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May 31
May 31
Hi mum I'm so sorry that I haven't written to you foe a while. Today is your 12th anniversary and me and tom are missing you so much. You were who kept the family together then dad did to an extent but now dads gone aswell it's just michael that bothers with us. Tom has been my rock and trusted me over all the stuff that's gone on . Clares settled now hopefully she's sorted for the rest of her life now as matty can't have her or neither can vicky as they've got enough to deal with. Anyway I hope all of the family are back together ill message you more mum. Me tom and the children love you all so much and I wish that you could have met mattys and vickys children. All our love me and Tomxxx
December 26, 2021
December 26, 2021
Hi mum sorry I havent wrote on here for a while but with vicky clare and matty life has been hectic aswell as tom not being well. Today is your birthday I went up to the crem with laura and brian and put some flowers on for you. Me and tom miss you so much every minute of every day your in our thoughts. Me and tom are looking after dad as best as we can but it's hard feeding him as hes so fussy lately. Since you passed away mum dad has struggled so much without you hes lost and hes just given up. He wants to be with you mum. Youd kill him as he doesnt wash properly or change his clothes. He really misses you mum. As do we all. I hope you Stephanie barbara and bernard are together with the rest of the family. I promise I will be on here more. Clare has a blood clot in her brain but it's the same as Bernard's was too deep. Shes going in supported housing soon hopefully in the new year. Matty is working hard now and has a little girl called monroe, vicky has lilly jordan and rory now and clare hasnt got kids. Anyway I'll go for now and message you again soonxx x love to you and happy birthday marian and tomxx
December 26, 2020
December 26, 2020
Hi mum happy birthday first of all. I didnt go to the crem today as I'm not feeling too well got a headache but I will go up on the 29th with flowers as I dont want to not flowers on altogether me and tom think about you every single day. Sylvia ( Bernard's partner) has booked me in with her to go and see him on my birthday which will make my day completed. Talk soon mum love always marian and tomxxx
November 11, 2020
November 11, 2020
Hi mum I know it has been a long time and I am sorry for that. Just want you to know i am looking after dad as well as i can and i hope you think i am. Aswell as tom feeding him,jackie bill. laura and brian (do when they can be bothered) which doesnt happen much. Were not speaking at the minute. Clare vicky and matthew also miss you so much and you are a nanna to another 6 more grandkids soon to be 7 as in mine and Tom's family unit. Vicky has lilly jordan and soon to be rory either end of march early april. Matthew has took on frankie and fred plus also has two biological children lorenzo and monroe. Weve fell out at the moment (us and matty). Clare is in her own house but is really struggling so she is on the list for supported housing but it could be years. Dad is his usual lazy self but hes ok I suppose but doesnt want to be here anymore as he wants to be with you nowxx bills ok and michael but bernard is really I'll with brain cancer. I'm going to come on here every week and tell you what the gossip is lots of love me and tomxxx
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
Hi Mum, Sorry I havent put anything on here for a while, but as youve seen I have been busy working to pay all my bills and everyhing seems go be working out for me at last. Please tell everyone up there that we all miss and love them and hope youve all seen Jim who passed last year. Lillie continues to be ill and please send your love to all your grandchildren and help Marian, Bill, Michael and Laura at this sad time. Also dad misses you so much. Its hard for him at the moment. Love hou forever. Bernard.
January 22, 2016
January 22, 2016
Hi Mum, Hope everyone is behaving up there, We love and miss you all so much, I will be going to the crem today as normal as its Barbaras Birthday but you know that already dont you, Dont see as much of Barbaras girls as I would like but if they need me for anything they all know where I am. Dads missing you so much and lights the candles on days such as this. Love you always. Bernard. xxxxx
October 9, 2015
October 9, 2015

I think about you every single day .I don't see grandad as much as I should do but I will try and make more of an effort as you don't know what's round the corner.
I miss your advice n knowledge n the fact I could ask you anything and you'd advise me best you could.
I hope your better and out of pain up there.wish i could hear your voice one more time.
All my love margaret helen xx
October 1, 2015
October 1, 2015
Hi Mum, I miss you so much, am trying to loook after dad but hes hard work and seems not to want me around his house so much these days, dont know why. Hope everyone up there in those clouds is Ok and behaving themselves., and your looking down on us trying to help in the only way you can. Love you always. Bernard.xxxxxxx
July 10, 2014
July 10, 2014
Hi Mum and Barbara, Stephanie, Gran and Grandad Turner, Marion, June and Sylvia and Auntie Margharet and Uncle Bill just to name a few, we all miss and love you, Bill is his usual self and Michael never changes, Laura andBrian are ok as well, Take care and fondest love from all, I am now back at work and working hard. Save a place for me as I have lousyt neighbours and god knows what they will do next. Love and miss you always.
July 8, 2014
July 8, 2014
hi mum sorry not spoke to you for a while, but what with cleaning your house and ironing for dad then i leave mine. anyway i hope you barbara and stephanie are ok as it being stephanies anniversary today. clares ok still at charity shop but getting taller and still thin even though she eats loads. vicky has lilly now and shes put yours and stephanies name in lillys name. wish you could have seen her shes gorgeous and shell be having jordan in a few weeks. shes back with james shaw hes took lilly on and jordan is his, toms had too sort him out a bit but hell get there. Lastly but ot least Mathew hes doig well hes just passed his btec in peforming arts with a distinction and doing musical theatre in september. We all miss you mum especially dad and wish you were still here bossng us about. Plus we all miss your cheese and onion pie. lol. ill have to go now as ive got to go to see dad and clean the kitchen and bahroom and lauras got to tickle the pictures and hoover. love you soo much mum. love marian, tom, clare, vicky, matthew, lilly andjordanxxx
March 30, 2014
March 30, 2014
Hi Mum, Happy mothers Day, Hope you are all looking down on us this Mothers Day as we all miss you so much especially Grandad, we sent cards for your Anniversary so he would light the candle for you, Give him some love as he is poorly at the moment with another virus apparently, hope you save a space for when my time comes, We all love and Miss you so much, Will bring the flowers tomorrow as been working too hard recently, Love Always, Bernard. xxxxxxx
January 22, 2014
January 22, 2014
Hi Mum, Miss you so much these days and its not too good here at all, as have moved which was the worst mistake of my life as have lousy neighbours and they are always reporting me for things I have not done, Hope everything is Ok up there in heaven and everyone is good, Came and Laid flowers on all our familys graves today and Bill and Margaret came with me, We all Love you and miss you especially Dad, masrian, Tom, and all your family down here, Save a little room for me when we meet again, I will need it as I have never been one for being good. lol. Love you forever. Bernard. xxxxx
December 26, 2013
December 26, 2013
Hi Mum, Miss you, barbara and Stephanie so much these days, but thanks for looking after me so I can get back to work so soon, you have helped me so much for which I am grateful, I will have to bring the flowers tomorrow as once again I have been running people around again, not that I mind, but so wanted to come today but time would not allow it, Glad you are at peace now and that you and Stephanie are with Barbara and the other relatives that went with you all, Will never forget you and you did as the song says Gone too Soon.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
December 18, 2013
December 18, 2013
Hi Mum, Hope you and Barbara are OK on your clouds with Stephanie and the rest up there in heaven, You thought you were ready, but none of us have been happy since you and Barbara went to heaven, I am now back at work though, and enjoying it immensely, I was getting worse until I went back, I know its not what I wanted but at least I will be able to pay my way now and not rely on the state. Take care and you have my love always. Bernard. xxxxxx
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Hi Mum, you were taken too soon, even though you thought that you were ready to move to Heaven, I miss you so much, please send your love down for Marian, she is keeping the family together, Also send some down to Dad, Tom, Bill, Michael, Laura(Margaret), Michael especially needs some luck, please help him at this time like you have helped me, Please also send some more love for your 25 Grandchildren and 27 Great Grandchildren as well, and look after everyone up there, we will all be together soon, Hope you are looking after yourself. Bernard.xxxx
July 19, 2013
July 19, 2013
Hi Mum, seems just l;ike yesterday we were at Phillip Avenue and you were always there for us. We all miss you and Love you so much, Save alittle place there for when I come to be with you,. but it will be a while yet, Look over your great Granddaughter Lillie and help us all to understand what is happening and to unite and care about each other instead of tryuing to get one up oneach othe
July 18, 2013
July 18, 2013
Hi nana

I am sorry not been here much but i kno youve been looking over me,
I miss you every day but your always in my heart .
I met this guy and i know iv messed up relationships alot recently but i think this guy is the one ...xx
June 3, 2013
June 3, 2013
Hi Mum, sorry not been on this site, I and all the family miss you so much, and Elizabeth had a little boy again and their are two girls due to come on this earth through Donna and of course Victoria, everyone misses you and longs for you to walk through the door and take charge of the family once again, save me a little corner as not good enough for a big garden like you, Take Care, Bernx
June 3, 2013
June 3, 2013
Hi nana.....
iv thought about you everyday even though i havent been on here.
We were all at the crem fri putting flowers down for you ,i felt you close in my heart ....

love you now and always
May 2, 2013
May 2, 2013
Hi Mum, not been on for a while I know, but even though we havent, we all still love and miss you, Bill and Family, Marian, Tom, Clare Victoria,Matthew, Michael, Laura, and last but by no means least your loviong husband who loves you so dearly, we miss your caring and looking after us and also the advice, no one will ever forget you Mum, Take Care of all up there and save some places. xxx
April 16, 2013
April 16, 2013
Hi Mum, just thought i would stop by and tell you that your very much missed, by all of us on this earth, a living hell at the moment, Please help all the family here by sending your wisdom and help in all that we do, especially, Thomas, Marian, Margaret (Jnr) and also send your love to dad, me, i dont need anything at the moment and hope you are happy and free. love always.
March 19, 2013
March 19, 2013
Hi mum, hope everyone is behaving there in heaven and you are looking after your family up there how you used to look after us, I remember the days when we lived on Phillip Avenue and Smith Street, and the countless times you used to take me to the hospital, I never knew till now just how much you have done for us all, we all love and miss you so very much. xxxxxx
March 19, 2013
March 19, 2013
hi nana ....
im sorry iv not been on for a while but iv not got a laptop anymore n iv been ill......
But not a day has gone by that iv not thought about you and mum.
March 4, 2013
March 4, 2013
Hi Mum, I am so missimg you these days and I love you more than you will ever know, it will be a Year in two months and it only seems like yesterday, it is also hard writing this as I keep making typing errors, Hope you are looking after yourself in the next life and your running round with your sisters once again, and looking after the younger ones of the family. Dad misses you so much
January 30, 2013
January 30, 2013
Hi Mum, we all miss you so much, and Bill seems to be trying to help and look after everyone, I dont think a lot of us are coping like we should be and everything is forever going up in price, We all know how much you cared about us and tried to protect us whatever happened, We love you so much, and it is true that you were the best mother anyone could be. Bernard. xxxxxxx
January 29, 2013
January 29, 2013
hello nana....
sorry i havent been here much lately !!!!!
i couldnt bring myself to write n see your face,i know you wouldnt want me to be down but i miss you and mum so very much.

love and miss you always margaret helen
January 22, 2013
January 22, 2013
Hi Mum, thank you for this special day to celebrate the 56th Birthday of our dear sister Barbara, I hope everyone is together up there and looking after the family down here with your blessings, especially for Tom, Marian and Dad. We all love and miss you all and wish you were still with us. Miss you terribly. Bernard. xxx
January 19, 2013
January 19, 2013
Hi Mum just a short word to say all the family love and miss you so muchj especially Dad, hes gone with Bill and Jackie to Benidorm this week and will be home on Tuesday I think, hope everyone up there in Heaven is Ok and save me a little space, Hope Barbara and Stephanie are looking after you as well. Love to you always. xxx bernard
January 2, 2013
January 2, 2013
Hi Mum I remember you on your birthday, also miss you so much as do all the family. Hope you are being well looked after up there in heaven and you have all the family round you, save a little space for the rest of the family who have yet to join you all. I miss christmas and the lenghs you wenty to to give us a good christmas and New year, how you and dad went without so we had things.
December 27, 2012
December 27, 2012
hya nana, it was your birthday yesterday, n we all missed u sooo much i thought about you all day i love u n miss u soo much xxx
December 27, 2012
December 27, 2012
HI Mum We all miss you so much, its now that we realise how much you did for us and we thank you for that most, you knew just when to make us laugh and when we cried you comforted us and you kept us sheltered from harm and learnt us to be good and not to upset people, We miss you most of all for just being you, sleep well tilll we meet again. Bernard xxxxxxxxxxx
December 26, 2012
December 26, 2012
hi mum sorry i havent been on for a while but been trying to look after my dad, it was christmas day yesterday and it wasnt the same without you there we lit a candle for you so you were there in spirit. now today is your birthday and i wish u were here with us, dad misses you as we all have. wish you were here now. happy birthday mum love you soo much, tom, clare.vicky and matthewxxxx
November 11, 2012
November 11, 2012
Hi Mum, Bill and I went to the Crem today to see Stephanies and Gran and Grandad Turners Plaques there, also we went and saw the entry in the Book of Remembrance for Barbara, We all Miss and Love you so much and Pray we will be together soon. Hope everyones enjoying themselves up there and Behaving. Love comes from Marian, Tom, Vicky, Clare, Matthew and Dad. Sleep well.xxxxxx
November 11, 2012
November 11, 2012
Hello nana .......please look after mum today and give her hugs from all of us......

love you lots xx
November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012
hey nana .....

i wish i could talk to you right now but i think god wanted you more.....
you are loved every single day and night .

love you now and forever ......xx
November 4, 2012
November 4, 2012
Hi Mum, they had a service today to commemorate the passing of all the people who died in Willow wood Hospice over the last six months, but I did not go because it seemed that they were celebrating in the name of Willow Wood. I miss you so much and hope you Stephanie and Barbara are well up there with jesus and God, and hope you are well looked after, I love and miss you Mum always. xxxxxx
November 3, 2012
November 3, 2012
Hi mum, I have left a true account of what I know about your life in stories, I love and miss your advice more each day, you were the one who held our family together, so why did god take you too soon and leave us all, It was because you were in pain and we will all miss you sooo much
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Nana .....

Why did god have to take u from us ??????/
i miss u soooo much!!!!
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Hi Mum, you are missed so much each and every day, Hope you are well up there with Barbara, Stephanie, and your Sisters as well as the distant family which are all there, You were the solid person who Kept us all together  you knew that the advice you gave was invaluable though some of us could not see it at the time, and we love the way you kept the family together, Sleep well Mum. xxxxx
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
hello nana .....

im here again ,ur always in my heart and when i think of you it upsets me but at the same time makes me think ur not in pain .your with god now and hope hes looking after you !!!!!
love you always and i go see grandad as much as i can xx
October 30, 2012
October 30, 2012
hi nana,hope you are ok,im just letting you know your going to have another great grandchild,im soo happy now with derek,hope joshuahs being good for you all and say hello to my nana beryl and grandad jim for me please,we all love you soo much,love elizabeth.xxxxxxxx
October 28, 2012
October 28, 2012
hi mum, i went to dads today and took his dinner round and i even cooked it so he might be ill tomorrow. Then i did his ironing, and then i went to put the iron away and had to get it out again as he said that u did iron his hankies, ill never be able to do better for dad than you did mum and i wouldnt be able love you sooo much mum love marian,tom, clare vicky and mattyxxxxxxxxx
October 28, 2012
October 28, 2012
HI mum, thanks for the card and the tenner, Not a day goes by without all of us thinking about you and the way you used to keep the family together, Hope everyone is Ok up there in heaven and waiting for that day when we will all be reunited once again, Love you always, Bernard.xxxx
October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
Hey nana ......sorry i havent been here for a while but iv been thinking of you even tho iv not wrote it.mum ,you,steph and everyone are in my heart everyday.
Theres not a day goes by that i dont think about you all.Christmas isnt going to be the same without you. xx
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012
hi mum just want a chat in a lot of pain today but plz tell god dont take me yet as i need my famly to to be secure i cant wait wait to be with you againbut i love marian-vicky-clare -matty i know you always look over us plz ask god dont make us suffer loveyou mum tomxxxxxxx
October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012
but i know your looking after stephanie, barbara and the rest of the family up there now, say hi to them all for us please. Im going to have to ring auntie ann tomorrow to get uncle alberts and all your side of the families addresses as dad keeps moaning at me. got to go now mum we all miss you especially dad, me tom clare vicky and matthew, plus rest of family. Sleep well, night nitexxxx
October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012
hi mum just thought id come and bore you a bit. I havent seen dad today as its thursday and whats that mean....yes bingo with laura aint he dad didnt win though or so ive been told. but me and tom and matty are going tomorrow after ashton and ive got his ironing and kitchen and bathroom to do oh what a joy. we really miss you mum and love you too bits.xxxxxx
October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012
hi mum just thought id have chat with you i forgot to tell you i got the form yesterday light a candle for christmas from willow wood i will fill it in so i can light candles for you-barbara-and stephanie it will be sad without you but will be thinking of you aswell as babs-steph miss you tom xxxxx
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Hi Mum, Just been thinking about you and must say I miss you so much, it seems you held our family together so much and miss coming helping maybe to set up the Television or change the times on the video and also miss going shopping for you, You always knew what was best, but we just couldnt see what was in front of our eyes,. Hope you are at peace in heaven and your still caring for us.
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