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My Treasured Brother

January 4, 2018

Hollis and I were close siblings even when we were growing up.   He was super protective of me to the point of chasing away any potential boyfriends if they didn't pass his approval.  Most did not!  I returned his favor by tagging behind him whenever he brought a girlfriend home.  He called me "the pest - go away"!  Of course I did not being the a typical pain in the neck sister

When our mom passed away Hollis came home from Army duty to take care of our father, our younger brother (age 8) and me (age 13).

Always through the years we looked out for each other.  When he was going to College we lived in the same apartment complex so I could babysit his preschool daughter.  We had such fun!  One week-end we drove up and down the coast of Florida looking for a store that carried "smelt".  He craved that Adirondack delicacy.  We had a huge fish fry that night with a beer of course!  The landlord complained that we "stunk up" the place!  Oh well - but yum.  

Hollis tried to live back in the Northeast a few times in NY, CT and Vt.  Did you know he was a radio announcer and DJ here in the North? But  he eventually realized he was a Floridian by nature.  Winters in the North no fun!  It became our mission to make visits whenever we could and to gab on the phone a lot - almost every day!

And we never ended a conversation without saying "I love you."   

I love you, Bro!  .

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