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Share a special moment from Nkechi Serenity's life.

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July 30, 2010

What a paragon!!!!!!!!!!

I remember years back when your whole family came down to Nigeria......... We were much younger.

We were so excited.........

We had fun...........

I admired you as my bigger 2nd cousin

I was eagerly looking forward to having you come home now that we've all grown into bigger gurls and ladies................

Just for me to receive the painful news of your exit....................

Our hearts are so sooo heavy but we've got to endure when we realise that DEATH awaits all of us.

We will all keep on praying for your BEAUTIFUL SOUL untill we meet, never to part no more.

pls watch our backs as we continue to remember you in our prayers........

Rest in the bossom of the Lord, Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


July 28, 2010

I believe it was in 1982 or 1983 while we were still in secondary school and I was visiting the Ajawara family home in Umuowa. Vero Ajawara (as she then was) was showing me her family pictures and on the wall was hanging this picture of a very pretty little girl, and obviously the picture did not have a Nigerian background so I asked Vero who the girl was. '"Oh, that's Serenity, my brother's daughter....they live in America"".  S-E-R-E-N-I-T-Y?....I wondered aloud, what a beautiful name. I thought of it, the name means peace, quiet, serene.....wao!. Your brother is very thoughtful to give his daughter such a beautiful name, I told Vero and she smiled. Ever since then I looked forward to the day I will meet this pretty little girl with such a beautiful name and when I moved to the United States in 2005 I told myself I was getting close to realising my wish. Infact I actually intended this story for Serenity herself and bidded my time. Now sometime last month or so there was to be a graduate among the Ajawaras and those intending to attend were asked to contact Miss Serenity Ajawara for arrangements on how to come or RSVP and I thought this was my chance to meet Serenity, but unfortunately I was away to Nigeria to attend to some important family matters including the funerals of Mr Stephen Obi my brother in law and Juliana my sister. It was a very rude shock to me therefore to open my mail yesterday and be reading of the passing of S-e-r-e-n-i-t-y. At first I thought it was a big joke by some mischievous blogger but as I read on and on it became clear to me it is not. I do regret that I never got to meet Serenity to tell her how much I love the name or my story about the day I saw her little picture hanging on the wall of the Ajawara family home and learnt of her beautiful name. To all the Ajawara family especially her parents, Vero, Stanley, Adol, Tom, Uche.....etc please accept my deep condolences and may God give you guys the grace and fortitude to bear this painful loss.....Amen.

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