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August 13, 2016
August 13, 2016
Happy Birthday Dave!!

I woke up with you on my mind, go figure it's August 13th! Another year, wow, where does the time go? I hope you are having a big piece of strawberry shortcake with Kimmy and the folks. You all are missed today and always. Some days it just looms larger than is one of those days.

Happy birthday brother! xoxoxo Ty
August 13, 2016
August 13, 2016
Happy Birthday, my've been foremost in my mind these past few weeks as I prepare to ride another metric century on the 21st (memories of 2010). I feel your presence encouraging me to keep my cadence just right, and remember you grinding up Rock Store Grade and Metcalf. You will always be an inspiration. Miss you and your wisdom. I'm hoping there are bikes where you are!
June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016

I just am finishing a month-long trip around the United States on my motorcycle and that made me think of you.

Miss ya, buddy!

June 25, 2016
June 25, 2016
The link below is for Dave's daughter-in-law Raquel (Son, David's wife) and her father has been diagnosed with bladder cancer just like Dave. He is from Ecuador and we are helping to raise the funds to get him a chance at fighting this same cancer that killed my father. If you know and loved my father please donate what you can in his honor!
January 18, 2016
January 18, 2016
Dave - Astonishing that yet another year has gone by. Just so you know, the "Dave Wave" continues whenever I pass your plaque along our favorite Hidden Valley route. 

I hope that the passing of this day is easy for your family and friends. I'll be using thoughts of you as inspiration for an upcoming ride; if you can do what you did then this ride should be a cake walk. Give me a little push up the last part of the climb, will ya?
January 18, 2016
January 18, 2016
Dude - another year? Your absence is felt every day. The biking season begins, and I'm calling upon your grace and words of encouragement to get me over and through the physical and psychological challenges of the miles ahead.

You were foremost in my mind during my motorcycle tour through southern Utah - remembering those bike trips of the 90's, I know you would have dug this trip….I'm still saddened by "what could have been." Keep those "signs" coming….they work.
January 18, 2016
January 18, 2016
My sweet old friend. Memories are still fresh on all of our adventures over the 40+ years. Think of you often and smile. You will always be in my heart. You set the bar high in the laughter and fun area. Gwen is laying a rose on the Gaisford bench today for me. xoxox Carrie
January 18, 2016
January 18, 2016
Hey David, Carolyn is right, you set the bar super high in the fun & laughter area. Can't believe it has been 5 years and it is going on 3 years for mom in May. Ty and I miss you every day. He had a great health check up today, so glad for that! Keep the inspiration coming, we all feel it! I think it is time I get a headstone for you up in the hood. So glad the Gwen is going up today. I know you aren't there but you are watching! We love you so much! Your sis, Kel xoxo
August 17, 2015
August 17, 2015
Tyler, remember going to CCR at the Coliseum with Dave? You two were such a good band of brothers. Cycle on Dave.
August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015
Hey Dave - I still wave every time I go by your plaque in Hidden Valley (and that's at least every Sunday). I think of you often and wish you were around to continue setting the example for us all.
August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015
Happy Birthday David! Hoping they have Strawberry Shortcake in Heaven! Ty and I both woke up texting each other that today is your birthday. Life isn't as much fun without you. Miss your smile and your contagious laugh and encouragement, when you weren't being a pain in the you know what but I can say that as your little sister. Love you forever. xoxoxo
August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015
Happy Birthday Dave! Hope you are having a big bash with mom, dad and Kimmy and all the rest of our relatives up there. You are missed.
Love, Ty
January 20, 2015
January 20, 2015
Dave, writing this for mother and myself. It was a good day today so we went to Salt Lake city. We stop and talked to you and the family. Sure do miss you all. I'm sure Dad is up there with your Dad and are having a great time. See you later Keep Smiling J. Haun
January 19, 2015
January 19, 2015
Well Dave,

Hard to believe four years has passed. On the other hand I think the the earth's rotation has increased in speed and time is flying by.

You are missed by many. Your grandkids are beautiful and strong, but I'm sure you know that.

If the spirit ever moves you, stop by and say hello...there are a couple of thinks I'd like to know.

As ever your brother,

January 18, 2015
January 18, 2015
Hey Dave - it's incredible that four years have passed. So much has happened in that interim but one thing has remained constant… whenever I ride through Hidden Valley (as I will again this morning) and pass by your memorial plaque I wave and say "Hi Dave!" 

I thought of you a lot this past year as I went through some surgery and recovery of my own and really understood what guts and fortitude it took for you to get back on the bike as often as you did. 

You are still missed.
January 18, 2015
January 18, 2015
Today, on the fourth anniversary of my dear cousin, Dave's passing, I pause to reflect. It's bittersweet for me . . . my place of employment has been making incredible progress towards eliminating the insidious disease that dragged him down - The Big C.

Today also marks, for me, the advent of a new biking season, and I pause to remember how much I learned from Dave about the art and science of biking, and will forever be grateful to him.

Our last ride together was a grueling 62-miler, where he (true to form) kicked my ass on the infamous Metcalf Grade; which he completed with more tubes in him than the bike. It was a team effort, with each of us taking turns drafting off the other. He never complained, but I know he was in excruciating pain for much of the ride. We shared some good rides; from Moab to Park City, Thousand Oaks to San Jose, but the greatest ride of all was sharing life together.

My anger and sorrow have passed. I no longer regret "what could have been," but cherish "what was."

Miss you Bro.
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
I'm thinking about you buddy and saying a prayer for you and your family.
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Today I'll light a birthday candle for you dad! Today would have been your 60th birthday! I love you and miss you daily!
June 13, 2014
June 13, 2014
I'm thinking of you on your favorite day! Friday the 13th! A good omen, not superstitious, as you were born on a friday the 13th! it's made even more unique this year by the full moon, which won't happen again until something like 2049! I miss you, especially when I look at my children. Sydney is such a beautiful, spirited and super intelligent girl. Asher Lloyd is almost a year! He is a smart,curious and happy boy!
May 30, 2014
May 30, 2014
Dave, Mom and I came to Salt lake city to visit the family. Dave Boy I miss you alot. The fun times we had and the talks Boy time does fly Well keep smiling Jen Haun
January 20, 2014
January 20, 2014
You are missed...never thought I would be the oldest in our immediate family, not for at least another 30 years anyway. I hope you and Kimmy and Mom and Dad are whoopin' it up up there. You all are missed here...Kelly and I will keep on keepin' on. You all keep an eye on us. I love you.
January 18, 2014
January 18, 2014
Hey David. I can 't believe it has been 3 years since you graced this world with your amazing spirit. Something was wrong tonight . I couldn't sleep and I kept glancing at your photo. Your senior class photo mom kept in the silver frame on her carved chest from China. For a moment I felt utterly alone and I imagined you coming through the front door to go skiing in Big Sky. The only consoling thought is that you, Kim, mom and dad are together. I miss you every day. Ty and I are sticking it out together and doing 'the Gaisford thing' with you forever in our hearts. Look out for us and let us know how you all are . With love for eternity. Your little sister, Kelly. XOXOXO
January 18, 2014
January 18, 2014
Dave - just wanted to let you know that I still salute your plaque each time I ride through Hidden Valley. I think of you often and know that you'd be the guy I'd ask about any new equipment or training stuff. I confess to feeling a bit robbed - just as we were getting to know each other better you were gone. You are definitely missed.
October 18, 2013
October 18, 2013
Dave, I had to write you to let you will you please take care of my Mr. Toby. He just pass away so I'm sure he is up there with you and your family and my dad. Dave I miss you and I talk to you alot I always stop there to talk to you all when I go to Salt Lake. Take care my friend Keep smiling Jen Haun
August 18, 2013
August 18, 2013
Dave. Sorry I miss your Birthday. So Happy birthday Late. I Took Mom down to Salt Lake to the choir and spoken word today. We went up and found The Gaisfords (thank you Kent for the information. We did flowers and talk to everyone there. Back when we would come a visit in California. We as a family just loved The Gaisfords We miss you all God Bless Jen and Nadine Haun
August 14, 2013
August 14, 2013
Happy Birthday Dad! I miss you so much! Your grandson Asher Lloyd is 3 weeks old today. He is a sweet, beautiful boy. I know you knew him before he was here. Keep watching over us!
August 13, 2013
August 13, 2013
You left a strong supporting cast buddy. We all think of you often and miss you.
August 13, 2013
August 13, 2013
Gaisford,'s Gaisford. Happy Birthday. Miss you and love you.
August 13, 2013
August 13, 2013
Happy Birthday dear friend. xoxox miss you. Carrie
August 13, 2013
August 13, 2013
Happy Birthday David! We all love you and miss you every day! I watched the great biking video of you and I loved your dance! No one has legs like you!! Your new grandson Asher is gorgeous and looks just like your baby photos. I love you always, Kel xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
August 4, 2013
August 4, 2013
I put a video up on YouTube of the 2004 bike trip Dave, Cameron, myself and a couple of other friends took from Olancha, CA to Mammoth Lakes, CA. Some great clips of Dave and his sense of humor!
July 8, 2013
July 8, 2013
I did not know that Dave had left us. I feel so bad. We had some fun days back when he was here going to BYU. I thought alot of Dave and wonder what became of him. Sounds like he was a very great man and had a family that loved him. I will miss him alot So sorry for your lost.
January 19, 2013
January 19, 2013
Hey David- The anniversary of your departure is not my favorite day so I thought I would send up a tribute the day after! Well, Lance doped, you probably know that and probably don't really care. I will forever remember the courage his story instilled in you and the hope it gave to me. Hoping those of us remaining can Livestrong in your courage. I love you David! Your little sister, XOXO
January 18, 2013
January 18, 2013
Thinking about you today and miss you every day my friend.
January 18, 2013
January 18, 2013
Hi Dave - We still think about you a lot but particularly as we ride past your plaque in Hidden Valley. We occasionally stop by to say hello but always salute as we pedal by. You are missed, my friend.
January 18, 2013
January 18, 2013
David, Thinking about you and all the fun we had together. Went to our 40th Campolindo High School Reunion and all your friends had a toast in your honor! You will aways be in my heart. xoxox Carolyn
January 18, 2013
January 18, 2013
It was too soon, Dave...Give Dad and Kim a hug for me. Miss and love you all.

PS. Don't plan on seeing me any time in the near future!
December 22, 2012
December 22, 2012
Hi David! Merry Christmas! I miss you so much and think about you every day. Katie is going to have another baby, of course you know that already! Sydney is so fabulous as are all of your grandchildren. I love you David. Thanks for keeping an eye on all of us and inspiring us from Heaven. Love to you and Kimmy and Dad! Your little sister, Kel
August 13, 2012
August 13, 2012
Happy Birthday Dave,
Shopping spree today Dave in memory of you!
Your always in my heart!

xoxo Julie
August 13, 2012
August 13, 2012
Happy Birthday Handsome! Been thinking about you all day and smiling at the thought of your smile. I hope you're having a wonderful time with your dad and the kitties.
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
Remembering you today, Dave. Whether people knew you as Dad, brother, grandpa or, as we did, Diesel Dave, you are one tough guy to forget. I salute you each time I pass your plaque and think about you often. 

May this first anniversary be an easy one for your family. All the best to all of them.
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
Will be riding past your plaque later today buddy , cold day ahead ,and will be missing that large frame of yours to draft behind !
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
Thinking of Dave today with warm thoughts of working with him. Prayers go out to all of his family whom he loved so much. Kay Davis/Carbolinie retiree.
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
One year has now gone by without you here. I am still your little girl waiting for a big hug from her dad! You are so missed, Sydney is growing so big and has no memories of her Grandpa Dave. It makes me sad to know she will grow up without you. Please watch over us!
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
I miss you every day! I spent this morning looking at old pictures and laughing over happy times. You were a gift to us all.
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
Thinking of you today David. I know that you're looking down watching over all your family. I'll keep you and all of them in my prayers.
January 9, 2012
January 9, 2012
Dave, I knew a lot about you because I am your sister Kelly's best friend, and I know how she adored you. Please watch over her because she still needs you. She has your Mom to care for, young Harrison, and her new husband, Neal, so please be with her so she finds the strength to be care-giver, daughter, mother, wife, and amazing friend. You remain a light in her life. Be there forever!
August 13, 2011
August 13, 2011
Thinking about you especially today, Dave. I hope you're celebrating with the kitties, your dad, and Kim.
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