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July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Dearest Femi, still so painful, gone far far too soon. Miss you. Rest in perfect peace. Amen.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Dear Obafemi,
Your memory is of a truth - blessed!
Remain rested in the bosom of your God and Creator…
And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with Bolajoko, Busola, Lola, their families and with all who knew you… Amen.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Dear Femi, your departure still remains surreal two years later. My memories of you always leave a smile on my face - my graduation ball, watching Wimbledon, talking about career choices, listening to music, your dry wit and even telling me off - there was never a dull moment. Rest well xx
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
HHHmmmm..another year gone. Its bizarre because i visit this site every week Femi, trying to understand why you were taken to be with the Angels. Much to my shame, i couldn't show up last year because I was terrified I would break down if I saw Bola and Busola, so I turned back at VGC. I am sure you laughed---that boisterous laughter/giggle..looking at me that Rotimi--you fool. Love you Femi. Your passing changed my life for the better. Your life taught me more than i knew i could become. Rest In eternal Peace my dear friend. Saw my mum last week, told her about my trepidation. about this anniversary. but she just reminisced about your wonderful parents who were her "aburos" kind, selfless, generous of spirit both of them....those were her words. She misses them and misses you through my missing you. Am sad, But I know your name is in THE BOOK..of that am sure. Rest well bro. Until we meet again in Jesus Name. Amen.
February 9, 2017
February 9, 2017
I kept on thinking it was February 11th and thought I would write a note then. Got the dates mixed up. Cant believe you are gone. I still have mini conversations with you when I bump into a rude Croatian or see Oxford pop up on the departure board at Paddington. I will always have good memories of you Femi. You were a dear dear friend. May you continue to rest in peace. Much love, Toyin
February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017
You are truly missed. Continue to rest in perfect peace.
February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017
Precious Femi,
The Lord loves you more. Amen. Keep resting xxx
February 2, 2017
February 2, 2017
May your beautiful and gentle soul continue to rest in peace Femi .You are sorely missed over here however we all take solace in the factual belief heaven is a blissfully better abode than this wicked world.
February 2, 2017
February 2, 2017
Beloved Femi. I wish you were here today, but you are not. The only consolation is that you are in a more beautiful place. At peace. No pain, no grief, no sorrow. Just resting in peace.
I miss you too much my dearest brother. You are irreplaceable.
Continue to rest in God's bosom.
You are so loved.
February 2, 2017
February 2, 2017
Femi, Forever missed... continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord
January 14, 2017
January 14, 2017
It is indeed a great loss, I have never met the ayantuga but my Dad speaks so highly of them, femi God loves you more , am in tears after reading all the beautiful things said by everyone. Sis lola, sis bukola and sis bola accept my condolences from the juwara.
January 1, 2017
January 1, 2017

2016 marked the first full year without you. It felt empty, its very difficult to describe. As we enter another year, it becomes more apparent that you are not coming back.

I wish you peace where you are. I wish you God's eternal love this year and through eternity. I feel that you are happy. It is us who still mourn. I know you don't wish to cause us pain or heart ache, I will make more of an effort this year is what I promise.

I have so much I would like to share with you. I miss you more than my heart could ever imagine.

Be at peace my beloved brother. I will love you forever.
December 26, 2016
December 26, 2016
Dearest Femi, how I miss you more than ever. Christmas yes,but!!!!
You are resting,and may our Lord's light continue to shine on you,daddy and nonny. Amen.
November 6, 2016
November 6, 2016
My heart is still broken. I lay flowers at your graveside yesterday and I could not believe that you have a graveside. It is peaceful. The sun shone brightly on a warm November day. I felt your love!

Indeed you are gone too soon my dearest brother. I miss you so much.

Continue to rest in peace where there is no more pain; no more turmoil; no more sorrow....

You are in the most special part of my heart forever. Sleep well Beloved Femi.
August 21, 2016
August 21, 2016
Busola, I heard and Tunde A confirmed. I am so deeply sorry. Words are inadequate at times but I pray that these as well as those of others bring comfort and solace. I remember when our kids were young in Harrow...Wembley, how you would pack weeks in advance for those awesome trips to the US. You would say 'Yes, I'm done...I'm packed and ready to go'. It always amused me how excited you would I know. You are always welcome here and my doors are always open. We have shared very many memories through the years as pre-teens, teens, students, wives and mothers. You remain one of my oldest and most 'meaningful' friends. As I write these words, I hope to share in the weight of your loss and so lessen the pain, while laying it all at the foot of the Cross. May Christ continue to comfort and heal you forever.
August 6, 2016
August 6, 2016
Dear Femi:
I stumbled on the announcement of your passing a few weeks ago, and while it has been many years since we spoke, I felt the urge this morning to add my tribute through this special medium. Although our path at Oxford overlap for a short time, you had a lasting positive impression on me. With your passing, I am reminded of your gentle smile and warmth-- I deeply appreciate our friendship. Despite your genuine humility, it was obvious to me even at your very young age in the late 1980s that you were a truly brilliant scientist and scholar. Your exemplary record as an outstanding and compassionate physician is a clear reflection of your deep commitment to excellence and boundless generosity of spirit. My heartfelt condolences to Bola and your family. Femi, rest in perfect peace. Eternal rest grant him O Lord.

Olufemi Vaughan
July 25, 2016
July 25, 2016
Precious and forever loved Femi. I still refuse to believe that you have left us,so writing this memorial and lighting a candle for you is extremely painful.
We WILL meet again Femi and I hang on to that Hope.
I love you my darling brother.
July 25, 2016
July 25, 2016
Precious and forever loved Femi. I still refuse to believe that you have left us,so writing this memorial and lighting a candle for you is extremely painful.
We WILL meet again Femi and I hang on to that Hope.
I love you my darling brother.
July 24, 2016
July 24, 2016
One year with the Lord, one year of rest and peace and joy for Femi we pray. To the entire family and my beloved Sis Bola especially, loving Femi means bringing yourself to be truly happy that he is at rest, free from all the cares and toils and struggles........One day at a time, as the Lord comforts and strengthens you, we will continue to lift you up in our prayers. It is well.
Fermi, continue to rest in perfect peace and rise finally again in glory.
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
My dearest brother. coming to your memorial site is so painful as is today. A reminder that it did happen. You left without warning...
I know you are resting peacefully. My dreams about you, though not so frequent, are happy.
One day I will be able to think about you without weeping.
Today my heart is still broken.
I Love you Femi. I miss you in a most indescribable way.
Continue to rest well beloved Femi. You are so loved.
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
Dearest Femi
I have really missed talking to you this past year. It is still unbelievable that you have gone. What a great loss. Continue to rest in peace. Love always. Toyin
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
Although pained but there is peace in our hearts. You left good memories and footprints that can't be erased. Oh dear good soul, rest, rest in the bossom of our God.
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
Dear Femi your passing left a wound so wide and deep, only the Almighty God can pour his soothing balm to heal it. Continue to rest in peace
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
Dear Femi,

A year on and I'm still dumbfounded. Rest well dear friend and brother x
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
Lola, I can imagine how you and your sisters feel. I lost a dear brother two years ago and the pain is still very fresh. Fare thee well Femi you lived a good live I can see. May the lord grant you the perfect rest he has promised to all who believe in him.
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
Dearest Femi,
One year on, and it's still such a shock, they don't make them like you anymore.. A gentleman to the core, you are missed, we know you are in a better place, continue to look down and look after Bola, Lola and Busola ...
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
When I write this piece i hope am writing for everyone and most especially Femi's siblings. The most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt within the heart (Helen Keller)

How very true this saying is ! Femi your sudden transition a year ago has qualified this statement to be true and relevant to your memories, the deep gorge in the hearts of all those who you touched their lives and who loves yòu so dearly can never be filled again !..... gee ! boy are they many? ...but we all take solace in Helen Keller's saying above believing by faith we will meet again at the final coming of Jesus Christ our Lord and our Saviour,

With so much love and affection in our hearts we pray that Almighty God continue to rest your beautiful soul . !. ....i personally can't believe it's a year already how time moves like lightening !
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
A year has flown by. So much has occurred in our lives since you left us a year ago. How we wished we could share them with you. Your departure is still a dream. Continue to rest in perfect peace.
July 23, 2016
July 23, 2016
Femi, you are so loved and missed. Rest in peace while continuing to watch over your loved ones as you did while on earth.
July 17, 2016
July 17, 2016
I still think of you each day,just like it was yesterday . But a year is coming up,and I struggle . May light of Christ surround you with His Holy angels.
Sleep on my darling brother,till we meet again. Amen
June 4, 2016
June 4, 2016
My treasured brother, how I love and miss you. I still wake up and think that I have had a horrific nightmare! It is not reality,is it? Where can I go, where do I run to from this horrific nightmare?!

Sleep well, I know our Lord Jesus Christ loves you more. Amen
April 10, 2016
April 10, 2016
I saw Bola last week, and my promise was I'd look after her. There is no doubt how much she misses you; this year is possibly the hardest. But I recommit to being there for her, to remind her how much you cared
April 4, 2016
April 4, 2016
I accidentally saw this page and read the story of this young handsome
physically,mentally,socially and name it.I cried when I read his story and achievement.
He came to this world for purpose and accomplished so much for humanity by timely enriching himself educationally.

I am sure that he is in a better place in the hand of our heavenly father:(GOD FATHER,GOD SON,GOD HOLLY SPIRIT).

SO I WISH STRENGTH FOR HIS FAMILY and friends and co-workers.

Your Ethiopian Brother

Tamiru Tiguh inika
February 7, 2016
February 7, 2016
Dearest Femi, we all missed you at the meal yesterday ,but we give glory to The Almighty that you are having a banquet every night.

I love you my darling brother and I miss you each time I allow myself to think! Rest Femi, rest in the perfect peace of our almighty Father. Amen
February 3, 2016
February 3, 2016
Femi, words cannot describe our loss. We miss you so much. We will always remember you!
February 3, 2016
February 3, 2016
I stumbled onto this page this afternoon and my day has not been the same. I doubt that my life would ever remain the same.
As a fellow KC Alum, fellow founding member of the Society of Hospital Medicine, fellow Internist and co-Fellow of the American College of Physicians with probably as many degrees as you had, my life has been on the same trajectory as yours, sleeping 2-3 hours a night, not because I have to but because I love the privilege of being a physician. But, as I have read the pain in the hearts of your loved ones on your departure, I am compelled to change this trajectory.
So, I would live a lot more, love a lot more, sleep a lot more and work a lot less because I have to.
I would carry your memory with me for the rest of my life.
Though you were born a year before I was, and you left KC a year before I did, our paths apparently never crossed.
Yet I believe that I stumbled into this page today to learn from you, to honor you for the rest of my life and to make the changes to my life that I believe you would have made if you had the opportunity to do so. A part of every breath I take would be in your honor and in honor of my wife and children.
I pray somehow, your family finds comfort in the Lord and in knowing that a fellow physician and overachiever carries your memory with him forever.
February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016
Happy 50th Femi. You wished me mine, sad I will not be able to reciprocate ,but I pray better for you,that God's Holy Angels will SING yours to you today, and The Lord's peace and presence will continue to give you eternal rest.
I love and miss you dearly.
February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016
Do I say Happy Birthday or what I really mean which is why the hell are you not here to share today with?
I'm not angry, just bewildered.
February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016
Some people while living just like Jesus Christ did and also taught us to do in the book of acts, Femi you gave the gift of peace and tranquility to every life you touched while on planet earth.
You were always whom you really were going by testimonies of people who knew you. You were blessedly reliable ,dependably good, predictably pleasant, loved and treasured by all who knew you. ....and also by some who only heard about you from your siblings especially Bolajoko !
You were a gift of peace and tranquillity to ALL the lives you touched while here......UNFORGETTABLE that's what you are., if birthdays are celebrated in heaven then i wish you a great birthday considering the fact that it'should have been the golden one this February however if not then continue to rest in peace till JESUS comes !
February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016
Happy birthday Femi, I imagine it's very beautiful where you are - you are dearly missed.
February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016
50 and you are not even here to celebrate it. But, I know you are having a better celebration with the Heavenly Father. Femi, not a day goes by that I don't think of you and how unfair it is that you left so suddenly. Not even a goodbye.
Happy Heavenly Birthday. Miss you much.
February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016
My your gentle soul continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Dapo Williams
February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016
Happy Birthday Femi - If only... continue to rest in peace dear friend.
February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
Dearest Femi. Today marks your 50th birthday. As much as that hurts, I will not cry. I will celebrate the wonderful 49 years you had on this earth. I will thank God for the 47 years I had the privilege of being a special part of your life.

I feel your presence now constantly. I was too emptied before.

I will get the gift I had convinced you to get your humble self for your 50th birthday. Just because... Just because It will make me feel like plans were not laid to waste.

I hold back those tears. I won't cry today. I am unable to wish you long life and prosperity on what would have been a most special day. But I wish you peace eternal in God's bosom, in a place where there is no crying. No tears. Just peace and love.

Femi I miss you too much! Today would have been the happiest of days. But I shan't shed tears as hard as it is to hold back. Every year I would post: to the most wonderful brother in the world. I was looking forward to the most befitting post for this year. It's okay!

I love you Femi. Forever a special place in my heart. My dearest loving brother. It still doesn't feel real.

One day we will meet again to laugh once more. Till then Femi. Happy birthday. Sleep well.
January 30, 2016
January 30, 2016
Dearest Femi - the thought of your demise still brings tears to my eyes. Can't believe it is your birthday in a few days. What a party we would have had for your 50th birthday. What a jam it would have been. A party of all parties. I pray you have peace. Continue to rest.
January 30, 2016
January 30, 2016
Femi, I keep thinking that if i don't think about your passing, somehow I will cope. But 1966...2016, we are going to be 50. You next month, me in May.  Since you parted "things" seem rather futile. You set me a challenge bro, to be a better person. I miss you and always will. But i pray that we will meet in our Lord. Thank you Femi for reminding me about why we are on this serve others and look beyond ourselves. You were are true star. I MISS YOU BRO.
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