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May 10
Another tough Mother's day ... I have you in my thoughts...each year I miss you more and appreciate more how much you impacted my life in so many positive ways, ...and your Love for our family. I really hope you've been able to catch up with Greggy and Aunt Georgia and Aunt Jean....of course the guys too.  Maybe you and Aunt Georgia can send me a message one of these days.  Love you so much. xoxxoxoxox Pam
October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
Happy birthday, Mom! I know this is a little late but been thinking about much over the past few weeks. Hope all is going ok and you and the gang are partying like rock stars.  Miss you and love you bunches.
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
Hey Mom. I know you loved dad, even with all of his faults. He loved you too, to the best of his abilities. I hope that you are in a place where he can care for you as he would have liked.
I will forever wear my fathers name with pride.
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
Happy Fall. I think of you often. I hope you and Greggy are having a blast together up there. I'm sure it's a comfort to have him with you even though we'll all sure miss him down here. I see Elijah often and there is so much of you in him. He's such a fantastic human being and I know you're proud. Love you, miss you. xoxoxo
August 11, 2023
August 11, 2023
Momma, you must be excited to see your baby boy in heaven...Greg will be happy to see you and the gang. I know you will be there to help him find his way around the place. Love Mom ever!!! 
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
Happy Mother's Day Mom!  Putting in new flowers for you this year in your garden...don't tell Dad, you know how he said "Plant vegetables, not flowers"...But for you Mom, a whole room of flowers wouldn't begin to outshine your sparkle and love. Miss you, bunches! Love, Pam. xoxoxo Smooch!!
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Happy New Year Mom! I wonder if you could see all of the fireworks last night.
I think about you all the time and miss you more and more every day. You will always be my guiding light.  Please watch over Greg and Tay.
Love, Pam
October 1, 2022
October 1, 2022
Happy, happy birthday Norma. We miss you so much! I often think of you and wish you could see what your grandson is up to these days, you probably did see, what am I thinking?! He went to Japan and had an amazing experience! :) I know you would be so proud of him. We love and miss you so much! -Tammy
October 1, 2022
October 1, 2022
Happy Birthday to the Best Mom, Grandma, and Great Grandma ever. I still feel your love as if you were here with me. I wish you could talk to me the way Aunt Georgia did when she passed.... 
We talk a lot about all the brave, hard, loving things you were a super hero, for sure. Remember when Tay made a mud pie for you and you actually tasted it??  She was delighted. You always had that kind of fun spirit.
Honestly, I would have loved to go to high school with you. :)  Hope you are partying like a rock star today to celebrate the wonderful you. Love you and miss you so much. Pam
September 20, 2022
September 20, 2022
Mom, I've been wishing a lot that I was here on earth when you were in high school. I know people loved you...your pictures as queen are so beautiful. Your spirit is beautiful. Guess you hear me talking a lot about how you ran your business with the best customer service in town. I tell every young person I meet who have the work ethic and personality you had, how good you were, and that they (the youngin's) should keep doing what they are doing and follow your lead. BTW...your great-grand children are absolutely beautiful...look like you..And... smart like you. Love you and miss you so, so much. Can't wait to see you again. xoxoxxo Love, Pam
September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022
Hi Norma. I spent a little time with Elijah this weekend. You'd be so proud of him. Brilliant, handsome, funny and so sweet. I think of you often and will be thinking about you today. Much love ~ Patsy
May 7, 2022
May 7, 2022
Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I hope you are having a great time and in a good place. I really miss you. Are your ears burning...Tay and I talk about "grandma" all the time and all the great things you did as a mom and grandmother. Remember tasting the mud pies Taylor made? LOL. One thing I think everyone should know...there is no replacing you. Your heart was so big. You opened your heart to the gay community long before it was accepted, always thought about helping others before yourself, worked a midnight shift so you could be home with Greg when he was so sick... and cherished your grandbabies beyond all else. So in your honor I hope everyone remembers their Mom tomorrow and really, truly appreciate all a Mom does for each of us. Can't wait to see you again. Love you and miss you so much, Pam xoxoxx
December 28, 2021
December 28, 2021
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mom! Miss you so much...In honor of your traditions we donated to the Salvation Army red bucket (Greg's fav for the holidays) and still working on getting the baby doll...Covid kinda in the way but won't stop us from our mission.  Miss you so much...I hope you can hear us talking to you. Mom I am so proud of you and strive to be like you.  If only I could be 1/100th of how strong, loving, tolerant and giving you were...I'd be a pretty amazing person. :)  Love you...
October 1, 2021
October 1, 2021
Miss you, my friend! It's a beautiful day in Tennessee. I wish you were here with me. We could read romance novels together on the back porch. Love you ~ Patsy
October 1, 2021
October 1, 2021
Happy Birthday, Mom! You are and always will be my inspiration to face the challenges and stay strong...but right now my heart is heavy and my legs are shaky. You were so strong when Greg had brain cancer..he was so frail and you were told he wouldn't make it... you stayed strong by his side at the hospital to keep his spirits up and you kept going to work and taking care of the rest of us.  Greg needs you now. It's been really tough for him the past few comfort him, and help me find that strength you showed us, to face this challenge with Greg...and please watch over Greg and Tay, and comfort them.  We need you and miss you so much.  All my love....
October 1, 2021
October 1, 2021
Happy birthday Norma! We miss you so much! Elijah is doing great, he's almost 22 now. :) He is in his Sr. year of college now currently studying with a university in Japan from home because of this crazy virus, don't ask. He is waiting to get the green light to go there, hopefully soon. I wish you were here to give you a big hug. Love and miss you, Tammy.
September 19, 2021
September 19, 2021
I still remember the last time I hugged you, Mom. Still miss you as much as ever...if not more. I planted a pretty cool plant in the memory garden is spunky and will be really cool with it's lavender and lime green leaves...beautiful, fun and you. You were an amazing Mom...with all you had to deal with raising three kids on your own for a few years. Can't wait to hug you again. Greg and Tay miss you bunches, and could use a hug from you too!! Try to give them one...if you can. All my love...
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Happy Mother’s Day! Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you! You are truly missed.
Love, Tammy
May 8, 2021
May 8, 2021
Mom...Happy Mother's Day!  We miss you more every day. Greg says you "are beautiful all the time". Love you dearly and miss you too much for words. Have a fun day. Love you....Greg, Taylor and Pam.
October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
Sorry I didn't get a chance to leave you a note yesterday, your great-grandbabies are keeping me mighty busy, but I love every minute of it. Thought about you all day yestday as I do everyday. Little things remind me of you constantly. I found a voicemail from you on an old phone and I just broke down hearing your voice. I miss you all the time and wish you were still here, but I am so thankful to have had you as my inspiration and just as a loving and comforting figure in my life. You and Papaw are always with me and will be the center of all my stories to my babies. I love you dearly. Happy Belated Birthday. xoxoxo
October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020
Hi Grandma! I hope you liked hearing all your favorite songs we played for you tonight, we had a blast! (although Mom's throat is a little sore!) Happy Birthday Grandma, hope you boogie 'til the sun comes up! I love you and miss you bunches, love Taybug <3
October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020
Hi, my friend. I think of you often. Hope you're up there reading the best of romance novels today. Love you always ~ Patsy
October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020
Happy Birthday, Mom! 
I miss you so much...although I can't see you I know you are still with us. I take much joy in seeing the pictures of your amazing grandchildren and great-grand babies. They are all doing so, new careers, growing families and all expressing your values of love and caring and your spirit of having fun. I know you can see them so I don't have to tell you how beautiful they are as people. But what a legacy you leave... I love you and miss you more than ever. xoxoxoxoxo P.
September 20, 2020
September 20, 2020
Hi Norma, Elijah reminded me that we needed to send you a note. We sure miss you and so wish you were here, well, maybe skip 2020, it's really crazy times these days, you would not believe it! Anyway, we both wish we could hug you and Ralph, hope you are having the time of your lives up there. Lots of love, Tammy and Elijah
August 19, 2020
August 19, 2020
Hi Mom....Hope you aren't too busy to gaze upon your beautiful great-grand babies. They are beautiful and clearly have your spirit of love and fun.  Every time I look at those babies I think of you and how you'd be gritting your teeth..I imagine if still here, by now you would have worn those teeth away holding your most precious gifts. ... and I know you'd still be loving on your grand babies just as much.  I love you and miss you. 
May 9, 2020
May 9, 2020
Happy Mother's Day, Mom...dearly loved Grandma and Great Grandma... Miss you so much. Your memory gets us through the day and reminds us of the right things to do such as love people for who they are and be open and non-discriminating with love, being able to forgive and be forgiven when we've made a mistake. Gritting your teeth with so much love when you held your grandchildren...Only wish I could see you hold your great grand baby. Miss you so much Mom...I'll be planting flowers in my garden for you and continue to share stories of what an incredible woman, Mom and Grandma you are. Love you and can't wait to see you again....Pam
October 1, 2019
October 1, 2019
Happy birthday!!! I'm planning to start reading a VERY steamy romance novel in your honor today. Love you!
September 19, 2019
September 19, 2019
Still think about you often and always will, my friend. Love you. :-)
September 19, 2019
September 19, 2019
I love you Mom and miss you so much. How often I reference you as an example of how to be a loving , strong person even under such stressors as poverty, abuse, your 12 yr old son having brain cancer in the 60's when technology wasn't there for rose from all of the adversity and with less than a high-school education you started your own business and was an icon in your community... you are forever my inspiration.  Thank you for showing me how to be almost everything except not having you here with me. I pray you are dancing somewhere.  ....xoxoxoxox
May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019
Mom, Happy Mother's Day! I'd say "every day is Mother's day" :). Hope you saw our toast to you and Aunt Connie today. Ha.Ha. I know it was goofy. Are you enjoying watching Charley dance? She has your moves... I think of you every time I see her. Miss you like crazy and hope you are rockin' it where you are. I love you so much. Can't wait to get to see you again. xoxox
October 2, 2018
October 2, 2018
A day late, but when was I ever on time? I hope you and the angels had a fantastic day celebrating your birthday yesterday. I'm sure it was full of romance novels and lottery tickets! Love you.
October 1, 2018
October 1, 2018
Norma...on Saturday, May 19th, your baby grandson graduated high school, I know you knew this already because you were there with us in Taylor's locket. You would have been so proud to be sitting there with us, you were in our thoughts the whole time. Also, you may see my mom up there now, say hello for me. I posted some new photos of Elijah on his first day of college and one with Jen and Lou. Norma we love and miss you and Ralph. Happy happy birthday sweet Norma, Love always Tammy C.
October 1, 2018
October 1, 2018
Happy Birthday to The Most beautiful spirit...I miss you and love you, Mom.
September 21, 2018
September 21, 2018
Hi my friend.....I think of you often. Especially this year at Elijah's high school graduation. I know you're proud of him and were there that day looking down on him with a big smile. He's got your heart and your passion. You left such an incredible legacy. Love you, and please know you'll never be forgotten. <3
September 19, 2018
September 19, 2018
Crazy to think it's already been 4 years. I still get that big stab in the gut when I think about how badly I miss you and Papaw. I think about my childhood and how grateful and lucky I was to have you guys. I wish you could have been here to meet Charley. I can picture you grinding your teeth and pinching her cute chubby legs wanting to bite her : ) She would have loved you guys sooooooooo much. I have a big picture of you guys in her room so we will always have you nearby. You will be in all my favorite stories I tell her and my example of all that is good. I love you tremendously and I know that ache of wanting you here will never go away, but the warmth you left in my heart helps ease the pain.
September 19, 2018
September 19, 2018
Miss you Mom...hard to believe you've been gone 4 years already. I try to remember that you are in a good place...probably hanging with Aunt Georgia and Aunt Connie, but I'm still so sad and wish you were here. I'm sure you are enjoying watching our new baby. :)  So much like you.... 
I love you and miss you...every day... you were an amazing Mom. You showed us in so many ways how to be good people by sharing your strength, your love, your open-mindedness and your acceptance of anyone you met, of us, just the way we were. Big hugs and kisses to you. With all my love, Pam.
May 12, 2018
May 12, 2018
Happy Mother's Day Mom! This is a special Mother's Day for you. You are a great-grandma! A beautiful girl who looks so much like you and already has some of your expressions.  She is so precious. We are so lucky to have her. I wish you could hold her... I miss you more than ever, Mom and love you so much.
October 1, 2017
October 1, 2017
Happy birthday, my friend! xoxoxoxoxo
October 1, 2017
October 1, 2017
Thinking about you today!! Happy Birthday!!
You are dearly missed! I love you!!!
October 1, 2017
October 1, 2017
Happy Birthday"! Dear Beautiful Mom. This is going to be a really special year for us. Taylor and I were imagining how crazy excited you would be if here with us. We love you!!!!! Miss you bunches. xoxoxo
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017
I miss you, my friend, and can't wait until I see you again. Love ~ Patsy
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017
Norma, I miss you. I miss Elijah's Grandma "Elmo". He is almost 18 now, I see subtle things in him that remind me of you. :) I wish so bad you could be here to see him graduate from high-school this coming year. I don't even know if you can read our messages here, but I sure hope you know and see how much you are loved and missed by us all. Love always Tammy (TC)
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017
I miss you Mom! Three years ago today I gave you my last hug. On Sept 6, 2014, after months of not communicating, you awoke from your dementia and told me that Grandma had told you to get ready to take a trip. You said you didn't want to go. I asked you "why not?" and you said you didn't know. I told you I thought you would have a good time and be happy. On Sept 13, 2014 you told me that Grandma said you had to go with her. Those were the last coherent words we shared. I know you are happy and free of pain...I hope by now you are healed and enjoying life again. I love you and miss you so much. xoxoxoxox
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I still can't get used to not having you here. Hope you are as happy as when Aunt Georgia came to me to tell me she had passed with her message "I died, I'm ok, I'm really, realy happy!" I really miss you. My solace is believing that you are well and happy and keeping watch over your babies, That you no longer suffer from the illness and hard life you lived. And that we all are always connected.  Miss you and love you so much. You are the best Mom, the best role model. I just really want to hug you. Love you...
October 2, 2016
October 2, 2016
Happy Birthday Grandma,
I think about you constantly and miss you all the time. Your picture is by my bed and I see you every morning. I think all the time how I was the luckiest granddaughter to have you as a grandmother.
I was floating down the river yesterday and it was so peaceful. All the trees were still...all except one which was swaying so calmly. I closed my eyes and listened and thought of you.
You are such an inspiring woman and I thank my lucky stars that i got to be apart of your life. I love you will all my heart and soul forever and always.
October 1, 2016
October 1, 2016
Happy Birthday Mom! For your birthday today I am making a donation in your honor to a very special person and cause. I know you are dancing, hooping and hollering that we have a woman in the running for President, and how much you loved "your girl".  I wish we could celebrate this historic event together....and I agree with Patsy...I saw a picture of Elijah and told Greg..."Oh my gosh...Elijah looks just like Mom!". Love you and miss you sooooo much.
October 1, 2016
October 1, 2016
Happy birthday, Norma! I see you every time I look at Elijah. You'd be so proud of him. Love and miss you, my friend. <3
October 1, 2016
October 1, 2016
Happy, happy, birthday beautiful Miss Norma White (aka Grandma Elmo) Elijah and I miss you dearly! Ralph better be spoiling you up there today... ;) I don't know if cyberspace reaches the heavens, but if you see these messages know that we all love and miss you so much. xxx
September 18, 2016
September 18, 2016
Mom, I look at your pictures and read the books you gave me. I touch the inscriptions where you wrote special notes to me but none of that makes up for not having you here. I miss you more not less.  I love you so much and pray you are happy. xoxoxoxoxox pam
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