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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Michael Barreiro, born on July 9, 1944, and passed away on January 11, 2022. He was a loving son, husband, Dad, Papa, nephew, cousin, uncle and friend. We will remember Michael, forever.
January 11
January 11
Remembering Uncle Mike and his great sense of humor at Christmastime with the family!!! God bless you all there: Nat, Mike, Aunt Kathy, Isabella, Scott, Roman. Mikes
January 11
January 11
Dear Natalie and Family - May the many memories of Dad bring a smile to your faces today and ease your sadness of missing him. Love and God's blessings to all. xo JJ
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Hi Natalie and Aunt Kathy and Mike!! Just want you to know I am praying for you all. I was surprised to see the email about Mike passing a year agp because time went by so fast it seems like he was here with us yesterday! God bless you.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Thinking of the entire Barreiro family today on the anniversary of Dad Mike's passing. Sending prayers, remembrance and love to all.
July 10, 2022
July 10, 2022
Wishing the best to Aunt Kathy, Natalie and Michael on Uncle Mikes birthday. I miss him a great deal, like mom!!
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
Happy birthday in heaven Mike… Thank you for the love you showed and shared with all our family over the years and such a nice respectful and funny person to look up to. You are no longer here with us in person but your presence remains in spirit with your legacy and Roman and Isabella will always cherish the time you spent with them with the memories you created and left with Kathy & Michael Jr and Nat as well. Thank you for being such a great big brother to me. Philip
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
Happy birthday Dad! Today would have been your 78th time around the sun. I remember when I was little and we would wait for you to come home from Logan Airport via subway and bus. I would always look forward to the sound of your footsteps on the porch. You would arrive in your navy uniform and greet me with a big hug - “Natalia Maria, como esta tu dia?!" I think about you every day. Love and miss you!
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
Happy Birthday Uncle Mike!!! We miss you!!! Love Jill, Cheyenne, Alex, Nikolaus, and Miabella
March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022
My deep condolences to you Kathy, Natalie, Michael and family from Hector Garcia, Nico’s close childhood friend from Havana. I am terribly sorry about his passing in January. Nico was like a brother to me for so many years in Havana and later when we reunited again in Miami in Matecumbe Camp. I will always remember him fondly during those times and when we reunited in Boston in the early 70s and also when you guys visited us later in Delaware. Nico has always been in my mind through the years. I really enjoyed seeing over and over all the pictures that are posted and I will always remember him as the best friend l ever had in Havana and in Miami. I know you are all blessed to have had Nico in your lives as he was a very special person.
May the loving memories of him give you Peace and Comfort during this sad and difficult time.
With affectionate thoughts and prayers,
Hector Garcia and family
March 11, 2022
March 11, 2022
It’s only natural to gravitate to or feel super comfortable around someone that has a positive vibe and big smile. That’s exactly how Uncle Mike was; a smiling, positive, lighthearted, outgoing and funny person.
Someone I will always remember and keep close in my heart. Uncle Mike always was genuinely happy to converse with anyone and I always enjoyed telling him all the words I remembered learning in Spanish class.
We lived far away from each other but when he and Aunt Kathy would come for a visit it was always so nice spending time with him. 
His smile will always be remembered by me as well as my daughter and husband. I will make sure my son (3) who never got to meet him, will know him through us and our memories of our very loved Uncle Mike.
March 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
I was very sad to hear that Uncle Mike suffered from physical problems and that he had recently passed away. I will always remember him when I was a child coming to Grandmom's house with the family and us being together for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. It was something I anticipated every year. Rest in peace Uncle Mike!!
March 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
We met Michael and Kathryn at St Michael’s Catholic Church in Bedford Texas. They both always had a smile on their face . I remember Michael greatly appreciated all the prayers we said for him, he was a very faith filled man. We met through serving in the Celebration of Life ministry and the Garden ministry where it was obvious they enjoyed helping others. We celebrate your life Michael and May God bear you up on eagles wings and hold you in the palm of his hand. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time. Kathryn know that we are here for you and let us know if you need anything . Bernadette and Weldon Norman
March 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
Uncle Mike we will miss you greatly. I will always remember your smile and joyful demeanor. Always positive and having a sense a humor, you were a person I always looked up to. You knew how to brighten up a situation or lift a persons spirits. I love you uncle Mike and wish we hadn’t lived so far apart which hindered us seeing each other very often. We will never forget you.
March 8, 2022
March 8, 2022
I loved Michael very much. He was a kind and happy-go-lucky man who made us all laugh and happy with his good jokes. I’ll remember him always smiling and happy!
God rest his soul.

March 8, 2022
March 8, 2022
Mike was my beloved brother in law & will be very well missed by his family but also by everyone who had the pleasure that he got to know. As we all know he was a very likable guy who was very easy to talk to and loved to strike up conversations with even people just crossing paths with. He was a very kind, generous, fun, loving, patient, religious & devoted family man who always liked to be funny and put a smile on everyone’s face. Love making his jokes! With Mikes love for baseball he took me to my 1st baseball game along with my dad his father in law to of course Red Sox at Fenway when we visited in Boston. This was just one of the things he liked to do & plan with our family. I really appreciate all the trips my mom and dad got to share with Michael and Kathy over the years they took them too and even after my dad passed with mom. I also got to share a trip to Cape Cod with them and to Texas when they 1st moved here. Michael always thought about others and put others 1st. Another special memory I share whenever we spoke over phone, text or when Michael and Kathy came to visit us in NY we always enjoyed our debates on the Yankees & his beloved Red Sox. So much history and memories! Our family all loved Michael. He was a father figure for me, another son for my mom, a loving brother, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Uncle, cousin. Thank you for sharing in our lives and may you rest in beloved peace now reuniting with your family in heaven! ❤️
March 7, 2022
March 7, 2022
Uncle Mike you have left us far too soon but I take comfort in the memories we share together. I will always miss you picking on me for my love of the Yankees. I will always remember your sense of humor, big heart, and love for your family. Rest in Paradise ❤️
March 7, 2022
March 7, 2022
Michael Barreiro was a great father-in-law to me, father to Natalie and Michael, Papa to Isabella and Roman, and loving husband to Kathy. We shared a mutual interest in sports and food. He was always a kind and generous soul. He was called to heaven much too early, but I know he is rooting for his Red Sox and Patriots from there. RIP Michael. Our family misses you.
March 7, 2022
March 7, 2022
Our beloved Mike was always such a caring and kind man. Never without a smile I'll never forget all the fond family memories I hope your watching the red Sox up there in heaven love denise

March 7, 2022
March 7, 2022
Uncle Mike, I can't believe you're gone. I'm gonna miss your big heart and sense of humor. The world is a colder place without you. Rest in peace.
March 6, 2022
March 6, 2022
I never met Mr Barreiro but what a wonderful man he must have been to raise such a beautiful daughter in Natalie. This is a very lovely tribute to a life well-lived, with so many pictures and special moments to keep his memory alive. My warmest thoughts, prayers and condolences to the extended Barreiro family. 
March 5, 2022
March 5, 2022
I met Mike Barreiro soon after he arrived in Boston, and we immediately became very good friends as we were also evening students at Boston University. We shared many other things, such as having been born in Cuba, from which we both fled –never to return-- when the Caribbean Sea country was steered to the Communist camp, as Roly Alum writes here in his testimonial of Mike. Coincidentally, all three of us had a parent born in Spain too. 

We took trips together, including a long one to south Florida with our other friend Carl Park. In 1964. I was additionally honored to be invited as an usher at Mike’s and Kathy’s wedding in Schenectady in the fall of 1965. We kept in touch throughout the rest of our lives.  In fact, I am the baptism godfather to his daughter Natalie; and my wife María and I have lots of great memories of the two families sharing good times together even after the Barreiro’s moved to Texas. 
I was very sad when I heard of his passing; I will miss him dearly. He was the epitome of a good friend. No expression of sympathy, no matter how deeply felt can help much right now, but I had to let the wider Barreiro family know that our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Rest in peace Miguel Barreiro, my dear friend of nearly 60 years.  
March 4, 2022
March 4, 2022
Mike was a very likeable & easy going guy. When our family would get together, he was always joking & laughing. We could not asked for a better brother--in-law for over 50yrs. We are so glad that he was able to visit us here in SC several years ago before he had all his medical issues. He is definitely missed.   Janice & Mike
March 3, 2022
March 3, 2022
March 2, 2022
March 2, 2022
 Although I only knew Mike relatively briefly, and a long time ago (I still had the honor of serving as an usher at his and Kathy’s wedding in Boston), he left a positive impression with me, and I routinely remembered him –as I will forever-- with affection and respect. He was, indeed, characterized by ”his warmth, lightheartedness, generosity, sense of humor,” and work ethics, typical of Cuban-Americans. We communicated occasionally throughout the years, lately via email, and notably through our common friend Tony Martin (previously of Boston, where he too met Mike, and now also of New Jersey, like me).
Mike’s life history exemplifies that of so many teenagers who fled for the unknown the then already Communist leaning island-country of Cuba, seeking the freedoms and liberties already being denied to the Cuban people. At the age of 16 he left behind parents –whom he did not see again for many years-- other relatives, friends, and a life that, though still short at the time, he had carved for himself. 
 In fact, he became a refugee abandoning a comfortable life that under a democratic type of government would have been promising and enjoyable. Mike ran away to the U.S. as an unaccompanied minor thanks to the Catholic Church-sponsored program called “The Pedro Pans” [Peter Pans] as they feared the worse, that is, what actually took place in that otherwise beautiful tropical Antillean insular country as the Castro regime became increasingly more totalitarian and intolerant of all religious faiths, except for hate-mongering Marxism. 
 Yet, all alone, Mike learned English, finished high school and attended college while holding odd jobs, all on his own. He married Kathy, his Boston sweetheart. Both maintained their religious faith throughout their record six-decade marriage, raising two model children. Years later, his parents were able to also escape from Cuba and passed away in Miami. And even though his father was Spain-born, they considered themselves Cuban political exiles too. 
 My sincere condolences to Kathy, Natalie, and Mike, Jr., as well as their children, Mike’s lovable grandchildren –all proud of Miguel Barreiro’s legacy. ¡Que en paz descanse!
  Roland [Roly] Alum, Jr. – New Jersey

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Recent Tributes
January 11
January 11
Remembering Uncle Mike and his great sense of humor at Christmastime with the family!!! God bless you all there: Nat, Mike, Aunt Kathy, Isabella, Scott, Roman. Mikes
January 11
January 11
Dear Natalie and Family - May the many memories of Dad bring a smile to your faces today and ease your sadness of missing him. Love and God's blessings to all. xo JJ
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Hi Natalie and Aunt Kathy and Mike!! Just want you to know I am praying for you all. I was surprised to see the email about Mike passing a year agp because time went by so fast it seems like he was here with us yesterday! God bless you.
His Life

Michael Anthony Barreiro

February 28, 2022
Michael A. Barreiro was born in Havana, Cuba in 1944. He died in Bedford, Texas on January 11, 2022, from a heart attack. His mother, Gloria Rosales Travieso Barreiro, a native Cuban, was a homemaker. His father, Miguel Barreiro, was born in Galicia, Spain and immigrated to Cuba as a child. Miguel served as a diplomat with the Spanish Embassy. In Michael’s early years his family lived in a hotel that one of his uncles owned in Havana. He would tell stories of large festive family dinners, lively music and many joyful times. Michael, aka “Nico,” loved hanging out in the kitchen watching his Uncle prepare huge feasts and sampling the delicious local fare. He also spent much time happily playing on another Uncle’s farm.

In 1960, Michael immigrated to the U.S. from Cuba at the age of 16 with the hope of a better future. He arrived with a small group of boys sponsored by Catholic Charities and they lived with a host family in Spokane, WA. He attended school and acclimated to American culture. In 1962 he had the opportunity to move anywhere in the country, he chose Boston. The city’s cobble-stoned streets and four seasons were quite a change from the tropical island climate he was accustomed to. Shortly afterwards Michael settled in Boston and proudly became a U.S. citizen.

One day, while walking in Copley Square, Michael met the love of his life, Kathryn Rasile, when he offered to carry her laundry bag. Kathryn hailed from Schenectady, NY, and moved to Boston to attend the Cambridge School of Business. Their first date was ballroom dancing at Moseley’s in Dedham. They were married a year later and had two children, Natalie and Michael. They raised their family in Brighton and West Roxbury, MA. Michael spent his entire career working with American Airlines in fleet service – first in Boston at Logan Airport and then in Dallas.

Michael was known for his warmth, lightheartedness, generosity, great sense of humor and willingness to lend a hand. He was a dedicated family man and lived by his Catholic faith and strong conservative values. While he worked nights and Kathryn worked days, they were active in Holy Name Church (West Roxbury) and their children’s school activities. They were also active members of St. Michael’s Church (Bedford). 

Michael was a voracious reader and a die-hard Red Sox and Patriots fan. He had a penchant for cooking – his specialties included seafood chowder, paella and Spanish chicken with rice. He also loved to travel. He took many trips with Kathryn over the years to visit family and friends in upstate New York, Miami, the San Francisco/Bay Area and San Diego. He enjoyed exploring new places - favorites included London, Vancouver, Bahamas, Bermuda, Hawaii and Mexico. You could often hear him happily singing The Beach Boys’ song, “Kokomo.” 

Michael is survived by his beloved wife of 56 years, Kathryn; children Natalie Barreiro (husband Scott Seiden) and Michael Barreiro; grandchildren Isabella Barreiro Seiden and Roman Barreiro; and an extended family of cousins, nieces, nephews and in-laws. Michael joins in Heaven his mother, Gloria, and father, Miguel.

A Celebration of Life for Michael will be held Tuesday, March 8 at 10:00 am at St. Michael’s Church, 3713 Harwood Road, Bedford, TX 76021. Mass will be livestreamed on the church’s YouTube channel. Reception in the Great Hall immediately following the Mass.

Please, if you wish, listen to “Kokomo” in Michael’s memory.
Recent stories
March 8, 2022
We came to meet Kathryn and Michael at St Michael’s Catholic Church. What a lovely happy faith filled couple. Michael always had a warm smile and was willing to enjoy fellowship with those around him. Since our faith connected us we created memories of ministry shared such as the church garden and the Celebration of Life Team. I know Michael happily supported Kathryn in her pursuit of helping others. You could tell it was his nature. I remember passing on prayers for the Blessed Mother to send healing during his bout with cancer and he was so appreciative . His faith was strong. Kathryn our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and please know we are always here for you. Rest In Peace Michael and May God hold you in the palm of his hand . Love, Bernadette and Weldon Nirma

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