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June 3, 2013
Memorable Moments

Michael is forever missed and not a day goes by where he is not in my thoughts or in my heart. Every where I go, whether it is at home, at work, or in my car, I am surrounded by pictures of Michael. I even keep a picture of him in my wallet right next to my money, (not that its much) but I thought he would like that. 
One of my favorite memories of Mikey was in the Summer of 2002 when I was home visiting my Mom and Michael, Kyle and Eric were all over the house playing in the pool with me, Kori, Rachel and Lea. I was going on my first date with Jimmy Passaretti (who is now my husband), and the boys kept asking me when I was going to start getting ready for my date, they said that I better go in and get dressed soon. So when it came time for me to get ready, Michael walks into my bedroom and asks if he can stay and watch me put on my make up and do my hair.  Of course I let him and he asks questions the whole time while I am doing this. So when it came time for me to do my hair, Mikey asked me to put mousse in his hair just like I did, and he wanted me to blow dry his hair too. At just 6 years old he had style, and the young man liked to look good. This was the first time I realized that maybe Michael was going to grow up and be a hairdresser. I got a little worried, but I knew he was all boy and maybe he just had a stylish side to him and of course, that's how he was. He loved to dress sharp and have his hair looking good all the time. I can still see him sitting there on the bed with eyes wide open watching every move I made. He was something special that little boy.
"The most fondest memory of all was around December 2009 , just a few weeks before my Mom (Mikey's Grammy) passed away. Out of the blew, Michael called me one night and sd he just wanted to know if I was all-right, and he wanted to know if there was anything he could do for me and then he told me he loved me and hung up". I got so choked up I started  to cry when I told Grammy how sweet it was for him to call and ask how 'I' was doing. Here this little 14 year old boy was also hurting because he knew his Grammy was dying, but he took the time to call me and see how I was doing. What an unselvish thing to do on his part. This is what Michael was all about. A good, kind hearted, sensitive young man who truly loved his family. I will treasure that phone call for the rest of my life. Thank you Michael for always being unique and special, your voice will live inside me forever. Love you, Aunt Pammy 


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