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Share a special moment from Francisco "Frank"'s life.

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December 22, 2018

Conocí a Francisco en 2003 en la biblioteca de la universidad. Yo nunca lo había visto antes pero él sí sabía quién era yo. Lo que más me gustó de él cuando lo conocí era su forma de tratar con familiaridad, respeto y cariño a todo el mundo. Era fácil sentirse querida a su lado y era fácil quererle porque se entregaba con cariño. Tener a nuestra niña fue lo más especial del mundo por tenerle a mi lado. Yo siempre me sentí muy orgullosa de él. Yo siempre estaba pendiente de nuestra hija y él siempre me decía que ella se iría un día y que nosotros estaríamos juntos. Nunca se imaginó que no iba a ser así, ni tan siquiera cuando le diagnosticaron una enfermedad terminal, ni siquiera cuando ya no se podía hacer nada. El quería volver a su vida normal, a cuidar y a querer a los suyos. Daría mi vida por pasar sólo un día más a su lado. 

Memories of Frank. Recuerdos de Frank.

November 26, 2018

I have memories of Frank in almost every town where I lived during my twenty years in the United States. From Morgantown, WV, to Newark, DE, to Oxford, PA, memories of pool days, trips to Philadelphia, and Thanksgiving dinners come to mind as vividly as if they had happened yesterday. As my dear friend Merche’s husband, Frank witnessed every up and down of my long American adventure and, in turn, I witnessed the start and growth of his beautiful family.

I have distinct memories of Frank tinkering with his beloved Nissan, grilling at summer barbecues, and even meeting my sister when she came to visit from Spain. But my favorite memory is when I visited him and Merche in Philadelphia shortly after Elsa was born and Frank gently put the baby in my arms. Looking back at that moment, I realize that, somehow, he knew that with that simple gesture he was creating a special bond between Elsa and me.

When Frank met and married Merche, I not only gained a new friend, but also a loving family in the United States, so far away from my own family. Rest in peace, Francisco. You will be greatly missed.

Tengo recuerdos de Frank en casi todas las ciudades donde viví en los veinte años que pasé en Estados Unidos. Desde Morgantown, WV, pasando por Newark, DE, hasta Oxford, PA, recuerdos de tardes de piscina, viajes a Filadelfia y cenas de Acción de Gracias me vienen a la mente, tan vivos como si hubiesen pasado ayer. Como marido de mi querida amiga Merche, Frank fue testigo de todos los vaivenes de mi larga aventura americana y, a la vez, yo fui testigo del comienzo y florecimiento de su hermosa familia.

Tengo nítidos recuerdos de Frank arreglando su adorado Nissan y asando carne en barbacoas veraniegas; incluso conoció a mi hermana cuando vino a visitarme desde España. Pero mi recuerdo favorito es cuando fui a verlos a él y Merche en Filadelfia poco después de que naciera Elsa y Frank, con mucho cuidado, me puso al bebé en los brazos. Cuando pienso en ese momento, me doy cuenta de que de alguna manera sabía que con ese simple gesto estaba creando un lazo especial entre Elsa y yo.

Cuando Frank conoció a Merche y se casaron, no sólo gané un amigo, gané una familia en Estados Unidos, a tanta distancia de mi propia familia. Descansa en paz, Francisco. Te echaremos mucho de menos.

November 25, 2018

I moved to Morgantown in 2013 from the west coast of the United States. Although in the same country, this new place certainly seemed foreign. My children started school at Suncrest Elementary. This is where my oldest son met Elsa. Soon their friendship expanded to that of myself and Frank. 

Frank and I would have wonderful conversations on the playground after school was out. Always pleasant to talk with, we found much common ground on our views of politics, electronic, design, motorcycles, and parenthood.  Frank was a always a welcome sign of friendship in a place that seems far away from home. 
A few years back hardship fell on my family. Although I know many people and have several friends, Frank was the only one to offer his time for companionship. A quick text that invited me at anytime to get together at a pub and vent. This simple gesture of kindness meant a huge deal to me at a time when it was most needed. I was not alone here in West Virginia. I had a friend. 
 Frank was a true stand up man. He loved his wife and daughter, his family back home. He loved art and design. He loved mechanical things. He loved good food and friends. I am lucky to have known this person. 

Rest In Peace friend. 

My recollections

November 20, 2018

I have known Frank for many years, but it was not until the very end that I got to know him better. By the time I came to Morgantown and spent the last few moments of his life by his side, he was already in the ICU. Even though his body succumbed to a horrible disease, his spirit was very much alive and aware of what was going on around him. His humor and kind personality still radiated in the final days. I recall his kicking us out of the room a couple of times so that we could get a break or pick Elsa up from school. His main concern while he was lying down in bed was always everybody else’s well-being, especially Elsa’s. Did Elsa eat, did she go to school, is she going to be late, is she sleeping well? This would go on and on, but as long as she was taken care of, he was happy. All week long he was eager to leave the hospital to go back to his everyday life where he could take care of his family again. Unfortunately, this time he was not able to do that. He will be dearly missed by family and friends. May he rest in peace.

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