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the day i moved in

August 3, 2012

mummy and daddy was moving to england, i was staying in ireland as i was engaged to be marry, but of course i had a dog a german shepherd called shane i was to move in with jimmy so i phoned him the night before and asked him could he take my dog too. of course when shane landed he caused nightmares he chased sheep of local farmers and attacked jimmy dog he had for years causing it to die. was i throw out no he backed me to the hilt cry with me the day shane had to be put down because of his back legs. that was my uncle he loved me for me not for money or style but just ould me. he loved his family and would fight anyone to protect them noone or nothing meant more to him than having his family around him that was when he was happier with a full house of noise and laughter and a dirty ould pan on cooking the tastier fry you could imagine that was my uncle jimmy. sadly missed by young and old of our family we all have fond memories of him and miss him dearly RIP xx sleep well my best friendĀ 

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