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May 4, 2017
May 4, 2017
As I lie here and reflect on my day, parts of it has been joyous spending some much needed quality time with Hayden & Lilly and now that I'm alone with my thoughts its just sad & lonely as I recall the last birthday you spent with me, we had so much fun dancing, laughing and just enjoying each other's company & the unquestioning love that we had for each other was beyond anything that I have ever experienced or will ever experience again in this life time, there's times I still get angry that you were taken from me and I'll never understand it, but I guess God knew what he was doing it doesn't make it right in my eyes but it's what I have to live with. I really wish you could see Hayden and how much he's grown, he's so smart, he's funny beyond words , he's a great kid and loves everything & everybody. I wish you could be here to watch him play baseball & see how much heart he pours into it, or see the look on his face when he got to hold an alligator, a baby tiger and a big tiger, it was worth every penny I paid to see that look of sheer happiness on his face. I wish you could meet my sweet, loving, out going, rambunctious Lilly, her smile is Absolutely contagious, her mind is sharp, and she's very smart( gets that from her momma) she loves ppl & animals after she warns up to them. She's so funny and there's never a dull moment with the 2 of them.. They love each other so much it absolutely makes my heart melt... I miss you every day & ill love you always
April 23, 2017
April 23, 2017
Hi sweetpea, you have been on my mind more than usual. Michelle had wonderful news a few weeks ago, Hayden is officially her son now, the birth mother finally signed the papers. I was so happy for her and I did cry realizing that you could have been celebrating with her for being able to adopt him as his father. Mark and I love him and Lily as our own, boy you would loved to see Mark at the holidays and birthdays being Uncle Mark to them. Honey we miss you so much and Michelle loves you still. I enjoy having her as a daughter and we love her. Well continue to watch over all of us with all my love, Momma.
February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017
Happy Valentine's day sweetheart, hope you enjoyed your day.. Miss & love you bunches
February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017
Happy Valentine's Day honey. Makes me sad that you aren't here to celebrate with Michelle. She misses and loves you. You would be very proud of her on how she takes care of her children. She loves them. Hayden is growing up so fast and Lilly is beyond her age. Mark bought me a dozen yellow roses, my favorite color roses. Honey keep your watchful arms around all of us Momma
January 12, 2017
January 12, 2017
Happy 39th Birthday Sweetpea, this is your 4th year in Heaven. Just sitting here thinking of you and how happy you must be in that beautiful place. You are with our family and they will help you celebrate, Jesus is there with you. oh how wonderful it is to look into his face and talk with him. Mark bought your lasagna last night and will fix it today in your honor. We love and miss so very much. Michelle and her family are doing well, she misses and loves you also. I am so happy that she found Rodney, they are happy together and have the beautiful girl. Hayden loves his little sister. He is 5 now and growing up so fast. You would be very proud of him. Honey keep your arms around all of us and keep us safe. One day we will see you again. Love Momma.
January 1, 2017
January 1, 2017
Its my 4th, New year's eve without you, just doesn't seem possible. I sent it hanging out at home with hayden & budda.. Haha guess I'm not as young and exciting as I use to be.. Hope you had a great time in heaven.. Miss you bunches
January 1, 2017
January 1, 2017
Happy New Year honey. It's 2017 now, a new year that begins without you, Mark and I just sat around he doesn't like watching tv without Dick Clark hosting says it's not the same without him. People say that with time all will get better but I beg to differ, our hearts still break without you, we love and miss you. Saw a cardinal the other day and I thought of you visiting us, someday we will meet again in paradise Momma
December 25, 2016
December 25, 2016
Greg Christmas number for Has Come And Gone without you it's not a day that passes that you're not in my thoughts we got to spend Christmas night with Nana and Mark and of course they just overdone it with the gifts and spoiled the little children again warms my heart and makes me happy that they include Lily is part of the family and they still want to be part of our lives I sure hope that you had a glorious time walking the streets of gold with all your family there I also hope that you look down upon us today with a smile on your face because nowadays when I think of you it's not with all heartache I will treasure our Memories Forever Merry Christmas Gregory I love you
December 24, 2016
December 24, 2016
Merry Christmas sweetpea, this is your 4th in Heaven and I know that you will be celebrating Jesus's birthday along with Pappaw, Mammaw, and Uncle Tom. Michelle and her family coming Christmas night to help us celebrate Jesus, we will share a good meal, watch Hayden and Lilly open their presents and just enjoy being family, of course there are love ones on both sides that won't be with us but will be in our hearts and greatly missed. Mark and I love you honey, enjoy your day with Jesus. love Momma
November 17, 2016
November 17, 2016
At this time a year ago I was in the hospital in active labor with one of the most precious Gift that I have ever gotten. It just blows my mind that a year has already gone by, it's been long sleepless nights, lots of diapers, bottles, sweet smiles, sloppy kisses, her reaching new milestones from her first tooth, her learning to crawl, then her walking even before she was a year old. Hearing her say momma momma just absolutely melts my heart and makes all the sleepless night and dirty diapers worth it a million times over, I'll admit it's not been the easiest year but I wouldnt change it for nothing. I've stressed my self out over her first birthday party because you know me,and know that I want it to be perfect just one she is. I know your watching over us and,keeping my family safe and,for that I'm forever greatful. I hope you are looking down on us Saturday and I hope you smile that wonderful smile and I hope you can feel all the love & happiness that I know I'll be feeling. I miss and love you always
November 7, 2016
November 7, 2016
Hi honey, haven't wrote to you in awhile but that doesn't mean you are not in my thoughts everyday. The holidays are getting near and sitting here thinking how much you loved them. Mark and I still miss you very much, our lives have not been the same without you. Michelle and her family are doing well, Hayden will be 5 yrs old soon , just finished football, he is just perfect, you will have been so proud of him and baby Lilian will be 1 yr old and is walking, she is such a beautiful happy baby Honey I wish you could be with us but I know that you are watching over all of us. In my heart forever, Momma
July 31, 2016
July 31, 2016
July 31, 2013 is the day that you entered the gates of Heaven to be with our Lord and savior Jesus. That is the day that half my heart left with you. It is also knowing you are safe, free of pain, living in paradise with Mammaw and Pappaw and Uncle Tom. Mark and I are doing ok, he still having a rough time without his " Admiral". Greg you are very missed by those who love you. Michelle still has a big piece of her heart for you, she is happy now with Rodney and her beautiful daughter Lillian. She is the most perfect baby, Still I often wonder that she could have been yours and Michelle. I am so very happy for her that she found Rodney. He is a good man and he loves her very much. He loves and take care of Hayden and he loves him and calls him Daddy. I told Michelle is was right that he calls him Daddy now because he needs a daddy. To Mark and I you will always be his Daddy. Rodney is ok with us being Nana and Uncle Mark to Hayden and Lilly. They are our family now with you always in our hearts and minds. Honey please always keep your big strong arms around all of us. I love you, honey, Momma .PS Hayden loves his little sister.
July 31, 2016
July 31, 2016
Wow it's already been 3 years since you passed, it just seems like only yesterday. This day will forever be etched into my heart for this was the day that my life changed and my heart was completely ripped from my chest, for a very long time after that even when I'd sat in a room full of people, I felt all alone, I'd cry myself to sleep at night, asking God why he choose to take you when when we were only about to begin our lives together and of course all I ever got was slience which just made me a angry, bitter person but looking back now I know that God needed you and I was only allotted a small amount of your time, and that possibly my time with you was to show me that there were good men in this world and that love still existed. Our memories will forever be tucked away in my heart. I see red cardinals All the time and I smile because I know that's a sign from you letting me know that you are watching over us and protecting my little family. I will always miss & love you but I couldn't think of a better guardian angel.. RIP Gregory Campbell❤
July 5, 2016
July 5, 2016
Well it's fourth of July again, and this will always be a sad & fun day for me because this was the last holiday we were able to spend together, I recall watching you with Hayden at the ball field and just the look on both of your faces while watching the fireworks this imagine of you is and will forever be etched into my heart, today my Lilly got to ride her first pony and watch her first ever fireworks, she did great. I know this sounds nuts but I feel like you had a part in picking the most precious & most perfect angel that god could create to give to me. Sometimes when I least expect it i look around and see a cardinal sitting near me and I've always heard that this is a sign that a losted love one is visiting and it always brings a smile to my face because I know it's you. Thank you for watching over me and my family. Miss & love you always
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Tonight as I was able to witness something that hasn't happened since1985 and will not happen again until 2033, I was able to look up into the sky and actually see Saturn & mars with the naked eye which was pretty awesome, and I was flooded with some very sweet & cherished memories of us just standing outside, you were going on & on about which star was where and what' it's name was, and how we should adopt us a star (lol) even tho I love this memory the best part is that you were standing behind me with your arms wrapped around me for a good 20-30 mins, no matter how silly at the time I thought your idea was on us adopting a star, I would've stood there all night wrapped in your arms, because that was my most favorite to be. We miss and love you Gregory
May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016
For my son that I greatly miss. It's Mother's Day again. I am so sad that you are not here with me. Mark is working both jobs today so it's lonely here. Honey I am at peace knowing your are with Jesus, Give Pappaw, Mammaw, Uncle Tom a big hug and kiss you me. I love you with all my heart sweetpea. Momma
March 18, 2016
March 18, 2016
Hi honey, as I sat in front of the living room windows last night, seeing the little league ball lights on, brought back so many good memories of watching you [and Mark] playing ball. You went from being a little afraid to a very good ball player.Hayden should be getting ready to play again. Wish that you could have been here to help and teach him to play. Rodney is good with him and also makes him mine, I like Rodney and am very happy for him and Michelle. Honey keep your watchful eyes over them, protect them and if you can send some kind of message to Michelle that you are with her, that would make her so happy to know that you are there. Well guess I will stop for now, doing this helps me to feel closer with you. I love and miss you very much. Momma
February 14, 2016
February 14, 2016
Gregory. As I sit here and watch P.S. I Love You. My mind wonders to you and us because I can relate so easy with the lady in the movie of her Husband passing in his 30s and just like every time other time ive watched this movie my eyes fills with tears and my heart breaks all over again because you were taken way too soon from us.
Happy Valentine's day Gregory, miss you so much
January 12, 2016
January 12, 2016
Happy 38th Birthday, Sweetpea!!! What a glorious day it is in Heaven and celebrating with our family. Mark and I had the lasagna it just don't taste the same since you left us. Michelle went back to work, she has a beautiful family, Hayden is getting so big, he really enjoyed being here for Christmas, he and Mark had a very good time together. Lillian is such a beautiful baby, to me she has her mother's nose. Mark and I really like Rodney, they are happy together. Well guess I will close for now, keep your loving watch over all of us. Love Momma
January 12, 2016
January 12, 2016
It's hard to believe that your celebrating your 3rd birthday in heaven. I hope that you have had a glorious day celebrating with your family. I do wish you could see, meet and hold my precious Lillian I know you would just love her, she so sweet. Hayden is finally starting to settle down. I so wish. You could see how big his gotten and some days he's too smart for his own good.. I know you are watching over us and,keeping us safe and,for that I'm so grateful. Know that I. Still miss and love you!! You will always have a special place in my heart. Happy 38Th birthday sweet ❤
December 25, 2015
December 25, 2015
Wow this is our 3rd Christmas without you, seems like yesterday we were making plans, laughing and enjoying each others company. We had Christmas with Debbie & Mark tonight and of course Uncle Mark & Nana spoiled Hayden and Marks a pro with Lillian. It warms my heart that they've accepted Lillian as their family and will love her as they do Hayden. It's very compassionate of them both to accept Rodney and welcome him into their home and treat him with respect. I hope you have had a grand time celebrating in heaven with your family. I will always love & miss you. Merry Christmas Gregory♡♡♡
November 21, 2015
November 21, 2015
Wow this has been a very busy few past weeks. From running to and from doctor appts and trying to get haydens 4th birthday party together I've barely had time to think.. I want to thank you for watching over me & Lillian during my pregnancy and keeping us both healthy and safe from all the stuff that could have gone wrong. I gave birth to a very beautiful, healthy and perfect baby girl on Nov 18th and of course I fell instantly in love with her. As this was one of the happiest days of my life my mind couldn't help but wonder if you hadn't been taken from us would we have had any children by now and who they would look like. Today as we celebrated haydens 4th birthday debbie & mark got to meet and love on my little miss Lillian, they looked so at home and natural holding and loving on her I'm so glad that Lillian will have them as part of her life. Hayden just loves playing and goofing around with uncle mark. Hayden's party went pretty good he had a great time and that's what matters to me.. we love you and I think of you often.
November 19, 2015
November 19, 2015
Honey, Michelle and Rodney had their baby at 2:25 am Nov. 18, 2015 at MMC. Lillian Sophia Smith weigh 6 lbs 5 oz., 20 " long. She is a beautiful baby i left note on FB that she had Michelle's nose. Michelle is so happy she finally found someone else to love.after 2 years but she has told me that you will always have a special place in her heart. I'm so happy for her, she deserves to be happy again. At times during her pregnancy I often thought of this should have been yours and Michelle. but she's not. All I want for her is happiness and I still consider as a daughter. I love her as one. We hope that we can be Uncle Mark and Nana to we are to Hayden. Well I know that you are watching over Michelle and Hayden, now you can watch over her to. I love and miss very much.. Momma
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
It's Nov. 1st now, which means the holidays are coming. This will be the 3rd without you. It is hitting me a little harder now, with the cancer, not having you with Mark and me, your wise words of wisdom, your big bear hugs, hearing you say " I love you, Mom." I just keep remembering that you are in the most wonderful place to be, HEAVEN, being with our Lord and Savior JESUS. Tell Momma, Daddy, and Tommy that we love and miss them very much. All of you will be remembered on those special days coming. With all my love, Momma
October 23, 2015
October 23, 2015
Sweetpea, I miss you so very much. This year has been rough year, with the cancer, knowing that I will be on the cancer pill for 5 yrs, I am very thankful to GOD that it was caught early, that He was with your brother and I that He calmed our nerves, comforted us and that we know that what lays ahead it is in his hands. Saw Michelle in Sept., at her baby shower, she looks so good, she's happy and healthy She and Rodney are happy and that was always my prayers that she would find someone else to love. You will always have that special place in her heart. Hayden is such a handsome little boy, those blue eyes are beautiful. He played little league football this fall, in the pictures that she posted he looks so small, he's # 4. He still remembers you, calls you daddy and points to the sky saying Daddy's in the stars. Michelle said that at times he'll call Rodney daddy and I told her that was OK, let him start doing that.for Rodney is his daddy now. We are still Nana and Uncle Mark and we love him as our own. To me Michelle will always be a daughter to me. We love her Lillian Sophia is due in Dec and I want to be Nana to her too. Well talking with you like this always brightens my heart, keeps you with me. Mark and I love and miss you so very much, Love you, Momma.........
September 15, 2015
September 15, 2015
Honey I had the surgery 6-30-2015, everything turned out fine, been released from surgery Dr., seen cancer dr. once will see again in Oct. I did not have any pain at at surg. site healed well. Don't have to take chemo or radiation but I am on a cancer pill for 5 yrs., will see cancer dr. on regular basis & hopefully everything will be alright. I write this to you to let you know that I am fine and that I love you dearly, helps me to be able to talk with you Momma
July 31, 2015
July 31, 2015
Honey you left us 2 years ago today. My heart still aches for you. My tears are less but you are never out of my mind. I think of all the good memories of your life that always brings a smile and a feel good moment. Mark and I will always love and miss you. We know that one day we will join you in Heaven. Love Momma
July 31, 2015
July 31, 2015
Two years have come and gone since you left us, I'm so very thankful for the time that god let us have you with us and I'm greatful for you showing me that real love does exist and that not everyone has bad motives. Even 2 years later sweet lil hayden still looks at the sky and says " mommy" daddy is in the stars. It amazes me that you had such a huge postive impact and he knew the love you had for him, that even at this young age he still remembers you.i think of you often and what our life together would have been like. You and our precious memories will forever be tucked away in a very special place in my heart. As I carry this precious life inside of me, I feel a sense of peace because I know you are watching over us and keeping us safe and loving us from heaven.
We miss & love you dearly♡♡♡♡♡
July 31, 2015
July 31, 2015
Greg, this has been the longest two years of my life. We miss and love you so very very much. We remember you daily and how you always made us laugh and smile. God knows I would have freely and lovingly taken your place had God answered my prayer. At least we know we will see you very soon in heaven. I'm sure you and Jillie are having lots of fun.
July 5, 2015
July 5, 2015
Three Years ago we were watching the fireworks together and then shortly after that you were taken from us. How I wish you could see how far hayden has come since then.. you will always have a place in our hearts. We miss you dearly
June 13, 2015
June 13, 2015
Greg honey, something that has worried me since the first week of May has become reality, my biopsy came back yesterday, I have stage 3 breast cancer and will have surgery at the end of the month. Mark was with me in the office and when the Dr. said cancer, he just hung his head down in silence. He has been thru so much I don't know how much more he can handle. The 2 of you were together when anything happen to our family, to cope, to share your feelings, to encourage each of us. Wish you were here to give me a big bear hug and tell me everything will be alright and that you love me. Your brother could also take that hug and hear those words.I have put all into GOD's hands and if you can also ask for his presence be felt with Mark and I. Love you, Momma
May 10, 2015
May 10, 2015
Gregory my son, it is the 2nd Mother's Day without you. The pain in my heart remains and the tears still come for I miss you so very much. I wish that I could trade places with you so that you can be here to be with your brother and Michelle who still loves you and for Hayden who knows that Daddy is in the stars. I am so grateful for the 35 yrs GOD granted me as your mother. You are with JESUS for eternity and one day I will be there also. With all my love, Momma
April 30, 2015
April 30, 2015
You've been on my mind alot lately and as my birthday approaches fast I can still recall the last birthday I spent with you we had so much fun and we laughed and danced our hearts out. It brings me joy to know that I was able to spend this precious time with you and yet at the same time it breaks my heart because our time together ended way too soon . Oh how I wish I could just see you, hold you and hear your sweet precious voice just one more time.... even tho you had nothing to do with the making of it. I know in my heart that you probably had a lil something to do with this precious gift that god has given me . Oh how I wish that god would have given you & I this sweet precious life thats keeping me up all hours of the night and making me feel like I've been hit by a train during the day... I do my best to not complain about all the lil inconveniences it's causing me because I've wanted this for so long. I pray and ask you to please watch over me thru all of this and please ask God to watch over my lil family and to let things go good and as smoothly as possible when the time comes for my precious new love to enter this world. I miss and love you dearly.....
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
You've been on my mind alot lately and lil hayden still looks up at the stars and says daddy's in the stars and each time my heart fills with love because he remembers you and then fills with heartbreak because your not here with us. oh how I wish things were different and you were here with us. I miss and love you always
February 24, 2015
February 24, 2015
Hi Honey, boy you would have loved the last 2 weeks, snow and ice, repeat again snow and ice, can see you out there in your shorts, you love the cold weather, we here are sick and tired of it. But you are enjoying the beautiful scene in Heaven. Mark and I love and miss you.
February 14, 2015
February 14, 2015
This is our second valentine's day with out you. Just doesn't seem that long. Hayden & I visited you yesterday and left you our tokens of love.
Hope ur having a grand day in heaven. We miss and love you always..
January 22, 2015
January 22, 2015
Honey just a note to say that I love you, you know this, I miss you, I miss you calling to see how I'm doing. I miss hearing your voice, I miss your big bear hugs, I miss hearing you tell me that you love me, I miss you telling your stories, I miss seeing you do your happy dance, I miss seeing your face, I miss hearing your talk of how much you love Michelle and Hayden. Honey I miss you, Love Momma
January 12, 2015
January 12, 2015
You have been in my heart & on my mind all week, it's so hard to believe that this is your second birthday up in heaven, I know your having a grand celebration with all your loved ones there. Hayden still will look at the stars sometimes and point up and say daddy's in the stars and I just tell yes buddy daddy's in the stars watching over us. We miss and love you very much♡♡♡
Happy 37th birthday my sweet precious Angel!!!!!
January 12, 2015
January 12, 2015
Happy Birthday sweetpea, in a few hours 6:30 am you were born 37 years ago. Your Dad and I waited for you to come since before Thanksgiving, that's when the Dr. said it would be any day, well you showed him you came when you were ready. The Ped Dr did say you were about a 10 month baby. Honey I love and miss you so very much. Mark and I still take one day at a time, he misses his brother, the "Admiral" Someday we will all be together forever. Momma
January 8, 2015
January 8, 2015

We hope you had a wonderful Birthday today. You dad is still finding it very hard to accept and unable right now to write to you. I also just found out that he was unable to wish you “Merry Christmas” and he asked me if I could say it and Happy Birthday to you. I know that he thinks of you all the time and that he tells me stories of your life daily. There has been so many times during the holiday’s that we have all had to spend without you...that I have caught myself thinking it won’t be long before you called to wish Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy Fathers Day, Mothers Day and more. Your dad and I have a song that we downloaded onto our computers that says it all! “Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you” by Lonestar. It is now our Greg’s song and our daily fix to help comfort us to cope with your loss. I hope in time that your Daddy will be able to express himself here and I know that he is happy to know that you are wrapped in the arms of God. P.S. I know that Brandie is sure missing you too! You were her Bud! We love you and miss you! Daddy, Yvonne and Brandie
December 25, 2014
December 25, 2014
You are on my mind as we celebrate our second Christmas without you, I hope your having a great Christmas celebrating with all your loved ones in heaven. We miss and love you very much
December 25, 2014
December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas in Heaven, it must be wonderful to be there to celebrate Jesus birthday. We miss you, the holidays are not the same without you. Mark and I hopefully will be having Michelle and Hayden again for dinner, they are our family and we love them very much. Watching Hayden growing up makes us happy and Michelle is like a daughter to me. We love and miss you, Momma and Mark.
November 27, 2014
November 27, 2014
Today is hayden's birthday and also thanksgiving and our second one without you, you've been on my mind alot today.. I find myself at your grave site talking to you even tho I know you won't talk back to me it comforts me just sitting there talking to you. Telling you all the stuff that's going on and all of haydens lil achievements and all the funny things he does & says.. the kids vocabulary amazes me and he's learning more each day.. we are going to have dinner with Debbie & mark now. Hope your having a wonderful Thanksgiving in heaven. Miss & love you
November 22, 2014
November 22, 2014
Today was haydens 3rd birthday party. It was spiderman themed and he loved it and everyone who loved him was here but you. We definitely missed you and ur presence.. he highly enjoyed himself.. we miss and love you.
November 19, 2014
November 19, 2014
Honey, lil man's 3rd birthday is being celebrated on Saturday because actual is Thanksgiving Day. Honey how I wish you were here to help celebrate with him,he is growing up so much and is so smart. Michelle is doing a wonderful job with him, he loves his mommy and it shows. You will be on our minds as we celebrate this next life stage of his life. Love you, Momma
November 1, 2014
November 1, 2014
Yesterday was Halloween, Michelle posted on FB pictures of little man in his spiderman suit, he looks so cute although you can't see his face. He is just like you when you were a child= you loved spidey to. It was sad to remember that you didn't get to go with him to enjoy watching him, he seems to have had a ball and so you and Michelle would have being together as a family. I miss you, Momma
October 29, 2014
October 29, 2014
As Halloween approaches, you are on my mind because it was one of your faves and i know you would have so enjoyed now that lil man is old enough to actually enjoy it, he's going as spiderman, which he loves., he looks so dang cute in his costume. We went trunk or treating tonite and I was so proud of him he thanked everyone that gave him candy...  you would be so proud of the smart lil man he's becoming. He's growing up right before my eyes and he's so independent. Always wanting to do everything for himself at times it takes him a what seems like forever to do whatever it might be and that drives me nuts when I could have had in done in seconds. We miss and love you
September 27, 2014
September 27, 2014
Honey, you have been on my mind more than usual today, oh how much I miss being able to talk to you, hearing your laughter. I miss hearing you tell me that you love me, I miss your big bear hugs and I miss holding you in my arms. One day after I come before GOD to atone to my life, I will finally be able to hug you. I miss you. Momma
August 1, 2014
August 1, 2014
To my wonderful son who is in Gods loving arms. Greg, my heart is heavy because I miss and love you so very much but I'm happy to know you are in heaven. Someday I will join you there. Yvonne, Brandie, Curtis, Mark, Michelle, Hayden, and your mama all love and miss you. You were the sunshine in our life. It's always hard to lose a child but God must have a special need for you to take you from us so soon. I shed tears for you every day and not one minute goes by that you are not on my mind. May you rest in peace. WE ALL love you forever.
July 31, 2014
July 31, 2014
Honey, you have been with Jesus 1 yr. today. You are still missed very much, our lives have not been the same. We met up at the cemetery, I watched from the car as Mark put your flowers on, Hayden helped him with them, he also helped with the rest of the family. I came to your grave after the flowers were placed and we just sat quietly thinking of you You would be so very proud of him. Michelle continues to miss you dearly. She loves you so very much.Your memory will be kept within the 4 of us forever. I love you, Momma
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