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Family was in and at the heart of Ronald Tyrone Merritt, Sr, formed by all who came before as well as during  his fully-lived 95 years of life on this privileged planet, leaving behind  a rich gift and legacy to the many encountered around the world. This Family site was initiated in May 2024 in celebration of our beloved Ronald, deeply loved and cherished husband to Alice Elizabeth (Rose), dad to three boys: Ron, Jr., David, and Eric; seven girls: Yollette, Sheryl (Starr), Valerie, Jan, Darlene, Rhonda, and Robin; son-in- law Flemming, John Henry, and Earl;  daughter-in-law Salma;  granddad of Monique, Michelle, Milakaa, Tameka, Monique AliceIsaiah, Abraham, Alanna;  great-granddad of Dialo, Aakila, Ayumi, Gianni, Armani, Nevaeh; brother of twin Donald, and sister Beaumont; uncle of RosalindHaviland, and Joan & Eric; son-in-law of Alice &  Robert; son of Eugene Augustus & Harriet; grandson of Eugene & Annette, and great-grandson of Gabriel & Sara; brother-in-law of Esther, Mary, Roberta (family's poet laureate), Ruth, Robert Jr., David, Daniel, Victor, Roy, and Gilbert; co-father-in-law with Johan; nephew-in-law to Uncle George, Uncle Buddy and cousin Michael; cousin to many including cousins Timothy and Lenore; scores of nieces and nephews by marriage including Charlene, Pam, Patti, Julia, June, Leslie, Vincent, Victoria, Derek, Daniel Jr., Franklin, Rolland and Michael; friend to all, too many to name but mention Chester, and more recently Belen, Jaime, Mel, Heidi, and Kendra; mentor, and all-around great person who loved and embraced life and people without exception. We also celebrate two of his ten children who precedent him in death: dear son Ron Jr., and precious daughter Sheryl, aka Starr..
Dr. Collet Wanjugu Doeppnrr
June 5
June 5
What a wonderful person he was!! And so richly blessed with a great big family and a wonderful life full of achievements, travel and style.

I hope mom will find strength and courage in all those beautiful words people are saying about dad.
Patti Johnson
June 5
June 5
On my!!
What a beautiful tribute!!

Thank you for sharing.
Sheryl Starr (posthumously)
May 19
May 19
Sheryl, who preferred Starr, Ron and Rose’s second oldest daughter, who In recent years was In almost daily communication with Dad at minimum via text, until the unexpected untimely close of her life chapter in November 2021.

Known and loved by many near and far for her always kind, generous and giving spirit, would always call Dad in deep admiration and unwavering respect, her "twin." 

In a practical demonstration of love, once or twice a month she would send Dad little gifts, always with her unique "happy face" and encouraging notes.
More to be shared in the “Stories” section.
May 18
A word of encouragement from dad's belief and example to any experiencing health or other challenges. Near the close of 95 years of life and living, Dad still firmly believed in promised truths, including the priceless James 5:14. Dad never relinquished firm hope, despite circumstances eventually beyond control of caring family. He was blessed to overcome a suggested "need" five years ago for cataract surgery, and continued to use his eyes to read. Dad was very blessed to be without any chronic ailments now common in populations half his age. A nagging, relatively minor pain occasionally experienced, was completed eradicated since at least last January. He fully embraced life and living, with an encouraging word for all he personally met, typically with quoting a scripture or two as with dear Kendra, and a respectful "Can I pray for you?" request. Always health conscious and careful of what he ate, Dad enjoyed the gift of food and savored each mouthful, often taking up to two hours with his evening meal, always mentioning each member of family by name before eating, including all the great-grandchildren.

Dad relished life in general, and acknowledged all good gifts are from above. His twin, Donald, who still drives a car, encouraged dad a few days ago via phone, to join him in his daily 15-minutes calisthenics workout that includes pushups, and the need to "keep walking." Dad embraced life, and anticipated the promised 1 Corinthians 15 resurrection from the dead at Christ's return. 

Be encouraged no matter what the challenge as faith is evidenced by what is not seen.
Ron Jr. (posthumously)
May 18
May 18
In the "Stories" section is a congratulatory "Better Health & Body Award", created by eldest son, Ron Jr. in 1998. The framed plaque was presented to Dad on April 18, 1998. The award, "For You and You Alone - For Your Outstanding Excellence with Maintaining A Healthy Mind, A Healthy Body, and A Healthy Spirit, was in a prominent spot and viewed daily by Dad. He appreciated the deep respect, love, and especially honor that Ron Jr. bestowed on him by continuing the legacy of selflessly recognizing others in word and deeds. Deceased seven years ago, the last few decades of Ron Jr.'s life was dedicated to helping those in serious need, with many sharing witness to his kind and giving spirit, including (eventually) brother-in-law Brian Giacomazzi,who benefited from Ron Jr."s generous spirit in time of personal need. The connection with Brian bore fruit in lovely daughter Tameka, and talented grandsons, Gianni and Armani.
Barbara Dahlgren
May 18
May 18
One of Dad’s favored books that he valued and reviewed several times since first received from author Barbara Dahlgren, was "The Choice is Yours: 52 Choices for Happier Lives." More details are shared in the “Stories” section. Having met dad over the years on numerous occasions, Mrs. Dahlgren shared the following:

I remembered Ron to be a very caring and gentle man, who always had a kind word and cheerful smile for everyone.  Barbara Dahlgren
May 17
May 17
Adapted from poem By an Anonymous Author entitled "The Broken Chain" and "God Saw You Getting Tired"
We little knew that morning that at 95 God was going to call your name, Because you loved God so dearly, at the resurrection you'll have no shame.
Each day you said, before you left this earth, "God is Good" and "Be thankful for everything". You proved that courage carried you far beyond WW II. You fought the good fight of faith until the day God called you home.
God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be
So he put his arms around you and whispered "Come to me."
With tearful eyes we've watched you as you slowly slipped away and though we love you dearly we couldn't make you stay.
Your golden heart stopped beating.
Your tired hands put to rest. Only God knows why this was best.
God bless your soul
Ed and Nancy Stonick
May 17
May 17
We were saddened to hear about the death of your dear Dad. The loss of a parent is never easy. 

We are happy that we were able to spend some quality time with your Dad and some of your family during the Festival in the past.

We pray that God would grant the family peace and comfort during this most challenging time knowing that we will be united with all of our loved ones in a much better world to come.
May 15
May 15
My name is Roy, Mr. Merritt was my brother-in-law; though I never had the honor to have met him, I feel as if I've known him. My sister Rose, his lovely wife, spoke of him often with kind and sincere thoughts. There were many times that my sister Rose, with joy in her voice, would tell me of how they met and eventually got married. She told me about Mr. Merritt's love of travel; he was a Merchant Marine and worked in conjunction with the U.S. Coast Guard, who certifies the Merchant Mariners to work on U.S. cargo ships. Mr. Merritt's extensive travel experience helped to give him a wealth of knowledge and wisdom about people and their varying cultures. Mr. Merritt, who with his beautiful wife Rose, raised ten wonderful children. Their children were and are very handsome, beautiful, and intelligent, which speaks volumes about their parental guidance, and dedication.
  Mr. Merritt is the epitome of a strong loving husband, father and grandfather. Overall, he had a character that now of days is hard to find.
   May The Most High bless Mr. Merritt, he is at peace. May our Heavenly Father bless, my sister Rose and all her children, grandchildren, great grands, nieces , nephews and extended family.

May 14
The only downside of the privileged opportunity to share quality time with dad over the past five years is the depth of loss experienced with his unexpected departure. He generally appreciated, respected, and enjoyed people of all ages and backgrounds, and family and friends in particular, often mentioning them by name prior to eating his evening meal. He relished and embraced life, attentive and savoring the details, and an ardent collector of books, mementos, and treasured memories. He kept cards and notes dating back decades. Definitely a social being, he mastered the art of relating to and engaging others, making a connection within moments of meeting. Dad was special What a joy for him to receive his “well done” crown.
Wife Rose
May 14
May 14
Dear Cherished Family and Special Friends,

The love of my life, Ronald, my friend and husband of nearing eight decades, had his physical life come to a close early morning May 5, shortly before entering his 96th year of life.

Ron loved and embraced people and life, and appreciated each and every one he met, irrespective of age or background. 

Each of you met were special to and for him and enriched his life, and for which I and the children thank you! 

He cherished his family and the many friendships and the memories of those who shared wonderful fellowship over the years, and would often recall individuals by name, often from decades past, asking about their welfare.

Although his loss unexpected, comforted to know that our Father Above, aware of all, remains in full control and not even a sparrow falls to the ground without His awareness.

We eagerly look forward to our reunion when all tears and pains will forever be wiped away.

With sincere love and appreciation,


Rose and the Merritt Family
May 12
May 12
Without any exaggeration and as objectively as possible by a son. I have to say that my father had set an example for me to be all you can be in every area of life that you possibly could.

He treasured the ability to do anything set before him, whether it had to do with building something fixing something, whether in the physical world or the cognitive world. He was a mathematician by desire, not formally and he was much more. I thank God for my dad because by his example I learned to be more than what I normally would be. He taught me that there is literally nothing in life that I cannot do.

He also taught me it's the spirit of God that matters within someone, not mere words. He is the most real person I have ever known in my life and taught me to be true to my heart. Speak plain and be very honest when communicating with others. Others would hide their intent, Others would hide issues, but he would simply take the lid off and shine the light brightly into any issue.

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Recent Tributes
Dr. Collet Wanjugu Doeppnrr
June 5
June 5
What a wonderful person he was!! And so richly blessed with a great big family and a wonderful life full of achievements, travel and style.

I hope mom will find strength and courage in all those beautiful words people are saying about dad.
Patti Johnson
June 5
June 5
On my!!
What a beautiful tribute!!

Thank you for sharing.
Sheryl Starr (posthumously)
May 19
May 19
Sheryl, who preferred Starr, Ron and Rose’s second oldest daughter, who In recent years was In almost daily communication with Dad at minimum via text, until the unexpected untimely close of her life chapter in November 2021.

Known and loved by many near and far for her always kind, generous and giving spirit, would always call Dad in deep admiration and unwavering respect, her "twin." 

In a practical demonstration of love, once or twice a month she would send Dad little gifts, always with her unique "happy face" and encouraging notes.
More to be shared in the “Stories” section.
His Life

May 30, 2024: Dad's Taps and Flag Ceremony

June 6

May 30, 2024: Arrival at Central Coast Cemetery

June 5
This may take up to an hour.
Please be patient.
click to contact support.
The Final Lap  Arrival ar Central Coast Cemetery 10:30 am

Pallbearers David, Earl, Eric, Flemming, and Abraham .welcome.

1 Corinthians 5:
For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. For we who are in this  tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight.

July 27, 1928

May 15
Ronald Tyrone Merritt, was born to Eugene Augustus and Harriet (Blackwell) Merritt in Baltimore, Maryland on July 27, 1928. Eugene was a college graduate, a rare accomplishment during early Twentieth Century society. His twin brother, Donald Eugene Merritt, was born a few minutes before, grandsons of Eugene and Annette Merritt, and great-grandsons of Gabriel and Sara Merritt. Gabriel, among the first contraband serving in the U.S. Navy during the Civil War. After the war's end in 1855, Gabriel joined the U.S. Merchant Marines and traveled the world.  Eighty years later, following in great-granddad Gabriel's footsteps, young Ronald served during  WWII, and afterwards joined the U.S. Merchant Marines, He traveled around the world and throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, building friendships with those met.
Recent stories

Our Dad

May 27
by Merritt Family on behalf of Jan Larsen
on behalf of Jan Larsen
Dad returning home … “It’s dad, it’s dad, it’s dad!” I shouted out loud to my siblings running around..

There stood Dad, tall and with a warm, gentle disposition.

We all jumped up and down and ran to hug him. He was smiling as he was clearly happy with the warm welcome.

He has now left on his final earthly journey and passed onto the ultimate eternal journey awaiting his resurrection. Like his previous journeys, we miss him so much. But we know we will see him again. He loved God and we saw that especially towards the end of his earthly existence.

His eyes were fixed on the ultimate destination that God intended for all human beings, the Kingdom of God.

Always Encouraging, A Bright Starr !

May 29
Dad’s bedroom and bathroom, and the halls and the kitchen were sprinkled with little gifts and mementos from always upbeat and cheerful Starr.Two of his several favorites, were “Prayer Changes Things, When You Pray, Believe,” and quoting Isaiah 43:2-4, Where God Guides He Provides.

Each person with whom she had contact received a framed “Serenity Prayer”: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Two phrases both Dad and Starr hared together, which often peppered conversation were Keep on keeping on, and Let go, let live ... perspectives  they both embraced especially in regards to others.

Life treasures for both were family and friends, with particular note of Amy for Starr, who was available and went above and beyond any call of duty n time of need, and of more recent date, cherished special friends Diane and Claudia, who embraced Starr as family, incorporating their dear Estrella into their fold which included outdoor camping, a love of animals, and Diane and family’s love of birds.

Announcement sent of her Victory Lap November 16, 2021:

Some may remember Starr, one of the older daughters of Ron and Rose Merritt.

Starr died unexpectedly this past Monday early morning, still spreading sunshine and concern for others, 

Baptized 50 years ago into the church fellowship, Starr was dealing with an on-going heart condition, but blessed, and continued her neighborhood walks and friendly conversations.

She was recently overjoyed learning the meaning of the word "Utopia'', and is now at rest awaiting the reality..

Slide Show 1 Early Years

May 26

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