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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Janet Okolie. We will remember her forever.
May 16
   In the gentle embrace of memories, we hold dear the essence of our beloved Grandmother, who recently passed away. With a heart heavy with
both sorrow and gratitude, we reflect on the countless moments of joy, love, and wisdom she gifted us throughout the years. Your presence was a beacon of light in our lives, a comforting presence in times of need, and a source of endless warmth and affection. From your comforting hugs to her sage advice, every interaction with you left an indelible mark on our hearts.
   As we navigate this profound loss, we find solace in the countless memories we shared together the laughter around the dinner table, the stories shared during lazy afternoons, and the quiet moments of understanding passed between us. Though you may no longer walk beside us, your spirit lives on in the cherished memories we hold dear. Your love and guidance will continue to illuminate our paths, guiding us through life's journey with her gentle wisdom as our compass.
  In your honor, let us carry forward the lessons she taught us – to love deeply, to cherish each moment, and to find joy in the simple things. Though you may have left this world, her love remains eternally woven into the fabric of our
  Rest peacefully, dear Grandmother, knowing you are deeply loved and profoundly missed. Your legacy of love will forever shine brightly in our hearts. Adieu Mama!

-Your granddaughter
Ndidi Nganyadi
May 16
May 16
   Mama, I feel so lonesome when I remember that you are not available to me physically to listen to my stories, complaints, and offer me that valuable advice that keeps me at peace. I am already missing you so much. I wish you lived, lived, and lived like the legendary "SHE," but I know God valued you much more than I did, because long before He called you, you were extremely close to Him and distanced yourself from worldly distractions until He called you.
   Mama Ifediche, Ezinnem, ADIEU. I miss you greatly. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace, which you deserved. Amen.
Nkiru Beatrice Okolie
May 16
May 16
  Mama Janet Ugwunwa Okolie
Oh, Nnem Janet, Afo mura omumu, nnem-ochieonye onye Umuezeawala, as we normally call you. You were a beacon of love. Mama, no matter how old or how young you lived on earth and died, a big vacuum is created for the family, both your children, grandchildren and great granchildren. In the quiet embrace of cherished memories, we gather to celebrate the life of Janet U. Okolie, a mother of extraordinary grace, warmth, and kindness. Mama was a beacon of love that strengthened her family. Her love knew no bounds. Though Mama may no longer walk or talk with us, her spirit will forever linger in the cherished memories we hold very dear. That faithful afternoon, little did I know that Mama, going to the bathroom, would not come back to her bed for us to continue our conversation. Your last words to me were “What a terrible headache” when I came into the bathroom to bring you out.
  Mama did not give up even when her husband died amidst leadership, leaving her with 9 children to bring up. Mama singlehandedly brought them up with her little salary as a teacher in a primary school. Let us take solace in knowing that her legacy of love will endure for generations to come. May we honor her memory by living each day with the same compassion, generosity, and love that she so effortlessly bestowed upon all who knew her.
   Mama will always be remembered for her resilience and genuine kindness. As we have lost this priceless jewel, your great legacy will always live in our hearts. Mama, you were my hero.
   Mama's space in my heart can never be filled by anyone. Rest in the bosom of the Lord, Amen.
Mama, jee nke oma, Nwanyi Israel, Amen.
Your First Daughter.
Arc (Sir) Ejiofor Owunna
May 16
May 16
   My teacher, our teacher, Mrs. Janet Okolie. A dedicated educator, mentor, adviser, and mother. Your passion for teaching, kindness, and wisdom touched the lives of many. Many of us wouldn't have become what we are today if not for your style of teaching.
   As kids in primary school who didn't know our left from our right, your motherly care, patience, and encouragement propelled us to greater
heights. You inspired us to be better, to reach for our dreams, and to never give up. Your legacy lives on in the hearts of all those you taught. Thanks for everything, dear teacher. You will always be remembered and deeply missed. Adieu, my teacher, our teacher.
Dr. Linus Igwemezie (Okosisi Ihiala)
May 16
May 16
   Mama Janet Okolie was a warm and caring mother, and a close family friend of the Igwemezies. I recall as a child during the Biafra war, we would gather at her compound in Umunnamehi village, Ihiala, to play with her children. Mama would always come out to greet everyone and ask about our parents. Often, she
would also offer us food. She was a kind and generous mother to all of us. Death is never good news, however, Mama living to the ripe old age of 99 years is cause for celebration. She lived a rich life, evidenced by the many children and grandchildren she is leaving behind. They will certainly carry on her legacy. I
pray that the Almighty God will receive her in His
bosom. Adieu, Mama!!! Rest in Perfect Peace!!!

Eze Innocent I.I
May 16
May 16
Oh! Mama Nkiru,
Mama Anthony
Mama Jude
Mama Uche
Mama Chinyere
Mama Chinasa
Mama Uju
    When I heard of your death, I was greatly shocked. You were a great and humble teacher; the wife of a great and humble man, Emeasoba Aloysius Okolie. Truly, death is an inevitable end. The last time I saw you a few years ago, you looked very young and refreshed. Mama, God loved you so much to have allowed you the grace to be on this troublesome world for 99 years. Do I continue to narrate what we went through during the Nigeria/Biafra civil war, or life in the village? One thing I know is that you were the brain behind me becoming a professional teacher. You were like a second mother-in-law to
my wife during the early days of our married life and wedding. In fact, you helped me to mould my life. You were a good motivator. You were a counselor and a mentor to the women in my kindred/village, Ozoemenam/Ugwo,
Umunnamehi women, both in the C.W.O and others. You were a good disciplinarian and faithful Christian. Ezinne, Nneoma, Life Member; you had tried your best, and that is why God decided to give you rest. Rest in Peace.
   For those things you were unable to do in your lifetime here on earth, let our Almighty God do for us through Christ our Lord. Amen. Enjoy your new home. Until we meet to part no more.
Ezinne, Bye Bye!.

Rev. Sr. Dr. Assumpta Mary O. Ikenna Udeh (Nwadiala)
May 16
May 16
   Our rare gem is gone Mama anyi, you are gone, but your legacy still lives on. You carried all the descendants of Okolie Ugochukwu as your own children. Your kindness knew no bounds, your nurturing presence brought joy and stability to our lives. Your soothing words were a constant source of reassurance and encouragement. As you ascend into the celestial realms, may the angels of God carry you to your heavenly home.Adieu Nnukwu Nne!

Mrs Benedette Ugoeze Ariwodo(Nee Nwaneti)
May 16
May 16
    Today, we come together to honor and celebrate the life of a remarkable mother, Mama Umunnamehi, as I fondly called her. Mummy Janet Okolie was not only a beloved mother but also cherished and present in the lives of many
gathered here. She was a good mother and a mother indeed, a devoted Christian who played a pivotal role in moldingulding me into what I am today. She served as a second mother to me, and I am profoundly thankful for her guidance. Her memory will continue to live on in our hearts as we bid her farewell. Let us remember the light she brought into our lives and find comfort in knowing that she is in a better place with God Almighty.
   May God continue to bind the family with joy, love, and unity. Rest in peace, Mummy Janet Okolie. We love you dearly, but God loves you most. May your
gentle soul rest with the Lord. Amen.

- Your God-Daughter.
Nkiruka Josakweker (JP)
May 16
May 16
   You were the most amazing mum anyone could ever ask for. Words cannot express how much I love and miss you or how painful writing this tribute is. Thank you for the beautiful memories, the life lessons, the love, and some historical stories you told me, which I am still using to date. Thank you, Mama, for being there for me every step of the way.
   Ezinne, no amount of words can fully describe the pain I have felt since I heard the news. Being out of sight is not out of mind because every word
of your advice and instructions, since I came to UMUNNAMEHI VILLAGE-IHIALA for marriage, rings a bell in my brain. You were a kind woman, and I cherish every lesson you taught me, for your memory and legacy, every single day without fail. Ezinne, you ran a good race, and at the end, a crown awaits you.
   We find comfort in God's words that there is an eternal reunion for those
who live and die in Christ. Adieu, great woman. May your gentle soul rest in
the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I will miss you, Mama.

Ben Ijeoma Ugochukwu
May 16
May 16
   "Mama Ukwu, we thank God for your precious life and how God kept you. You were a big pillar to our whole family, with your words of wisdom, kindness, and how you cared for everyone who came around you. Whenever we came to Ihiala with our parents, your home was one of the places we stopped to spend time with you, and you will be greatly missed. You were a symbol of strength, discipline, hard work, and fearlessness. You carried yourself and your family with exemplary grace. As a Christian, your love for God ensured that your children, grandchildren, and even those around you were always focused on
living a good, pious life.
    Your legacy will never be forgotten. Rest in perfect peace, Nneoma. La na ndokwa. May you find eternal rest in the bosom of our Lord. Adieu,
Mama Ukwu, Adieu Matriarch of the Okolie Family."

-Ben Ijeoma Ugochukwu's Children
• Bishop Dr Paul Nnamdi Ijeoma - Nephew
• Engr Kenenna John Ijeoma - Nephew
• Ezinne Ijeoma Ikiebe - Niece
• Ngozi Iyke-Nzeocha - Niece
• Nwadiuso Ijeoma - Niece
Dr Chinwe Ukoha
May 16
May 16
Mama Janet Ugwunwa Okolie: A Life Well-Lived
    Mama Janet Ugwunwa Okolie peacefully bid farewell to this world at the remarkable age of ninety-nine glorious years. As she departed, she took with her an era almost forgotten; a time when life seemed less complicated, and values held a higher fortitude. Mama was much more than my mother's eldest sister; she was indeed the matriarch of our family, a woman of
indomitable spirit and endless love. We fondly referred to her as 'Mama,' a term of endearment that held within it a wealth of respect, love, and familial connection. Born into a period where life was less indulged by
technology, Mama was the embodiment of strength, grit, and resilience. She was shaped by experiences both joyful and adverse, her character was hardened by the trials of survival and sweetened by the joys of small gains. Her
indomitable spirit was evident in the way she faced adversity, powering through life's tumults like a sturdy ship amidst stormy seas. Her life was a testament to a well-lived and enriching journey. While her outside world was
limited by the constraints of her era, her interior world was rich in depth, full of wisdom accrued over nine decades of life. Her words, heavily laden with wisdom, were like guiding beacons, often illuminating life's path during times of
doubt and despair.
    An integral part of our upbringing, Mama was there at every turn, gently steering us through paths she trod before with utmost care. Her footsteps etched deeply in the sands of time, leading us through the arduous journey of life. Many times, we would find ourselves looking back at her footprints for guidance when we faltered or strayed. Mama was an epitome of generosity, her heart as wide as the African sun she was born and bred under. She never turned a needy neighbour away, nor did she let a family member go without a knowing smile or kind word. She believed in giving words of encouragement more freely than criticism, a trait that endeared her to us all. Her resolute faith in God was an element of her character that never wavered, even in the face of
severe trials. Each time life bestowed struggles upon her, she would cling stronger to her faith, using it as a protective shield against life's many
curveballs. Her unwavering faith was inspiring to every generation she lived with and will no doubt remain an exemplary beacon for the generations
to come. Mama was also known for her innate ability to make everyone feel valued and loved. Any conversation with her would leave one feeling heard and cherished. It was as if you were the most important person in the room, and the words you said held profound value. A culinary master, Mama could effortlessly whip up a feast for a famished family, her fingers magically transforming ordinary ingredients into extraordinary meals. Simplicity was her
secret ingredient, teaching us that patience and love made any meal gourmet.
    Memories of her delicious, love-illed meals still linger on our taste buds, invoking a nostalgic yearning for simpler times. In her nine decades, Mama encountered several heart-wrenching losses and equally rewarding joyous moments. She lived through those times with fortitude and resilience, deeply aware of the ephemeral nature of life. Her stoic acceptance of the bittersweet facets of existence was one of the poignant life lessons she passed down into the family lineage.
   As much as we mourn Mama's passing, we celebrate her life. It is a celebration of a journey - a journey of resilience, love, generosity, and
wisdom. A journey etched not just in the annals of our family history but also in the hearts of those who have had the privilege to meet her. As we bid her farewell, we also pay homage to her extraordinary life, carrying forward her legacy in our actions and thoughts. Mama's irreplaceable absence will surely be felt in the heart of our family; however, her memory will forever be imprinted in our hearts and minds. She was a beacon of light and love in our lives, her wisdom guiding us like the Northern Star in a dark night sky. As we continue life
without her physical presence, her teachings and love will guide us every step of the way. We honour her life and influence, committing to
keep her legacy alive in our individual lives and the family lineage. Here's to a life well lived,
    Mama, you were a blessing to us all. Rest on till resurrection morning.

- Your Niece
Chiemela Francis Nwachukwu and siblings
May 16
May 16
   This is a tribute that is difficult for me to write because I do not know where and how to begin talking about my one-in-a-million grandma, the late Janet Okolie, Nneife-Ifedichie. You were one special woman – the epitome of love and
goodness, and the loss of you is felt deeply by many, even though you lived a full life. Seeing you grow weaker and weaker in those last days was extremely difficult, but still, we give God the glory for a life well spent. Yes! You lived to the
ripe age. God must have given you to us to liven up our lives, and to make us well-rounded and better human beings. You were a precious gift from God,
embodying so much beauty, grace, love, and patience. You touched our lives and hearts in so many ways, your strength and smile even on dark days made us realize we had an angel beside us. You may have passed on, but your memories would always live on within us. Thank you for your sacrifices, your care and concern, your love, and everything that you have done for us. Wherever you are, I know you are in a much better place. I will be forever thankful that you are my “grandmother.

- Your grandchildren
Jideobi and Siblings
May 16
May 16
   Your love, which can never be over-emphasized, was a guiding light that illuminated every corner of our lives. Your wisdom, grace, and kindness
were a testament to the incredible woman you were. As I reflect on the memories we shared, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the lessons you imparted and the love you showered upon us. Your presence will forever be cherished, and your legacy of warmth and compassion will live on in our hearts. Rest in peace, knowing that your love continues to inspire us every day.
-Your grandchildren
Nneka, Zeluchi and Chukwudalu Ndy-Okolie
May 16
May 16
Hey Grandma,
   I refuse to feel sad because I know you have lived a full life. I remember our last conversation, so imagine my shock when I heard the news of your
transition. We all miss you, truly and deeply. Knowing that you are in paradise gives me great comfort.
   Thank you, Mama, for your words of encouragement and prayers. I know you are in Heaven with my dad, and you both are dancing and singing with all the angels.
   Goodbye, for now, rest in Heaven until we meet again.
-Your grandkids,
Nwando Nasa-Okolie
May 16
May 16
  Dear Grandma,
      As I say goodbye, my heart is filled with a mix of sadness and gratitude. I'm deeply saddened by your passing. I recognize the impact you had on our family and the love you shared with those around you. Your life was a blessing, and your legacy will live on through the memories and stories of those who knew you best. I hope you're now at peace.
    Rest in power, Grandma. May your memory be a comfort to those who loved you dearly.
Adieu Mama!!

-Your granddaughter,
Kene-Kaelo Nasa-Okolie
May 16
May 16
   Today, we gather to honor the life and legacy of a remarkable woman whose presence graced our lives with boundless love and enduring grace. She
was not just a grandmother; she was a source of inspiration, strength, and unwavering support to all who knew her. Her gentle spirit and compassionate heart touched the lives of everyone she encountered. Whether it was her soothing words of wisdom or her warm embrace during times of need, she had an extraordinary ability to uplift and comfort those around her.
   Her life was a testament to resilience and perseverance, overcoming challenges with grace and dignity, and always emerging stronger on the other side. She taught us the importance of family, of cherishing every moment, and of finding joy in the simple pleasures of life. She leaves behind a legacy of love that will continue to inspire us for generations to come. Though she may no longer walk beside us, her spirit will live on in the countless lives she touched and the memories she gifted us.
   As we say goodbye to our beloved grandmother and mother, let us find solace in the knowledge that her love will forever remain etched in our
hearts, guiding us through life's journey. Rest peacefully, Grandma, and your light will shine on in our memories forevermore. Amen.

-Your granddaughter
Nasa-Okolie Kamsiyochukwu Ifechukwu
May 16
May 16
  Your presence in my life remains profound and everlasting. You are a beacon of warmth, kindness, and wisdom that continues to guide me, even in your physical absence. Your legacy is woven into the fabric of our family, a tapestry rich with love and cherished moments shared by those who knew you best. Your gentle spirit touched the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing you. Your laughter echoed through the halls of our family gatherings, bringing joy to even the simplest of moments. Your strength in the face of adversity was a testament to your resilience and unwavering faith. You were more than just a grandmother; you were a pillar of strength, a source of comfort, and source of endless love. Your love knew no bounds, and your generosity knew no limits.
   You taught us the value of compassion, empathy, and forgiveness, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and souls. Though you may no longer walk
among us, your spirit lives on in the memories we hold dear and the lessons you imparted. Your love continues to inspire us to be better, to do better,
and to live with kindness and grace. As we gather to celebrate your life and legacy, we take solace in the knowledge that you are at peace, watching over us with love from above.
   Your memory will forever be cherished, and your presence will forever be felt in our hearts. Rest in eternal peace, dear grandmother. Your
love remains our guiding light, now and always.
-Your granddaughter

Izundu Nasa-Okolie
May 16
May 16
   You were the embodiment of grace and kindness, a beacon of love in our lives. Your gentle spirit touched everyone you met, leaving a lasting impression of warmth and compassion. Your kitchen was not just a place for cooking, but a
sanctuary where stories were shared and memories were made. Your homemade meals were a taste of love, bringing our family together
in joyous moments of togetherness. Your wisdom was profound, and your guidance was invaluable. You taught us the importance of resilience, the power of forgiveness, and the beauty of unconditional love. I recall with nostalgia the stories you told me during Amy's graduation in 2016 at Concordia College,
Moorhead and during the many visits to Minneapolis. Though you may no longer be with us in body, your spirit lives on in the laughter of your
grandchildren and the love that binds our family together. You will forever hold a special place in our hearts. Rest peacefully, dear Grandma. Your
legacy of love will continue to inspire us for generations to come.
With eternal love and gratitude, fare thee well, Grandma.
- Your grandson
Amarachi Iruoma Nasa-Okolie
May 16
May 16
   As I reflect on the remarkable life of my grandmother, Mama Janet, fond
memories flood my mind, each one a testament to her unwavering dedication to teaching and her boundless generosity. Growing up, Mama took immense pride in her role as an educator. Whether it was imparting practical knowledge or instilling religious teachings, she approached each lesson with passion and sincerity. Her commitment to shaping young minds was truly inspiring, and her students were not just pupils but cherished individuals she nurtured with love and care.
   I recall our conversations during my visits to Auntie's place in Minnesota, where Mama shared with me the stories of her childhood. As the firstborn, she drew strength and inspiration from the responsibility of caring for her siblings, a duty she fulfilled with grace and determination. Living with her mother, she learned the values of hard work, resilience, and compassion, traits that defined her character throughout her life. Mama's entrepreneurial spirit was evident from a young age, as she engaged in various trades from Ihiala to Asaba, all in pursuit of providing for her family. Her nickname, "Madam Nde 1," symbolized her unwavering dedication to teaching primary 1 pupils, a role she embraced
wholeheartedly. Mama embodied the timeless adage that faithfulness in little would result in abundance—a principle she exemplified in both her personal and professional life.
   Beyond her role as a teacher, Mama's generosity knew no bounds. She had a heart of gold, always ready to give, whether it was gifts to her loved
ones or sharing her wealth of knowledge with those around her. Her kindness and compassion touched the lives of many, leaving an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of knowing her. As we bid farewell to Mama Janet, her legacy lives on in the countless lives she impacted along her journey of life. Though she may no longer be with us in body, her spirit will continue to inspire us, guiding us with her wisdom and love. She will be dearly missed, but her memory will forever remain etched in our hearts. Rest in peace, dear Mama, knowing that your legacy of love and learning will live on through generations to come.
- Your granddaughter
Late Sir Ndy And Lady Ije Okolie And Children
May 16
May 16
  To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2).
  We are grateful for a life well lived and the memories shared. We will miss you but know you are in a better place with the saints in heaven, watching over your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Rest in peace, till we meet to
part no more. Adieu, Mama Ifediche. Farewell,
- Daughter-in-law
Barrister Ikechukwu Udeze
May 16
May 16
  I lack words to describe this dear sister of mine. She was a pillar of support, an adviser, a comforter, a dependable elder sister, and a guardian. Death has done its worst. Her exit has created a vacuum that cannot be filled in my life.
  ADIEU, my dear sister and guardian. Rest in peace till we meet again to part no more.
- Your brother
Dr Mrs. Rosemary Kokoeka Nasa-Okolie
May 16
May 16
  As I reflect on the beautiful life of Mama, my heart overflows with gratitude for the profound impact she had on my life. From the moment I became a part of this family, Mama welcomed me with open arms and showered me with her boundless love and wisdom. I vividly remember the day I gave birth to my first
child, our beloved Amarachi. As a new mother, I was filled with both excitement and uncertainty, but Mama was there to guide me every step of the way. With her gentle touch and nurturing spirit, she taught me how to care for my precious baby with kindness and love. Her patience knew no bounds as she patiently showed me the ropes of motherhood, offering prayers and support that lifted my spirits in times of doubt. Throughout my marriage, Mama's influence has been a guiding light, teaching me invaluable lessons about love, sacrifice, and resilience. She exemplified what it means to be a devoted wife
and a nurturing mother, and her example has inspired me to strive for excellence in every aspect of my life. Her unwavering faith and support have been a source of strength and encouragement, reminding me of the importance of living a life of purpose and integrity. But beyond her role as a mother-in-law, Mama's generosity knew no bounds. She had a knack for making everyone feel special, whether it was through her comforting words, her delicious cooking, or her thoughtful gestures. Whenever I think of seedless tomatoes, I'm reminded of how Mama always made sure I had an abundance of them, a small but meaningful gesture that spoke volumes about her love and generosity.
  As we bid farewell to Mama, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the blessings she brought into my life. Though she may no longer be with us in body, her spirit will continue to live on in the hearts of all who knew her. Mama, thank you for your love, your wisdom, and your unwavering support. You will be dearly missed, but your legacy of love and generosity will forever remain alive in our hearts.
  Rest in peace, Nnedim ọma, knowing that your memory will live on in the lives of those you touched with your love and kindness.
- Your daughter-in-law,
Chinasaokwu Okolie Nze Ọnwanetiriọha
May 16
May 16
   Mama, you lived an exemplary, selfless, and Godly life whose ethos shaped me from childhood. I refused the then-trendy boarding school for the day student just to be by your side always, to ensure that you didn't lack any helping hand when all my siblings were in different places and boarding schools. Though I didn't tell you or anyone else, the midnight tears I saw running down your cheeks those days touched me, and I resolved that the only way to wipe them was never to be naughty or troublesome. And I believe, I didn't disappoint you, Mama. Ifediche nnem ọma, you complemented Papa's noble character so well that when he died, you seamlessly moved on, making sure that as a dutiful mother hen, the chickens played and fended under your watchful eyes. We are grateful for all those times, Mama. Now that you've gone to join Papa, Ngozi, Ndy, and Okwudili, I can't help but thank God for the long, peaceful, and impactful life you lived, mentoring not only your children but all who came to you. I promise once again that I will do all that you asked of me, especially during my last visit. I will, by His grace. Mama, at 99, we shed no tears for your death, which, of course, is heaven's gain, but for the loss of your motherly warmth, intercessions, and advice, we mourn.
  Whenever trials and temptations come, shaking the cord, I will remember the thoughtful, consoling ABỤ ỌMA (Psalms) you sang those midnights while playing the melodious "ụbọ akwara" of the famed Rev Fr Arazu ABU ỌMA SOCIETY. I will take them to God in prayers, especially during the EUCHARISTIC celebration, as you taught me. Rosemary and your grandchildren mourn you and pray for the repose of your great soul. Mama, we love you and will surely miss you.
- Your beloved son.

Chinyere Ukaoha
May 16
May 16
   Whenever death strikes, it leaves in its wake trails of sorrow and anguish among the living. Such grief is often very deep, especially when the deceased is such a loving, caring, and hardworking woman like you, "Mummisco," as I
fondly called you. Mummisco, you lived a life of emulation, and indeed, as if you should not die. As you passed away at the good ripe age of ninety-nine years, I feel as if you died a sudden and premature death. I cannot question God but only say THANK YOU to Him for a life well spent. You lived a faithful life of sacriice, selless service to God, and humanity. You were the envy of those around because of the grace of God. However, as we mortals mourn your loss on earth, we are consoled by the fact that out of the mercy of God, you died at a good age, and the angels of the Lord are celebrating your arrival in God's celestial abode. I missed the opportunity to see you alive again before you left us.
   Being so far away from home robbed me of the opportunities to hug you and thank you for your roles in my life and family, though you were waiting for me to come. Mummisco, honestly, in my next world, you will remain my mother. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY in absentia. Rest on, 'Mummisco,' in the bosom of Christ till we meet again.
- Your daughter
Chris Akpati and family.
May 16
May 16
  I don't know what to say, or even how to write this tribute, but I am grieved and saddened by the way you suddenly left us. A mighty tree has fallen; where else would the birds of the air perch? I am deeply saddened that even as much as I want to shake it off as a mere dream, the reality hits mehard. I was looking forward to your discharge and returning home as usual when you were taken to the hospital that faithful evening of February 24, 2024. While death is perceived as that unwritten inevitable contract by all living beings with our
Creator, your passing still is a great loss to us you left behind. On that eventful day, you woke up apparently strong and sound. You spoke to us and watched Ebuka's program on the television with us without any complaint of ill-health in the morning until evening when you were taken to the hospital via ambulance.
   Your death sure was sudden, no doubt. Nevertheless, we find consolation in our belief and faith that the Almighty knows and sees all things under heaven.
Beloved Mama, you were such a wonderful personality, prayerful and with a heart of gold. As we mourn your transition to higher glory, we are consoled that you have overcome all pains, trials, tribulations, and struggles of this life. And in the words of St. Paul, “you have fought the good fight,you have finished the race, you have kept the faith.”
   Henceforth, there is laid up for you the Crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, will award to you on that Day, and not only to you but also to all who have loved his appearing.
- Son-in-law
Stella Maris Ify Akpati
May 16
May 16
   In remembrance of my beloved mother, my heart aches with the profound loss of the woman who Tributes was not just my mother, but my closest confidante and dearest friend. Her absence leaves a void that can never be filled, a silence that echoes the laughter and love we shared throughout the years. Mama was more than just a presence in our home; she was the cornerstone of our family, the guiding light whose wisdom and warmth illuminated even the darkest of days. Her gentle touch and reassuring embrace were my solace in times of trouble, her unwavering support my strength when I faltered. As her devoted daughter, I had the privilege of caring for Mama in her old age, a duty I undertook with love and reverence. Watching her fade away, robbed of vitality by the passage of time, was a pain beyond words, yet in her eyes, I found solace, for they sparkled with the memories of a life well lived. Together, we weathered the storms of life, celebrating holidays and milestones with laughter and love, but now, as I face the harsh reality of life without her, the emptiness is overwhelming.
  Every corner of our home echoes with her absence, every cherished memory tainted by the sting of loss. But even as I grieve, I find comfort in the knowledge that Mama's love will always surround me, a beacon of hope in the darkness, guiding me through the trials and tribulations of life. Though she may be gone from this world, her spirit lives on in the depths of my soul, a constant reminder of the profound impact she had on my life.
  Rest in peace, dear mother, knowing that your love will forever be etched upon my heart, guiding me through the endless expanse of eternity until we are reunited once more.
Your daughter,
Uchenna Nsobundu
May 16
May 16
   My heroine, my lioness, my lovely mother. A woman who thinks of others, a woman who does not discriminate. You were remarkable in several respects. Growing up under your tutelage was a tender and loving experience. Ifediche, I thank God for how your life was spent on earth. You were a devoted Catholic up until your death. You have been the backbone of your family, Mama. You have always prayed and wished the best for us. Thank you for being the mother of all.
Thank you for being extraordinary not only for your family but for people around you. You were a worthy mother indeed. It's indeed a blessing to have reached this age. God loves you exceptionally, but we love you still. Remain in the bosom of the Lord, till we meet to part no more.
Your beloved daughter,

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May 16
   In the gentle embrace of memories, we hold dear the essence of our beloved Grandmother, who recently passed away. With a heart heavy with
both sorrow and gratitude, we reflect on the countless moments of joy, love, and wisdom she gifted us throughout the years. Your presence was a beacon of light in our lives, a comforting presence in times of need, and a source of endless warmth and affection. From your comforting hugs to her sage advice, every interaction with you left an indelible mark on our hearts.
   As we navigate this profound loss, we find solace in the countless memories we shared together the laughter around the dinner table, the stories shared during lazy afternoons, and the quiet moments of understanding passed between us. Though you may no longer walk beside us, your spirit lives on in the cherished memories we hold dear. Your love and guidance will continue to illuminate our paths, guiding us through life's journey with her gentle wisdom as our compass.
  In your honor, let us carry forward the lessons she taught us – to love deeply, to cherish each moment, and to find joy in the simple things. Though you may have left this world, her love remains eternally woven into the fabric of our
  Rest peacefully, dear Grandmother, knowing you are deeply loved and profoundly missed. Your legacy of love will forever shine brightly in our hearts. Adieu Mama!

-Your granddaughter
Ndidi Nganyadi
May 16
May 16
   Mama, I feel so lonesome when I remember that you are not available to me physically to listen to my stories, complaints, and offer me that valuable advice that keeps me at peace. I am already missing you so much. I wish you lived, lived, and lived like the legendary "SHE," but I know God valued you much more than I did, because long before He called you, you were extremely close to Him and distanced yourself from worldly distractions until He called you.
   Mama Ifediche, Ezinnem, ADIEU. I miss you greatly. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace, which you deserved. Amen.
Nkiru Beatrice Okolie
May 16
May 16
  Mama Janet Ugwunwa Okolie
Oh, Nnem Janet, Afo mura omumu, nnem-ochieonye onye Umuezeawala, as we normally call you. You were a beacon of love. Mama, no matter how old or how young you lived on earth and died, a big vacuum is created for the family, both your children, grandchildren and great granchildren. In the quiet embrace of cherished memories, we gather to celebrate the life of Janet U. Okolie, a mother of extraordinary grace, warmth, and kindness. Mama was a beacon of love that strengthened her family. Her love knew no bounds. Though Mama may no longer walk or talk with us, her spirit will forever linger in the cherished memories we hold very dear. That faithful afternoon, little did I know that Mama, going to the bathroom, would not come back to her bed for us to continue our conversation. Your last words to me were “What a terrible headache” when I came into the bathroom to bring you out.
  Mama did not give up even when her husband died amidst leadership, leaving her with 9 children to bring up. Mama singlehandedly brought them up with her little salary as a teacher in a primary school. Let us take solace in knowing that her legacy of love will endure for generations to come. May we honor her memory by living each day with the same compassion, generosity, and love that she so effortlessly bestowed upon all who knew her.
   Mama will always be remembered for her resilience and genuine kindness. As we have lost this priceless jewel, your great legacy will always live in our hearts. Mama, you were my hero.
   Mama's space in my heart can never be filled by anyone. Rest in the bosom of the Lord, Amen.
Mama, jee nke oma, Nwanyi Israel, Amen.
Your First Daughter.
Her Life


May 16
by Dumebi NasaOkolie on behalf of Engr CI Okolie, FNSE, FNIM, FNICE, FNIEE, FNISafetyE, FNIHTE. Ọnwanetiriọha.
on behalf of Engr CI Okolie, FNSE, FNIM, FNICE, FNIEE, FNISafetyE, FNIHTE. Ọnwanetiriọha.
Ifediche was born Janet Ugwunwa Udeze on that beautiful 28th day of February, 1925 as the first child to the great Oguta based trader and father, Mazi Iheanyi and seamstress/farmer mother, Mama Rosa Udeze of the Umuokechi kindred of Umuezeawara village in Ihiala town. One could not but marvel at the decision of these two parents at doing the unthinkable then... sending a girl child to school to acquire western education. Being a determined girl, young Janet after the lower elementary at St. Paul's Primary School Umuezeawara had to trek undaunted, daily a distance of more than 20 KM to Holy Rosary Primary School, Odoata, Ihiala where she obtained her Standard Six Certificate. Armed with this certificate and considering her younger ones' education and wellbeing, young Janet took up a teaching job which saw her traversing the length and breadth of old Eastern region moulding, teaching, mentoring, etc the pupils entrusted to her. Accompanying young Janet at different times were her siblings namely late Aunty Rosepauline (trained nurse & midwife), late Aunty Amaka (trained nurse & midwife) and Uncle Ik (Barrister at Biography Law and Solicitor) as her contribution towards relieving the parents and to ensure their wellbeing and education. Mama retired meritoriously in 1984 from teaching having taught for 39 years. On December 22nd, 1950, young charming Janet wedded her heartthrob, papa, late AJE Okolie in Sapele. Late Mr James Mbaezue from Umuezeawara (same place with mama and Papa's bossom friend) was the Witness to the marriage and Chief and Lolo GE Okeke (OZUO EME of Ịhịala) were their sponsors.The cherished union produced 9 children. Papa and Mama enjoyed the marital bliss for 33 years until he died in March 1983 leaving her to move on with the 9. Mama's extraordinary performance to elected or appointed positions and dedication distinguished her in any groups or associations she belonged to. She held sensitive positions such as the Chairperson/ Leader, Secretary and Treasurer of so many Associations. Mama had so many title among which are Life Member, Honoured Mother, Ifediche, Nneoma, Ezinne to mention but a few. Ifediche belonged to so many socio-cultural, religious, associations. Mama was a foundation member of Ihiala Catholic Daughters originally meant for the products of Holy Rosary Primary School, Odoata, Ihiala. Nneoma Janet left Nigeria in 2008 to stay with her daughter & son-in-law, Ifeyinwa & Emenike Chris Akpati and family residing in Minnesota, United States. In 2014, her first daughter Nkiru (Ihuka) joined the US Team to give Mama the queen's care any worthy mother could get. Mama was granted US citizenship in 2015 which she valued until her death. Ifediche took ill on Friday 23rd February, and was taken to the hospital. She died peacefully the following day Saturday 24th February, 2024 in the hospital at a graceful age of 99 years. Her remains arrived Abuja on Saturday 20th April and was laid to rest on Wednesday 24th April, 2024 beside her beloved husband's grave in fulfillment of her wish. Mama Janet Ugwunwa Okolie, (Ifediche, Onye Nkuzi), nee Udeze is survived by six children, three daughters-in-law, four sons-in-law, thirty-eight grand children and ten grand in-laws and many great grand children, a brother among whom are:
1.Nkiru Beatrice Okolie: Daughter
2. Maureen Tony-Okolie: Daughter-in-law
3. Ijeoma Ndy-Okolie: Daughter-in-law
4. Ngozi & Vitus Ibigwe (both late)
5. Uchenna &Daniel Nsobundu, Daughter/Son-in-law
6. Ifeyinwa & Emenike Akpati, Daughter & Son-in-law
7. Chinyere & Patrick Ukaoha - Daughter&Son-in-law
8. Nasa & Rosemary Okolie: Son & Daughter-in-law
9. Uju & Chima Nwachukwu: Daughter&Son-in-law.
10. Barr II Udeze, Brother
Grand Children & Grand-in-laws.
1. Nwamaka & Charles Okonkwo
2. Sochi Tony Okolie
3. Usoka & Chikaodi TonyOkolie
4. Nneka Alexander Ndy Okolie
5. Zeluchi & Bolade Oladejo
6. Chidalu Ndy Okolie
7. Chinwe ndu & Odinaka Nwokeji
8. Ikemuefuna & Oluchi Ibigwe
9. Ifeanyi & Rosemary Ibigwe
10. Nonye Ibigwe
11. Obinna Ibigwe
12. Tochukwu Ibigwe
13. Anulika & Ifeanyi
14. Ndidi & David Agbapuonwu
15. Okwuchukwu Nsobundu
16. Chidiogo Nsobundu
17. Nnaemeka Nsobundu
18. Soma Akpati
19. Ogochukwu Akpati
20. Nkechukwu Akpati
21. Dumebi Akpati
22. Amaka Ukaoha
23. Chinazo Anagonye
24. Jideobi Ukaoha
25. Ebere Ubaezuonu
26. Ozioma Ukaoha
27. Izuchukwu Ukaoha
28. Amarachi Nasa-Okolie
29. Izundu Nasa-Okolie
30. Kamsiyochukwu Nasa-Okolie
31. Kene Kaelo Nasa-Okolie
32. Dumebi Nasa-Okolie
33. Nwando Nasa-Okolie
34. Chiemela Nwachukwu.
35. Kamsi Nwachukwu.
36. Nnamdi Nwachukwu.
37. Chijindu Nwachukwu.
38. Nmasinachi Nwachukwu, ...and so many great grand children.
Mama, may your beautiful soul continue to rest in peace. Amen. Adieu Mama Adieu Ezinne Adieu Nneife Adieu Ifediche Adieu Nneoma Adieu Honoured Mother.
-Son, for the family.
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