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June 11, 2015
June 11, 2015
I don't even know how to write this but I will give it a go. You and Aesclepion gave life a new perspective that made it worth living. The light and support are something truly precious in this life and beyond. Mahalo forever!
June 11, 2015
June 11, 2015
John lived a life a bit beyond the scope of most people's aspirations. This is especially evident, by the things he accomplished in his last years, when his personal trials could've easily made him think, he wanted time to himself.
 I do not know John as personally as many of you here....but to say...he made an impact with his subtlety and truth telling, is quite the understatement. As a primary care-giver to Lewis in the last years, I saw John pretty regularly. But he always took the time to notice how swamped I was in my growth, laughed with me, healed me, touched me on the shoulder, and told me I was right on track.
 How many there are, who have had this experience, is something I only know, but cannot count.
 Thank you, John....and all those who were and continue, as essential to this path.
June 10, 2015
June 10, 2015
Memories of John Fulton
Rev. Marc Shargel
June 10, 2015

It was with deep regret that I realized the date of R. Rev. John Fulton's memorial service would correspond with long-standing travel plans that I had already committed to. I will miss the opportunity to remember John in person along with many old friends, and adding that missed opportunity to John's death compounds my loss. My greetings and best wishes go to all, including especially John, whose path now leads through valleys I believe he is navigating with great confidence.

As it happens, while everyone else is remembering and celebrating John's life, I will be on a boat, a place where John would never have wanted to follow me. I recall John being so profoundly seasick that he was unable to fulfill his role as the best man at Phil Cullinen’s wedding. But that is a story for Phil to tell.

John was probably there the day in 1977 that Lewis brought his entire clairvoyant class to a seminar in which I was a student, at Stanford University, but we didn’t really meet then. Early in 1978 I went to a psychic demo that John was teaching in a rented room above a bookstore in San Jose. In July I became a student in his meditation class at the newly opened “San Jose Psychic Institute” at 180 East Younger St. in San Jose. I can still hear John’s Oklahoma twang as he answered the phone "Sannazay S-eye-kik Institute.”

It was a long time before I was sure I wanted to take the clairvoyant program. I decided I should wait until after I graduated college and had a job with a decent salary. So I talked my way into a position at a small company called Apple Computer. In October of 1980 I sat at John's desk and, with shaking hand, did what felt like signing away a huge chunk of my future life, an entire year.

Barely two weeks into the program, I came to class one night and walked into "the wrath of John." I had no idea what John was so angry about. He told everyone to ground and run their energy and then left the room. Some minutes later he returned, his anger now in full bloom. He slammed the door behind him as he entered the room, and the pane of glass within the upper half of the door shattered, shards falling to the concrete floor. He railed at the class, apparently for the disrespect they'd shown to their teachers. I had no idea what had triggered the outburst, being new to the group. What had I got myself into? But I knew I could not have been at fault: I had just arrived. I must've had a smile on my face, at least fleetingly, because John said, "You’re amused, Marc?" It wasn't really a question so much as an observation. And, strangely, it wasn't an accusation or a criticism either. John's tone sounded almost as if he approved. John turned to leave and found the door would not open. The shards of broken glass wedged under the door on the other side, before it had swung more than an inch, and John was stuck in there with us. Then, as if he had not been in a fury just seconds before, John laughed and said, "I wasn't that angry. Thelma!" he called, "We're going to need a broom to sweep this up." Thelma Meites was one of the teachers at the Institute back then. "We're going to need a broom” actually meant that he wanted Thelma to sweep up the glass. She seemed as intimidated by his anger as any of my classmates and dutifully cleaned up, enabling John's escape. At the next opportunity, John submitted the names of every one of my more experienced classmates for graduation, and they were gone. For the majority of my year in the program, I read center chair every night.

I invited my mother to my graduation, and that’s how she came to meet John. A year or two later, John’s mother came to California for a visit (I think she still lived in Oklahoma) and I got to meet her. Her husband, who I’d heard had been a school principal, was not with her. When John introduced us, I told her John had been my teacher for a long time. “Well, I hope he’s done you some good,” she replied. I was stunned. She probably thought she was being “nice.” Her tone suggested to me that she was saying that I needed help, and it was unlikely that John was capable of providing it. As I heard it, she had managed to invalidate both a complete stranger and her own son in one terse sentence. I began to appreciate why John never shared anything personal about himself. Who would risk it with a critic like that for a mother?

The only story I can remember hearing from him of his time growing up in Oklahoma (or was it Texas? I’d heard both) was an anecdote about his study of martial arts. He said that as a teenager he’d spent time learning karate, and that that was what he and the guys he hung out with in those days were into. They’d sit cross-legged in somebody’s basement and compete with each other to defend against their best moves. “My foot to your face. Stop it,” guy next to him challenged. Before John could move a fierce kick nearly broke his nose. What prompted the tale was glancing at a magazine, John explained. “Legends of Martial Arts,” was the headline, or something like that. John looked at the middle-aged masters pictured and recognized several of his old pals. “I’ve had the crap beaten out of me by a lot of those guys!” he exclaimed.

I continued on as a minister in training, spent a year doing missionary healings, and it was five years after the broken glass incident that I became a teacher in training, under John's supervision. Sometime in our acquaintance, I don’t remember when, he talked about learning to ground. He told me that not long after Lewis had taught grounding to him, John had made a rose to tell him how long it would take him to truly master the skill. Fifteen years was his clairvoyant answer. It had been more than 15 years of practice for John by that point, but significantly less for me. I remembered that awesome commitment I’d made over John’s desk, of an entire year. What seemed awesome to me now, was that John, upon realizing the value grounding had for him, had made a 15-year commitment to himself. And that his ownership of his tools as a psychic was deeper than anything that could have come from outside of himself, even from the regard he had for Lewis Bostwick, a teacher I knew he revered.

In 1989 I volunteered, eagerly, to become a teacher of the One-to-One program. Lewis, whose student I had been in this program, was retiring from teaching it. I was one of a group of six who spent hours listening to recordings of Lewis’ One-to-One sessions with various students. Around 1991, Lewis decided that One-to-One, like other activities that didn't fit cleanly into CDM, such as the birth center and Trance Medium training, should be administered out of Aesclepion, by John Fulton. That meant that Tom Prussing, then dean of the One-to-One program, would report directly to John. John came to one of our regular teachers’ meetings and introduced himself by saying, "This is my game now." We had worked hard to create something as similar to what Lewis had taught us as we could, and were apprehensive about what John might try to turn it into.

A few months after that, when I had a minute for private conversation with Lewis, I suggested that since John hadn’t been through One-to-One himself, he’d be unable to maintain the special space we’d created. It was a risky thing to say but something I felt strongly about. “It’s truth,” I remember Lew saying. I could never have anticipated the consequences. Not long after that conversation, Tom announced that John Fulton, our new boss, would also become a student in our program. There were six of us teachers, but I assumed Tom would be teaching him. Tom said he’d allowed John to select his own teacher (a one-of-a-kind event) and that John had said, “Marc would be fine.” I was stunned. I didn’t know whether to be flattered or intimidated. I settled for a little of both. I never really knew whether John chose me because I was familiar, good at being neutral, or easy to control. I decided to believe it was my neutrality and hoped I was at least partially correct. 

So I became teacher, or at least guide, to the man who’d been my first meditation and clairvoyant teacher. Even as he worked through intense energies, he volunteered little about what he was seeing. It was clear, though, that the process had had lasting value for him: he once mentioned, almost incidentally, the profundity of the place he visited during those sessions.

John became very giving, if no more forthcoming. As Tom Fergus was dying of cancer that had invaded his brain, John was a comfort to John’s wife Julie. He came to Tom’s memorial and I know a lot of people were glad he was there. A few years before, Tom and I had made a journey by motorcycle to scatter the ashes of another friend, David Broginsky. John and I talked about our mutual enjoyment of motorcycles. I suggested we go for a ride together sometime, but

It was not until years later that I thought I got some insight into the fundamental nature of the man who’d been my teacher for so long. And it came via a peculiar and indirect route. After Lewis died in 1995 and CDM and Aesclepion had their divorce, John and a group of his teaching staff at Aesclepion devised a new One-to-One curriculum, inspired by the one my colleagues and I had developed, but not a copy. It was something similar but different. Once I learned of the difference I was intensely curious. A friend who had experience in both “styles” agreed to show me what I came to think of as “Aesclepion style.” It surprised me, in that they’d adopted one technique I thought I’d understood Lewis to have advised against, and the other differences were significant, too. It made no sense to me until I tried it from a short distance outside my body, and then it became perfectly clear. I realized that John and the authors of that One-to-One curriculum had come up with something that honored the innate capacity we all have as trance mediums, to be a spirit not only separate from our bodies, but also outside of our bodies. At least that was my experience, though it wouldn’t surprise me if those authors disagreed. But along with that glimmer of spiritual insight came an insight about John Fulton. Though I’d heard long ago he’d been an artist, a painter, before taking up his psychic training, he’d never impressed me as the “flighty, artistic” type. Just the opposite, in fact. He was pragmatic, committed to what he taught, unwavering and utterly in control, always. Yet I caught a glimpse a very talented trance medium who’d learned to control himself completely. If I was right, it was a rare, perhaps unique achievement. I’d never seen him as anything but the man in full control, but I realized the depth of his commitment to techniques like grounding and his tremendous respect for Lewis must come from an equally deep personal knowledge of how different his life might have been without having come to know Lewis and the tools he taught.
June 8, 2015
Hello John, are you enjoying yourself now? Thank you for your clear, compassionate teaching, your charisma, your humor, and your stubbornness. You were the only spiritual teacher of mine who ever bought one of my (music) CDs! Thanks for the hellos about jazz. May you dance in heaven.
June 8, 2015
June 8, 2015
John, A man does not hide his light under a bushel ~ that fits you to a T ! You are such a bright spirit and an inspiration to me for 35 years, beginning in the house on the corner in San Jose. Thank you for your many blessings over the years, you will be sorely missed. Happy trails my friend.
June 8, 2015
June 8, 2015
John Fulton, I remember that first day in 1977 when I asked “the Texan” in the my Stanford graduate parapsychology class, “How do I get involved with you folks?”, to those initial classes in my Menlo Park duplex, to the San Jose Psychic Institute, to the Santa Cruz Psychic Mission and finally to my last days in Aesclepion as Director of the One-To-One in 1996. My spiritual tools were fundamentally honed under your direction and my life lessons formed by your example. Godspeed and be safe John, “cloud-hidden, whereabouts unknown.”
June 5, 2015
You are a maverick, one of a kind. Your light shines so bright--it takes my breath away. Thank you for your great laugh, wicked grin and devilish jokes, your kind heart, your deep hellos, your sense of adventure about life and the great light that shone through your eyes. I shall miss you terribly on this plane. I know your having fun cavorting with Lewis, Lois and Hanna. See you on the other side dear friend.
June 3, 2015
June 3, 2015
Seems you've been collecting up energy in an expanding circle going back in time. It's been, what? 15 years since I last saw you 'embodied', yet for the last week or so you've come to mind. Your coyote jokes and wolfish smile, your facility and command as a teacher, your delight in miracles and your humanity. Hello John. Blessed Be your path forward.
June 3, 2015
June 3, 2015
RG Ingersoll said that”…The superior man…is the eyes for the blind, strength for the weak, and a shield for the defenseless. He stands erect by bending above the fallen [and] rises by lifting others." Can you remember back far enough to when you first met John Fulton, and you were blind, and weak and defenseless? I do. If ever a human being was truly a light in this world, it was John Fulton. Amusement and spirituality were just words until I attended a lecture by him. I saw his light shinning before I saw anything else clairvoyantly. An amazing spiritual teacher with a very clever and intelligent mind. Listening to him was always a journey. I will be eternally grateful for all he taught me, and thanks to his digital collection of lectures, all he will continue to teach me as I listen to him in the future. We have lost a "superior man” from this earth; but, his light shines so strongly now...that we will not have to strain our eyes (eye) to be able to see it across this great divide. God Bless You, John.
June 3, 2015
June 3, 2015
Great job, John! We're celebrating your light and all that you gave to the many. It was good to see you on your way out. Thank you for your visit! May the wondrous and magnificent light be yours and God's Love welcome you home. With love and laughter, Michael
June 1, 2015
June 1, 2015
John - You performed our wedding back in 1995. It was a magical experience with your amazing spiritual tools and blessing. I think of you here and there and I know you are doing well now. Your attitude was of grace and contentment. You were a great teacher to me, too at BPI in Berkeley. We will miss you dearly.
May 29, 2015
May 29, 2015
John, I am deeply grateful for your healings during my difficult growth periods and for your teachings that allowed me to discover new spiritual realms. I feel blessed to have had you in my life.
May 29, 2015
May 29, 2015
"One day as (one's) teacher, a lifetime as (one's) father."

A tribute by Tz Xia, one of Confucius' (551-479BC) disciples, in memory of his mentor.
May 27, 2015
May 27, 2015
John you were such a gift in my life. You brought so much love, light, amusement and validation. You are missed. Much love to you and thank you for everything you showed me...
May 27, 2015
May 27, 2015
Dearest John, and loved ones. You have greatly contributed to my life (and that of many others) so many times, often by simply sending a clear and neutral hello to the spirit. No games, no programming, just your soul to soul communication that often met my needs for being seen and learning the truth about who I really am. I will always admire and learn from your ability to find neutrality, as we used to say, as a spiritual being in a male body on a female planet! Many blessings on your transition and adventure. In spirit, with gratitude.
May 27, 2015
May 27, 2015
Hello John,

Sometimes we were close and sometimes far apart as student/teacher and friends. I am grateful for all the experiences.
I bless you, I release you and I thank you.
May 27, 2015
May 27, 2015
John, your qualities of sweetness, pluck, courage, and your obvious love of family are enduring.

I remember you laughing and twinkling as you watched myself and others internally ponder what the heck you were referring to in your psychic comments. Some comments come back to mind more often, and still bring me a smile in retrospect. I sat down for a reading from you, in eager anticipation, and you said, " Well I think you will be as disappointed with me as you are with every other man". Another day I walked into Aesclepion and you walked over saying, "What are you fighting today? Come on, you have to be fighting something, everybody is fighting something. You are always purple! ". Then you walked away with your hands in the air.

I was honored to stay at your home for a week ,supposedly to be helpful, while Mary was visiting family. Now I'm hitting fifty, and my children are roughly the same age that yours were then,14 and about 10. My (and my courageous witty husband's) appreciation for what I didn't know then is full. The first day I brought what I thought would be the fixings for a healthy meal. I arrived and you were there with a grin and a cheese pizza, saying. "We can't wait this long to eat". You very kindly explained regarding getting your children to school on time that , "rushing is not in the kid's vocabulary". That now translates in our home to ", ride full herd on them so we don't get more tardy slips". Picking John David up from school, totally frustrated that the teacher had marked him off points for not showing his work in math when he had given the correct answer, so easy to understand his precognition, and then your validation "this is the reason for having a "psychic" baby sitter". Your laughing about getting a hormone measuring chart for Jennie Rose,so that her daily hormone growth could be charted. It is truly incredible how much a teenager blossoms every day. Burning the breakfast: "It's OK, we make sacrifices here almost every morning". About day two, you and John David came down with fevers measuring 104. You described my healings as feeling like you were a tube of toothpaste being squished.

I hear echoes of your laughter as you go through this transition. I thank you so much for the role that you, your family, and the community played in this piece of life.
May 26, 2015
May 26, 2015
Hello John. So much gratitude to you on so many levels. You are a great mentor, teacher, storyteller and human being. Thank you for all of this and for being available to me through my toughest growth period. Grace, Blessings and Love.
May 26, 2015
May 26, 2015
Dear John,
Thank you so much for being such a great teacher. Your humor and wisdom continue to inspire me. And I often think of the phrase: "You become what you resist," which I learned from you and which continues to come in handy!
May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015
A light, that made it possible, to find the darkness in my space in neutrality. Will always be one of my most valued mentors.
May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015
Would not have made it to my "directorship" without you telling me that's what I was doing! Our classroom was the Italian restaurant down the street observing the manager directing the employees.
Thank You, John
May 24, 2015
May 24, 2015
John, I admired your ability to say hello to all kinds of people, and to be amused, no matter what. I appreciated your wide Texas grin and your ability to make spiritual concepts visible, and fun. You never seemed to take it all too seriously, but you gave everything its time.

When Lisa B and I were talking on the phone about your passing the line went dead: we both felt you there, still teaching. Thanks for that hello too.
May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015
Finding out about this right after returning from a graduation where the theme was Embracing Change...yes I think that about covers it! i guess that is what you are doing now, embracing the change, always one step ahead in the journey. Looking forward to the teachings coming from the other side now.
May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015
Dear John, How fast life goes by! Thank you for being an exceptional clairvoyant teacher to me way back when. You were a great teacher and from what I am hearing (i.e., comments above) you obviously continued to be so over the years and right up to the end. I hope this new adventure brings you even more joy and validation. It is obvious you have made a positive mark in the world, and that is all that really matters, right? Hopefully we will all follow your example in this way. You will be missed. God bless and Godspeed, old friend!
May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015
Hello John! So nice to have met you this lifetime. The fun chats, an open door for discussing directorship, highly inspirational teachings, and adding 'whohoo' to my vocabulary will all be held in appreciation. As you would say, 'See you around!'
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
Thank you John Fulton for being the best teacher anyone could hope to have. And thank you for your inspiration. May peace be upon you and your family.
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
Blessings On Your Journey...
May your Spirit Carry You
To the Light of the Creator
And May you Always Be
Spiritually Free
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
You got away before I could say, "Thanks." So, "Thanks for all of it."
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
John, I know you are cruising on your HotRod to new adventures and loving it! So grateful for having crossed paths and shared meals and stories with you on different continents and in this incarnation and having been the recipient of your brilliant teachings and hellos. You are missed!
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
John, thank you for being a great teacher and a bright spirit. I enjoyed your workshops in the Men's Fellowship. You had a clarity and simplicity that made it easier for me to fine my versions of the same. Some years later (but a few years ago), we crossed paths in an Southern California airport. I appreciated your gracious hello and sense of humor then. Journey home well. Blessings to you and your family!
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
As I was driving home trying to figure out what I was going to say and at a loss for words, a large truck driving in the opposite direction, in bold lettering above the cab in large stated “Texas Furniture.” Thank you for the laugh and the reminder to stay in amusement.
I will always remember you not in of your passing but in the glory of your spirit, full of laughter, amusement.
I am blessed and grateful for having the opportunity to work with you and your family. Thank you for everything.
Until we meet again, Godspeed and Namaste.
May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015
Hello John: What can I say? You were a dear friend and mentor and I was so blessed to have known you.
Thank you!
May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015
Dear John,
Thank you so much for your incredible gift of light, humor and kindness. Your ability to teach such deep material in a simple and easy to understand manner has helped me grow as a being. Your Guiding Light will serve as a signpost for many people on their path. I'm so grateful for the time I got to spend with you in your presence. I was thinking of you the other day and got a psychic message that you were gone. I didn't believe it but now I know it was true. You will be missed.
In loving memory, RIP.
May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015
Thank you John for your big Hello’s, blessings and clear teachings. You didn’t change my life, you enlightened it, taught me to do it myself. A truly great teacher. I will miss your amusement, humor and the whoo-whoo’s! Thank you for being You and present in my life in ‘good & bad’ times. Blessings and 'have all the fun you can get'.
May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015
John, I am very, very grateful to have had the opportunity to engage with you in this incarnation. I am very grateful for the tremendous amount of space you gave me (aka respect).

Though I "loved being your student" and you are/were my all time fav teacher this lifetime, funny thing - I remember you not teaching me so much as allowing me to be. I remember you not interfering with me....

I call that what I experienced from you as respect for my soul, for my beingness. What a blessing and a healing to give that kind of space.
Alot of space.

When I had been in the hospital for what the medical folks said were heart issues (some said I had several smaler heart attacks, other county doctors said they were all false positives. my dentist said you cant have that many false positives - so it was heart attacks...I was told that I had had a series of heart attacks and that they were afraid that I was going to have a big one and that was why they admitted me into emergency)...In any case...when I was released...I came in for a spiritual hello. I remember well you walked over and said hello, shook my hand... asked how I was....I felt that hello to my soul way past my physical heart and then you congratulated me. What a healing! Havent been in the hospital or emergency room since for heart issues.

I remember most vividly earlier on in knowing you, when I asked you a question, you said "excuse me" and picked your teeth with intent, focusing wholey on your teeth and not at all on my question. That was very powerful for me. What came of that for me was to ask myself, not lose my seniority to (ha ha) "some" man - thinking he has all of my information. Look at that! He doesnt even give a ____. The spinach stuck in his back teeth is more important. He isnt even listening.

In that moment when you showed no concern for my question -
I learned not to have concern for your answer. Brilliant.
You gave me permission and the space to think for myself.

Uh oh, now look what you gone and done.
Amen John. Brilliant teacher. Forever grateful.

I see you are enthusiastically taking your next steps.
RIP Sir.
May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015
Most of my classes I had with John came from tape and cd. I also attended lectures in Marin and in Holland. I could even see his malicious smile on his face while listening a tape or cd when he started to say: " Turn to your neighbour and say... And I loved it when he reminded us that we are perfect as we are. Becoming more of yourself was what mattered, and if you were a bastard, it meant that you became even more of a bastard. Thank you for you being you.
May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015
What an honor, gift and blessing to have been a student of yours, honoring each and every one of us for who and where we are in the moment. No judgment, allowing for space, impeccable, carefully selected each word you spoke. Thank you!
May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015
Be amused. :)

John, I can't imagine the wonders you are seeing now. Bless you! Thank you!
May 16, 2015
I have so many great memories of you….
Back at CDM many years ago, you were so kind to come to my art opening at the college and encourage me. You took the time away from your busy schedule at the church and Aesclepion and we were in a big fight. Thank you for doing that. That was very BIG of you.
I so appreciate when I was very pregnant and you offered to drive my car when I picked you up in San Diego. I got so sick and we pulled over on the freeway and hurled all over the car and on the side of the road. You rubbed my back as I leaned out the door.  You kept saying, “Good job.” I kept saying, “I’m not done yet.”  Lol. You helped me clean up because I felt terrible and I know you were in a lot of pain from the cancer treatment.  You get several gold stars for that in my book.
I remember you brought John David to go to Legoland, and how we played ping pong at my house in San Diego when you came out to teach. You cussed at me while we were playing and I said, “You can say what you want, but I’m still going to beat you.” And we laughed and laughed as we slammed the ball back and forth in my patio.
How we laughed as we drove to and from the Trance Medium Class. How you offered insight to me about things you noticed about life, my school, people, aliens, and beings.
And that hilarious way you greeted Randy after the previous visit when we talked about watching Deadwood. That was so funny but I cannot write here because kids might read this.  Randy said, “Hello John,” and you replied, “Hello _____.”  I’ve never seen such a shocked expression on Randy’s face.
Do you remember coming downstairs really late at night and watching “World Federation of Poker” with me when I was sick from pregnancy. 
And, while you were teaching at my school, I came by and visited with my three year old, Tanner. The students were in awe listening to your lecture. Then Tanner came up to you and wiped his nose on you while you were lecturing.  You had a good sense of humor about it. It was hilarious.
Such funny stuff.  So many funny memories. I am so glad I met you and had the opportunity to get to know you. You are a great spirit, and besides saying hello to you as a spirit, I will see you on another plane some day and laugh some more!
May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015
I feel truly blessed to have had John as a teacher for so many years. He always saw the truth of who I am and validated that. He taught me non judgement, non programming, and unlimited openness by example. Such a bright light and so committed to his life purpose, that quality rubbed off on me beyond any ability for me to not match it.
John you are irreplaceable and I will forever value the gifts you brought forth into the world. I know they are alive in me as a result.

Much Love and a sweet life in the unseen realm until we meet again.

Morgan Radford
May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015
I will never forget your brilliance in all ways. Th 5 years I spent as your assistant was a class in itself. I loved your smile and easy humor and the ups and downs of Aesclepion being created. In your body you were a force of nature, I can't wait to see what's next. I honor you.
May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015
John , in the many years at CDM you gave me some of the greatest hellos .You trusted me , You gave me so much space to shine as a spirit clairvoyant , teacher , spiritual leader . You were my mentor in so many different ways . Loved your jokes and your great amusement .
Let your light shine , go in peace !
May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015
This candle symbolizes the light of the spirit,
a light which flames quietly, bringing a lifetime of contentment.

"A city on a hill can not be hid, nor does man place his light under a bushel- but on a stand so that all can see".

Let your light so shine amongst men.. .

Thank you for your illumination, John Fulton from Texas. . . you know

what they say, "everything's bigger there!". . . You are a big light : )

and I always appreciated your big laugh.. .never failed to make me grin- big time.

My time with you (and your 'ohana) in the spiritual kindergarten playgrounds of CDM, Aesclepion, the Birth Center, HOH, Massage, TM, the Ranch, OTO & the retreats were some of my favorite times. Especially Thanksgiving dinner in Sonoma.

I see the joy & enthusiasm of your step away from this incarnation. Beautiful! See you later. . . Natalie Joyce-Maeda
May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015
From the founding of Inner Connection Institute to Inner Insight Institute, it was always to bring you and the T M program to Denver. Tornado talk and frat talk mama talk and … all blessings to you sir.
May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015
John was one of my favorite BPI teachers when I was a seminary student and institute director. His dedication to awareness and self-knowledge helped thousands improve their lives including mine. He also had a great sense of humor. The world is better for him being here.
May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015
John was always dedicated to 'the work', of using psychic tools and growth. Thank you John for all you created in your pursuit of awareness and most of all to your amusement. Al and I also enjoyed the many good meals out and cups of wonderful Italian Hot Chocolate w/ cookies. We wish you Godspeed!
May 15, 2015
May 15, 2015
Thank you John for all your love, insights, laughter and teasing. Helping me blow all those pictures working together those 7 years.
You are so amazing and such a GIFT in my life and in the world.
Congratulations, on to your next adventure.
Love & Blessings...
May 14, 2015
May 14, 2015
Grateful to cross spiritual pass with John as a teacher and a person. Grace and peace!
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