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June 20, 2015
June 20, 2015
You always remain in our thoughts. Rest in perfect peace. Baby and Mansa
June 20, 2015
June 20, 2015
Although our hearts are broken, there's no need to weep more and more since we know that you are in a wonderful place now, where you are happy and so carefree. You had to go, but left behind good memories to comfort and to strengthen us, is our prayer that you receive the best of comfort in the bosom of God. Rest in Perfect peace and Happiness "Great Father".
June 20, 2015
June 20, 2015
The fact that you are no longer here will always cause pain but you are forever in my heart. Those special memories of you will always bring a special smile - watching football with you, guiding us and going out with your loved Peugeot 504.

Rest in Peace
June 19, 2015
June 19, 2015
Jack!!, as you were affectionately called by your peers and with the passage of time we hijacked it; personifying the unique bond we once had and cherished. We have temporarily been separated from thee via the icy hands of death just as all the departed before thee in Christ; belong to the ages until the day of Judgement as decreed.

On the onset of your first anniversary; it is but right to acknowledge your presence on the temporal place (earth) we call home and with it those wonderful memories we all once shared or starred in. Indeed, how rapid the elapse of time seem; yet the gaping wound that had rendered us orphans is now beginning to give way to nostalgia; reminiscent of an era never to be surpassed by another earthly father or its derivative but the Lord's Mercy, Grace and Comfort.

Your numerous contributions and achievements in your field of study did not go unnoticed by your peers, community, political activism. Most importantly, you were the nucleus of the family; exhibiting selfless and steadfast attributes that helped knit the fabric of your paternal and maternal lineage; a role you served with some aplomb until your purpose on earth was served.

We thus are comforted as a consequence of your assured faith and salvation in Christ our Lord. We in turn, are with the knowledge that you never waivered when the final curtain beckoned, unveiled and ushered you into an eternal rest; beyond our human comprehension but free from earthly affliction.

Do rest serenely in the bosom of our Creator until such a time when our very mortality is asked of us all. We will thus continue to strife through life remembering what peace there is in silence and gracefully surrendering the things of our youth; battle ready and await our inevitable crosses as appointed onto mankind for His Grace is sufficient for us.

Now, there is seemingly no other befitting to take up your mantle of selflessness, an embodiment of unity, a beacon of hope and most of all; your simple but dignified humanity. We are left with a great irreplaceable void - no one can do it any better Jack!!. It is really over to us the next generation to bear the torch of hope and persevere when our hour seem so long.

You will be fondly missed for your spirit of discernment and forever remembered by many; first and foremost by your 7 children as a beloved Father, Father-In-Law, Grandfather, Brother, Cousin, Uncle, Friend and Mentor to many. We will always love you and strife ever so more to achieve, sustain and reverberate your ideals onto generations yet to descend from your loins.

Father's Day will forever be of greater significance; a day capsulated and synonymous our very last moments we all had - "one-to-one" with you just days before your subsequent call to Glory. We are most grateful for our nurtured years.

Shalom Jack!!
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