you my baby girl. I miss you so very much. Please come and visit me in my dreams. Love you momma.
July 19, 2015
July 19, 2015
Clancy, i knew you when im sure your smile was the biggest! i was blessed with your pressance when you were just about to become a woman, when times were innocent and excitingly crazy, you were everywhere, you were on everyones mind, your name on everyones tongue, for goodness sake you even had your own street. i was way older than you and i found my self looking up to you. your spirit was so irresistibly magnetic there wasnt a person at lost lake that didnt feel you. i wish i had more memories with you sweetie but i thank you for the few you did give me. cheers to you and your Daddy for the good times. sending my love to you, your truely an angel....
June 18, 2015
June 18, 2015
Clancy you are very much missed.Always on our mind, Forever in our hearts. Love you so♡♡Steve&Gaby. Steve misses his Charlie!!!
June 18, 2015
June 18, 2015
Not a single day, not a single minute not second goes my that you my sweet Clancy Jane are not in my thoughts. And you honey hold the biggest spot in my heart. You keep your arms around your grandma Phyllis neck until we get to y'all. All my love auntie Linda
May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015
Morgan and I talk about you often .. We always remember the true friend you were... We love you and know your guiding Morgan from
Above.. Thank you. Iam spending the day with Morgan today and we
Will be laughing and crying for you ..
We love you !❤️
February 23, 2015
February 23, 2015
Hi Clancy,

It's me, Jessica. Do you remember me? Of course you do! We started Big Cheese at about the same time and buddied up to each other right away!! We use to complain about having to wear our stupid visors, you especially because it would give you headaches. We hated working the arcade so we would take turns. You would come to my apartment after work sometimes and we'd have drinks and hang out. You laughed at me because afterwards you'd go home and read and I was too sick to go to work!! I can't believe you're gone, someone told me a while ago but I don't think I believed them. You and your mom were so close and you loved her so much, I'm so sorry for your loss mama. Clancy use to talk about you, she even told me how wee man complimented your tattoo on your back because you looked so good! You passed away only 15 days after my dad did. Will you say hi to him for me? I miss you friend and I'm sorry we didn't keep in touch more. I'll see you someday. Xoxo
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