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February 12
February 12
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. I worked on a few bids for Frankie. Tomorrow I have to go to the house because a roofer is coming to fix the roof. Mom is okay I brought her some pudding for dessert. She had scampi for dinner. They both said it was good, I didn't eat it because my stomach is not right. Everything else is about the same as always. Johnnyboy called her today that made her happy. I told him to come visit. Everything else is about the same as always. We are expecting some snow tomorrow we just don't know how much. Well I guess I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 11
February 11
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. We just watched the Superbowl Kansas City won. Mom is okay I have to go down there in a few minutes so she can settle in. I am getting ready to settle in too. Everything else here is about the same as always. Today is Frankie's birthday 36 today. We also got a video of his puppy. He is so cute. Well I guess I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 10
February 10
Hi Dad
Well I know I talked to you this morning but here I am tonight. Mom is okay Antoinette and I just came up we were down there for a couple of hours talking. She's fine she's talking to Diane and then getting settled in for the night. Everything else is about the same as always. Love you and miss you so much. I am settling in too so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 10
February 10
Good morning Dad
Sorry I didn't write last night I laid down and fell asleep before I wrote. Everything is ok Mom is good. I know you heard me in my prayers but I wanted to let you know everything this morning. I'll talk to you later tonight. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 8
February 8
Good evening Dad
Today was an okay day. I had to relook at a job that I priced in September. I'm trying to get more work for Frankie. There are several jobs that haven't been bought out yet so I'm doing my best to get them. Mom is okay I was just down there with her . She is watching TV and doing her puzzles. Everything else is about the same as always. Please continue to watch over us all. Love you and miss you. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 7
February 7
Hi Dad
Just looking at your face on here makes me realize how much I miss you and your smile. Please tell my little Gizmo Happy Birthday and that we still love him and miss him. Frankie is getting a puppy probably in April. Mom is okay I was down there a little bit ago to check in on her. Please continue to watch over us all. Georgie and Georgianna both have a stomach bug and I can't stop coughing thanks to mom and George. Everything else is about the same as always. I'm watching TV and relaxing now I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 6
February 6
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. My cold is getting into my chest and making me cough. I feel fine it's just a cold. Mom is okay I just gave her some ice cream and pretzels. I'm watching TV and relaxing now. Everything else is about the same as always. I love you and miss you so much. Tell everyone hello and that they are loved and missed. Tell Aunt Theresa to watch over Dawn. Well I guess I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 5
February 5
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. I did some laundry but that's about it. Still feeling a little under the weather. Georgie and the girls came over for dinner and told me all about their trip. Sounds like they had a great time. Mom is okay I gave her some popcorn and filled her machine. Diane is back at the rehab. Hopefully she won't have any other problems. Well I guess I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 4
February 4
Good evening Dad
Today was an okay day. I didn't do much since I wasn't feeling well. I gave mom breakfast. The rest of the day I pretty much just laid around and relaxed and watched TV. Mom is okay we had dinner a little while ago. We had pizza. I'm back to watching TV. Everything else is about the same as always. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 4
February 4
Hi Dad
Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I wasn't feeling well. I took Alka Seltzer and it made me very tired. Mom's ok I'll talk to you tonight. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 2
February 2
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. We met the realtor at the house and he was much more positive than the other guy. He said mom should put the house up for $180,000. Mom is okay with that so we have to finish cleaning it out so we can have it listed and photos taken. Mom is okay she is watching TV now. I'll be going downstairs in a few minutes to get her machine set for tonight. Everything else is about the same as always. Love you and miss you so much. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 1
February 1
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. I worked a little bit but for the most part just sat around. Mom is okay I just filled her machine and was down there talking to her about Uncle Tommy's sister being sick. Everything else is about the same as always. I'm getting ready to watch my shows so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 30
January 30
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. It was a little chilly but okay. I only went out to pick up the kids and get some stuff at the store. The kids did homework after school and then went home. George Mom and I ate dinner and now we are all watching tv. Mom is okay. She had a migraine today. I made two dr. appointments for he today. Diane is still in the hospital they didn't do her procedure yet hopefully tomorrow. Everything else is about the same as always I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 29
January 29
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. We went to the memorial for Anthony at the cemetery. We didn't go to the luncheon because George isn't feeling well and we didn't want to make anyone else sick. We got to visit Uncle John, Uncle Tony and Uncle Angelo. Mom is okay Diana and Donna stopped by to see her today. Everything else is about the same as always. Love you and miss you so much. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 28
January 28
Good evening Dad
Well today was a rainy cold day. The nice weather we had for a few days is over. Temps are going back to normal. Mom is okay she's watching TV and relaxing. She dreamt about you last night but whenever she dreams you always have another woman and child. It seems to really bother her. I went with Georgie and Lydia to watch Julia dance. The show was good. Angel is about to land from Florida in a few minutes. I'm sure George will be glad she's home. They leave Saturday to go to Florida overnight to swim with the dolphins. Everything else is about the same as always. Please continue to watch over us all. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️
January 27
January 27
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. George and I didn't do much of anything other than to take Lydia to skate. Mom is okay she's watching TV and relaxing now she was on the phone with neighbors earlier. Everything else is about the same as always. Please continue to watch over Georgie. He's been doing fine so far. Angel get home tomorrow night. Julia has a show tomorrow afternoon. Well I'm a little tired so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 26
January 26
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. I worked on a bid. Georgie and the girls came for dinner then Georgie went to hang out with Frankie and John and the girls and I went to family bingo with Antoinette, Paul and the kids. It was fun. Lucas won a sports basket and Flyers tickets. Mom is okay she's down stairs watching TV. Everything else is about the same as always. I'm watching TV and relaxing also. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 25
January 25
Good evening Dad
Well today was an okay day. The deal with the investor is no good. I have a realtor coming Monday to look at the house. Mom is okay. She is watching TV and eating popcorn. Everything else here is about the same as always. Please watch over Georgie as Angel is away and I want him to stay good and not get into his own head. Please let him sleep well. Let this weekend pass quickly. We'll keep him busy but heavenly help is always good. I am watching TV and relaxing now. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 25
January 25
Good morning Dad
Sorry I didn't write last night I fell asleep. Mom is okay and everything else is about the same. I'll talk to you tonight. Love you Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 23
January 23
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. George had a Dr appointment today and then we stopped by Frankie's and gave him some gravy. Mom is okay. I was just down there. I have to go to the house tomorrow to see a realtor investor about buying the house. Everything else is about the same as always. I'm watching TV and relaxing right now so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 22
January 22
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. The temperature came up a bit. We had someone come out to price windows but it was crazy high. We'll keep looking. Mom is okay I just gave her some popcorn. And got her machine ready. Everything else is about the same as always. Tomorrow George has a Dr appointment. Please continue to keep us all protected. Please keep helping Georgie he is still having trouble sleeping and still has pain in his back. Well I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 21
January 21
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. I made a birthday dinner for George and the kids came over. Lydia baked him a carrot cake and it was delicious. It was nice. Right now we have no TV out cable box is down they have to come out tomorrow to fix it. Mom is okay she was up here with everyone for dinner and cake then she went back down when the kids left. Everything else here is about the same as always. Love you and miss you. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 20
January 20
Hi Dad
Well I guess you already know Anthony passed and is probably with his dad. It's crazy that he passed on Uncle Tony's birthday. I'm sure Uncle Tony and Aunt Dot welcomed him. My heart goes out to Roseann she is all alone now with all three of them gone. She did everything she could for him and her mom. Mom is okay I was downstairs to give her cookies and fill her machine. Everything else here is about the same as always. Tomorrow we are having dinner with the kids for George's birthday which is Monday. Tomorrow is Frank and Dana anniversary 12 years. Well I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Tell Anthony he will be missed and that we all love him. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 19
January 19
Good evening Dad
Well today it snowed all day. I think we got about 6 inches. It's bitter cold also. Cousin Anthony isn't doing well I spoke with Roseanne and she is so upset because she feels like she can't help him. Mom is okay I just came up from checking on her. She is playing games on her phone. Everything else here is about the same as always. I'm watching TV and relaxing I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 18
January 18
Hi Dad
Well today was a ok day. The weather was really cold and we are getting another storm tomorrow. The roofer came and once again tried to fix roof. Hopefully this time it will work. Mom is okay. Cousin Anthony isn't doing well he is in hospice care. Roseann is beside herself. Please tell Uncle Tony and Aunt Dot to give her the strength to get through this. Please ask the Lord to spare him a lot of pain he's been through a lot. Everything else is about the same as always. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 17
January 17
Good evening Dad
Well today was a nice day. Roseann and Linda and Vince and Lou were here for a couple of hours it was great to see them. They brought cookies and stromboli and I had hoagies and stuff. We just sat and caught up which was nice. Mommy enjoyed it very much and I told them to come more often. Linda's pizelles are delicious. Roseann made cookies which are also good. Everything else is about the same as always. I am getting ready to watch my shows so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 16
January 16
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. We got a few inches of snow. The kids had a snow day. George shoveled the walkway and driveway. Mom is okay Roseann and Linda are coming over tomorrow to visit. I'm going to get some stuff for lunch. Everything else is about the same as always. Well I'm watching TV and relaxing now so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 15
January 15
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. I slept in a little and then didn't do much today. Mom is okay she just got ready for bed. I'm watching TV and relaxing. Georgie is feeling a little better and Antoinette is doing well. Everything else is about the same as always. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 14
January 14
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day.i slept in a little today. After breakfast we went food shopping and made sure we have everything in because we are expecting a snow storm on Tuesday. Possible accumulation. Mom is okay I just came up from getting her water set and everything. Georgie is feeling a little better today. Antoinette is doing good also. No pain. Everything else is about the same as always. I'm getting ready to relax and watch TV so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 13
January 13
Hi Dad
Well today was a good day. I spent most of the day at Julia's showcase which was great. She did incredible in all her dances. Mom didn't go she had a bad headache. George came for the second half of the show which was when she did her solo. Everything else is about the same as always. I am watching TV and relaxing now so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you like crazy. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 12
January 12
Good evening Dad
Well today was an okay day not as busy as yesterday. Mom is okay I'm about to go down to check on her and get the water put in the machine. She was up dancing with Lucas earlier. She had us hysterical. Tomorrow is Julia's showcase so I'm going to see if mom wants to go to the early show and George will go to the later one. Dana and I will be at both. I can't wait to see her dance. Antoinette had her surgery today and everything went well. Thanks for watching over her. Georgie's back is hurting and so is his legs. Please continue to pray for him and all of us. Everything else is about the same as always. I am watching TV and relaxing now so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 11
January 11
Hi Dad
Well today was another busy day. Had some bids to send over we also went to bank and stores and had the roofers here to check the roof out again. Mom is okay I was just downstairs checking on her. Please continue to watch over Georgie but also Antoinette as she has surgery tomorrow. Please let everything go well for her. Everything else is about the same as always. I love you and miss you so much. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 10
January 10
Hi Dad
Well we got power back about 2:30 in the morning. I stayed down stairs because Mom was a little nervous because of machine. Today was another busy day. I had 4 jobs due today and I got them all done. I'm trying very hard to keep Frankie working. Mom is ok she is watching TV. Well I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 9
January 9
Hi Dad
Well today was a busy day work wise. I spent most of the day working on bids that are due Thursday and Friday. Mom is okay Aunt Rita came down and spent a few hours with her. She stayed for dinner but couldn't spend the night because she didn't have her medicine. I told her next time she comes to stay. Georgie is feeling a little better and he spoke to another doctor tonight and he is going to see him next week to see if there is anything he can do or recommend. We don't have any power right now which kind of worries me because of moms machine but I think it has backup battery. I'm hoping they will have it fixed soon. It's been out since before 9. Everything else is about the same as always. Well I'm going to relax now so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 8
January 8
Hi Dad
Sorry I didn't write last night I had the girls here and by the time they left I totally forgot to write. Mom is ok she is getting ready to relax and watch TV and put on her machine. Diane is doing ok. Georgie is doing a little better he said his back is going in the right direction. As for anxiety he didn't mention it so I assume that he's a little better there too. Please continue to pray for him and watch over him. Watch over all of us as well. Please be with Antoinette on Friday and let everything go well for her with surgery. Everything else is about the same as always. I am just getting done working and I am going to relax and watch TV. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 6
January 6
Hi Dad
Well today has been a crappy day weather wise. It started out as snow, then ice and finally rain. George and I went shopping this morning then we cooked breakfast then I went to see Lucas play basketball and then had dinner and did laundry now I'm watching TV and relaxing. Mom is okay she is on machine now and watching TV. Everything else is about the same as always. Please continue to watch over us all especially Georgie he is still having pain and anxiety. Well I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 5
January 5
Good evening Dad
Well today was an okay day. George and I went to the stores for me to get some clothes but I didn't find much. Maybe we'll go back out tomorrow. Mom is okay we had a little hiccup with the new machine last night but it's fine now. Diane is back in the hospital for a problem with her leg. Possible aneurysm or hematoma. Everything else is about the same as always. Georgie got a decent nice sleep but his back is still bothering him. Please continue to watch over him and help him get through this. I love you and miss you so much. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 4
January 4
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. George and I brought the refrigerator in for Mom and loaded it with soda, water. We also brought the chair upstairs for when she comes up here. Mom is okay they came to change out her machine. Tomorrow they are coming to try the new lift and we'll see if it works. Everything else is about the same as always. I am watching TV and relaxing now. Georgie slept a little better last night but he is still hurting. Please continue to watch over him and all of us. Well I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 3
January 3
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. George and I went to the store and we also returned some of the girls stuff. Now everything from Christmas is done. Mom is okay she is watching TV. Georgie is feeling a little better. His back is still bothering him. He also isn't sleeping well. Please continue to watch over him and help him get through all this. Everything else is about the same as always. I am watching TV and relaxing now so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 2
January 2
Hi Dad
Well today was a busy day. We took down all the decorations and lights and put everything away. The tree and nativity are the only thing still up and the tree will go away tomorrow and the nativity will go away on Sunday. Mom is okay I just gave her some tiramisu for dessert. I am waiting for my last load of laundry to get done. Georgie says his back is feeling a little better today. He's still having anxiety though. Please continue to pray for him and let the Lord get into his head and heart and let him know that he is going to be okay. Mommy is worried about him and so are we. He knows we are all here for him. Everything else is about the same as always. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 1
January 1
Hi Dad
Happy New year. Today was an okay day we watched the parade. John and Marion came down and George, Angel and the girls came for dinner. It was good to see him. I'm still worried so please watch over him. Mom is okay. well it's late so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
January 1
January 1
Happy New year love you. Tell everyone Happy New year.
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023
Good evening Dad
I really need your help and also I need the Lord to help. Georgie is really struggling with anxiety and depression and he reinjured his back. The last few days have been really hard on him and he really needs the Lord to intervene and help him get out of this funk he's in. I am really scared for him and I don't know how to help. I want him to know we are here for him but he doesn't seem to hear us and he says he's trying really hard to get out of it but can't. I've been praying for him so I really need your help. Mom is okay I haven't said much to her about it the last few days. Everything else here is a mess because of what's going on with Georgie. We are all concerned. Frankie has been amazing trying to get him out of the depression and trying to show him how to handle the anxiety. If it's possible please help him he really needs it. Well I will say Happy New Year's now and I sure hope next year is better than this one. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 30, 2023
December 30, 2023
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. We went food shopping and bought a few things. Mom is okay I was just down there giving her ice water. I'm waiting for the game to get over so I can watch TV. Georgie is still having a rough time so please continue to watch over him. Everything else is about the same as always. I'm playing a game so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023
Hi Dad
Well today mom went to cardiologist. He said everything seems good. He repeated her blood work to check her blood count. When we got home she just relaxed. They came to take lift out and will be back next week to try another one. We don't know if that will work but we'll see. Mom is okay she is watching TV. Everything else here is about the same as always. Love you and miss you. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. I slept in for a change which is quite unusual for me. We made eggplant sandwiches with roasted peppers and broccoli rabe for dinner. Mom loved it. She has a Dr appointment tomorrow at 10 so we'll see what the Dr says. Everything else is about the same as always. Now I'm just sitting watching TV and relaxing. Well I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023
Hi Dad
Well today was another lazy day other than the morning. Frankie came over at noon and was here until 10pm. Mom is okay her stomach was a little off today. Everything else is about the same as always. I am watching TV and relaxing now so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023
Hi Dad
Well today was an okay day. The morning was kind of slow and relaxing and the afternoon we went to Lucas game. They lost but it doesn't count on the season it was a tournament during break. Mom is okay she is tired today from going up and down the stairs several times. Everything else is about the same as always. Love you and miss you. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Merry Christmas Dad
Well today was a great day. The kids were all here and mom was up here with us and she got to see everything the kids got and she got some nice things from them. Dana and Frank gave her baked goods and peirogy, Antoinette and Paul bought her clothes, and George and Angel are taking her out for a family night. It was a really nice night and everyone seemed to have a good time. Please continue to watch over us all especially Georgie as he works through things. Well I guess I will talk to you tomorrow. I'm watching TV and relaxing. Love you and miss you so much. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 24, 2023
December 24, 2023
Merry Christmas Dad
Tell grandmom and grandpop that I hope they are doing Christmas Eve. It was always a fun time. Tell everyone Merry Christmas and that we love and miss them all. Mom is good the lift is no good for her. I will have to see what the company can do for us. Everything else here is about the same as always. We had a nice night tonight. Chrissy and Michelle and their families came for dinner and George and Antoinette and their families came over to see them. It was a very nice night and it made my husband very happy. Well it's late and I am tired so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you as always. Love Diana ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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