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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Dr. Edmund Akinocho, 87 years old, born on February 18, 1933, and passed away on June 1, 2020. We will remember him forever.
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
We heard with great sadness that Dr Akinosho had passed. We met through your son Labode who married our dear friend and sister Esigbemi. I remember distinctly how I marveled at the resemblance between father and son when I first met you. You were a distinguished gentleman, who was also fun loving, witty, caring and a family man. You will be missed sorely. May you find rest with our Lord Jesus till we meet again. The Adebajos - Ronke & Feyi.
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
My Dearest Uncle,

Your departure leaves a deep scare, too painful to heal. I give God the glory for your life, well spent. Thank you for the lives you touched and the hearts you healed.

Continue to rest in the bossom of our Lord. May your soul rest in perfect peace.

Your Niece,
Solabomi Adeoba
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
Psalms 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD
Is the death of His saints.

There’re many memorable moments I shared with Dr. drawing from his fountain of wisdom. He was sensitive and insightfully caring. He has a way of making everyone feel special and at ease in his presence, your age and social standing notwithstanding. I will always treasure those precious moments I shared with him.
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
Uncle....the thought of having to piece my thoughts together over this, grips me. Your caring thoughts (for all), your rich yet encouraging smiles I still see; your 'healing' hands made a difference!
No doubt, you've left your foot prints in the sands of time!
Rest on, dear Uncle.
Bless your sweet soul!
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
Stoic, strong, ebullient, philosophical, contemplative, warm, focused, ever generous, patient, welcoming, lover of family and life, steady, funny, witty, serious,raconteur, never a dull moment with you. Moments cherished... memorable times; gone forever...but forever in mind. My uncle, friend...and very much the father figure in my life, Bless your dear soul for the times we shared. Rest in peace. And to those you left, friends I wish Strength, Fortitude, and Peace!  (Muyiwa Majekodunmi)
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
Rest In Peace Dr Akinocho

I meet Dr Akinocho, when working at St Edmunds a few years back. He always brought a feel of laughter and cheer to the room. You surely would be missed and forever remain in our hearts.
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
The passing of our loving and caring uncle, Dr. Edmund Abiola Adigun Akinosho, is a great loss to the entire Akinosho family. But we take solace in our many fond memories of an astute ophthalmologist, a surgeon per Excellence! His death has come as another rude shock of life but also a reminder of mortality.

Personally, my uncle left an indelible mark in my life, which I will always be grateful for. I shared my childhood life with him when he moved to Abeokuta to join his late brother (my father) Magistrate Ezekiel Afolabi Akinosho MBE. Being a student at Abeokuta Grammar School he tutored and nurtured me to appreciate the importance of education as the bedrock of success in life. He actually set me on the right path to education.

As an adult, he told me to keep dreaming, keep thinking and fail, but fail forward. He gave me four things. First, to remember I need to study hard. Second, I need not feel so overwhelmed. Third, to remember and uphold our family name, and the fourth is to remember that no matter how far-fetched dreams are they will surely come true if you work hard at them. He never let go of me till I achieved my dreams. He was my great mentor and role model.

Our dearest uncle, we are all saddened at your passing, but we are definitely proud of your unparalleled accomplishment in life. You surprise us no be small!! Just like dat! Na wa o!!! but we are definitely proud of the bars you raised and the foot prints you left behind. Your generous contribution in several ways to family members cannot be forgotten - - is it in the area of mentoring, free medical consultation in your hospital, prompt response to family matters and the list goes on.

You remain in our hearts a loving and caring father with a beautiful heart. You showed us the value of hard work and set the standard for our generation and generation yet unborn. We will continue to celebrate the legacy you left behind. May God help us all.

My uncle Biola, I thank God for the fulfilled life you were permitted to live on the planet earth and for the life of all of us who you have impacted over the years. I pray that your gentle soul rests peacefully in the bossom of the Lord our creator, and reunite with all the departed family members who have joined the Saints, Amen.

Good night till we meet to part no more.

Sun re o Abiola Adigun
Omo Agbegba losi
Omo Olugbo saaki

Odigba o

Your niece
Evelyn Adunola Thanni (nee Akinosho)
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
To my amazing Grand Uncle. You were a man with a kind soul. Intelligent, Wise, Caring and Lovable. I know I barely got to see you as much but the few times I did will be moments I will cherish forever. May your soul rest in everlasting peace ❤
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
MY Brother-Dr Edmund Abiola Akinocho

I will always remember my brother for his great charm and wit, a great inspiration to all, with a heart that radiated love and warmth, through all our lives. His departure was truly unexpected and I am deeply grieved. His death came as such a shock. Biola, you were one in a million, but just YOU, and it was an honour to have shared this life with you.

I extend my deepest sympathy to Siobhan, Ayo, Labode, Pepi and Dayo. He has left us, but will be remembered fondly for all that he accomplished. He was my friend, confidant, a mentor, even though I was older. You never rested till you did a good deed everyday in someone's life. Your deep thoughts and liveliness, will be missed, as much as your undying support for friends and family .A good soul has passed on!!! a good man !!!

Loss cannot be expressed in words, it can only be felt. So I shall remember you. What an exit you made.....silently, all of a sudden, without giving life a chance to trouble you with pain or remorse. Your final act shall always be remembered.

Rest in peace my dearest brother. Dr. Edmund Abiola Akinocho.

Your sister
Elfrida Arinola A. Pearce.
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
To Sir With Love:
Tribute to Dr Edmund Abiola Akinocho (1933-2020)

I first met Dr Abiola AKINOCHO in my final year of Medical School at the University of Lagos. I asked him if he was related to Dr Funke Akinocho (Nee Olubowale) who was my senior at MGHS Yaba and my town girl from Sagamu. He answered with a smile and pride “that is my wife”.
Since then he treated me not as an in-law but as a sister. So when I told him later that I wanted to specialise in Ophthalmology, he encouraged me and even after my specialisation, he constantly kept in touch with me.
That Dr Akinocho was a fine gentleman was never in doubt; with his bow tie, smart suit and “after you madam” attitude portrayed him as one.
He was a good clinician, a fine surgeon, caring and reassuring. No wonder then that his clinic at G.H Lagos was always full. Dr Akinocho was always willing to show an interesting case to a junior colleague who walked into his clinic. He kept abreast with current reviews in Ophthalmology, thus it was not surprising that he delivered his brilliant Faculty Lecture titled Ophthalmology in Antiquity later.
To me Dr Akinocho was like a big brother, generous and reliable. He was at my 80th birthday symposium held by the Department of Ophthalmology CMUL/LUTH last November.
‘By their fruits they shall be known’ Dr Akinocho gave his children the best legacy: Education, Knowledge and Integrity. He loved his family and friends and he was much loved by them. His contributions to Ophthalmology cannot be quantified as he has left his footprints in the sands of time.
As I end this tribute to “Sir with Love “ I say, Dr Edmund Abiola Akinocho’s life was a SERMON to which he watched how it was preached. Please mark my words, Generations now and those yet unborn will learn from it.
Lastly Our consolation lies in 2 Timothy 4:7-8.
Prof Ajesola Majekodunmi
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Uncle Biola, as we fondly called him was my Mom's uncle. They were close and that closeness was extended to us her children. I remember visits to his house and numerous visits to St. Edmond's hospital for eye checks. Uncle Biola was always friendly and always really interested in what we were up to.
When I got married, he also adopted my husband Robbie. When Robbie had an accident that left a bad scar near his eye, Uncle Biola was so concerned that he insisted that Robbie come and tidy it up. He did it himself and he did it perfectly.
I used to boast that we had a lot of elders in my family, so it's really sad to see them going one after the other, leaving big shoes to fill.
I don't even know if we can fill them. They were a formidable generation.
Rest in peace uncle and say hi to your niece (my Mom for me). Tell her that we miss her.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Oh Daddy, your demise was a shock but I thank God for your life and the achievements. You were an Icon in the field of Medicine in the world. A pillar to reckon with especially in the Opthalmology in Nigeria. You have finished your divine work here on Earth and I will miss your smiles, tea time, cookies, special wine and most especially your fatherly care.Your concern for me and my children Enitan and Adeoluwa Ajagbe was of no measure. I will miss your smiles and kisses.
You were a link between all the Akinosho family. You did the work left for you by all "the gone home" fore father's excellently well.
I pray that God will forgive all your sins.
Sleep on my beloved daddy till the ressurrection day when we shall meet to part no more.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
DR. EDMUND ABIOLA AKINOCHO bid no one farewell, was gone before I knew it. How was the mighty fallen? I believe since death is an indispensable prelude to immortality, he has completed his divinely ordained task here on earth and has been liberated into the Glory of God in his everlasting Kingdom.
Looking back at his life time, one would say that DR. ABIOLA AKINOCHO had an excellent and very fulfilled life. He was blessed by God in multiple aspects, long, health, happy, prosperous life with children and grandchildren. He was a living testimony of God’s grace, love, goodness and mercy.
Professionally, he was an academic, intellectual icon, an accomplished eye surgeon and a fine gentleman of our time and he was very generous.
Within the Kufeji/Akinosho family, he established himself a dependable pillar to reckon with, a worthy son and an ambassador of the illustrious Kufeji/Akinosho family of the federation of Nigeria and Kufedji/Akinocho family of Republic Du Benin. His goodness to humanity and reference to God stood as his testimonies and hall mark of his sterling quality which of course we shall be celebrating at his death, a celebration of just and righteous life. Wami and I always felt the warmth of his love and passion whenever we were together.
We extend our deeply felt condolence to the family especially his only living senior sister (Mrs. Elfrida Arinola Pearse), children and grandchildren.
I pray that the Almighty God will comfort them and grant them the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. We will always give thanks to God for he had lived a fulfilled life.
Wole Akinosho
For the family


Omo Olugbon agbe, Omo agbe gba losi,
Omo Olugbon Saaki,
Omo Ore ni ngbe Igba Iyun laja
Omo obe ko mu, ni koje nbu o ni isu je
Omo a fi abere gun iyan,
Jeni Agbe, Omo Onila ti nko ila atewo
Omo o gbe ori esin ko omo ni ila,
Jeni Agbe
Aki ba Akanni rin, ki a ya obun
Aki ba Akanni rin, ki a ya ole
Akanni nwe lodo, gbogbo omo oge nyowo ose,
Gba temi, ani temi ni ogba,
Akanni Odi gbere, Odi arinako,
Odi oju ala
Sunre o! Sunre o!!
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Uncle Biola, I smile as I write this though with tears in my eyes, I smile knowing that heaven has gained another angel, I smile remembering our tea sessions in your office, your gentle way of advising with a smile, that I was never sure if you were scolding or joking, your sense of humour was fantastic, you lived a good life and will always be remembered. Adieu!
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Our sincere condolences!
From the families of Alhaja Ashaye and Mrs. Sunbo Akinocho, to the family of Dr Edmund Abiola Akinocho, Chairman St. Edmund Eye Hospital.

A good heart has stopped beating, a beautiful soul soared to heaven. We part with our beloved. May his memory be eternal. He truly loved his family.

He was a kind man and a true gentleman; he always put others before himself. He will undoubtedly be missed.

His ability to make everyone feel comfortable, secure and loved were his greatest strengths. Dr may be in heaven now, but I know he is looking down at us with a big smile on his face saying, “forge ahead-make the best of life – for we shall meet to part no more!”

Sweet is the remembrance of a rigtheous man. May his loving memory serve as a source of comfort to us all.

Goodbye, My Dear.
June 9, 2020
THE LEGEND.....My Uncle, Dr Edmund Abiola Akinosho....
an epitome of the Cerebral... Dapper ...Suave..a consummate professional.....a 'Dear and Glorious Physician'.
He was the revered ..the renowned Ophthalmologist of international repute ..His Private Practice founded nearly six decades ago records high networth ...and a broad spectrum of members of Nigerians,the international community and diasporans .....My UNCLE Biola ....a man of integrity with collapsible skills and an HR Practitioner's Delight !
His Human resources management is ALPHA...!!.He was bequeathed with a Surgeon's steady, soft and dexterous hands...( I should know...' was under ' his knife about thrice )!!
My uncle 'Biola was my late Mother
Grace Eniola MAJEKODUNMI (GEM)'s 'Heart-beat.'..They were 5 & 6.....and to the exclusion of all others.... FANTASTIC soul ties....!! ( My siblings and I knew better than to come between them)!! Methinks that.. ... in their death.. they were NOT Divided.....hmm Resonating (?) Mum passed on April 14th 2017 and her brother was still in mourning until his demise !! My Precious UNCLE loved His 'Sisi PUPA...''! He was a doting father ...,a quintessential traveller...and an affectionate Confidant of his children !!... No journey was too strenuous to deter him visiting any of them ... domiciled all over the world.......

He was a connoisseur of food, wines and The Arts avid and voracious reader.  A superb dancer.
A man of the world...
(He struck me sometimes that he might have been of Greco/ Romanic Descent.)!!
My Uncle Biola was a "CLASSY GUY''...He took me with him to NMA (Nigerian Medical Association) Dinner and Dance (1967). It was a wonderful and indelible experience!!..
He had "seen it all ..."..!! Always, he would acknowledge his Maker..until his life's end !! 
Yeah..I loved my Uncle...... indeed we both shared the same maternal link, unique bond ... uncommon and highly spiritual with my Mother, his late Sister.... Grace Eniola Majekodunmi.
Uncle Biola was warm, friendly ..and most compassionate.
Dr Edmund Abiola Akinocho...the proud father of Siobhan,Ayo,Labod, Peppy and Dayo...
You ... Uncle Biola were always "The wind beneath my wings......'' . Uncle dear, this is my testimony ...unblemished..unadulterated. of you.. 
Sleep on my dearly beloved Uncle.. Afficinado.. gracias!!
May your grand soul rest In peace eternal.. AMEN
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Our hearts are broken! The world has lost a special being. Dr. loved and cared for everyone. A father! He was interested in people’s welfare and helped strangers. Oh what a sweet soul! I thank God that he was saved and is at the Master’s feet. How I wish I could have seen him one more time to give him a hug.

Aunty Siobhan, Dr. Ayo, Uncle Labs, Aunty Pepi: Thank you for sharing your dad with all of us!

God bless you and I pray that the Holy Spirit with comfort you and all of us whose lives Dr. touched.

Dolapo Ekisola Olusina
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Dear Grand uncle,
I write this tribute with so much gratitude because this is a celebration of life. A life filled with many many blessings - immediate and extended family and friends that adored you. It is a blessing that you lived these many years and we are not taking that for granted at all - giving all thanks to GOD. You are loved and will be missed. May your lovely soul rest in peace.
With love,
Abiola Akinosho-Williams
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Dr. Edmund, it was an honor to have met you once. Your gentleness and understanding speaks volume of your integrity and your humility reveals the fear of God in you.
The children you left behind depict your legacy. You have fought a good fight......
Sleep on sir.
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
We heard the sad news in disbelief on Saturday. Mum and I are in disbelief. Just 2 hours prior to the phone call we were browsing through old photos and saw Dr Akinocho's photos from the 70s. We last spoke to him about a month ago. Cannot believe he's gone. He will be missed very much. A highly intelligent man, dapper dresser, down to earth God fearing man. Our thoughts are with your children who absolutely adored you. May your soul rest in peace.
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020

I Knew you only for a small fraction of your 87years of age, and truly count myself privileged to have known you. A highly intelligent, hardworking, interesting and deep thinking gentleman. One that I had the privilege of attending to medically from time to time.
I will always remember the day I met you 7 years ago in the Summer of 2013 at your daughter’s place. I remember you spent about close to 5 hours telling me all about yourself, from your childhood days, through building your medical practice and St Edmunds Eye Hospital, your family life and so so much!
I had wondered what made you feel so at ease with this total stranger that you were very comfortable and at ease to narrate your life story without hesitation.
I sat quietly and listened attentively without interrupting you (I felt that would be rude of me), apart from the occasional exclamation. I almost felt as if I had known you all my life.
I have since then and throughout the ensuing 7 years marvelled at your wealth of knowledge, wisdom, your resilience, calmness, kindness, and gentlemanly ways.....I can go on and on Sir.
Your departure was sudden! And I am very saddened by that; I believe I am not the only one who feels that way. I will miss you Sir.
Adieu Sir, Chairman!
My Friend, My Neighbour, My Colleague,
My fellow Alumnus of RCSI.

Rest in Peace.

June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
I write on behalf of Mrs Oluyinka Kiyomi.

My dearest Uncle, was a man of integrity and a good heart. I have truly benefited greatly from him in terms of love, care and support. I pray for his soul rest in perfect peace in Jesus name amen.
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Dr was a wonderful mentor. Blessed with endless words of wisdom and vast in life experiences. A truly unique man with his iconic bow tie. I hold a lot of fond memories of him in my heart. May God grant him Eternal Rest
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
On behalf of the The entire Family of Mr Kayode & (Late) Mrs Atinuke Oyenuga of Sagamu, Remoland , Ogun State, Nigera, we hereby register our very profound condolences to the Akinocho family , at the very shocking but peaceful demise of the patriarch of the Akinocho family - Emeritus Doctor Edmund Abiola AKINOCHO , on the very early hours of Monday 1st June ,2020 at the good old age of EIGHTY-SEVEN Years (1933-2020).
We are indeed grateful to the Almighty God for the grace and privilege of having our paths crossed since both families met through Dayo and Femi Oyenuga.
We also celebrate papa"s legacy that he has served his own generation by the determined will ,counsel and purpose of God in the field of opthamology.
We sincerely commiserate with the entire Akinocho family, relatives and in--laws at this irreparable loss.
We know that the exit of baba has created a vacuum in your hearts, but let us all be consoled that papa had lived an exemplary life and had been called to the eternal heavenly realms and order
by his Maker alone. Papa has lived a fulfilled life and our relationship as in- laws had been better for it.This is a thing of pure you and a testimony of God's faithfulness.
I am ever grateful to God and rarely enthused that by divine providence, papa"s daughter , confidant and partner in business - Dr Ayo Harriman had invited me to attend an 87th birthday party for papa at his St Edmund Eye Hospital.l gladly accepted to be at this get together also graced by some of papa's siblings. relatives .children and grandchildren.
I was privileged to make a speech in his honour .l spoke about the riches , grace & faithfulness of God.
But very little did l ever realised that God had ordered my steps on that fateful day to papa's birthday.That was my last contact with this illustrious Nigerian.
I am ever grateful to God that it was the day He had made indeed - glory be to God forevermore! !!
His final moments on earth might have caused some very unpleasant emotional strains and concerns , but we know that ALL THINGS work together for the good for those who love the Lord and for those called according to His purpose.
Once again ,please accept our heartfelt condolences.
The LORD Be With You All !
The Venerable E. Adebayo Oyenuga
(For : The Oyenuga Family)
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020

Little did I know that my dearly beloved freind and great in-law was quietly preparing to leave the planet earth, when we spoke a few weeks ago as we usually did when occasion warranted. That was at the celebration of his 87th birthday.
Since we came together as a "family" through the marriage of our children ( Dayo and Femi Oyenuga ),
I have found in PA. EDMUND to be a wonderful father, friend and in-law. He has been a man of great humility per excellence.Papa exhibited this trait on two different occasions that always come to my memory :
First, at the introduction of the two families (Oyenuga & Akinocho).
Second, at the funeral ceremony of his sister. He humbly made reference to his sister on this two occasions in sublime display and imprinted sense of humility ; he will not do anything without paying tributes and due regards to his sister who had impacted and influenced his life so positively.
I will always remember him so dearly for this character for which l believe should be emulated by all and sunder ,particularly the younger generation.
DR. AKINOCHO was a renowed entrepreneur who gave his children immense sense of business acumen and invariably making such an enduring legacy for the family.
DR AKINOCHO was a great philanthropist as he made meaningful impacts in the lives of many that came his way.
With reference to his academic achievements and pursuits ,one would need to open a special book of accolades, especially his achievements as a professional opthalmologist of which he is undoubtedly qualified to be refered to as an EMERITUS of the feild wherein he has displayed so much passion , dutifulness and service to humanity.
If traveling is part of formal learning and education, PA. EDMUND AKINOCHO was the right person to tutor or lecture us in travels or tour- guide as a career, because he once had a gist with me, that he had visited well over one hundred countries in the world.
PA. AKINOCHO was a great socialite.He belonged to a couple of social clubs , societies and organizations ; maintaining social distancing when necessary ,but still in active contact with friends ; this made him to be loved and respected by many.
We will surely miss his love, humour , companionship and above all ,his fatherly tenderness and touch.
May his gentle soul rest in peace in the bossom of our Lord and Saviour - Jesus Christ.
Amen !

Adieu a loving father.
Adieu a good friend.
Adieu a great in-law.

 Tribute by :
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
So sorry for your loss Dr Ayo Harriman. May his soul Rest In Peace. Do accept my condolences please
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Dear Dr Akinocho,
Father to my dear friend Ayo. I did not expect to be writing a tribute to you at this time !
You were always such a kind man, so warm, bubbly and so full of life . No one was ever bored when they spent time in your company.
I have very fond memories of the times we spent at your hospital , Quanta Qualia/ St Edmunds when we were medical students.
We all looked up to you with admiration and you were one of our mentors.
You opened up your home to all Ayo’s friends and we would spend weekends in Omole relaxing , swimming in the pool and consuming great quantities of food. A welcome respite from the rigours of study, tests and exams !
I also remember meeting up with you on your several trips to Northampton when you came to visit an old family friend and I admired your loyalty greatly.
May your dear , kind soul rest in perfect peace !
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Dr. Akinocho was more of a father to me and a mentor than a boss. I knew him first in 1985 when I started working with him at his eye hospital. I worked for 4 beautiful years at the Quanta Qualia/ St. Edmunds eye hospital and learnt a lot from him professionally and on human relations. He took each patient has a personal friend. He fondly calls me 'D'. Dr was a nice and caring father. A friend to all both young and old. His memories lingers on. Daddy we love you but God loves you most. Sleep on beloved till we meet to part no more. Love from Dr. Lanre Dixon
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Uncle was a close family friend of my parents since he and my Dad met during their postgraduate days in the UK. Uncle was always a dedicated, loyal, kind friend. He will be missed dearly by myself and my siblings but most especially by my Dad. His dear friend and colleague has predeceased him. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen 
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Dr. Daddy, the Distinguished Gentleman...Such a positive spirit, HUMBLE and Very Kind Daddy figure to me...holding your hand till the very end...watching you slowly drift away into the Comforting Arms of Our Creator and FATHER, caused such profound grief in me...but I know you are enjoying the Peaceful Life with Our Precious JESUS...till we meet again....♥️♥️♥️
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
My grandfather was a wonderful, joyful and lively man, he was the type of person that talks to you, listens when you talk and gives the best advice he could. He was always willing to help a friend, a relative, or a stranger he didn't even know. You wanted to meet him and go back to visit him because he was the type of person that brought joy to everyone's heart. I can vividly remember, A while back, I didn't really get along with people very much and was always worrisome at the thought of going to a new place to meet new people, I told my grandfather this and he simply just smiled and said strangers are just people that you haven't met and that really boosted my confidence. What I'm trying to say is that this blessed father, grandpa, and renowned optician will always have a place in our hearts.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
My dearest Grand Uncle, I really miss you. I can never forget your support and advices. You told me never to give up and keep pushing on. And it is working for me. Rest in perfect peace in the Lord in Jesus name amen.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
To a great friend and mentor; I recall sitting with you on a few Sunday evenings listening to your extensive music collection over a bottle of red wine. Your unique take on life, history and family served as a guide to a lot of my lifes' decisions. Dear Dr. you will be greatly missed. Thank you for all you were to me and the people around me. Until we meet again, rest in peace Sir.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
To my most cherished uncle: May your sweet kind loving soul rest in peace. I love and appreciate your contributions to my life. You were always there for me and my siblings. My being in the UK was initiated by you. You will definitely be in the bosom of Christ your creator. You will be sadly missed in all aspects of my life. You taught me that hard work does not kill but laziness does. I will never forget when you used to pick me up at 2am from Ogunlana drive to beat the Nepa in order to operate patients waiting to be operated. You were born to be what you were. I will miss you. I love you but God loves you most. Continue to rest in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ. We would continue with your Legacy. Your loving niece Gbemisola
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
A father, a friend and a teacher. You gave me a different and interesting perspective about the eye care career. I feel so pained, I never had the opportunity to really appreciate all you did for me. Sleep on Chairman.
You will be missed greatly.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Uncle many memories, good memories.
Uncle Biola walking me down the aisle some decades ago to "give me away!".
I remember I felt led to come for a few days at Omole in the 80s. That weekend we went for a Logos Aflame event....I gave my life to Jesus there.
Or was it when you heard me telling someone I needed a French- French dictionary. You heard, you travelled and when you came back, you brought that dictionary to me.....that was Uncle Biola.
I'm so joyous I spoke to you about 2 weeks before you left.
One of the things I'll miss is hearing you call my name the way you used to..."Buzzzieeeee!"
Uncle Biola........thank you for so much more. Peaceful rest.
June 6, 2020
June 6, 2020
Dear Doctor Akinocho,
Words fail me as I write this piece. All I know is that I thank God the creator of the Heavens and the earth for meeting you.
God worked through you to bring calm to me and my father, for this I am grateful.
God bless you immensely and give you rest.
Adieu Doctor!
June 6, 2020
June 6, 2020
Sunday, 31 May was just like any other day; little did I know what was to come towards the end of the day. For me, dad had 9 lives, he had ‘come-through’ so many times and so I was sure this was another one of those.

Your passing came as a big shock and leaves a massive void. You were always a great sounding board, not given to much talking, and a great coach – knew to ask the right questions such that I left reassured or clearer about my next move.

The last few days before your passing are particularly memorable for me. The week before you were very chatty, sharing several stories many of which I was hearing for the 1st time. I am very grateful for this time and a little sad I didn't realise it for what it was.

I am thankful that you lived a long full life. A blessed life, and even better, you were a blessing to so many, touching and helping so many lives.

You will be sorely missed but I am comforted that you lived a fulfilled life. You left a good legacy which has been and will continue to be my Northstar: kindness, a strong work ethic (you were a great admirer of diligence and hard-work) and respect for others regardless of age or status.

Adieu dad and rest in peace.
June 6, 2020
June 6, 2020
Dr. was like a father to me. Although I was his tenant, he never treated me as one. He was patient, loving, caring, an adorable gentleman to the core. He was full of experience and always had a word of encouragement for every situation.
He will be greatly missed. I can't believe I will no longer see his boyish smile anymore. I will miss our endless talks while we sip on tea and biscuits.
Rest in Peace, Daddy. Rest in peace

Adanna Ogueri-Ani
June 5, 2020
June 5, 2020
May Dr. Akinosho 's soul rest in perfect peace. Amen. He was distinguished for his meticulous corrective eye surgeries in Nigeria. Many people's eyes were saved by him. My condolences to his entire family and staff at St. Edmond's hospital.
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June 2
June 2
Forever missed but forever remembered - with fond memories. Rest on my dear Papa - our relationship wiad short but surely so sweet. Love as always.
February 21
February 21
Missing my inspiration and role model. Would continue to make you proud grandpa.
I remeber your birthdays and glad you were always well celebrated!
February 20
February 20
Daddy, you will always be remembered with a lot of affection.
I miss the lovely smile and words of care always said to me.
Continue to rest in peace in Jesus name.
His Life


June 10, 2020
(written by Eamon Akinosho with words and stories from Dad)

Thanks be to God for His Love, Kindness, Grace and Blessings and Glory be to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Dad was born on a quiet, dull evening of 18th February 1933 in Dr Akinola Maja 's hospital-Garber Square at lta Akanni, Lagos.

His mother, Susannah Adenike - Miss King, had Sierra Leonean parentage but grew up and married in Lagos. She was a teacher, seamstress and a firm, no-nonsense mother at home. She brought up all her children with all firmness, to be obedient and hard-working. But she died, at the age of Fifty-five years. Dad was just about 11 years old. A very active boy at church events and very domesticated.

He attended lesson -'adugbo', was a choir boy at church, member of the Boy's Brigade and Boy's scout. This was the story until he was transferred to the kindergarten school of Baptist Academy in Broad Street, Lagos. In front of the school on the other side of the road was the building of the Government press where his father worked.

His father was a very unassuming man from the Republic of Benin. He was very fatherly, most friendly, articulate and smart with tribal marks. The identity of his marks was from the Royal household of Oyo. He was a printer, worked in the Government press and became the Superintendent of press on retirement from service in 1936.  He was devoted to dad, guiding his path and decisions as he advanced in age. He lived till the age of 93 years.

Dad remembers being near to his office was an advantage because at break time; he would cross over from school to his father’s office to have his lunch break which was always packed in his father’s lunch box.

Things changed very quickly for Dad after his mum died in 1944. He was then at the mercy of his sisters and father. In 1946 he was transferred to Abeokuta Grammar School and stayed on there until 1951when he left school. The Principal of the school was late Reverend I.O. Ransome Kuti - a disciplinarian of the highest order. It was not easy for him to settle down quickly but he enjoyed it.

According to Dad, the science Classes were available with very high standards; the school had Dr S.O. Awokoya and the twin brothers, the Oyewoles in charge. They were first-class science teachers.

The study of Science meant so much to him because he always wanted to be a Medical Doctor since 'age 5'. It got up to a stage where during his playtime, he would look for frogs and lizards to play with, kill and dissect and later throw them away when smell and decay set in. He got punished for this on several occasions.

In 1951, Dad left school as his father wanted it that he should have "a taste of another life." He was selected to attend an interview and took a test at the Department of Marketing and Exports, lkoyi, Lagos. He got the job as a third-class clerk in accounts and within a short period, he made rapid progress and enjoyed the work as he made new friends.

He spent most evenings at the Science evening classes in King's College, Lagos and Onikan Centre. On non-school days, he would go swimming and play Squash. After about two years, he resigned from work to prepare for his journey abroad. In 1953 it was planned for Dad to meet his sister, Elfrida at the end of her studies in London; and while she returned home, he was to stay on for training for whatever he had chosen. He arrived in London and was well-received by his sister. They were lived in Hampstead, North London.

According to Dad, In the 50's it was like "a hard nut to crack" getting into a Medical School. One would need to pass Science at advanced levels, attend a competitive interview and rely on God's grace to enter. Dad was aware of all these difficulties, so he became fervent in prayers, fasting and praying by the hour. Again, in his thoughts was the family concern at home that he would not get into Medical school and that they had no certain financial means to keep him going. He kept up the spirit; lo and behold a letter came in announcing his admission into School of Surgery-Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin in 1954.

According to Dad, the College resumed in October on a dull early winter day; but the atmosphere was stimulating. He made new friends and settled to work. The atmosphere remained challenging and heavy laden with work. The first-year exams came and the results were encouraging. He had passed with 1st class honours in Biology and 2nd honours in Chemistry. This made the college appoint him Student Demonstrator in the two subjects with payment monthly, for services and with that, adding to the small stipend from home, he became financially strong and confident.

Coincidentally, his wife, Dr. Babafunke (late) was a student in his group. They had met her at the time and later married and had four children.  In subsequent years, he passed with honours, respectively in Ophthalmology and Psychology.

Dad was very active in the Rowing Club, and other College societies such as the Biological and Dramatic groups.

In 1961 he completed his Medical Training, passed out to begin the house jobs - which extended to 3 years after which he started his training in Ophthalmology at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Dublin. His Professional father was Mr. Somerville Large who supervised Dad’s movements to other centres on the continent of Europe and London.

After working in different Departments of the hospital and between the High Holborn and Old Street Hospital Branches, Dad took the Diploma final exams and passed out in 1964.

His father was so excited, he had exclaimed “Biola had gone, Biola became a Doctor as he promised and Biola has returned home. He said he would do it and he did it! “

Dad returned home in 1965 and then established himself in the profession and this took 1965-70 and for the second part of his homecoming in 1970-2008. He acquired all the International touches and exposures with all modesty. He was employed - Medical officer, Special Grade - Ophthalmology- into the Eye Clinic, General Hospital, Lagos. Dad had indicated that everything was made so difficult in there, but he enjoyed his work. During that time, Dr Akinola Pearce was the Chief, then Dr Odulate (late) and Dr Akinsete were the other Consultants.

In late 1966, Prof Orishajolomi invited Dad to lecture Ophthalmology at the Lagos Teaching Hospital and he did this for some time before transferring his services to the Nigerian Army. Dr Austin Peters - the Director of Medical Service in the Armed Forces invited him to join ranks and serve in the Nigerian Army. He was in the Office ranked Major but worked his way up to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before being discharged.

He was actively involved in conducting an examination of wounded soldiers, sorting them out for cosmetic repairs in Benin, Kaduna, Kano, and at the Military Hospital Lagos. As the war was coming to an end, Dad arranged his discharge from the Army to accept a Commonwealth Scholarship, where he travelled to Canada - University of Toronto and the USA for more advanced training in Ophthalmology. His second homecoming was 1970 - 2008. His long journey enabled him to acquire the listed qualifications. In Dad’s own words, a long journey that had a blessed end.

He was the immediate past Chairman of the Board of governors and a member of the Board of Trustees at the Eye Bank for Restoring Sight for Nigeria.

Dad in his later years was very socially active and loved to hang out with some of his friends including Dr. Bolaji Ajenifuja, Lawyer S.B. Joseph, Dr Bucknor, Mr. De Souza & Professor Duncan, at the Yoruba Tennis and Metropolitan Club. He was a member of the Solidra club.

Dad’s Prayer @ 80th Birthday:
O God, my Creator, today my heart is full of praise and thanks to you for all your mercies to me, my family and my friends.

I thank you, Lord for accepting me as I am; for having Jesus in my life and I ask for the forgiveness of my sins.

Grant, I beseech you O Lord that my life may continue to glorify you and testify to your matchless Love and overcoming power in Jesus name I have prayed. Amen!

Dad is survived by his children:
Siobhan Elyon, Ayo Harriman, Eamon Labode Akinosho, Grace (Pepi) Orimalade & Enitan (Dayo) Oyenuga.

L.R.C.P.I., L.R.C.S.I., L.M. (1961)
D.0. (1965)
M.D. (1970)
F.M.C.S. (1971)

1967: Early In - Practice Attended Courses for Uveitis, Cryosurgery Charles University, Prague.
1968: Clinical Ophthalmic Pathology, Trieng Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1969: Department of Ophthalmology, University of Toronto & Toronto General Hospital, Research Fellow.
1970: Commonwealth Fellow. 
1970: Corneal Surgery (Diploma) Brooklyn Eye Hospital New York, USA;Prof. Ruzzuti.
1970: Ophthalmic Pathology (Diploma) Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C. Prof. Zimmerman.
1971: Post Graduate, University of Edinburg, Scotland.
1971: Industrial Ophthalmology, Birmingham Eye Hospital England.
1972: Advanced Course in Ophthalmology, University of London (Institute of Ophthalmology).
1989: Advanced Course in Ophthalmology, National University of Singapore.

1995: Advanced Teaching Course in Ophthalmology, Singapore. 

1996: Conference of American Academy of Ophthalmologist, Atlanta, USA.

1997: Congress of Royal College of Ophthalmologist, Glasgow, Scotland.

1999: Eye Symposium, Cleveland Ohio.

1999: Conference of American Academy of Ophthalmologist, Florida,USA.
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology: The Control of Corneal Graft Reaction, By Topical Application of Antimitotic agents (Tio-Tepa, Colchicine), 6,109, 1971.

Ocular Mucoid Depletion in Hypervitaminosis.

An Unusual Orbital Tumor-Case Report; 6 153: 1971.

1995: Bawosan of lkorodu (Ayangburen of lkorodu).
1996: Tojuse of Owu.

2010: Grand Command of Christian of Faith (African Church, Diocese) Ibadan.

His Life & Times

June 10, 2020
     Dr. Akinocho was born on February 18th, 1933. He attended Baptist Academy Lagos and Abeokuta Grammar School. 

     Dr. Akinocho obtained his medical degree in 1961 when he graduated from the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. In 1963 he began his career as a house surgeon in Dublin, Ireland’s Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital. He later relocated to the United Kingdom, where he worked in several highly regarded hospitals including St. Peter’s Hospital, Woking Victoria Hospital and Moorfield’s Eye Hospital.

     Yearning for his homeland, Dr. Akinocho returned to Nigeria in 1965 where he began work at the eye clinic of the General Hospital in Lagos. He later joined the Armed Forces Medical Services, where he served up until the year 1970. After his time in the Armed Forces, he returned to the General Hospital where he retired as a Senior Consultant in Ophthalmic services in 1977. Deciding to go into business for himself, Dr. Akinocho opened a full-time private practice in 1978. He started Quanta Qualia Clinics and later St. Edmund's Clinics & Eye Hospital located in Surulere, Lagos.

     Between 1970 and 1995, he attended numerous international courses at the Brooklyn Eye Hospital, New York; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington D.C.; Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Toronto; Post Graduate Medical School, University of Edinburgh; Birmingham Eye Hospital; Institute of Ophthalmology, London and the National Eye Institute  Singapore.

     He was a Fellow of the International Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Rome, Fellow of the Postgraduate Medical College Nigeria, West African College of surgeons, The College of Ophthalmologists, UK and the Royal Society of Medicine, UK. He retired from active clinical work in 2006.

     He is survived by his Children: Siobhan & Ifeanyin Elyon, Ayo & Chris Harriman, Labode & Esi Akinosho, Grace (Pepi) & Dapo Orimalade & Dayo & Femi Oyenuga.

    Grandchildren: Psam Elyon, Kene Elyon, Tobe Elyon, David Harriman, Phillip Harriman, Toluwani Akinosho, Foluso Orimalade, Naomi Orimalade,  Ayomide Oyenuga & Ayotunde Oyenuga.

   Great grandchild: Beulah Elyon.

Recent stories

Super Grandad

June 23, 2020
Grandpa was a second dad to me, it is a painful and unexpected loss.

However if there is a life worth celebrating, my granddads definitely is. From the long list of accomplishments attained, to the way my mum, Aunts and Uncle were trained and the way he treated us as grandchildren: my granddad lead an exemplary life in every sense of the word

His generosity is unbridled, grandpa gets angry if he offers you food and you say no

He instilled the ethos of hardwork, dedication and commitment. He used his life as an example to demonstrate that whatever you put your mind to can be achieved. He told me he said

*God said

Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession*

it’s a pity I cannot ask God to bring you back.

From me and all the grandchildren we want to say rest well grand daddy, we aim to keep the high standards you have set before us

June 12, 2020
Doc, my in-law, never met u but heard very good things about u. You will surely be missed. May God comfort the bereaved family. May the angel of God sing around you as he lead you to His presence. Rest in perfect peace.

A true gentleman

June 12, 2020
The world has lost a rare gem, but that is heaven's gain.
You were a true man of style, dear Uncle. Not ostentatious, but with impeccable taste. You would work hard and then enjoy moments of relaxation with a drink while listening to Sinatra's "My Way."
You showed us how to be thankful to God for life as you celebrated your birthdays at the roof terrace at your home in Omole.
You were a great mentor and father-figure to us and to many. You taught us to be optimistic and have faith in God; to expect that things would always work out and that good things would come.
We thank God for your days here on earth.
Rest on in the bosom of the Lord.

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