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February 10, 2016
February 10, 2016
I miss you very much Grandma. You were awesome and there is nothing else that I could've asked from you. See you soon.
February 3, 2016
February 3, 2016
Il y a plus de 5 ans, je me souviens d’un jour ou Maman me dit : Mon fils je t’en prie, je sais que tu dis que tu n’ as pas l’argent. Mais, s’il te plait, est ce que tu peux aider ta belle mere dans son marché. Je suis passé la bas, et elle avait tres peu de marchandises. Pakdon mon père…
Oh Maman ! Au telephone, elle me disait souvent, concernant mon épouse : Comment va notre fille ? Est-ce que tu t’occupes bien d’elle ? Il faut lui demander de m’appeler. Ca fait longtemps.
February 3, 2016
February 3, 2016
MaJea etait une Plaque Tournante.
Des dizaines de personnes qui ont émigrés du village pour Yaoundé ont d’abord passes des années chez elle.
Des dizaines de personnes qui avaient faim dans le quartier passaient voie MaJea, et elle faisait tout pour leur trouver à manger.
Une cousine témoignait comment, chaque fois qu’elle rendait visite à MaJea, cette dernière, même lorsque dépourvue, lui disait quelque chose comme « Hey ma fille, avant de partir, attend je vais te trouver du plantain dans mon champ, afin que tu nourrisses les enfants.
Les épouses de ses frères étaient comme ses filles. Bien qu’elles soient maries et même grand-mères déjà, maman ne manquait pas de souvent leur offrir des provisions, comme une maman fait à ses enfants.
C'est grace a elle que fonctionnait les activites de plusieurs personnes a Yaounde.
Elle rapprochait souvent les parties en tensions, separees, ou qui ne se parlent plus.
Une maman me disait comment c'est grace a Majea qu'elle gardait encore beaucoup d'espoir pour son avenir.
February 3, 2016
February 3, 2016
Une maman qui a fait tout pour moi. OK, je sais que c'est le cas pour chaque maman. Mais qq chose de special en elle, c'est le fait qu'elle se sacrifiait frequemment pour le bonheur des autres personnes autour d'elle, meme lorsqu'elle etait offensee par ces personnes.
February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016
bonsoir Ma Jea
tu nous as quité avant que nous n'ayons l'opportunité de te connaitre.  mais nous sommes marqués par le témoignage d'affection que manifestent encore pour toi tes fils, petits fils et proches. bien que nous aurions voulu apprendre de toi, nous somme confiant qu'à travers eux, nous apprendrons à te ressembler. repose en paix
February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
Good afternoon mom
I missed and love you so much. These days haven't been easy for I thought so much about you. It's still seem like a dream .
I know and I feel that you're watching over..
Love you dearly mom
January 31, 2016
January 31, 2016
Hi grandma
Its been a long weekend, and i thought of you yesterday when i took my magnet test for high school. I thought you would be proud of me and very happy. All wishes that i pass are in your name. I also got a principal scholar for 2nd Marking Period. :)) Just know you are always on my mind, and i thank God for the blessed time i was able to have with you in Cameroon.
Your Granddaughter,
grace x
January 31, 2016
January 31, 2016
Hi grandma
Its been a long weekend, and i thought of you yesterday when i took my magnet test for high school. I thought you would be proud of me and very happy. All wishes that i pass are in your name. I also got a principal scholar for 2nd Marking Period. :)) Just know you are always on my mind, and i thank God for the blessed time i was able to have with you in Cameroon.
Your Granddaughter,
grace x
January 31, 2016
January 31, 2016
Grandma, as I was doing a test in school, I automatically thought about you. I remembered you in my mind, my heart,and my soul, and I wondered, if you were here with me, to embrace me, I would do everything to pass the test. And I did. 100% for you grandma!!!!
January 26, 2016
January 26, 2016
Mama Jeanette:

When I met you for the first time in Yaoundé, I felt something instanstaneously that I have not felt for quite a long time in the later part of my teenage life especially from the way you spoke to me, asked me about my health and that of my family before treating me like your son. That alone rekindle in me some kind of mother love and caring that I have been missing.

When I visited you again with my wife you gave us the same treatment of a loving and caring mother with a smile. The feelings you ignited in me clouded and sealed the space I have been carrying along in me but I didn't know it was just the beginning to an end.

Unfortunately, I was hoping to visit you again when the time comes but that's not going to happen because I was informed you departed us for good and it was real.

Interestingly, I later learnt that you were gifted in what you did and you impacted many souls in which I count myself fortunate. However, I'm still saddened because the space in me that you did seal is now opened again and wherever you are RIP as you are and will be missed.

I will end by saying you didn't get to live more longer but your works will last.

Thank you,

January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
As I was listening to a song It made me remember about you. It says just be held. As I was singing to it it reminded me that I will be held and you are watching over me.
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Oh grandma I miss you so much, and as the new year has started I have been thinking about how hard it would be to go without you. As every day goes by I always think about you. I miss you so much and you will always be in my heart. God bless you.
January 15, 2016
January 15, 2016
Oh my great loving caring grandma how I miss you so much. You have never left my mind since time has passed. Everything I do is because of you grandma. I love you and I can't wait to see you.

"The worst things happen to the best people"
January 15, 2016
January 15, 2016
Bonsoir mamann cherie
You're remembered this day that marks two months since you took the journey home.
We miss you everyday...
Thanks for being one of the humble, amazing, compassionate, caring, hard working, selfless, brave, accomplished and remarkable woman I've ever known. Thanks for being the best mom ever to my siblings and I
Thanks for being the best grandma ever to your grand children. ..
Love you mom
January 14, 2016
January 14, 2016
For two months already that you're dearly missed, I light this candle.
For you maman cherie, femme exceptionnelle, maman sans son pareil
January 14, 2016
January 14, 2016
Dear mom.
It's been two months already that you're gone. Oh maman cherie! !.Il y a deux mois déja, en ce moment, tu commencais ton voyage auprès du Père. Ce jour reste á jamais gravé dans nos coeurs, un jour dont ns ne ns séparerons jamais. Chaque jour, nous pleurons ton absence, nous nous demandons pourquoi tu es partie sitôt, sans aurevoir...
Ta présence, ta voix, ton sourire..., ton dynamisme, oh maman, nothing is the same. Tout est si différent. Tes petits enfants sont si tristes, grandma n'est plus là á leur retour de l'école, plus là pour les acceuillir...
Tes soldats sont triste maman. Pardon garde un oeil sur eux tous et nous aussi.
De près du Père Celeste où tu es, Repose en Paix en ce 2eme mois de ton depart. On dirait 2annèes . Tu ns manques tant...
Love you always mom
January 3, 2016
January 3, 2016
Happy New year Maman and Happy Birthday. J ai tellement pense a te telephoner pour te souhaiter Bonne annee 2016 comme on le faisait chaque annees; J ai eu tres mal de savoir que je ne pourrai causer avec toi cette annee. Bonne annee Maman; je ne cesse de penser a toi. Love you Maman, love you so much. les larmes s ecoulent a chaque fois que je pense a toi. J espere que tu vois combien nous sommes tellement triste sans toi. Que Dieu me donne la force de combattre le bon combat de la Foi enfin de pouvoir te joindre quand mon moment sera venu. Je t aime Maman. Happy Birthday.
January 3, 2016
January 3, 2016
Good Morning Grandma,
Happy New Years, it's been years since I've seen you. I miss you a lot and will have you in my heart. I wish I was there for you the same way you were for me. I care a lot about you and miss you. Knowing that you're watching I'll always make you proud. It is because of you I'm the person I am today
January 1, 2016
January 1, 2016
Bonne Année sans ta présence maman. Nothing is the same.... for you always, I light a candle in this first day of 2016

Love and miss you dearly and everyday.
January 1, 2016
January 1, 2016
Hi grandma
Happy new years! I miss you a lot and this is my first tribute, so I light a candle in you honor. I love you and I am very saddend by the fact that you could not make it to the new year 2016. Although you are not here with us physically, you are here with us in spirit and I love you again and miss you. You are never forgotten and you take a special place in my heart.♥
Love one of your many grandchildren,
January 1, 2016
January 1, 2016
En ce premier jour de l'annee, je constate qu'il y a un appel que je n'ai pas encore fait; un appel juste pour dire "Bonne Annee Ma'a", et entendre une voix me repondre "mon pere", ou "Quand j'entends ta voix, je suis guerie".
December 31, 2015
December 31, 2015
I miss you very much and I hope I get to see you again. May God bless the whole family and let them be strong. You were a very kind person and i will always think about you. You meant very much to me and I was very sad when I had heard about your passing that I almost missed my soccer game.
December 31, 2015
December 31, 2015
Thanks for everything you did for us. You were an amazing grandmother and you will never be forgotten. We all love you very much.
December 31, 2015
December 31, 2015
Grandma, I am really really sad that you are gone. You were my shining star grandma. I love you soo much. I didn't get to say bye grandma.I can't wait to see you grandma.

You fought the good fight grandma.
December 26, 2015
December 26, 2015
Maman jeannette, just like the meaning of your name, "God is Gracious"
May God bless you in a special manner, of all descriptions from your offsprings, the qualities instilled in you by the Most High are just the living testimonies of today. (honest, benevolent, brillant and often inventive, full of energy and inspiration and most of all courageous). May your legacy endures forever.
May God pours a lot of strength and love in the family.
December 24, 2015
December 24, 2015
Merry merry Christmas mom!!!!
December 24, 2015
December 24, 2015
chere maman cherie
nous voici entrain de passer notre firsst Christmas sans toi, dur realite maman, tes tendres mots et ton grand sourire me manquent..
Repose en paix maman, je t'aimerai a jamais
December 22, 2015
December 22, 2015
For you always , I will light a candle.
December 22, 2015
December 22, 2015
Oh maman cherie, maman exceptionnelle, maman extraordinaire, tu as laissé in Grand vide autour de nous. Il ne passe pas un moment que je ne pense á toi
Oh maman si vite tu es partie, sans crier garde. Je t 'attendais rentrer du village, je voulais t'entendre me parler, comme tu le faisais si bien, les mots tendres, les paroles douces, les câlins et autres... tu me manques tant...
Je j'aimerai á jamais. Dans la nuit, je me reveillé voyant ton visage, ecoutant ta tendre voix. Ouais maman cherie, notre baobab,
December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015
Maman. It is still unreal you are really gone. Je ne parviens toujours pas a digerer cela. Maman C est vraiment difficle. J e ne pourrai donc jamais partager avec toi tout ce que j ai traverse et endure depuis que tu m as accorde ta benediction pour aller loin de toi!!!! Pourqui me disais tu donc quand je vais revenir tu m attendras avec mes plats preferes!!!! Je savais que j allais loin de toi pour te rendre fiere et revenir partager ma joie et mes peines avec toi. Quand je reviendrai dans la maison que tu as construit de tes propres main, tu ne seras vraiment pas la!! EUHH Maman pourqoi nous quiter si brusquement. Maman pourquoi!! Maman tu as tant fait, tu debordais d idee et d energie. Malgre les difficulte, les echecs, tu as toujours su te battre et construire. Cela me fait vraiment mal Maman, nous souffront tellement Maman te ton absence.
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