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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, EMEM Daniel. We will remember him forever.
May 22
“Ememu” as I fondly called you.
Mi Amor, it’s so sad that I have to write this,
I have been in absolute denial since I got the news and you know what? I am still waiting for that call, hoping someone would call me to say this is not true. The last time we spoke, I switched to video call but it was late into the night in Nigeria and it was dark, perhaps my soul was longing to see you for the last time. OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!!!!……

Emem, an absolute lover of God, you never joked with church and prayers, a great dancer, highly intelligent and brilliant, witty with a great sense of humor, highly responsible and always dedicated to any task given to you. You were always on time. Never late to anywhere, I admired you, even though we were no longer dating, you were still my loving friend. You loved and loved completely, especially your mum and siblings.

What happened to the plans we had? The political dreams of making Nigeria a better place and how I used to tease you and call you “my governor”. The plans of leaving Nigeria and how I longed to see you again. It’s surreal now that I will never see you again on this earth. I wish I could set my eyes on you just one more time Emem. But alas! It’s all in my dreams. I am inconsolable.

My amiable, loving, fun to be with, tall melanin handsome Emem. You will forever be missed. You know I love you, you know I do but God loves you more. Please watch over your family and loved ones especially mum and Eddy, you guys were so close. May God grant the entire family the strength needed at this time.

Rest on my baby, rest in God’s bosom till we meet to part no more. It’s Temi, Emem. “Your smallee”. You are forever in our hearts.
May 16
It is with a heavy heart that I pen this down.

Dearly beloved Emem, as I always call you Daniel. It is indeed a sad thing, but my confidence is that you have gone to rest with the Lord.

The few times we talked I know you are a humble person, who says his mind without mixing words, this part of you is what I loved the most, it is amazing.

We had alot of catching up to do, but your time was cut short, even the gist you said you have for me is gone with you.

The day of your death I felt it, it was right before my eyes but I could not understand the signs.

My heart still aches, your demise is really painful.

If crying would bring you back I'm sure you would have come back.

I would miss you, I would miss how you confide in me, I would miss you Daniel.

Till we meet again to part no More, rest in the Lord my dearest Daniel.

Love, Sophia.
May 15
May 15
Uncle Junior was a very nice person who showed love effortlessly. Smart, kind, funny, and nice. A new star is sitting pretty in the sky and that’s my Uncle J.

God loves you very much Uncle. Rest easy in the Lord ️
May 15
May 15
Even after a few days, it still feels surreal.
I can't seem to understand what went wrong and I'm still in shock. We had lots of plans, things we looked forward to!
You're still my friend and I will miss you so much.
My only consolation is that you're where you have peace, away from this troubled world, and the pain that comes with it.
I really miss you Emem,
May God grant you eternal rest.
We will meet again at the resurrection morning,
Adieu Emem❤️
May 14
It feels so painful that I’m writing this tribute to you my friend.

Still fresh in my mind how we stood and discussed for a long time after church and I saw you off to your house, sadly I failed to decode that it was a way of you telling me goodbye on hearing this painful news the next day.

You were such an amazing friend who always stood for the truth no matter whose ‘Ox is god’ kind and friendly to everyone around you despite their level.

You were a lover of God and would always share ideas on how we can reach out to people and be a blessing to them.

Amiable Daniel my paddy…missing you would be an understatement.

May you find comfort in the bosom of your maker.

May 14
May 14
Dear Emem,

My Gee, thank you for the care, laughter you brought to our life. You will forever be missed. All i want to say is Thank You Jesus. No one can question God. He knows best. May your soul continue to rest in peace. Amen.
May 14
Sometimes I still pray and ask God why this happened, but then I realized and asked for forgiveness. Who am I to ask ?The only prayer left for us is for God to embrace us with his grace and come out stronger.
I will miss the way you laugh at my seemless jokes and funny stories.
I will forever miss you Emem.
May 12
May 12
Emem, your passing came to us in the office as a very rude shock! Such a vibrant young man. You were always prompt on the job. You will be greatly missed dear colleague and name sake.
May the Lord rest your soul in perfect peace.
May 11

We will miss you forever, thank you for the smiles and laughter you shared while with us

Rest Easy now in God’s Bossom❤️
May 11
May 11
My friend Daniel,

I was so shocked to hear of your passing. Even now I still can’t believe it.

This world seems a bit emptier without your frequent “how fars?”. My beloved friend, you may have left us far too soon, but your loving presence will endure forever in our hearts and souls.

Rest well and in peace my dear friend.


May 11
May 11
Goodbye Junior I met you in Unilorin through Eddie, you were a high spirited and lively person. You were always happy… Continue to rest Angel
Till we meet
May 11
Beloved, your transition to eternal glory came like a shock wave. We were together in church worshiping and celebrating our God on the 6th May; and not knowing it was going to be the last time. You are a kind and friendly person who value people and desire to add value to them.

You have fought a good fight. Rest now in the bosom of our Lord Jesus whom you loved and served on earth.

Love, from The Fruitful Vine (RCCG TFV PHC)
May 11
Goodbye, my friend. If only we had received a heads-up that you would be leaving soon. So much remains unsaid. You will be remembered and missed. The weight of the world is gone, and you're home now. Rest until we meet again.
May 11
Daniel Hogan,

What a man, what a friend, such an enigma, you were a star. I am certain you are cracking them up in heaven right now & probably singing "Pami" for them.

Distance was never a barrier, you will always reach out, always troll me, always tell me to go back to COZA lol.

Bro, we never thought we would do this now, this is so heartbreaking. Thinking about our days from Uni, how you will cram & help us with assignment, help us with classes. Brother, you are loved.

You are now an Angel watching over us, we will miss you.

Keep Resting till we see to part no more!
May 11

Words fail me, the news of your death is shocking and has really really humbled me. Who is going to tease me like you do? I will cherish our good memories. Rest on Champ! Rest on Emen Daniel Hogan
May 11
Hey Junior,

They say light illuminates wherever and whenever it goes. That's how I felt about you, even though we never met. Your energy brought calm and peace. I wish you could have stayed with us longer, but we're comforted by your beautiful smile and memories, your kind heart, and the love you shared with everyone.

May your family have many happy years ahead. Take care of them and watch over them, after all, you're an angel now. Sleep well, sweet Angel Junior, the most handsome angel in heaven. You'll be greatly missed.
May 11
May 11
Our meeting was first on the first of January to pastor's house , you where calm and composed as usual, hv always gradual wanting to know u more as each time we met we exchange pleasantries. It's sad U left without an alarm. I pray Ur soul find rest in God's bosom in Jesus name, Amen.
May 11
You brought joy and laughter with you every time I saw you. I can’t remember ever seeing you sad. You were very mindful and checked on your friends often. I will miss you, Dan. Find rest rest dear friend, until we’re reunited on the first morning.❤️
M .
May 11
May 11
Junior, you are deeply missed, and everyone is struggling to accept this. I don't have the words and still don't know how to encourage your sisters.

How deeply you are loved by many, is proof of how well you have lived, and so even in pain, we will be thankful for the opportunity to have shared in the wonderful gift that you are.
May 10
May 10
Emem, it is just so sad to hear about your passing, rest in peace my gee.
May 10
May 10
It was a rude shock when I heard about your demise. Eddie talks sooo much about you, the love and closeness you share with Eddie was admirable. I've Never met you nor spoken to you. So many unanswered questions but God knows better. Rest well in God's bossom.
May 10
Brotha. My world famous Spinnazy. I miss you already.
Rest now bro. I miss you my brotha.
May 10
May 10
Bro Junior I only met ones, when I was little, I know he was funny, growing up seeing his pic posted by his sis, the caption written, the videos, I know that he is a guy who is a joy giver, the laway of the house even my dad speak good about him at home.
May 10
I heard so much about you, even though we never met nor spoke yet, Eddie always talk about you Junior, I was broken the day I was told of your demise, I had questions run through my head with no one to answer ...
Continue to rest in power Champ ️️️
May 10
May 10
Junior, words have failed me. It’s all in my head but rest well bro.

We will miss you so very much.
May 10
Emem, DJSpinnazy, my office bestie, my milo, number 1 gossip partner.

Getting to work the past few days has been so emotional because I no longer get to see your messages on teams pop up.

I'm comforted by the fact that I was able to bring smiles and laughter to your face even in your dark moments.

This isn't good bye cos I'm certain we'd meet at Jesus' feet on the resurrection morning. There'd be so much to catch up on. Meanwhile, be sure to preserve one of the best mansions in heaven for me(just next to yours).

Your Choco.
May 10
It’s hurts so much to say goodbye to you. You were one of the first people who gave me support when I resumed in unilorin. I remembered everything, these memories, oh my God it hurts. I would miss you praying for me, encouraging me and constantly whining me. I made you a promise the last time we chatted. You were happy and rooting for my success. You left too soon to see the results Daniel. I would miss calling you my school daddy and most instantly the gist, chats, calls and support. God loves you the most and I’m certain you are in the best place with Him now. I will keep praying for peace for you always. Rest well Daniel!
May 10
May 10
Brother Daniel, I’m so heart broken I wish I was in church on Sunday to see you for the last time,You where one of the people that will text or call me if I wasn’t in church.You where so full with life I didn’t know on the 28th of April was the last day that I’m going to set my eyes on youI was so sad and heartbroken when I heard the news I cried my eyes out,I will miss all ur ranting of how work was stressful and the how you don’t like port harcourtRest well Brother Daniel I will miss you so much I’m sure you’re going to make heaven ❤️it’s so hard to say goodbye you will forever be in my ❤️
From Vee like you always call me
May 10
My God! I still cannot believe this. Ahh..Daniel. it is well!
I'm grateful to God for the life you lived. Thank you for being an amazing person. Rest well dear friend.
May 10
Daniel led a life of someone without enemy or better still, someone who deserved no enemy. He ensured everyone would get a piece of his jokes; this made him stand out, using his jokes to keep everyone close to him. He tried as much as possible to keep in touch with people. He was a people person and very jovial. He took life very simple. I will miss you so much Dan.
Johnson Olushola Adeosun.
May 10
Dear Daniel,
I still can’t believe u are gone, I was so shock when I had the news I couldn’t believe it. Daniel knowing u at first we both weren’t cool with each other but with time I get to know u more, you are so jovial, friendly and fun to be with.. we became close sharing jokes together…i keep remembering telling u to pay for my lunch if u want me to help you run errands…Rest in peace Daniel
May 10
This is the hardest goodbye I have had to say.
I’m sorry I wasn’t there, I’ll actually do anything right now to talk with you. I love you and I’ll keep the memories forever.
May 10
May 10
My ayineke as we fondly call each other, can't still believe you are no more.. you where brave, bold and cool to talk with. As much as this hurts, I will keep reminding myself of the joy, the laughters, the smiles and the serious talks. I know you've gone to a better place bro... Travel with the light and keep shining bright in heaven.
May 10
Dear Dan,

I remember the first time I saw you. I just gained admission via the second list. I met you in the office of the level adviser for 100 level students.

I came in with my dad who informed the level adviser that I was also a fresher like the rest of you in the office. You told my dad that I was the fresher since I came in later than you. Everyone laughed in the office.

Till now, you’re a source of joy to a lot of people. There’s never a dull moment with you. The last time I saw you, I remember thinking it was really great to see you.

The last conversation we had, you said I was going to be a part of your groomsmen. I was looking forward to that.

You have made such a great impact in the lives of your colleagues and friends. You’ll be greatly missed Daniel. This much I know. Rest well.

May 10
Emem was my secondary school friend. Very friendly. Didn’t even realise we were birthday mates till recently when we reconnected again.This is a surprise. God gives and takes. May you be resting in Gods grace and mercy.
May 10
May 10
Words fail me

I love you with every fiber in ME

I love you my juujuu

Baby sis—Eddie
May 10
Daniel was a dogged and determined person. He was determined to bring me out of my shell and a beautiful friendship was formed. In your last days, you reached out to me reassuring me that you would always be my Gee. Through your struggles and seemingly tough exterior, you were such a sweetheart constantly ensuring that our bond stayed alive. Life taught me that you can never own people but rather you experience their awesomeness. I am grateful I got to experience your light. I am angry life took you away from us but resolute you are in a better place. You are sorely missed. Continue to rest in peace Ore. I love you
May 10
Daniel! It’s so hard to come to terms with your passing. It doesn’t make any sense, but God knows best. Ever so jovial and smiling like you had no problems, always lightening up everyone’s mood with your never boring jokes. You will be sorely missed. The class group will never be the same without you. Rest well champ ️️
May 10
I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Daniel Emem Hogan, whom I fondly called Ovoko. From our days in 100 level at Unilorin , Daniel filled every moment with his vibrant personality and infectious laughter. He had a rare gift of blending seriousness with joviality, making every encounter with him unforgettable. Even my wife knew of Daniel because of how often I spoke of him. Just a day before his untimely departure, I remarked to my wife about Daniel's knack for injecting humor into every situation, even in the presence of lecturers. His wit and charm were truly unparalleled.

Daniel's absence leaves a void that cannot be filled. His strong personality and zest for life touched everyone who knew him. Though it's difficult to comprehend that he's no longer with us, his memory will forever live on in our hearts.

Rest in peace, dear friend. You will be greatly missed.
May 10
Dear Emem,

I can’t believe for the love of God that I would be doing this. You were such a bright light that lights everyone around you. Word truly fail me because I would definitely miss how u tease me each time you call or message me. I wish I chatted with you longer the last time you messaged me.
The news of ur death has to be the hardest thing i’v had to deal with in recent time. My guyest guy you will forever be in our heart. We love you but God most definitely loves you more my guy. God will be with ur soul……… I can’t even bring myself to posting RIP DANIEL THIS ONE TOUCH US ALL. REST WELL CHAMP!!!!!
May 10
My Junior ”! ”My Own barrister!”
When the tragic news of your death was broken to me, I was shocked, devastated and confused. I had never known you to be sick, let alone dying.  So you can understand my confused state when I had to ask if it was my J unior or some other person when I got the tragic news. We spoke on Monday night, which at the end of our conversation you told me I will make heaven just like you always say to do I tell jehiel that his sweet uncle who carried and cared for him as a baby is no more.  You were all I could ask for in a brother-in-law. It has been a wonderful privilege to have known you. Since it is the will of God to take you to Himself at this time, I totally and completely surrender to His will.  Go in peace my dear till we meet to part no more.

Cynthia ,
May 10
May 10
Words fail me, The little time i spent with you were full of so much joy and laughter, never a full moment. You dropped your advise in the midst of jokes and those advise lasts so long The news of your death broke me. The thought of what your family might be going through presently pieces my heart with so much pain. It’s so hard to come to terms that you are no longer in this world. Fly like a Angel and watch over the loved once you left behind. Adieu Dear brother
May 10
May 10
Dear Junior,

I never knew you personally but Eddie always talked about you especially when funmi was around. I once asked if you and funmi was dating cos of your closeness with her.

I know you are a sweet soul and I pray the angels take care of your soul.

Forever in our hearts 
May 10
May 10
My darling big bro, I can’t believe I lost you to the cold hands of death, when I heard of your demise I cried to the extent I had no tears in my eyes, I remembered when I came to Lagos last 2yrs you were so happy seeing me and you made that 2hrs I spent with you and Eddiong fun, I will forever miss you my bro. Who then will be calling me MY SMALLIE, I will forever miss you Rip till we meet to part no more

From kemmy
May 10
May 10
My darling Junior, I am really short of words and I can’t believe I am writing a tribute for my Raymond . Oh Junior , he was so full of life and laughter, Junior will call me and shout Akue… and shower me with love , telling me how he is making money to marry me one day “ our inside joke “ Junior was everybody’s personal comedian . You can’t be with Junior and not laugh, our hype man . One thing I loved about him was his faithfulness to the church. He loved God and wasn’t ashamed to show it. I’ll definitely miss you my brother. Though you may have left this earthly realm , but your kindness , laughter and strength will continually inspire us. I know you are in heaven looking down and telling us not to worry . I will dearly hold you in my heart my darling Junior. Rest well till we meet again.
May 10
May 10
Ahhhhh,,,,Junior my forever hype man, being around Junior was always a vibe because he make the funniest jokes.
The last time I saw you I still had a very good laugh. I remember when I heard you were studying law ,I kept saying now I can go and find trouble outside and use the phrase “you will hear from my lawyer “. I can’t believe it is now time to write you a tribute….How do we comfort mummy like this?How do we move on from this? This hurts so much o.
May you rest well with the angels,away from the noise.Good night sweet Junior.
May 10
May 10
Oh dear junior, i called you my boyfriend for the longest time and all you'd do was laugh about it.You were such a sweet soul,very calm,respectful and responsible.
After i got married and i was to have my first child,she came exactly on your birthday June 7th.And thats how we'll usually wish each other a happy birthday.June 7th would never be the same,the hurt is real and the pain is deep.
May you find eternal rest in the bossom of christ.
We love you!

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Recent Tributes
May 22
“Ememu” as I fondly called you.
Mi Amor, it’s so sad that I have to write this,
I have been in absolute denial since I got the news and you know what? I am still waiting for that call, hoping someone would call me to say this is not true. The last time we spoke, I switched to video call but it was late into the night in Nigeria and it was dark, perhaps my soul was longing to see you for the last time. OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!!!!……

Emem, an absolute lover of God, you never joked with church and prayers, a great dancer, highly intelligent and brilliant, witty with a great sense of humor, highly responsible and always dedicated to any task given to you. You were always on time. Never late to anywhere, I admired you, even though we were no longer dating, you were still my loving friend. You loved and loved completely, especially your mum and siblings.

What happened to the plans we had? The political dreams of making Nigeria a better place and how I used to tease you and call you “my governor”. The plans of leaving Nigeria and how I longed to see you again. It’s surreal now that I will never see you again on this earth. I wish I could set my eyes on you just one more time Emem. But alas! It’s all in my dreams. I am inconsolable.

My amiable, loving, fun to be with, tall melanin handsome Emem. You will forever be missed. You know I love you, you know I do but God loves you more. Please watch over your family and loved ones especially mum and Eddy, you guys were so close. May God grant the entire family the strength needed at this time.

Rest on my baby, rest in God’s bosom till we meet to part no more. It’s Temi, Emem. “Your smallee”. You are forever in our hearts.
May 16
It is with a heavy heart that I pen this down.

Dearly beloved Emem, as I always call you Daniel. It is indeed a sad thing, but my confidence is that you have gone to rest with the Lord.

The few times we talked I know you are a humble person, who says his mind without mixing words, this part of you is what I loved the most, it is amazing.

We had alot of catching up to do, but your time was cut short, even the gist you said you have for me is gone with you.

The day of your death I felt it, it was right before my eyes but I could not understand the signs.

My heart still aches, your demise is really painful.

If crying would bring you back I'm sure you would have come back.

I would miss you, I would miss how you confide in me, I would miss you Daniel.

Till we meet again to part no More, rest in the Lord my dearest Daniel.

Love, Sophia.
May 15
May 15
Uncle Junior was a very nice person who showed love effortlessly. Smart, kind, funny, and nice. A new star is sitting pretty in the sky and that’s my Uncle J.

God loves you very much Uncle. Rest easy in the Lord ️
Recent stories

Uncle Junior and the Birth of my Self-Confidence

May 12
My name is Deborah Miracle Jumbo. Uncle Junior was a family friend.. I’ve known him since I was a child.. I knew him to be kind, playful, funny…you know.. the one the kids always wanted to play with. 

As a child I was very dull academically, I was nearly in primary school and I didn’t know the Alphabets but then I could read and write my name… how and why? UNCLE JUNIOR!! Walke with me…

I can never forget that day, I went to his mum’s house, my family and I call her “Mummy Love”.
I was playing and being a child, one thing led to another and uncle told me to spell my name. I went blank.. that day, all afternoon when he could have been busy with other things.. he made sure I learnt how to write and spell my name properly.

He would cane me, pet me and continue … I’ll hear Aunty Love say “ Junior, leave that girl” and he would say “No, she should know how to read and write her name at this age” and I'll cry more.

At the end of the day I could write out my name: Deborah Miracle Jumbo and it was because of Uncle Junior. It wasn’t because of him I knew I was capable of reading and assimilating. 

I am 25 years old. That memory is still fresh.. Rest well uncle. Thank you for giving me my first dose of self-confidence.

May 10
My brother my friend I have no words thank you for being a big brother when I needed one I will miss you so much 
thank you, you would scold me when I was in school thank you for keeping me in check lol
I Pray you’re resting in peace my guy
May 10
Ehh Dani boy...I dont know if i can write this without crying. I remember the 1st day I resumed ast Ovbagbedia and Co, you were already dressed for court going out with boss. You started with " madam welcome, feel at home, am going to court ooo, read all the books. Dont miss me much, I will soon be back" and I remember thinking to myself, is this guy ok? Can he not at least be a little professional.  With time I got to know that it was your nature. You play and tease alot. We still chatted on Sunday and Monday and you told me you need a gf, I teased you back are you sure its a gf you want or something else...and  you said you will curse me. I cannot help but re-read our chats whenever the tears wants to flow, and its flowing again buddy. I miss you buddy. You were my number 1 gossip partner at the office and even after you left. When  you told me ur job was  relocating you to port harcourt, I was happy for you, a whole new environment for the big boys. I miss you buddy. I wish I can speak with you one last time or even hug you. You promised me, you will soon come to lagos so we can hang out. So you won't ever meet my child, and I was ready for him to meet uncle Daniel. I pray God grants your family the strength to bear the loss. I miss you buddy. I can't post your RIP because this was not the plan. We had plans to one day japa this japa and meet ourselves in the abroad one day. I dont know if I have told you but I miss you buddy. Its so surreal to me. Rest in the eternal blossom of the father buddy till we meet again. 
I miss you buddy.

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