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June 27
Happy birthday Dad. I hope you are up there celebrating with mom and Papa Jack. I miss you so much.
June 16
Happy Father's day Dad. This day is not the same since you had to leave. You are truly missed. I love you
May 5
33 years today Dad and it still hurts like it was yesterday. I hope you and Mom will continue to watch over all of us and give us your direction. Till we meet again. I love you
June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2021
June 27, 2021
June 27, 2020
June 27, 2020
Happy Birthday in Heaven Dad.. you would be 90 yrs old today wow.. you left us too soon.. Today is also Bucky Moon's b-day hope you and Mom find him today and have the best party.. reunion.. .. we love and miss you both so much.. We will see you both some day when its our time .. <3
June 27, 2020
June 27, 2020
May 5, 2020
May 5, 2020
Hi Dad 29 years ago today our Lord called you home.. we miss you every day, so many things you missed Ian's new baby girl Mom missed that too.. missed all the grandkids but i know your looking down over all of us . Give Mom a big hug and kiss for us we miss you both so very much .. love you and god night .. Till we are all together again
May 5, 2020
May 5, 2020
Dad I miss you sooo much it doesn’t seem possible that it 29 years today. I love you 
June 27, 2019
June 27, 2019
HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN HEAVEN DADDY I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU . I know momma is celebrating with you today give her a hug for me I miss you both sooo much
May 5, 2019
May 5, 2019
I love and miss you sooo much Dad 28 years today. Give momma a hug for me I love and miss you both sooo much
June 27, 2018
June 27, 2018
May 5, 2018
May 5, 2018
Dad, it’s 27 years today I still miss you so much. Now momma is up there with you like she always said one day she will be with you to waltz across heaven with you. I love you and momma and miss you both so very much.
May 5, 2018
May 5, 2018
Hey Dad.. 27 years ago today you had to leave us.. really doesn't seem that long some times and then others it seems like forever.. Momma is with you now and I know your happy about that and so is she... We will be ok until we see you both again.. some day . Love and miss you both .
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
Happy 87th Birthday and miss you very much ..think of you every easy till we all meet again....Love you <3
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
HAPPY 87th Birthday Dad I love you and miss you sooo much
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Dear Honey.. I miss you so much ..especially when I see our chidren hurting and needing you. But I'm sure they will know what you would say in their time of need. Please help me find the strength and the words to help our kids.. I miss you ...Love you...forever and I will see you some day...after my job here on earth is done. your loving wife...Loretta
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Hi its been 26 years today...some days seems like forever, then other days seems just like last week...either way, it doesnt matter...we all still miss were the rock...the foundation ..Mom is really missing you today and tonight.. she's been calling me..she's alone... dang it ...I dont want to wish you left us way too young...and most of the kids were way too young to lose you....I love you and i pray i will see you someday...take care of baby Jailyn up there...the one great grandbaby that is with you...and John Fredrick ...till we meet some day....R.I.P. and miss you...Linney...your oldest... <3
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Dad, I miss you so much. I know how proud you would be of your grand children. It's so hard when I see them grow and become beautiful and successful young lady's I just hope you see them I know they would have loved you. Please keep watching over all of us. Love you sooo much.
June 27, 2016
June 27, 2016
Happy Birthday in Heaven Dad miss you so much...we all are missing you this year for some reason..not sure why...some days are better then others....oh well someday we will be with you again...until then, please watch over all of us and take care of us threw God our you...Linney
June 27, 2016
June 27, 2016
Happy birthday dad I miss you so much this year seems to be worse then ever. You would be so proud of your grand daughters. All your grand children. I love you so much. Keep watching over us all
June 27, 2015
June 27, 2015
February 18, 2014
February 18, 2014
Dad what to say first I miss you alot and the memory's ill never forget is helping you with chores and talking about cars and that 34 ford we were going to billed I didn't forget about it ill make it someday and how could I forget watching home again with bob vela Steve you remember that how dad would say he was taken every ones tools lol couldn't think of a better man to become like then you dad and fallow in his foot steps love and miss you lots dad
February 18, 2014
February 18, 2014
wow, where do I begin...I have so many memories of you that its hard to pin point just one...I began loving you like you were my own dad... you were there for your family, no matter what was going on or hard things got...And when I had Amy Jo, you were her "pappy", I wish she could remember you, and how you loved her with all your heart & soul(she loved you too the same). I still think about all the great times with the family. I know you're looking after each and everyone of us even though you're not here. One day we'll met again and pick up from where things ended, but until then~ Amy Jo & I love you with all our heart~
February 17, 2014
February 17, 2014
Dad - I'm sorry I never got the chance to officially call you that, but you knew all along. I still say to this day that I could listen to you talk all day(you and that Dutchy accent of yours). We have so many stories and experiences that we wished we could have shared with you, but you were there, weren't you? Please continue watch over your family. All our love - Barb & Bud
February 17, 2014
February 17, 2014
Dad, don't know where to begin..but I do remember when I was very little...I would follow you out to the garage, and watch you work away at building...God knows what were always building about that huge picnic could have made it for the Waltons..but then I guess we were like the waltons..needed that big or that play house you built for Karen and I..wound up being a house for you painted was silver..I remember watching you build things..hammering away. I would just be blinking bad but I wouldn't budge..just stayed right there..i remember that well..i remember the day I was in the hospital in Philadelphia I was 10 years old had to have a special test, Mom was there inside with me, when they were done I managed to go out in the waiting room there you were, you helped me up on your lap, I was crying Daddy it hurt, you held onto me..pain went away...these are just a few things I remember about you..and what a hard worker you were ..good provider for your family. We all miss you Dad, Mom misses you a lot, but we are all looking out for each other for now. till we can all be together again ..Love you Dad...Good night <3 :)
February 17, 2014
February 17, 2014
Dad, hot summer days still bring me back to walking the fence line doing repairs and how tired i was at the end of the day. If i could relive just 5 min of those days. Miss you!
February 17, 2014
February 17, 2014
DAD I just want to say we luv u and miss u very much not a day goes by after all these years that we don't think of u. there are so many family memories as we were growing up.we all luv u here I just wish the boys would have got to meet u even though I tell them stories it just don't take the place of meeting u stories just don't do anything for the real u. I remember so many things but couple thing that really stick out in my memory was the family rides on a sunday !!! we would all jump into our station wagon with three seats and off we would go back roads and hills here we come !!!!!lol and also the morn I was driving home from work on the highway and roads were covered with snow and saw an exit coming up with a car coming off it didn't know how I was going to do this as I was so close to that car and said lord tell dad I need him within an instant felt like I didn't have to control the steering or the brakes I was slowed down the car came out of the exit and went just in front of me and all was fine thank u dad and thank u god !!! well I could go on and on but dad just want to say im sending luv and kisses from our house to
ur home in heaven !!! we luv u till we meet again !!!! hugs!!! luv ur daughter carol and family !!!

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