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May 20
I am using Lofton's memorial for Chris. Knowing the love these two shared, I am sure neither would mind.
Happy Birthday Chris. Today you would have been 47. Instead you have been gone for 5 years. Still miss you. Always love you.
April 18
Our dear bro, we will forever cherish the love and care you had for your family and siblings. sleep peacefully, we miss you. Ducie, Jhoy, Merva, Glenville, Winston and Cordell.
April 8
I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
I think of you in silence...I often speak your name.
All I have are memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is a keepsake with which I'll never part.
God has you in his keeping...I have you in my heart
     (courtesy, Calvary Hospital)
September 3, 2023
September 3, 2023
Happy Birthday Lofton. You were the life of every party. You will be missed forever, but thinking of you brings a smile to my soul. I remember your corny jokes.
April 8, 2023
April 8, 2023
TEN YEARS LOFTON. The memories never go away. Spent the day with family and friends. Marc arrranged a beach picnic. You have 4 generations of descendants. You would have enjoyed yourself. Still missing you.
September 3, 2022
September 3, 2022
I have not forgotten your birthday. How could anyone forget anything about you. I just felt you would be celebrating until Monday. You would have celebrated your eightieth birthday with supreme joy. We thought of having a remembrance birthday, but nothing could ever be the same without you.
April 8, 2022
April 8, 2022
9 years. Some years have moved slowly, most have moved so rapidly that I can hardly catch my breath. Some years, so much hurt that I would wish the slate clean and ask for a do over. But Chris is still gone and I pray that
he is in a happier and better place. I do not suffer the endless distress that no one would care for him when I am no longer here.
Love transcends all. I think of Chris with joy and all the happiness he has given me. You of course would know he is an ornery one, but still well loved.

"How shall we sing our love's song now
 In this strange land where all are born to die?
 Each tree and leaf and star show why
 The universe is part of this one cry,
 That every life is noted and cherished,
 And nothing loved is ever lost or perished."
               Madeleine L'Engle
                'A Ring of Endless Light"
September 3, 2021
September 3, 2021
Happy Birthday in heaven. We miss you dearly.
Jhoy, Dulcie, Myrva, Glenville, Winston and families
September 3, 2021
September 3, 2021
Happy Birthday Lofton, You would have taken all the trials and tribulations with equanimity and find lots of humour in our situations. I am just weathering the storm. Every time I think that life is back to normal something gummies up the works usually stupid self serving politicians or their even more insane followers. But we shoulder on. I have not seen Westbury since Nov 2019. There are going to be many changes and I try to be pragmatic but actually I grasp the past that is familiar.
April 8, 2021
April 8, 2021
You are forever in my thoughts. How often I think, I will have to tell you something then remember that I cant call you.
Friends and reat0ives are gone. Campbell died Dec 2019. I hope the two of you are enjoying your rum jumbie sessions. George is gone. Thank goodness Merva has her wonderful children, family and friends.
5031 is undergoing a renovation. I am sure you will be proud of it.
You now have 3 great grands
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
2020, pandemic in full swing, especially in the USA. Almost 200,000 dead, and no end in sight. Most of this could have been avoided but the orange satan took over the government in 2016 and we have been going to hell in a handbasket. But I have hope that good outweighs the bad and better days are ahead.
I think that since Chris' death tore my heart asunder my emotions are raw. I tell myself he would not have survived the disasters of today but that doesn't really help. I try to think that he is with you and happy because he always knew he had your love
I am not sure how this is a tribute but we always talked about current issues.
Happy Birthday, Happy anniversary.
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
Seven years have passed but I can say there was never a dull moment being around you. Everyday I think of you as your picture sits next to my daughter's Urn.
Sleeep on my bro. Missing you.

Dulcie, Jhoy, Merva, Glenville and Winston.
September 3, 2020
September 3, 2020
7 years and that day in 2013 is so fresh in my mind. Now Chris is gone, to my unending grief and constant tears. We do not know the exact date but I doubt that he saw his 42nd birthday.
I thought that 2019 was the worst year of my life My heart is shattered and often I could hardly breathe. But 2020 seems to be heading for the worst global disaster, millions dead worldwide, 12000 in USA in the space of a month. I wonder how you would have reacted. I am sure you would have been able to cope with every event. You had the ability to deal successfully with almost every situation. You would have been our bastion holding back our fears with humour and action. I miss you. Hold Chris. Let him know how much I love him and miss him.
April 13, 2020
April 13, 2020
Lofton's song ended seven years ago, but his melody still lives on. Missing you. Will forever be in our hearts ,
Merva, Jhoy, Glenville, Dulcie and Winston
April 8, 2020
April 8, 2020
7 years and that day in 2013 is so fresh in my mind. Now Chris is gone, to my unending grief and constant tears. We do not know the exact date but I doubt that he saw his 42nd birthday.
I thought that 2019 was the worst year of my life My heart is shattered and often I could hardly breathe. But 2020 seems to be heading for the worst global disaster, millions dead worldwide, 12000 in USA in the space of a month. I wonder how you would have reacted. I am sure you would have been able to cope with every event. You had the ability to deal successfully with almost every situation. You would have been our bastion holding back our fears with humour and action. I miss you. Hold Chris. Let him know how much I love him and miss him.
April 12, 2019
April 12, 2019
Another has passed, already. Laughton's voice on the phone or at he door still reverberates, his laugh through the latest sporting and political events is still fresh, but above all his love for his wife and family was our source of admiration. Continue to treasure the wonderful times he shared and his legacy of his contribution to this region.
April 10, 2019
April 10, 2019
Loughton, you are surely missed and will be forever loved. From your sisters and brothers, Dulcie, Jhoy, Merva, Glenville and Winston
April 15, 2018
April 15, 2018
To Jacquiline, Marc, Christopher, and Family: Lofton is always remembered for his genuine friendship, care, and love of family. And, I for one, remember him on the golf course for his liveliness, and spirit of the game. His use of the 'wedge' in his approach shots to the green. I still have his voice saved in my 'message list' over five years ago when he addressed me as 'Jagan' and he as 'Barak Obama' notifying me of his arrival to Roanoke to join me and my group here to play golf.
Jacqui, my wife and I do wish you the best of health and happy to know that your children and grands do care for your well-being and that they have cherished their dad's good qualities and lessons of life. We are all aging now, and can only try to continue to be good parents, grand-parents, etc. Do keep well everyone, and continue in being cheerful and share happiness, peace and love. God Bless.
Dharam & Angela Sawh & Family
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
In memory of a dear friend.Always remembered.
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
Five years and it seems like yesterday. Marc and I who were at your bedside then,visited your grave side today. 5 years ago you slipped away so quietly the doctor had to tell us that you were gone. I miss you. The words of the song keep going through my mind. "Still, After all this time, Still, You are still on my mind, I love you still.
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
Five years and feels like 5 days. I try to be an example for my children as you were for me. Passing on your best qualities and learning from your mistakes. I wish you were here to meet Izzy. He has a personality and presence to rival yours. I miss you and love you.
March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016
Still thinking of you . With my medical issues I wish you were here to cheer me up with your humorous slant on human situations. Your sons are doing a wonderful job. I think of the courage you showed in your illness and admire you even more. I miss you.
December 31, 2015
December 31, 2015
Wow this is hard for me to do.I know I never really understood a lot of the things that have happened
December 31, 2015
December 31, 2015
I just wanna give a shout to my father who was always there for me through thick n thin no matter what the issue was.don't worry I have not forgotten about u at all.everything I do reminds me of u.sitting by u bar thinking to my self on how much u loved to just sit in u den n watch the game on tv
November 27, 2015
November 27, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving Lofton. This is the third without you. We are now celebrating in Florida. But only Pamela and I remain of the usual group. I know that we all are thinking of you. I know how you looked forward to spending Thanksgiving in NY You made it a special day for us..
September 3, 2015
September 3, 2015
To Jacqueline, Marc, family and friends of our late friend Loughton, thanks for cherishing, remembering and sharing the happy and pleasant memories. Loughton is always being remembered for his liveliness, and unquestionable friendship. Keep well everyone.
Dharam and Angela Sawh and Family
September 3, 2015
September 3, 2015
Happy birthday to my dad. You are always in my thoughts with every important decision I think about your steady experienced advice. No matter that your physical presence is no longer here your life experience resonates in the people who have been lucky enough to call you friend. Missing you always, Marc.
September 3, 2015
September 3, 2015
Happy Birthday dear Friend! Today is also my father's birthday. He is 92 today. Will always remember our good times in Gt and Berbice.Until we meet.
September 2, 2015
September 2, 2015
Tomorrow is your birthday. I have been looking at your gallery of pictures but I don't need them for you are always in my memory. Happy Birthday Lofton
April 8, 2015
April 8, 2015
For those who mourn
                     Time is forever
When I left that morning two years ago, I told you "Don't go anywhere, I will be back soon," You waited for me to say goodbye. It seems like yesterday.
November 30, 2014
November 30, 2014
another thanksgiving without you. Even with the celebration there was sadness as we all thought about you and the many thanksgivings we have shared throughout the years.
September 4, 2014
September 4, 2014
Always thinking of you my friend,you n my dad share same birthday.
September 4, 2014
September 4, 2014
Today I missed your phone call.
I will have to do all the wishes for a happy anniversary.
April 21, 2014
April 21, 2014
April 20, 2014
Think of me when you are glad,
In your memories have no grief, let the joy we knew remain
And when your thoughts do turn to me, know that I would not have you cry,
But live for me and laugh for me, when you are happy so am I.
April 11, 2014
April 11, 2014
To Jacqueline, Marc, Family and Friends: Sharing in your wonderful memories of Loughton who is always remembered for his kindness, love of life, family and laughter that pervaded when he was around. Kindest regards and hope all is well.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
To my beloved brother, how I miss you so much. And I will always love you and remember you in my heart. Your loving sister Myrva
February 4, 2014
February 4, 2014
My dear friend, I know i can talk to you. Life has been good but several things are missing and everytime I see my dad I remember you. My dad n you share same DOB and lives with me. Will catch up one day!
January 29, 2014
January 29, 2014
"LWT" was truly the first mentor I had, he inspired me to great heights, I remember as if it was yesterday, in 1988 when he employed me as his "Sales Representative" for ESSO Guyana. I had just graduated, and the role encompassed huge responsibilities to the commercial sector as well as the retail. He told me that he was confident that I would fulfill the role, and for the three years under his guidance and mentorship, I grew into a totally different indivdual following his lead. This served me for the rest of my career as I worked in different countries, thank you! I am what I am today because of your early influence- Desmond
September 4, 2013
September 4, 2013
The celebration of Lofton's Birthday was always a big celebration for his friends in So. Florida because falls on the long weekend, and he always had a blast! In 2010 when his friends had 5 parties that weeknd for him he said with a big laugh "My RAAS" I never had 5 B'day parties. He will always hold a special place in our hearts.We all missed him this year and treasure his friendship.
April 22, 2013
April 22, 2013
All your friends here in Miami will remember you with laughter and tears, we were all blessed to have known you, and will miss you greatly, but we will comfort one another and take care of the friends you left behind, until we all meet again.
April 21, 2013
April 21, 2013
Loughton, you were more than a brother to me. It is with a heavy heart that pay tribute to your life and the relationship we had.
Rest in peace my Brother, words cannot express the degree to which I will miss you.
Love, Glenvil
April 20, 2013
April 20, 2013
3Sept 29+years ago,about to be introduced to Lofton by his secretary Doreen Annamunthodoo,he cuts in-'girl you pour yourself in dem jeans?THEN he extends his handshake! How could anyone not love this amazing and wonderful person. Rest in peace my dearest friend, until we meet again.
April 20, 2013
April 20, 2013
" Lofton my brother-in-law gone too soon and you will be missed. May God protect you and watch over your beautiful family Jacqueline, Micheal, Marc, Chris and your grandchildren. Love you! " Rest in Peace

Marva, Mrs.Delaney and family
April 19, 2013
April 19, 2013
To our dear brother "Lofton" what can we say? Michael Jackson could not have said it better: GONE TOO SOON. To our wonderful sister-in-law, Jacqueline "you deserve an honorary medal of distinction. Keep being yourself". To our handsome nephews, Michael, Marc and Chris, "we always have loved and continue to love you. Take care of your Mom!"     Dulcie, Jhoy and family.
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